Showing posts with label cog false church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cog false church. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Dave Pack: A Craptacular Addendum To His Latest Announcement


A Craptacular Addendum


The sun has set in Jerusalem as of 12:30 P.M. Eastern time which means I have thus far survived David C. Pack’s Av 7 preamble to the “not-really-a-50-day-count to Trumpets” epic craptacular.


I wonder if Dave went to bed feeling “uncomfortable” again last night. Oh, wait, yes he did. Part 387 is being delivered TODAY.


Boy oh boy. And here I thought “Tammuz” was going to be the biggest display at the Lima, Ohio, “David C. Pack Craptacular Hall of Failure.” Dave is the busy beaver making sure that “Av” greets people as they walk in the door.


I listened to Parts 385 and 386 and have to admit, I'm still unclear as to the "Elijahn period" and how that is counted since I thought Dave went searching for a missing "4 days" that would make his 50-day math work. But Daniel 12 does say, “…none of the wicked shall understand.”


No one needs to fully understand Dave. Just smile and nod your head, “Clear and powerful, sir,” if he ever asks you in the hallway.


The last article was ridiculously long. If you reached the end, then bless your heart. Dave rambled for 103 minutes and it was so “nonsense rich” that there is more to report on.



I have a few more notable quotes from “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 386)” delivered this past Tuesday.


@ 1:42:52 I’m committed absolutely to this year. Or we’ve had an enormous coincidence. I figured this out right on Av 5. I just lucked out. Man, I just I won the lottery without buying a ticket. I figured this out right on time. What do you know? What a coincidence. You believe that? I can’t believe that. So, truly this time, time alone, the schedule, and dates, and your church calendar alone tell you this is the end of the series.



a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection


Dave imagines a connection to dates in the Bible. He uses all his Precise Speculation skills to build a case of smoke and mirrors that "prove" his Nothing-burger. He throws his thought menagerie hastily at the membership, then gives them two options: 1) either; 2) or.


Either God is behind it all. Or it is simply a coincidence.


The invisible third option is that Dave is making it all up. It is not of God. It is not even a real event, so coincidence cannot apply here.


One of his “metrics” for this week was found in the book of Amos.


Amos 3:7

Surely  the Lord  GOD will do nothing, but  he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.


@ 1:39:35 It’s possible that revealing it to me now is God sort of saying, “You get this after all these years. You get this now. You get it and you told everybody.” I’m revealing it to you and maybe I’m supposed to realize it’s the beginning of being this prophet. I’m not sure, but it does say, “Who can but prophesy?” So, it’s been revealed to me and He does reveal it to prophets. Whether I am or I’m not now, “Who can but prophesy?” would suggest it’s close.


But you do not “get it,” Dave. I am certain I will be able to quote this in another article. Prepare to be tweaked in the future.


I never understood why he cannot read that verse and see that all we need to know to prepare for the Kingdom of God is right there in the scriptures. God revealed His plan ALREADY to everyone inside the pages of the Bible. That verse does not apply to a future-tense fulfillment for David “Passover” Pack.


Talk about over-reading. Sheesh.


One of  the “epic” points to the message was found in Daniel 12:4, “…knowledge shall be increased.” Would you like to know what that really means? Ready?


More people hear will hear this knowledge when it all happens! More people = increase.


Boy, that was certainly worth waiting 77 minutes to hear. Dave could have saved a lot of time by just opening a dictionary.



become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree


Dave read Isaiah 41:2, “Who raised up the righteous from the east…” and repeats that is him functioning as Elijah. 


Does Isaiah 41 mention Elijah by name? No.

How does Dave conclude that “the righteous from the east” is Elijah? Because he says so.

How does Dave know he is that Elijah? Because he says so.


This is what Dave does. This is how The Restored Church of God operates.



This is a true, factual statement: "Nowhere in the Bible does God command anyone to count 50 days before The Feast of Trumpets." Dave spotted something in the Bible but did not realize it was just a fly that landed on the page.


This is a true, factual statement: “David C. Pack never found 4 days in the scriptures.” He had to round up from “time, times, and an half” by taking cotton balls and duct tape to pad the triangle so it would fit nicely inside the circle.


Both of those are pure imagination.


Brad, Ed, Jaco, Ryan, Ken, Tim, Carl, Jim, Andy, Salasi, Frank: You did not create the monster, but you play a role in feeding it kidnapped virgins. The monster only has power because you LET it. Maybe you can sleep at night because you wash the blood off your conscience as Pilate did.


Your continual enabling is not helping God’s people.


Every single one of you knows there is no “50-day count to Trumpets” and he never found “4 days” to even make the math work.


Please explain how that is "inspired preaching" and NOT lying.

Please explain how that is "God revealing to His servant" and NOT lying.

Please explain how that is "Bible truth" and NOT lying.


Write me. Call me. I want to know from any one of you. Help me to understand.


The Av 7 deadline has passed. By the time this is posted, Part 387 will already be underway.


Will you all continue “to agree with Mr. Pack” when he declares whatever else the next thing that “God led him to see?”

Marc Cebrian

See: A Craptacular Addendum

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Jon Brisby Hiding Tithing Amounts From "Unconverted" Spouses Of Members


Just when you think the deviousness of COG leaders cannot sink any lower, along comes one who actually does. Jon Brisby, the spiritual guru of the Church of God, The Eternal is now hiding tithe receipts from spouses of members who do not join his group.

From a reader here:

A new member has a wife who did not join the church. The wife called the main office to get a copy of tithe receipt for tax purposes. Jon B. had flagged the new member's account to NOT give tithe receipt to the wife so to help the man hide money. Have any of you ever heard of such a thing? Sounds like a cult!!

Amazon has this "biography" of him on his book page. Just like Bob Thiel, Brisby's narcissistic attitude and spiritual self-importance make him out to be a rags-to-riches type minister in Armstrongism. Riches is right, as members complain about his flashy cars, homes, and indulgent lifestyle.

Jon W. Brisby was raised in the Worldwide Church of God by parents, Don & Pat Brisby, who joined the church in 1959. In 1968, Don was recruited by Herbert Armstrong to work at the Ambassador College Press in Pasadena, CA because of his expertise in commercial color printing. That is how the Brisby family, much like the Beverly Hillbillies, made it to southern California from middle Tennessee. Jon attended the church's private grade school on the Ambassador College campus (Imperial Schools) from 1968-1972. His own experience as a child "at headquarters"—as well as that of his parents during this significant time period for the church—would leave lasting impressions.

