Showing posts with label Dr Robert Thiel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Robert Thiel. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Crackpot False Prophet Claims That You Cannot Be Saved Unless You Are In His Philadelphian Group


Wouldn't you know it, the majority of the Church of God members today are Laodiceans and will NOT be able to make it to the place of safety because they are in the wrong groups! Ghastly days! Can they ever do anything right????

The Great Bwana to Africa and 305 Caucasians is currently in Ireland drinking lots of Guinness while looking for the lost ark of the covenant before Gerald Flurry finds it.  This Elijah in our midst is gobsmacked right now thinking he is walking the same hallowed ground Jeremiah and his daughters walked upon millennia ago. At least while he out traipsing around the hills he can thank St Patrick for getting rid of all the snakes so he can have a pleasant hike.

Never one to let his wildly fanatical mind think normally, the Great Bwana posted another idiotic sermon detailing how COG members, not of his church, will not be saved. In this silly sermon, he lists 50 errors he makes regarding the dumb prophecies he foolishly believes. 

Since Bob was foreordained before the world was created to lead the most supercalifragilistic end-time work he just cannot get over the constant butt-burn that 99.99% of the COG members refused to go with him and submit to his authority AND who do not care about his prophetic lies.  So Bob has no other alternative than to try and scare COG members into following him.

Of course, as usual, Bob has the ONLY correct interpretation of scripture and prophecy and the rest of the COG's do not. They and the COG7 are apparently too dumb to understand what he does. The creature that he thinks is "jesus", but is most likely Legion, has revealed to Bwana that he is only going to protect COG members that are in the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" to which he will only reveal the correct time to flee to Petra. What a f'ing hoot!

50+ Laodicean Prophetic Errors
While many seem to believe that all the Churches of God are the same, this is not so. In the end time, most true Christians are Laodicean and not Philadelphian. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel mentions over 50 prophetic errors that Laodiceans, independents, and some of the remnant of Sardis have held to. Dr. Thiel also mentions scriptures that Laodiceans and other non-Philadelphians miss. Dr. Thiel sites scriptures such as Zephaniah 2 related to gathering together before it is time to flee. He also mentions that Jesus only promised to protect the Philadelphians from the coming ‘hour of trial.’ Furthermore, Dr. Thiel mentions that unless they change, Laodiceans will not know when the Great Tribulation will begin until after it is started, and hence too late for them to flee prior to its beginning.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Crackpot COG Prophet Gets Bent Out Of Shape Over April Fool's Day


Our favorite Chief Overseer of his African brethren and the modern-day embodiment of Elisha, Elijah, Amos and Andy, Johsua, and the most important and doubly blessed man the Church of God has ever been privileged to have in its midst, is back today getting his wholistic knickers into a homeopathic twist:

Today, it is April 1st on the Roman calendar.
Many people call the first day of April, “April Fools’ Day.” Notice something about it:

Today is April 1 — April Fool’s Day, if you will…in more recent times it’s chock full of good-natured pranks. But watch out; any scams or pranks can end up being costly. Case in point: Back in 2005, KBDS-FM radio conducted an April Fool’s giveaway for a Hummer, but used a play on words to actually give away an R/C model of a Hummer. The winner, Shannon Castillo, was not amused. She filed suit for $60,000, the cost of a new Hummer.
Beware of tax-related fraud and scams
Have you ever pranked a coworker?
Implausible, unexpected event occurred, will have terrible business impact on you

With that in mind, it’ a good idea to be hypercritical of anything you read online today.

Like any good COG prophet, the Great Bwana doesn't have to search far to find something to back up his nitpicking nuttiness.

Nasty unconverted people not only play innocent jokes on each other on April Fools Day, but they cause tax scams and other issues.

It's all lies brethren when someone plays an April Fools joke on you. All Lies! Woe is me! Oh, the humanity! Lies! Lies! Lies!

However, there is one glowing thing that is missing from Bwana Bob's whinefest list...

What about the lies of self-appointed COG prophets and false teachers in the church, of which he is one? Are not their lies even more damaging to people than some silly pranks? Destroying the spiritual and even physical life of members is far more damaging.