After 1972, the family moved first to Denver, CO, then to Houston, TX, and finally made it back to Nashville, TN, where Jon graduated public high school in 1980. He chose to attend one year at Ambassador College in 1980-81 as a freshman, but did not return for a second year due to his personal conviction that things were not right in the church, even though he still held a personal respect for Mr. Herbert Armstrong.

He joined Church of God, The Eternal (a remnant fellowship) in 1981 at age nineteen, was baptized the same year, and finally found a spiritual home through the influence of Mr. Raymond C. Cole. It was Raymond Cole who showed him by example how a minister can both defend divinely–revealed truth and at the same time show loving and patient support to individual members. Without that particular personal example, it is very likely that Jon would have chosen to reject his "parents' religion" as a young adult, even as most of his childhood friends in the WCG had already done.

Jon married at age 24, had two sons, finished his business degree with the University of the State of New York, had a successful career in corporate middle management, and remained a devoted lay-member of the church. It was in 1996 that Raymond Cole pressed Jon to become a minister, a course that he never would have chosen of his own accord. He was ordained by Mr. Cole on the Feast of Trumpets in 1997 but did not jettison his corporate career until late 1999 when the church was in dire need of more full-time helpers. He moved his family to Eugene, Oregon that year and worked as Raymond Cole's ministerial assistant until Mr. Cole's death in 2001. Thereafter, Jon became Pastor and Director of Church of God, The Eternal, a position of service he holds to this day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

PCG's Dwight Falk Warns Members If They Do Not Support The Work Then God Will Not Rebuke The "Devourer" Against Them

The Philadelphia Church of God never exhausts its threats against members for not supporting the "work".  Apparently, Dwight Falk believes that when you financially give to the cult then PCG's god will be so impressed it will restrict Satan and his demons from making your life a miserable hell. PCG's god will supply all of the needs of loyal PCG members as they struggle to survive with high food and gas prices. Will their cars automatically get more miles to the gallon? Will food in the refrigerators mysteriously double overnight? Considering the magical god of Armstrongism, this could certainly happen!

Dwight Falk Tries to Intimidate Members Into Supporting “the Work”:
June 24, 2022 
A PCG source sent the following notes. It was a short, but twisted, taken out of context, sermonette given by Dwight Falk, who knows absolutely nothing about exegesis of the Scriptures. 
Falk started off talking about rising gas prices and then went on to quote Malachi 3:11: “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.” This is God talking to the “sons of Jacob” (See: British Israelism-True or False?) not to the N. T. church that Jesus founded, and reading the passage in context shows it is talking about pests such as the locust or caterpillar eating their crops, not about gaining financial blessings. The PCG ministers know they can control members much better if they use the O. T. especially that which is applying to the House of Israel. 
He said if we “support the Work,” God will rebuke the devourer. [Note: For a definition of the words “the Work” see Buzzwords (or loading the language).] 
He rattled off several blessings they (PCG) have; i.e., Armstrong College, etc., etc..
“As long as we are supporting His Work, God will rebuke the devourer (i.e., take care of us)” he asserted. 
In other words, the blessings we receive are contingent upon doing certain acts–especially supporting, giving money to, “the Work”–then God will follow through. Is the New Testament church today living in O. T. times? 
He took examples from the O.T.; i. e., the Israelite’s clothing and shoes not wearing out in the wilderness; the blessings and curses in Deuteronomy. 
“God will rebuke the devourer,” he said, “as long as we stay close to Him and support the Work.”
Notice how God helping us is all centered around supporting the Work. 
Does Philippians 4:19: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” say anything about God taking care of us, or blessing us, “as long as” we “support the Work”? 
No, it does not. 
Sorry, Dwight, you failed Bible exegesis big time. –sermonette critiqued by PCG source

From Exit and Support Network 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Crackpot COG Prophet Gets Bent Out Of Shape Over April Fool's Day


Our favorite Chief Overseer of his African brethren and the modern-day embodiment of Elisha, Elijah, Amos and Andy, Johsua, and the most important and doubly blessed man the Church of God has ever been privileged to have in its midst, is back today getting his wholistic knickers into a homeopathic twist:

Today, it is April 1st on the Roman calendar.
Many people call the first day of April, “April Fools’ Day.” Notice something about it:

Today is April 1 — April Fool’s Day, if you will…in more recent times it’s chock full of good-natured pranks. But watch out; any scams or pranks can end up being costly. Case in point: Back in 2005, KBDS-FM radio conducted an April Fool’s giveaway for a Hummer, but used a play on words to actually give away an R/C model of a Hummer. The winner, Shannon Castillo, was not amused. She filed suit for $60,000, the cost of a new Hummer.
Beware of tax-related fraud and scams
Have you ever pranked a coworker?
Implausible, unexpected event occurred, will have terrible business impact on you

With that in mind, it’ a good idea to be hypercritical of anything you read online today.

Like any good COG prophet, the Great Bwana doesn't have to search far to find something to back up his nitpicking nuttiness.

Nasty unconverted people not only play innocent jokes on each other on April Fools Day, but they cause tax scams and other issues.

It's all lies brethren when someone plays an April Fools joke on you. All Lies! Woe is me! Oh, the humanity! Lies! Lies! Lies!

However, there is one glowing thing that is missing from Bwana Bob's whinefest list...

What about the lies of self-appointed COG prophets and false teachers in the church, of which he is one? Are not their lies even more damaging to people than some silly pranks? Destroying the spiritual and even physical life of members is far more damaging.

Never in the history of the Church of God have we had so many self-appointed men who are preaching the most idiotic things the church has ever heard. From Dave Pack's ongoing vomit stream of his creature, he calls "christ", that supposedly is returning every Friday and Saturday for the last several years to Gerald Flurry's supposed possession of the new coronation stone that his creature called "christ" is going to come back and sit his holy butt upon. From Bob Thiel's self-appointment and his endless diarrhea stream of prophetic bullshit that no one in Africa or the rest of the world gives a rats ass about, to Ronnie Weinland's failed return of his "christ" in 2008 and every year since.  The Church of God has in its midst the biggest bunch of FOOLS the church has ever seen!

Sadly people in all of these groups sit there and listen to these raving lunatics and their spiritual diarrhea week after week. Lives are being damaged spiritually and physically as members are losing their homes and businesses due to these guys stealing their money during their prophetic push to end God's work here on earth. Many have even lost their lives due to these FOOLS!

Bwana Bob Thiel is one of the Church of God's biggest liars and apparently has been playing April Fools jokes on us for over 10 years now. But like any good April Fools joke, we can laugh at him with the derision he deserves.

Happy April Fools Day Bwana Bob! Continue to keep us entertained!


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

PCG: "We don't have long to wait" But In The Meantime Have "Love toward God and his government"

Exit and Support Network has the following about a recent Bible Study given in the Philadelphia Church of God cult. The PCG is just like Dave Pack and Bob Thiel in that their goalposts keep getting moved because none of their prophecies ever come to fruition. You would think after all of the decades that have passed with one prophetic failure after another, starting in the 1930s with Herbert Armstrong, that COG members would wake up and tell these charlatans how far they can shove their conspiracy theories and absurd prophecies, but no, they need to be able to sit there and feel special and called out from the world as they think they are learning new secret knowledge never before revealed. The ___Church of God should call themselves the Gnostic Church of God and get it over with.

The end is supposedly coming and the focus is entirely upon Gerald Flurry, his absurd teachings, Malachi's Message, Mystery of the Ages, the New Throne and holy Stone, government, and Donald Trump. Nowhere in any of the crap below can you find Jesus. Gerald is the savior of the church.

Real Christians through the centuries know that for "love" to flourish in the church it and its people need to be following Jesus. Church of God members, however, are directed to follow their leaders and their teachings. Jesus is never mentioned and if so it is usually in the last paragraph or sentence of an article or sermon. 

Daryl Hope Tells What the Ten Directives for the End Times Are:
March 27, 2022

To show what foolishness the PCG is feeding their members, Deryle Hope, in his fast-paced, cocky voice, gave a recent tedious Bible Study (“The Ten Directives for the End Times”) where he listed what he called the “prophetic stages, phases, or milestones” they have experienced since the start of the end time. He said we are in the period of at least nine time frames and are “waiting for number ten.” Those into GF’s prophecies will lap this up.

1. The End Time or latter days which really started when HWA came on the scene in 1931 and HWA said in MOA that the Philadelphia era began at Pentecost and that signaled the time of the end, or the latter days.

2. The second one was when HWA died on January 16, 1986. He said they ended the end mentioned in Matthew 24:14 and that was the end of the Philadelphia era and the start of this Laodicean era.

3. The third one occurred on March 11, 1989 and that marked the end of the 1150 days (mentioned in Daniel 8:19) That’s when the sanctuary was cleansed and then God started to reveal to GF the content of Malachi’s Message (MM) and we entered the phase known as “the last end.”

4. The fourth was after Malachi’s Message (MM) was written. The PCG was formed and had started mailing out MM in January 1990, and then we entered “the time of no more delay.” (Revelation 10:6)

5. The fifth one occurred on May 5, 2001 when we entered “the last hour” (I John 2:18).

6. The sixth one was “the point of no return” on July 25, 2008 which was the time when the Laodicean church is collectively in 3 nations of Israel, America, Britain, and the Jewish nation, and had reached the point of no return.

7. The seventh was May 31, 2009 which was “the shaking of the nations.” (Deryle said most of these milestones are explained in “some booklets GF has written.”) This 7th one is about the construction of “God’s House” which was completed in 2010.

8. The Eighth one was January 16, 2017 and that was the beginning of the New Throne and the New Stone. He told how GF said (in The New Throne of David booklet, p 14), “We must possess the Throne of David in the Place of Safety, meaning we must also possess the stone which represents the throne. … We are ready to go to the Place of Safety and we now have the New Stone of Destiny.”

9. The ninth milestone occurred on January 20, 2017 when President Donald Trump was inaugurated and “we began the Jeroboam end.”

He said “it appears we are on the verge of milestone number ten” and that it will probably be the leader of the Holy Roman Empire (the 3rd Antiochus). Then he asked if the imperial Antiochus heading the Holy Roman Empire will be the 10th milestone?

“Well, we don’t have long to wait.” … “We are in a world that is about to explode.” … “There must be more than ten.”

Then he went over the last 6 directives he gave in the last B.S. in December: (1) watch (2) pray always; (3) occupy; (4) take heed to yourself; (5) do God’s Work; (6) hold fast.

The love he emphasized that we should have was “love toward God and His government.” We become the chosen only after we are called, repent, are baptized, and make the changes we need to. What tomfoolery. He said we must be faithful and loyal and endure to the end in order to be with Him when He returns. He said, “We can’t be quitters now.”

None of this was scriptural. AJW

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dave Pack: "IF you haven't SOLD ALL - I counsel you to DO IT. You Only Have 8 Days Left!


Well, folks, you can soon kiss your butt goodbye! The time is finally here! Woo Hoo! Only less than 8 days to go! 

Dave delivered his awe-inspiring message Wednesday night at his weekly Bible Study and the faithful sat there like idiots lapping it all up. This was sermon 355 in his never-ending series.

Dave instructed his people to SELL ALL (for like the 500th time) and if they haven't done it by now things are going to be REALLY bad for them.

From an RCG source (emojis are by the source)

He finishes Part 355 by saying:

"God revealed the mystery - things His little group would never see till they got to the END of the series...

Be READY - we're gonna talk this Sabbath... 

IF you haven't SOLD 💰💰ALL 🤑🤑 - I counsel you to DO IT - you do NOT want to go in THERE (pointing at the 1st little glass period of 30 days).

So we MAY have SOME AMONG US..... IF you DON'T think THIS IS God's Church - get STRAIGHTENED OUT💰💰 RIGHT NOW OR.... 

Maybe move on and face your eternity one way or the other, down a different path.

But I'm gonna say with just 8.5 days to go - MEET GOD'S CHECKLIST💰🤑...

I'll see you, Sabbath"

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Sideshow Bob Ridicules David Hulme For Starting A Splinter Group While Tripping Over The Same Rake


It's another sunny glorious day in California and Sideshow Bob is giving us more slapstick comedy by stepping on his proverbial rake. Who would ever have suspected that the Church of God, in these frightful end times, would have such a slapstick comedian as a prophet! We are truly blessed!!!!!!!!

A reader here sent this:

Bob has an article up on Vic Kubic's not being appointed again as President of UCG.  He goes over a brief history of UCG presidents and has this gem
"UCG’s first president, David Hulme, started his own church when he was not reconfirmed in 1998. His church is called:  COGaIC: Church of God, an International Community.' 
United Church of God: Victor Kubik not reconfirmed as president, though he wanted to be
Oblivious to the fact he did the same thing when he was not "confirmed" as a prophet.  