Never in the history of the Church of God have we had so many self-appointed men who are preaching the most idiotic things the church has ever heard. From Dave Pack's ongoing vomit stream of his creature, he calls "christ", that supposedly is returning every Friday and Saturday for the last several years to Gerald Flurry's supposed possession of the new coronation stone that his creature called "christ" is going to come back and sit his holy butt upon. From Bob Thiel's self-appointment and his endless diarrhea stream of prophetic bullshit that no one in Africa or the rest of the world gives a rats ass about, to Ronnie Weinland's failed return of his "christ" in 2008 and every year since.  The Church of God has in its midst the biggest bunch of FOOLS the church has ever seen!

Sadly people in all of these groups sit there and listen to these raving lunatics and their spiritual diarrhea week after week. Lives are being damaged spiritually and physically as members are losing their homes and businesses due to these guys stealing their money during their prophetic push to end God's work here on earth. Many have even lost their lives due to these FOOLS!

Bwana Bob Thiel is one of the Church of God's biggest liars and apparently has been playing April Fools jokes on us for over 10 years now. But like any good April Fools joke, we can laugh at him with the derision he deserves.

Happy April Fools Day Bwana Bob! Continue to keep us entertained!


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Prophet Roach: Took His Powerful Witness to Waffle House and was Ignored…Until...


We reported the other day about the Church of God's newest prophet, Tony Roach, that pushed Bwana Bobalina Thiel off his self-righteous pedestal.

Roach says God has given him information in a dream, just like Bob Thiel claims. Roach also had multiple dreams, just like the false prophet Thiel. Which one is right? Thiel will claim Roach is not receiving godly dreams like he does.

A reader here asked our most accurate prophet a few questions. Here is what transpired.

Reader asks:

I read a bit about what you wrote. You said you knew something was going to happen on 9/11 and wrote to several TV news casts along with President Bush. They ignored you till it happened. Then they were calling you constantly. My question is what exactly did you say in your letters and how did you know about 9/11? Was It a dream that or something like that? And also what did the press say to you assuming you talked to them or left you a voice message. I'd appreciate your reply.

Tony's reply:

No the news station never contacted me but everyone I had told along the way was calling me> I was over all the Waffle Houses from Tallahassee to Destine so I met a lot of people and I was telling everyone that would listen... No one believed... Until the day it happened and everyone was calling me amazed... The way God shows me things.... One through the scriptures reading and searching them daily.... two when I speak with people about the Bible many times I'll tell them it's not for their benefit because they will continue on never to think of it again.... But while I'm speaking with them... It will just come out of my mouth like I've known it all along.... Or when I'm answering emails through my website it happens also... Now the dates I'm releasing now after God showed them to me I would ot release them because I did not want the evil to know.... I'm hard headed... So He gave me a dream... So I released 2 of the dates... But would not release the others.... So He gave me another dream and told me release them and He would handle it when He gets here.. Trying to save space... All this on one of my post on Facebook and my website... Now 9/11 it just came out of my mouth one night and I counted the days of Daniel... Ended up with the date the WWCOG sold the church warned everyone... Counted the dates from when they changed the Sabbath and no longer was required to keep it to come up with 9/11... Then God led me through the scriptures showing me the verse of what would happen on that day...


Thanks for answering my question. I won't take up too much of your time but I've got to ask these 2 next questions: you claim to be a prophet but you need some proof to back your word up for obvious reasons because it seems everyone and their grandma claims to be a prophet these days. Lol. Do you have undeniable proof from your past, other than telling your friends about 9/11? Because I've only known about you a few days and I need more to consider someone being a prophet. And secondly you prophecied 9/16/23 as a day "sound an alarm for the War of Armageddon." For arguments sake, what if that doesn't happen? Will you admit you're not a prophet or will you do what Ron Weinland did and say God changed his mind and will give mankind more time?


LOL... God never changes..... In Malachi 3:6 it is recorded.. "For I am the LORD, I CHANGE NOT... It will happen my God is not a deceiver... I never listen to man... Only God.... No offense but I never feel I have to prove myself to any man.... I tell everyone Never believe me... Prove all things.... and search the scriptures daily to prove these things are so... The only way to prove these dates is wait and see. or seek the Lord with ALL your heart and soul.... And be tho perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect.... I NEVER assume anything... No private interpretations.... Now if I am wrong on anything I will be the first to say so... I'm not infallible.... And that's why I will always know I have the truth.... I am willing to admit when I am wrong.... And one more thing as you see by Isaiah 48 that I included with the chart... It is not me foretelling these things... It is God... He wanted me to put those verses with the chart...