Hilarious! After Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God hierarchy turned their backs on his self-appointed prophethood and his wild demands that the church change their doctrines and beliefs to suit his interpretations, Sideshow Bob, in typical COG fashion, threw a self-righteous sanctimonious hissy fit and started his own new and improved Church of God.  

Rod Meredith and crew never confirmed Bob Thiel's legitimacy. That's part of the reason LCG refused to ordain him. They knew trouble was bound to happen if they did. Look at the mess Theil has created today as a non-confirmed church leader and you can see that Meredith was justified in rebuking him.

Rake on dude! Keep us entertained!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

UPDATE: COG Groups Waking Up To Bob Thiel's Deceptive Website Which Is Meant To Deceive Members


UPDATE:  See bottom page

COGNews has a rundown on Bob Thiel's new website that is using deceptive tacts to deceive COG7 folk and other Sabbatarian groups that his site is for all Sabbath-keepers. What he does with every single link on his site is send people directly to his crap. Bob gets really ticked off that no one in the Sabbatarian groups follows or recognizes him as a legitimate leader, this is why:

In July 2020 we reported that Bob Thiel had launched a new website: – Church of God 7th Day Sabbath Observing Christians, which is very similar to – Church of God 7th Day, based in Denver, which is the largest ‘Church of God 7th Day Sabbath Observing Christian’ group. 
The new website stated that it “… is intended to help people who wonder about the seventh-day Sabbath as well as those interested in learning about the different groups that claim Christ, but who also keep the seventh-day Sabbath.” 
The Bible Sabbath Association, established 77 years ago, does exactly that, believing in “promoting fellowship and co-operation between Sabbath-keeping people of various groups; on a non-denominational basis; to restore respect and honor for the Ten Commandments as a whole (with emphasis on the Fourth).” 
The purpose of the new website, however, appeared to be to draw to it people searching the internet for the words and phrases in its website title, or mistyping – then explaining the supposed doctrinal errors of other groups, and promoting the CCOG. 
On the 2nd of February 2022 CCOG’s founder, Bob Thiel, wrote that he “had began to embark on a potentially large expansion for the website.” So now that there is much more information on the new website, is it non-denominational, or a CCOG website in disguise? 
The home page on the menu bar has the title, Sabbath Keeping, Prophetic, and Church of God Resources, which suggests that the website is non-denominational, but all of the links on this page go to, which is Bob Thiel’s personal website that he has run since the time he was in the Living Church of God. His beliefs are those of the LCG, plus some additions where he says the LCG is wrong. 
Clicking on History on the menu bar takes you to the Continuing Church of God website. 
Clicking on Books provides a list of Books all written by Bob Thiel. 
Clicking on 7th Day Churches provides a list of various Sabbath groups, but the links all go either to or his Youtube channel. 
Clicking on Sermons provides a list of Sermons all given by Bob Thiel.

Bob has never been able to do anything on his own other than hanging on to the shirttails of others for information and legitimacy. As crazy as they are, both Flurry and Pack have at least come up with original things to entice their followers, Bob has been unable to do so and so he has to find ways to deceive other Sabbath-keepers into believing he is right. Even in this though, he is an abject failure.


To see first hand how deceptive Bob is in using the CG7 name he has advised a couple of his so-called "evangelists" in Africa that they do not need to stop using the CG7 Day moniker in their church affiliations.

Last week we mentioned some new Youth Bible Lessons and CCOG/CG7 Pastor Samuel Ofosu contacted me from Ghana and we have ordered a couple of sets of each of the six lessons we now have completed (that group is with CCOG, but since they were called CG7 before, when they asked to be part of CCOG, we did not require them to change their name, file legal registrations, etc.).

Monday, February 7, 2022

Hunt and Peck. Cobble and Prooftext: Bob Thiel Warns the World on the Dangers of Valentine's Day...badly


Bob seems oblivious to the obnoxious and this absolutely horribly produced and presented screed on the horrors of observing Valentine's Day. Of course, we would expect this just as we would expect "God Hates Football" that will precede the Super Bowl.  Would it ever cross his mind to review it and conclude, "No, that sucks. Let me try again"

God forbid, well evidently He does, expressing love, appreciation, and emotions towards those one actually loves. He loves to be worshipped, praised, prayed to, obeyed, and paid, but a day He didn't think up expressing love towards those loved, and not Himself, not so much.

Pagan religion is more real, fondly memorable, and very much more fun

Bob's God needs to lighten up...

And too...someone needs to explain to Bob the Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian and Canaanite origins of the Hebrew spun Old Testament practices and beliefs he carries over into his version of Jewish Christianity. Judaism and the God of the Old Testament did not spring from the vacuum of itself no matter how the tales are told.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Most Significant Date In COG History


Other than the miraculous birth of Bob Thiel, which was planned before the foundations of the world had been set so that he could bring about redemption to the faithful in the end times, there is no other date in Church of God history as significant as December 7.

EDMOND—On the Sabbath of December 4, thousands of Philadelphia Church of God members around the globe marked the December 7 anniversary of the founding of the Church. 
In Edmond, Evangelist Stephen Flurry gave a sermonette reviewing the history and accomplishments of the “32-year miracle” of the Church. His father, Pastor General Gerald Flurry, delivered a sermon about Bible prophecy and the radical political movement to revolutionize the government of the United States.

The 32-year-old miracle came about because Lil'Stevie read his daddy's plagiarized Malachi's Message while camping at Robber's Cave, Oklahoma. The earth stopped at this moment, just like when Bob Thiel was born, as God's mighty plan was put into place.

Gerald Flurry always fails to mention how he was disfellowshipped for insubordination which removes his ordination rank in the church. A church that he was essentially a nobody in.

December 7 was the beginning of a spiritual war that the true church has supposedly been fighting, all thanks to Gerald Flurry and HWA. For some reason, they left Bob Thiel out. What a bummer!

“This day serves as a reminder to all of us that we are to be persistent in this spiritual war,” Ohio prospective member Adam Williams said, “and to never give up believing in God’s Word, like Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry.” 
December 7 marks the date that Mr. Flurry and his assistant, Preaching Elder John Amos, were fired from the Worldwide Church of God for remaining loyal to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry’s manuscript that would become Malachi’s Message. The Church has since raised up the ruins with 32 years of a Bible prophecy magazine; 29 years of youth camp, 28 years of a Bible prophecy radio/television program; 20 years of college; 18 years of holding copyrights to 19 books and booklets by Mr. Armstrong, including Mystery of the Ages; and
13 years of a K-12 schooling; as well as regional offices, personal appearance campaigns, a corporate airplane and other milestones. Philadlphia Church of God Celebrates 32 Years

Thursday, December 9, 2021

PCG: God Instituted Our Perverse Teaching To Cut Off Family Members

The Philadelphia Church of God is well known for how perverted its teachings are that are currently destroying family relationships in and out of the church. They naively think they are doing this to please that creature they call god. 