I understand. I will keep 9/16/23 in mind and see how it plays out. Thanks for your time


Anytime you have a question feel free to ask... I have several post on my page showing more into my life... If you would like to read them.... Maybe give you a better insight into my soul... But man I'm nothing... I'm No One... I have sinned in my past much worse than you probably... Don't think of me.... I'm No One... God uses me because I'm hard headed and won't give an inch... I enjoyed talking with you and hope to be able to do it again sometimes....

One thing I do have to hand to Roach is that he will answer questions about what he predicts. Thiel will not. Thiel knows he will get raked over the coals and exposed as the liar he is. This is one of the reasons people mock Thiel so much.

Roach is as big a fraud as Thiel is, but at least with Roach you probably would be made to feel right at home with him in a conversation. With Thiel, if he would even dare share his righteousness and his holy space with you, would ignore you and piss you off immediately.

More from his Facebook Page:

"God had a job for me to do and that was to release these dates... I was hard headed not wanting to release these dates... I did not want the evil of this world to know.... I am jealous of my God as He is me... He had to give me two dreams before my hard head would release these dates... After the first dream I released only two...I would not release the others... After the second dream He told me to put it out there and He would handle it when he comes... So I did... I am NOT a preacher if I was to preach to you I would just overload your mind and you would have a meltdown... I am a SEER only because of my Great Lord Jesus Christ... NOT for my righteousness... I am exactly what He says I am... I am base, poor, foolish and week... I am hated by the world... I understand Jealousy provokes you to anger... I can understand that I'm very Jealous of my Lord... But I am No One... Just a dusty dirt road God has made me from and there I will return.. But I love the Lord with ALL my heart... I fear the Lord with ALL my soul... And I sought the Lord many years ago with ALL my heart and ALL my soul... I could NOT care less if you believe a word that proceedeth out of my mouth... Most of the time I never know what is going to come out of my mouth... When I prophecy the words just come out of my mouth like I’ve always new it... I have a job to do not for man but for my Awesome Lord... I knew you would deal very treacherously with me and I know you are called a transgressor from the womb.... But I am here with the knowledge, wisdom, secrets, and mysteries of God.... For you to reject my Dear Lord one last time... So believe it or NOT I could NOT care less...."
"At Armstrong's death God gave me the job at the age of 27 to keep His Word and lead His people... I had a thirst for the Word of God like I can't even describe... He started pouring wisdom and knowledge in me like I was an empty vase... I had no idea that was what He was doing... I started my website just to have a place to keep my notes..."  Facebook page 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Sideshow Bob Ridicules David Hulme For Starting A Splinter Group While Tripping Over The Same Rake


It's another sunny glorious day in California and Sideshow Bob is giving us more slapstick comedy by stepping on his proverbial rake. Who would ever have suspected that the Church of God, in these frightful end times, would have such a slapstick comedian as a prophet! We are truly blessed!!!!!!!!

A reader here sent this:

Bob has an article up on Vic Kubic's not being appointed again as President of UCG.  He goes over a brief history of UCG presidents and has this gem
"UCG’s first president, David Hulme, started his own church when he was not reconfirmed in 1998. His church is called:  COGaIC: Church of God, an International Community.' 
United Church of God: Victor Kubik not reconfirmed as president, though he wanted to be
Oblivious to the fact he did the same thing when he was not "confirmed" as a prophet.  

Hilarious! After Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God hierarchy turned their backs on his self-appointed prophethood and his wild demands that the church change their doctrines and beliefs to suit his interpretations, Sideshow Bob, in typical COG fashion, threw a self-righteous sanctimonious hissy fit and started his own new and improved Church of God.  

Rod Meredith and crew never confirmed Bob Thiel's legitimacy. That's part of the reason LCG refused to ordain him. They knew trouble was bound to happen if they did. Look at the mess Theil has created today as a non-confirmed church leader and you can see that Meredith was justified in rebuking him.

Rake on dude! Keep us entertained!

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Crackpot Prophet's Book On Dating Making A HUUUUUUUGE Impact in Africa


How is it that we continually fail to see what a magnificent and important man Bob Thiel is? No human the history of the world and particularly in Christendom has had an impact in Africa such as he has. No one on the entire continent had ever heard the real truth till Bwana Bob hit the scene. At that moment the gates of heaven opened and the True Light shined down upon Bwana Bob's doubly blessed head and Africa knelt at his feet as the Great White Overseer come to tell them his truth.