Here are excerpts from an article by PCG's Greg Nice about, "Must We Avoid Them?"

Some of God's people outside and perhaps even inside the Philadelphia Church of God think that the PCG has established a policy regarding cutting off fellowship with members who leave the faith-those the Bible describes as Laodicean-even their own family members. Not having fellowship with Laodiceans is NOT a policy established by the PCG. What the PCG does is teach and obey the doctrine established by God. Because this is a doctrine of God, it is therefore a policy of the Church; that is, the Church follows God's commands about restricting fellowship with people He has called and impregnated with His Holy Spirit and who then choose to walk contrary to their covenant with God. 
The doctrines of the Church of God come directly from the word of God. Not having fellowship with those who turn away from God is directly commanded from one end of the Bible to the other. The doctrine predates mankind and will continue into the Kingdom of God. 
It seems strange to some that God would expect one of His children to stop socializing with his or her own blood-related, physical family members if that person was begotten by God and then turned away. But why should an individual who has counseled for baptism and has studied the word of God find this strange? Read Matthew 10:35. lf you have a red-letter Bible, you will notice the words are in red. These are the words of Jesus Christ, not any man: "For I have come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."Verse 36 continues: "And a man's foes shalt be they of his own household."

This is a perfect example of why literalism is a pox upon the church.

Nice continues with this:

Most of those in the PCG or the Worldwide Church of God who studied prior to baptism were counseled to read Luke 14. Jesus Christ speaking again, says, "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh, not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple" (verse:33)."Forsake", according to Strong's Concordance, means bid farewell, take leave, send away. Isn't it clear that Christ makes some strong demands for an individual to be His disciple? starting with - verse 16, Christ begins this thought by talking about family, probably because this is one of the hardest things for a man to do: place his family secondary to something else. "If any man come to me, and hate [love less by comparison] not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. "Christ even mentions it before "hating" your own life. Christ is saying, To follow me, you might have to bid farewell to your own family. you might have to send them away. 
In the baptism covenant in God's Church, the individual agrees to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Master'. They embrace what Jesus teaches as the supreme authority in their lives. They agree that no agreement or promise that they have ever made or will make, or any relationship they have, will supersede or intervene in them obeying Jesus Christ. If they have entered into that covenant, they simply cannot ignore what Christ says here in Luke 14 and Matthew 22.

Members ofthe PCG who are obeying Christ and the doctrine of cutting off contact with Laodicean family mernbers and friends are not doing it tightheartedty. Nor did they enter into their covenant with God lightheartedty. They understood these verses when they agreed to the baptism covenant. They can only presume that their Laodicean family members also understood when they made the same covenant. 
They do not now "forsake" (as Luke 14 says) their family out of vengeance; they forsake them out of love. The Laodiceans entered into the very same covenant with God, and their eternal lives are at stake if they do not return to the covenant, not only will they be cut off now, but they will not have fellowship with their loved ones for etern ity! pcc members follow the doctrine of God and cut off fellowship with baptized family members at this time to send a strong warning that they need to repent. PCG members are not interested in just having a relationship with blood family members for the next 5, 10, 20 or 50 years in this physical life only'. They are interested in having a relationship with their family members for eternity. God's people are driven by the vision of eternity with God, not the present.


Even eating leaven bread during PCG's so-called holy days can lead to being cut off from family members.

There are more examples. In Exodus 2:15, God says that if you eat leavened bread during the Feast of uanleavened Bread, you are to be cut off for disobeying God. Many Laodiceans are now ignoring the Feast of Unleavened Bread after observing it for years. In Exodus 31:14, God says that if you are one of His people and you work on the Sabbath day, you are to be cut off from among His people. God is clear that anyone who forsakes Him and disobeys Him and does not repent is to be forsaken-to bring them to repentance.

A little later there is this:

Revelation 20:15 says that those not written in the book of life are permanently cut off. They are cast into the lake of fire and consumed. Each person who comes to that end was created by God. He loves those people more than we love our parents or our children. Yet God will cut them off for eternity. That is why He commands that we forsake them today: so they will wake up from forsaking Him-so that they will repent a nd not be cut off for eternity. 
The entire reason God instituted and ordained this doctrine is love. God is love, and these are His words. The reason He stated them and preserved them for us is because He desires that all men come to salvation. God is not frivolous with those to whom He decides to impart His Hoty Spirit. If He called and gave your grandparent, parent, sibling or cousin the Holy Spirit, it is because He knew he or she could and should overcome Satan, society and self and become one of the firstfruits in His Kingdom.

lf we fail to avoid them or cut them off today, we are realtly doing it because we love ourselves, not because we truly love them. We would have to say,  I didn't want to experience any hostility from you, so I ignored what the God of love instructed me to do. We must have the Kingdom of God vision, not be motivated by the here and now. Our desire is to have the relationshlp with Him for all eternity, not just for a few more fading physical years. 
We must have faith that God had these instructions recorded in His Word for a reason. And we
must obey God in this matter. lt is a doctrine of God; it is not a policy of any man's organization that we might like to consider optiona. 
A number of God's faithful people have family and friends who have turned away from God. We
should love them as God loves them. Let's follow His doctrine and avoid them until-and so that-they repent. God's way will lead to repentance. Doing it our way only leads to death.  Forsaking, cutting off, stopping fettowship with those brethren who aie wirking contrary off God's way is the best for everyone involved because it is emulating the love of God.


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

PCG: "Do you fellows look upon the woman you want to marry as a sister?" And Other Convoluted Beliefs For Singles


The Philadelphia Church of God has an article up by Joel Hilliker about being single in the church.

Here are some of the convoluted beliefs of the PCG:

  • What is your big goal in life? Like it or not, for true Christians, the answer is family. 
  • We are destined to be born into the God Family as Gods! Our entire lives today are meant to prepare us for that future—to teach us to become more and more like God! 
  • Righteous character is God’s greatest, most magnificent creation—His masterpiece! And He is working on that masterpiece within you. However, this requires your acquiescence, your full cooperation, your total submission. That is what makes it so challenging for Him. 
  • Your part in allowing God to create His character is your greatest, noblest challenge! 
  • Physical human families are the first thing God uses. Physical family is one of His most powerful tools for destroying human nature and helping us grow in godly character. 
  • The Church family is a fantastic way to crush your human nature and get you ready for the God Family! Those in the Church are people with whom God wants you regularly practicing His love!
  • Confront the shallow notion that “single” is opposite of “family.” God is preparing you for eternal family life—and He wants to use your experience as a single in His Church to help in that process!  
  • Your spiritual family provides you unique opportunities to confront your carnality and to build righteous thinking and godly character.
  • The women in the Church—the women you date—are sisters first! “First of all, she’s a sister—a member of the Family of God! The Family of God comes first! 
  • Mr. Flurry continues, “Do you fellows look upon the woman you want to marry as a sister? Is she really like a sister to you, spiritually? Or do you just skip over that part?” 
  • Dating is a service—an act of giving to the family. It is a way of providing companionship to brothers and sisters in Christ. When you serve in this way, you are drawing those you date closer into the spiritual family and enriching their experience within God’s Church. And on top of that, you are also taking a hammer to your own selfishness! You are becoming more like God! ‘Single’ Is Not the Opposite of ‘Family’

As with all things in Armstrongism, the goal is to look inward to the closed system instead of outward to the world, bringing the kingdom into a reality one person at a time.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Gerald Flurry: God Slams Door In PCG's Face In Spite Of Fast Meant To Con God Into Approving Geralds Plans


Recently Gerald Flurry declared a fast in order to force his god into allowing the Philadelphia Church of God to open a new institute in Israel. That fast was a deliberate attempt to force the god of Flurryism to do what Flurry wants, after all, "he is Eliakim and that God gives him “extra authority to open and shut doors”; that he is a father to the inhabitants of Judah, and that God has a work for him to do in Israel."

It is always so delightful to watch these self-appointed fools leading COG's today get their comeuppance. 

Exit and Support Network says:

GF’s “Open Doors” Are Turning Into Closed Doors: 
November 28, 2021 
Concerning the November 21 letter “Members Fasting Today / GF’s Need for New Stimulation,” it looks like God may have responded to their fast. 
GF said in his co-worker letter [see November 8 and November 13 letters above] that he wanted to make sure God is behind what they had decided to do. 
First of all, he said that he already decided to start his Armstrong Mazar Institute in Jerusalem, rather than seek God’s will on this fast day. He wanted to make sure God was behind his decision and, in other words, he wanted to petition God to get in line and back his decision. 
It seems God has responded with a big fat NO! Within a few days of their fast, an omicron [i.e., small] variant of the coronavirus was identified, and now Israel has shut their borders! How will they do this work in Judah that they keep going on about? 
As Flurry stated in his December 5, 2019 co-worker letter, referring to Isaiah 22:20-22, that he is Eliakim and that God gives him “extra authority to open and shut doors”; that he is a father to the inhabitants of Judah, and that God has a work for him to do in Israel. 
Never mind the fact that he thought the first building was the “open door”; then that fell through so he switched to another building and when that, too, fell through, he said there was no building and that the relationship with David Be’eri was the open door. 
Once coronavirus hit the scenes, he was shut out of Israel and his work came to a stop there. Once again, he’s trying to dupe his followers into thinking that God is opening up Israel for him
It is clear to even “blind Freddy” that God is not with the PCG, that God is not supporting their work, that God is not answering their prayers and that Gerald Flurry is a mere weak man with no authority to do anything in Israel. History has proven this and history tells us that he will never to do a work in Israel and his followers are deluded to believe so. 
It is time for people to wake up to the fact that there is no open door and that Flurry and his goons are con artists and scammers. They have no interest in doing anything for God. They are simply in it for themselves. There is no reward for those who follow him. –M.K.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

PCG: Tyrant Craig Winters And His Wife Disfellowshipped And Marked


From a reader here:

According to Mike's Testmony page @ ESN, both Craig Winters and his wife Colleen have been disfellowshipped as of Oct.2021 After being under his thumb for a few years (20 yrs ago), I'm not surprised. He was a 'piece of work' even back then! When I left the PCG, He disfellowshipped my whole family by phone from a campout in Cali. He disfellowshipped my middle son (who was unbaptized) for writing an email to a girl in South Africa who was 'in rebellion,' and then he disfellowshipped my 22 yr old handicapped son (also unbaptized), because "God can't use a handicapped person," and also said that my youngest son was too young to attend on his own (as if!) - - - he then told my wife that she had to divorce me since I had left the Flurry cult. When she refused to divorce, he disfellowshipped her as well. and then he finished his phone call with "there, that's the last of you!" What unmitigated gall that idiot had ....


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Crackpot Prophet Brags About Spanish Language Articles While Not A Single One Talks About Jesus

Where's Jesus? Can you help Bob Thiel find him? 

There is one thing about Bwana Bob Thiel, the great savior of 299 Caucasian and 3,000 Africans, is that he is consistent in the fact Jesus is the most ignored Bible topic he never speaks about. There are hundreds of useless irrelevant articles on nothing but just plan crap that top his priority list for his few followers.

Here is the list of articles that he is bragging about that are now available in the Spanish language. Jesus is nowhere to be seen. 

Not one single article talks about grace, justification, or sanctification. Not one single article about why none of the crap posts below would be worrying to any follower of Jesus. Not one single article about putting one's faith in things higher than the worthless crapfest of worrisome things he posts daily and that not one single person in Africa gives a rats ass about. 

Jesus has always embarrassed Bob Thiel and a host of other COG leaders. They would rather play themselves as painted whores to the law than ever delight in being a follower of Jesus.

The Continuing Church of God continues to get additional materials translated into the Spanish language.
Here are links to the latest news posts we received today: 
‘Is Biden’s relationship with Europe beyond repair?’
‘Está la relación de Biden con Europa más allá de toda reparación?