Like any good Church of God leader, Bewana Bob has to stick his nose into every corner of the lives of his followers in Africa, even into their dating and sex lives. Though with their sex lives he treads lightly as polygamy is still an accepted practice by many there.

Like all white missionaries from the past, Bwana Bob the Chief Overseer is here to tell Africans how to date and they are lapping it up! Noting is more important to the Christian walk than to have some smug white American tell you just how things should be. That includes how Africans should be dating. 

Bwana Bob, like all of his fellow COG leaders, has never had an original thought in his head so he has to plagiarize and rewrite Worldwide CHurch of God literature and pawn it off as his own. His dreams can't keep up with his needs so he takes the works that others have done and repurposes it for his own edification.

The Bible teaches that “in a multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 24:6). Therefore, this book consulted many Church of God writings on courtship from ancient times to present. Such as a book originally published by the old Worldwide Church of God in 1969 titled “Modern Dating,” a series of articles in the 1987 editions of the “Good News” magazine, a 2003 article in Servant’s News, 21st century writings at, and, most importantly, the Bible.

This new tome by the Great Bwana is so important that Africans are flocking to read it.

As far as dating goes, CCOG evangelist Evans Ochieng mentioned that our booklet, Dating: A Key to Success in Marriage, a practical dating guide for Christians, has been popular in Africa.

The proper translation to the above comment by Bwana Bob is that one little group of probably no more than 10 - 15 kids might be interested in his book, yet it is important for the Great Bwana to make it look like it is wildly important in Africa. 

One of his tidbits of "truth" states:

If you are dating to be seen, to be more popular, to get physical affection, or other selfish motivations, you are following the way of get.

Interesting comment considering how much Bwana Bob does and says is due to his constant need to be seen. He has an intense need to be popular in the COG so that people will flock to his group, but as usual, all of these deceived people are following the way of "get" and refuse to follow him. Everyone is so selfish!

When a gentleman asks a lady out, he is putting himself on the line - risking rejection and hurt feelings. By using charm and grace, a lady can promote a man’s self-esteem in a right way, even if she wants to (or has to) turn a date down. 
If you are a woman, be a gracious and truly feminine lady. Likewise, if you are a man, be a noble and masculine gentleman.

As usual in the COG movement, most of the responsibility lies at the feet of women so that the delicate egos of its men don't have to face rejection. Bwana Bob's blatant rejection by the ENTIRE COG movement is constantly simmering in his head and it carries over into what he writes. 

Like all other COG literature on the subject, you can tell it is written by a man. Its always from the man's point of view:

Women appreciate men who take the lead in the proper manner. Not on some macho kick, but truly showing thoughtfulness and consideration. Pulling out a chair, helping with her coat, opening the car door - these are but a few of the characteristics that make a man stand tall in a woman’s eyes. 
In the same way, men genuinely admire and appreciate a true lady - one who will respond and do her best to make the occasion he has planned for her successful.

And more words of wisdom:

Men and women are different emotionally. Men often accuse women of being over-emotional and irrational. Women frequently complain that men are demanding and insensitive. 
Because God’s morality has been more and more rejected, women sometimes say: “Where are the men? We just meet irresponsible, immature little boys - we never meet any real men!” The men counter: “Why don’t women stop being so aggressive and hard? Aren’t there any sweet, gentle, feminine women anymore?” 
Now, men should not be cavemen types, with no regard for a woman’s feelings, nor should women be spineless, clinging vines.

Spinless clinging vines and immature little boys pretty much describe a certain "leader" of an improperly named COG who seems to be in a constant state of immaturity and whininess.

33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. (Ephesians 5:21-33)

And on that last point (verse 33) ladies, if you do not really respect the man you are dating, you obviously should not marry him as you are told to respect your husband. A man wants to be respected.

Another sore point with the Great Bwana is that there is no COG leader today that is disrespected the most than he. Even the craziness of Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack fails to keep at bay the lapdogs that grovel at their feet willed with respect and awe of them. Bwana Bob is incapable of getting that kind of respect and it gnaws at his ego constantly.

When we begin to recognize the differences in emotional makeup, problems that come up can be defused and overcome. A true gentleman will respect a woman’s feelings. He will seek to understand her point of view, and he will strive to be sensitive to her moods and emotions. He will try to support her in both her ups and her downs. He will do things within his power to put her at ease. He will realize the value of a sincere compliment at the right time to encourage her. 
Likewise, women should recognize how fragile the male ego sometimes is. As well as realize that men simply do not always see things the same way as women. That does not necessarily make them insensitive—it makes them different.

Never has the COG had a leader with such a fragile ego as we have in the Great Bwana Bob. Literally, anything with burst it and send him into a narcissistic fit.

The Great Bwana also talks about morality.

So, what should be your authority for morality? 
Jesus taught: 
4 It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4
Yes, we get teachings on moral authority from the word of God.

It is always laughable when you see a COG leader and so many in the ministry talking about morality when some of the most immoral people the COG has ever seen are in its ministry and leadership. 

No one should ever look at COG leaders as standard-bearers of morality!

The Great Bwana then goes on about "loose" women.


As morals become more and more lax, men need to be even more wary of “loose” women:

3 For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. 4 But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. 6 For she cares nothing about the path to life. She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn’t realize it. (Proverbs 5:3-6, NLT
Whatever “comfort” sexual relations with the immoral provide is not good for you. Consider also that prostitutes are usually women pretending “love” for their clients—they want their clients’ money, but otherwise despise them.

It is painfully obvious to anyone reading Bwana Bob's book as to where he copied material and anecdotes from - Herbert W Armstrong. Anecdotes and stories from the late 1800s to mid-1930s filled so much of HWA's writings and personal views on sex. 

Once a man has engaged in fornication (and other forms of sexual immorality), it is more difficult for him to keep from wanting to continue in it. Once a woman has engaged in fornication, she knows she is no longer a virgin and it is more difficult to turn down fornicating pressures. 
Let me add that studies have found that Protestants that identify themselves as Evangelicals are about as likely as those who do not claim Christianity to engage in fornication. Many reason around scripture and confuse sexual desire for love.

Not only is it "protestants" fornicating but Church of God people at Feast of Tabernacles sites. Feast sites have long been hotbeds of wild sexual escapades. Facebook is filled with stories of people who had their first sex at the Feast of Tabernacles when talking about "Feast flings". As usual, though, COG leaders love to throw the first stones.

Did you ever turn down a date because you found something wrong with the person and made up an excuse? The Great Bwana Bob says this is a direct ticket into the Lake of Fire! Who knew! Bwana Bob has apparently been on the receiving end of this kind of rejection far too many times!

Realize that a date is a commitment. Whether you are the one who asks for the date or the one who accepts the date, you need to keep your commitment. If you have agreed to a date, be ready for it and be on time. 
Remember, the Bible teaches, “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone” (Revelation 21:8).

Only truly masculine leaders are men who lead on dates and plan those dates according to what HE thinks the women would like:

For the first few dates, the responsibility for selecting and planning activities normally rests on the man. While some men are not comfortable with this (especially when they first start dating), this is a unique and profitable opportunity to develop proper masculine leadership, and have fun at the same time. 
A thoughtful leader will try to plan dates around activities that he thinks that the woman would like to do. A man could have two or three ideas in mind, and ask the woman which one she would prefer. This allows the man to do the planning and preparation, while giving the woman input.

It's important for the man to take control like this so that the woman can dress properly:

A man should tell his date what she will be doing and where she will be going so she can plan and dress appropriately.

The Great Bwana even tells them how to dress properly. Remember, COG members are too stupid to know how to dress for dates.

If you are going to a fancy restaurant, to see a play, or do something somewhat elegant, formal attire might be called for. 
If you are going on a hike or some similar outdoor activity, boots and/or rougher clothing are more likely to be called for. 
If you are going bowling or something casual, casual clothing would seem to be called for. 
If you are going to a beach, appropriate swimwear, which for women would tend to be a full one-piece bathing suit and a cover-up, and for men some type of bathing trunks (not like small, tight underwear) and a t-shirt may be appropriate.

More words of advice:

Men and women can consider styles and fashion, but should not try to dress in ways society now considers to be sexy/seductive.

This basically means you should not wear clothes that are too tight or are sheer enough in inappropriate places to see through (unless there is a slip or something not see-through under it). Also, your underwear should normally not be seen and your clothes should cover up a sufficient amount of skin.

Do you want your date to end decently or in tragedy?

While dressing decently does not guarantee the date will end well, dressing provocatively increases the risk the date will end tragically. 