‘Gold Will Explode; The Dollar Will Implode When The Markets Figure This Out’
‘El oro explotará; el dólar se desmoronará cuando los mercados entiendan esto’

BBC: Mass protests in Poland amid EU exit fears
BBC: Masivas protestas en Polonia en medio de temores de salida de la UE

CG7-Denver member decried loss of doctrine
Miembro de CG7-Denver condena pérdida de doctrina

ZH: “So Deeply, Deeply Wrong” – Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny
ZH: “Tan profundamente, profundamente malo” – Lituanos sin pase de vacuna describen la vida bajo la tiranía médica

Evidence of the Great Flood from China
Evidencia del Gran Diluvio desde China

DW: EU-UK trade war looming as Northern Ireland Protocol tensions hit boiling point
DW: Guerra comercial UE-Reino Unido tejiéndose mientras tensiones por el Protocolo de Irlanda del Norte alcanzan el punto de ebullición

FT: Europeans Should “Prepare For Demographic Replenishment By Arabs And Asians”
FT: Los europeos deberían “prepararse para reabastecimiento demográfico por árabes y asiáticos”

WND: Jonathan Cahn finds remarkable ‘harbinger’ in Afghanistan withdrawal
WND: Jonathan Cahn encuentra notable ‘presagio’ en la retirada de Afganistán


Jewish perspective of the role of Christianity in God’s 6,000 year plan
Perspectiva judía del papel del cristianismo en el plan de 6,000 años de Dios

First Baptist Pastor Alan Rudnik posted seven reasons he feels that a Christian should celebrate Halloween
Primer Pastor Bautista Alan Rudnik publicó siete razones por las cuales él siente que un cristiano debería celebrar Halloween

Forbes’ article predicted 2020’s could be worst USA decade–it will get even worse than we have seen
Artículo de Forbes predijo que los años 2020s serían la peor década de los EE.UU. – ella será incluso peor de lo que nosotros hemos visto

‘BREAKING NEWS: More Than A Dozen Shot, One Dead After Shootout In St. Paul Bar’
‘BREAKING NEWS: Más de una docena de hridos por disparos, un muerto tras tiroteo en bar de San Paul’

UK and USA want more surveillance, yet do not consider them privacy invasions. What about 666?
El Reino Unido y los EE.UU. desean más vigilancia, no obstante no consideran que ello sea invasiones a la privacidad. ¿Qué hay acerca de 666?

104th anniversary of the ‘miracle of the sun’
104° aniversario del ‘milagro del sol’

‘China’s Xi Vows ‘Reunification’ with Taiwan, but Holds Off Threatening Force’
‘Xi de China expresa votos por la ‘reunificación’ con Taiwan, pero rechaza amenazar con la fuerza’

Clean and unclean meat arguments, COVID, and scripture
Discusiones sobre carnes limpias e inmundas, COVID, y la Escritura

NTEB: Yes, Bill Gates Is Working Around The Clock To Bring A Global Identification System Based On The COVID Immunity Passport To Every Nation On Earth
NTEB: Sí, Bill Gates está trabajando contra el reloj para conseguir un sistema global de identificación basado en el Pasaporte de Inmunidad COVID para toda nación sobre la Tierra

The Hill: The real reason Biden is going to the COP26 climate summit
The Hill: La verdadera razón por la que Biden va a ir a la cumbre climática COP26

WND: Catholicism’s ‘final trial’ before Jesus’ return?
WND: ¿’Prueba final’ del catolicismo antes de que regrese Jesús?

CBS: Biden-Harris Administration unveils $1.75 trillion spending plan; PCG: When America Defaults, How Will Europe React?; COGwriter: PCG left out Habaakkuk
CBS: Administración Biden-Harris revela plan de gastos por $1.75 trillones; PCG: Cuando América se quiebre, ¿Cómo reaccionará Europa?; COGwriter: PCG dejó por fuera a Habacuc

‘Vatican conference convenes experts to study early Christian history’
‘Conferencia vaticana convoca expertos para estudiar la primera historia cristiana’

Metaverse and ‘Europe’s Digital Services Act: on a Collision Course With Human Rights’
Metaverse y Acta de Servicios Digitales de Europa: En curso de colisión con los derechos humanos

ZH: MEPs Protest “Oppressive” Vaccine Passports, Question Why “Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard”
ZH: MEPs protesta por “opresivos” pasaportes de vacuna, pregunta por qué las ‘élites políticas impulsan esta agenda tan fuertemente’

AP: UK’s Johnson warns of ‘doomsday’ as climate summit begins; BB: France Says Britain Must Be Punished for Brexit, Leaving EU Should be ‘More Damaging than Remaining’
AP: Johnson del Reino Unido advierte del ‘día del juicio final’ mientras comienza cumbre del clima; BB: Francia dice que Betraña debe ser castigada por Brexit, dejar la UE debería ‘ser más nocivo que quedarse’

YouTube censors: COVID-19: Eat what is good!
Censuras de YouTube: COVID-19: ¡Coma lo que es bueno!

Joe Biden pledges to 2030 at COP26; Moshe Feiglin warns climate, like corona, is the ‘new paganism,’
Joe Biden se compromete para 2030 en COP26; Moshe Feiglin advierte que el clima, como el corona, es el ‘nuevo paganismo’

CBS: A potentially faster-spreading Delta variant, A Y.4.2, has been spotted in 8 states; CMI: Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 efficiently evades vaccine-induced immunity
CBS: Una variante Delta que potencialmente se esparce más rápido, AY.4.2, ha sido detectada en 8 Estados; CMI: Variante emergente A.30 de SARS-CoV-2 de manera eficiente evade inmunidad inducida por vacunas

US voters push back against some ‘progressive’ matters
Votantes de los EE.UU. presionando para echar hacia atrás algunos temas ‘progresivos’

Revelation 2 & 3: Seven Churches and Messages
Apocalipsis 2 & 3: Siete Iglesias y Mensajes

How did early Christians view the Godhead?
¿Cómo veían a la Divinidad los primeros cristianos?

‘Iran Warns Nuclear Talks Would Fail Unless Biden Provides Guarantees’
‘Irán advierte que conversaciones nucleares fracasarían a menos que Biden dé garantías’

Metaverse religion, Big Tech censoring, WND de-monetized by Google: What’s next?
Religión metaverso, censura de Big Tech, WND desmonetizado por Google: ¿Qué sigue?

Boris Johnson and Franklin Graham: Doomsday, 1 Minute to Midnight?
Boris Johnson y Franklin Graham: ¿Día del Juicio, 1 minuto para la media noche?

Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero and 666
Alianza Financiera de Glasgow por Net Zero y 666

DW: Can Africa achieve universal internet access by 2030? COGwriter: There are still many open doors with the Internet
DW: ¿Puede África alcanzar acceso universal a Internet para 2030? COGwriter: Todavía hay muchas puertas abiertas con el Internet

Tap Dancing Ambiguous COG Prophet Says Petra May Not Be The Final Place Of Safety, But It Could Be, Maybe...


There is one thing that self-appointed Church of God prophets are good at is tap dancing around certain subjects. Unlike the real prophets of old, who actually predicted things, our crop of self-appointed ne'er-do-wells, tap dance around and make ambiguous thought-farts on how they think things should be.