Why is it that COG leaders think women are too stupid to know how to dress? Mansplaining seems to be their main job.

Ladies, despite seductive clothing styles many wear today, be assured that you do not need to dress seductively for a man to have interest in you. Any man who chooses to date you because you dress like a harlot or seductress will later look for others that way, even in the unlikely event he would stay around long enough to marry you.

The Great Bwana then warns us about COG men who can't keep their pants zipped and usual it's really the woman's fault for enabling those men.

Ladies, consider that men, Christian and otherwise, can have issues with self-control. Male libido hormones tend to engage more quickly than female ones. Be careful on dates to not be in situations that may tempt your date to pressure you to sin. If someone, be a date, relative, friend, or stranger, attempts to force you to have sex resist and scream as loud as you can—do not allow it (Deuteronomy 22:24-27). If you are raped, report it to the proper authorities. Do not enable rapists.

Gentlemen, you also need to remember that when a seductress grabbed Joseph’s clothes, he fled (Genesis 39:12). “Flee fornication” (1 Corinthians 6:18, KJV)!

The Great Bwana then tells us about the time he got trolled online by a seducer: 

Let’s look at a real-life example. I got the following message recently when I was on Facebook (with slight edits): 
I am Ian XXXXXX from Africa. I'm happy to meet you. I'm looking for a wonderful lady like you. I hope you will like me too. 
... God bless you we are in touch as a church. 
So, this person is claiming to be a Christian, hints he is a Sabbath keeper, is claiming to be interested, and wants to someone to ‘like’ (presumably romantically) him. Well, he apparently does not pay too much attention to who he sends this type of trolling trash to as I am not female. 
Also, during the time I was working on this book, I got a some type ‘Flirt’ request from some social media email. 
Should you receive them, do NOT be flattered by such things and other improper flirtations. You need to be concerned about flattery (cf. Psalm 12:2-3; Proverbs 6:24; 26:28), even from people, like Ian, who claim to be interested in the Church.

Ian can't be any worse than a Chief Overseer who starts a cult based upon some silly dreams and a mythic double blessing. Ian and Bob are the same kinds of trolls. 

The only proper online dating letter one should receive is this:

Hi. I am XXXX XXXXXXXX. I am a member of the Continuing Church of God in central New Zealand. I saw your profile on Facebook. How long have you been part of the church?

Also, remember the fields are white with potential dates out there...somewhere...

If God is involved in your choice of a wife or husband, and both you and your future mate set yourselves to obey God’s laws concerning love, marriage and sex, you can’t go wrong. Ask God to help you see everything you should as you decide who you want to marry.

Jesus told His followers:

2 The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (Luke 10:2)

More laborers for the harvest means more Christians. Which also means more potential people to date.

The Great Bwana also speaks out about dating people in other COG's with one HUGE qualification:

Does this mean that the only people in the Continuing Church of God can date are those who are baptized members in the Continuing Church of God? 
There are other true Christians in many Sabbatarian Church of God groups. 
However, since we are unaware of other such groups/organizations being Philadelphian, it is our hope and prayer that your potential spouse is one who would be ‘Philadelphian’ (Revelation 3:7-13).

The Great Bwana then tells people to look at an individual's mental stability when deciding to marry. Imagine that, Bwana Bob telling someone to look at a person's mental stability first. This is Bob Thiel, remember. Bob Thiel.

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:1-7
Yes, there are people you should not hang out with.

Amen to that Bwana Bob! That's exactly why people in the COG will not follow you. 

Not everything in his book is bad but the problem remains is that this is Bwana Bob writing this, a man who is a walking comedy routine which leads us to not take anything he says seriously.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Crackpot COG Prophet Claims He Did Not Start A New Church


It's another sunny day in California and the craziness out of Grover Beach continues unabated. One never knows what fantastical utterance with come from the lips of the most important Church of God leader in human history and the Great White Bwana to Africa and 305 Caucasians.

After getting called out for quoting too much from Herbert Armstrong, and making endless excuses as to why he does so, the Great Bwana said this:

We strive not to teach error and do not teach that what Herbert Armstrong wrote is not subject to correction. The Bible, not Herbert Armstrong, is the standard that we go by. 

The improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" is filled with so many erroneous errors that even Satan himself can't keep up with them!  Starting with his utter rebellion and hissy fit with Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God to his self-appointment due to a bunch of nightmares he had, there is nothing legitimate about this guy. 