Today, the Church of God's biggest know-it-all is trying to get you to believe that Petra may not be the final place of safety. Nothing sets Armstrongsm apart from most of Christianity than this pet doctrine.  For decades, thanks to Loma Armstrong, the church has taught that right before the tribulation hits that all of the countries of the world would expel Church of God members and ship them off to Petra where they would receive special training to be kings, priests, and god's in some magical world to come.

Then the church imploded and hundreds of self-appointed gurus set themselves up as the one and only true Church of God. This created a massive public relations crisis in the COG movement. How could they ALL claim that they alone were going to Petra? Who was going to be in charge when they all showed up at once and started their little bitch fests and power struggles. What a nightmare scenario this presented! Then, to top that off, there were Christian outside the Armstrongite movement that also belive in Petra as a place of safety. How can the true Christians share Petra with so-called Christians?

James Malm solved that problem and claimed his few followers were going to go to Pella. Other COG ministers claim people will be protected in place, wherever they are.  Today, we have the Great Bwana to Africa and Savior of 299 Caucasians trying to convince us that Petra may be just a stopping off point as true believers move on to a new location at Bozrah.

Where might the place of safety in the wilderness be? 
Someone asked me about the possibility of Bozrah being the “place of safety.” 
Many have wondered if Petra could be the place. 
After doing some scriptural research, I ran across the following warning about Petra and Bozrah possibly being the place from Tim McHyde: 
Is Petra the “Prepared Place” of Safety For Israel or You? 
Petra, Jordan was once the stronghold of the Edomites and later the capital city of the Arab Nabateans. … 
Will Petra become the number one safe destination of Israelites in the end times, as well? Some people think so and feel they have Bible prophecy to back this up. 
The most popular version of the speculation around Petra is that the Jews escaping from the Battle of Armageddon will find refuge there. Some Old Testament passages mentioning the city are used to support this idea … 
Others, believe Petra to be the place that the “true church” will be protected in fulfillment of Revelation 12. 
Both views argue based on Scripture and the city’s excellent defensive structure. It is mountainous and its main entrance is a long narrow rock wadi, called the Siq. What better location for people to be safe from attack, right? 
Supporters also claim that the city could hold 144,000 people, the number of Israelite evangelists listed in Revelation 7 and 14. The Worldwide Church of God believed that there would be 144,000 of their members who made it to there. 
The Petra theory has its appeal. But is it truly grounded in Scripture or even realism? …
If you search the Bible for the name of the city Petra, you will not find it. Instead of that modern Greek name for the city, you have to search for the Hebrew equivalent, Sela (or Selah). Both words mean rock. … 
It seems like the main basis of the Petra speculation is the area’s natural features. .. The springs have dried up long ago. … 
As far as how many people can comfortably live there, it’s woefully inadequate. This is a small city with an estimated past top population of 20,000. Whether you think Israel or Christians will be sent by God there, it equals far, far more than 20,000 or double that. The remnant of either Israel or the church is more likely to be in the millions. … 
As for the theory about Israel fleeing the land before Armageddon, that also is problematic.

A little later the doubly-blessed self-appointed prophet proclaims:

While I do agree, based upon many scriptures, that Jordan seems to be the place and God will likely use a prophet to say when (and where), I disagree with the author’s view on many points–Jordan, to cite one example, will NOT be evacuated. But I do agree that Revelation 12:14-16 is talking about protection for faithful Christians and NOT physical Israel. As far as the old Worldwide Church of God goes, it speculated, but did not insist, on Petra being the place. 
Petra is large enough for the Philadelphian Christians to be protected–and they are the ONLY Christians promised protection from the Beast (cf. Revelation 3:7-10)–most Christians will NOT be protected (cf. Revelation 12:14-17). 

Nothing frosts the butts of self-appointed COG prophets more than having to accept there might be other non-COG Christians, or worse yet, other COG members there when they arrive. 

The reason I found this article was because of looking for views of some on the place of safety and Bozrah. 
As far as Petra or Bozrah go there are several clues in the Bible that suggest that a Jordanian location makes sense. But part of this is based upon where the place of protection is not.

Isaiah thus indicates this place will be a fortress of rocks for those that escape from the nations (note: the escaping from the nations suggests that groups with origins in CGI, such as ICG and CEM, are in error for teaching that God intends to protect people where they are). 
It is also of interest to note that those that escape will be assembled–they are not lone independents–this is also consistent with Zephaniah 2:1-3

Gather yourselves together, yes gather together, O undesirable nation, Before the decree is issued, Or the day passes like chaff, Before the day of the LORD’s fierce anger comes upon you, Before the day of the LORD’s anger comes upon you! Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the LORD’s anger. 
The Hebrew words translated as Zephaniah means “Yahweh Hides” or “Yahweh Has Hidden” (Holy Bible: Vine’s Expository Reference Edition, p. 826). Notice that a decree is issued, apparently by a church leader–and I believe that the leader will be part of the Continuing Church of God. This would seem to happen after the gospel has been preached enough to the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14), Jewish sacrifices are stopped, and the abomination is set up (Daniel 9:27; 11:31) per Jesus’ statements in Matthew 24:15-16
It remains my prayer that those who are Philadelphians and are scattered in groups will soon assemble together, before it is too late.

A little later Bwana Bob talks about Bozrah.

In terms of its location from Jerusalem, Petra (Sela on some Bible maps) is mainly south and slightly east of Jerusalem. Bozrah is also in the right general direction, as are other locations in Jordan. 
Now it is also possible that the actual place of protection could simply just be near Petra or perhaps the location will be far from it.

In the early days of Armsgtrongism, Petra was not that much of a tourist destination. Now it is packed with hundreds of thousands of tourists a year. Bwana Bob can't have those tourists coming in and gawking as his 299 Caucasians and their 3,000 Africans.

Realize that Petra is one of the leading, if not THE leading, tourist destination in Jordan, hence there could be economic and other factors against that precise location itself (though if only a small amount of Christians flee, that might be tolerable, and even helpful to, the tourist industry possibly as a ‘side-show’ or to be of cultural or prophetic interest). Other than the aspect of caves (which does not mention the amount of caves), it should be noted, that many other areas in Jordan also are in the right direction and fit the description of the place–so it is possible that the Church may flee into Jordan and not stay in Petra, but somewhere else in Jordan or a neighboring area. 
It is also possible that the true Philadelphian Christians will stay in Petra for a time and then go elsewhere–and that is something I have written about before.

The thought of having to spend 3 1/2 years listening to Bwana Bob preach as he bounces and flounces is not a sight to imagine or desire.