Despite organization changes, successively and doctrinally we are NOT a new church. We teach Laying on of Hands succession from the apostles. We clearly trace our history from the Book of Acts to present. 

Herbert Armstrong would have kicked Bob's delicate ass to the curb so fast his flailing hands would never have caught him. Thiel is right up there with Pack and Flurry joining with them in direct rebellion against everything Herbert Armstrong taught. 

Therefore, we often quote Church of God leaders, not just from the New Testament, but also those from the second century A.D. to present. We do this to demonstrate the consistency of the doctrines of the true church as well as to show what “the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) was in the period immediately after the death of the last of the apostles.

When Bob Thiel says he follows the teachings of the things HWA supposedly restored, he is a liar. 

“Don’t simply believe me – Believe what the Bible really Teaches – Believe the Truth – Prove all things –Believe God!”

And I will take it one step further. Irrespective of how any may view the role that God has for me, unless I am directly quoting the Bible, or preface a statement to something of the effect of “thus saith the Lord,” I am NOT necessarily stating anything that is not subject to later correction. We who are truly part of the Church of God only accept as inspired the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament and no other document. Therefore, although other current and historical documents/articles/books/booklet/posts by various Church of God leaders throughout history often have value, as they generally also tend to contain personal opinion, we do not consider that any of them are on the same level as sacred scripture, and hence believe that they can contain error.

Never has the COG had such a snake in the grass prophet in its midst. Impotent to make a true prophecy, he weasels his way around everything making one excuse after another so that he cannot be pinned down.

Unable to come up with any real doctrines of his own he has to plagiarize everything HWA said, and more.

That being said, Herbert Armstrong’s writing style often conveys many points in an understandable manner. A manner that we do not feel that we must re-word. A manner which provides variety. Hence, he is quoted.

The Almost Arrested Bwana thinks that because he quotes HWA he is continuing those teachings. What balderdash, as HWA would say!

As mentioned before, he and/or the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God literature are quoted here is to show that certain points covered at are consistent with the them. Hence, we truly are continuing those teachings. Teachings that groups outside the CCOG sometimes have forgotten or neglected to teach.

Remember Bob's main excuse when he apostatized from the Living Church of God and claimed that Meredith and the church failed to heed his correction and correct doctrines and teachings that he claimed were wrong? That's when he had his little fit and left resulting in Rod Meredith publicly rebuking him.

He is also pulling the same hissyfit with in its article about Armstrongism...which is spot on its description of Amrstrongism. The Great Bwana and end time Elijah tried to set them straight and they ignored him. The poor little guy just gets NO RESPECT!

Related to one, (who still has not corrected something I brought up about a year ago), we put together the following:

What is Armstrongism? Are Some Dismissive of Original Christianity?

The physical head of the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God was the late Herbert W. Armstrong. What he taught has been derided as “Armstrongism.” What were some of those teachings? Was the old Worldwide Church of God some type of weird cult or did it strive to contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints? Is “Armstrongism” improperly maligned and falsely described at Are concepts such as the tribes of Israel, ‘soul sleep,’ and three resurrections unique to Herbert W. Armstrong or were they long part of original Nazarene Christianity? What about various holidays and Christianity? In this video, Dr. Thiel goes over his early experiences with “Armstrongism” as well as gives scriptures about persecutions that would affect Christians.

But, as a continuation of the true apostolic Church of God, we in the Continuing Church of God believe it is helpful to quote recent as well as ancient COG writers for their perspective and insight, as well as to show continuity. 
All who profess Christ should, “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). 
The reason that we quote the Bible and other COG leaders is to help show that we do.

There is nothing about Bob Thiel's little cult that "contend's earnestly for the faith which was once delivered" It is so far from 1st Century Christianity that the apostles would have rebuked him and cast him out of the church and then would have written an entire book about his heresy and rebellion. 

So when Bob says he did not start a new church he is lying to you. 


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Its Thanksgiving And Whiny Prophet Is Ticked Off Again About Football And Gluttony


It is Thanksgiving here in America where people celebrate the freedoms that allow them access to so much they can be thankful for. 

Sadly, for some pretend COG leaders and self-appointed spokesmen, this day is not one that should be celebrated and if you do, you must REFUSE to participate in the Satanic observance of turning on your television and watching Satan's minions play football while being cheered on by scantly clad cheerleaders who are leading the men of God astray.

Where would we be without these hypocritical loudmouths with their endless spiel of pharisaical diarrhea?

Today, God's most highly chosen man from the entire history of Christianity is once more getting his homeopathic knickers in a knot. His very first paragraph is one whiny little bitch-fest of negativity:

Today is the national holiday in the USA called Thanksgiving. And despite certain claims, its specific origins are not pagan. But, of course, no Christian needs to celebrate national holidays like it if they do not wish to (cf. Romans 14). And the Bible does condemn gluttony. And with COVID-9 this year, government officials have warned about family gatherings.

I have never seen God's most amazing prophet ever decry the gluttony of members at the Feast of Tabernacles, at church picnics, or at the annual COG Christmas Party Weekends. Like many in the COG those are times of a foretaste of the kingdom to come and members should enjoy themselves to their best ability.

One thing that I have noticed on the day called Thanksgiving by those in the USA, is when I have been at many other places than the home I lived in, American football has been playing on television. 
For many, other than food and family, football is a major focus of the Thanksgiving holiday for many in the USA.

The heavenly realm is weeping at this very thought right now!  

The Chosen One then goes on to quote President Obama and others about their concerns over tackle football and then whines that real Christians should not be endorsing it.

He even goes on to quote that other authority on everything, Herbert Armstrong.

....the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:

Hostility toward the other is sin… 
Football (American football) is a violent body-contact sport. It is often played with an attitude of hostility and is dangerous and is fraught with physical injury. (Plain Truth, July-August 1984)
Wherever a game in sports involves ANTAGONISTS–in HOSTILE ATTITUDE to harm the other and/or to “GET” from the other–to get the best of the other–then a harmful, Satanic and evil attitude enters in, and the sport is EVIL, not good…football, 
(American football)…because football is such a violent body contact sport, it TOO OFTEN is played in an ATTITUDE OF HOSTILITY, and is too DANGEROUS and fraught with PHYSICAL INJURY . Therefore it must be BANNED so far as participation by God’s Church or people is concerned…This is sufficient to illustrate the application of the PRINCIPLE of God’s Law to sports. That participated in with an attitude of HOSTILITY toward the opponent is evil. That which HARMS mentally or physically an opponent is evil. 
Satan is the author of COMPETITION based on hostility, harm to the opponent, GETTING by taking FROM an opponent–to his harm or loss. God’s way is LOVE TOWARD neighbor equal to love of self. (Armstrong HW. Not all sports are banned. Pastor General’s Report, Volume 2, Issue 36, September 5, 1980)

And yet, Herbert watched American football, soccer, "professional" wrestling, and the Lakers basketball games, all of which are filled with attitudes of hostility and vile satanic COMPETITION which TAKES from the opponent. The hypocrisy of COG leaders is appalling but never shocking. 

The so-called doubly-blessed apostate then ends with this as he accuses all who watch football of being Laodicean. 

...many (including Laodicean Christians) are too selfish to stop watching and encouraging the playing of American tackle football. 
Christians should give God thanks, but not encourage violence in sports like American tackle football.

Everything in this world is Laodicean to these pathetic whiny little men leading Churches of God today.  "Laodicean" is the favorite perjorative of COG leaders, falsely so-called.

COG members were given brains so they could make their own decisions WITHOUT any of the spiritually bankrupt diarrhea that currently flows from the self-appointed leaders of COGdom today.

So give thanks for your blessings, enjoy your family and friends, enjoy good food and enjoy a game of football on television or in person. God isn't going to turn his back on you if you do, even if these whiny men say otherwise. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Crackpot Prophet Brags About Spanish Language Articles While Not A Single One Talks About Jesus

Where's Jesus? Can you help Bob Thiel find him? 

There is one thing about Bwana Bob Thiel, the great savior of 299 Caucasian and 3,000 Africans, is that he is consistent in the fact Jesus is the most ignored Bible topic he never speaks about. There are hundreds of useless irrelevant articles on nothing but just plan crap that top his priority list for his few followers.

Here is the list of articles that he is bragging about that are now available in the Spanish language. Jesus is nowhere to be seen. 

Not one single article talks about grace, justification, or sanctification. Not one single article about why none of the crap posts below would be worrying to any follower of Jesus. Not one single article about putting one's faith in things higher than the worthless crapfest of worrisome things he posts daily and that not one single person in Africa gives a rats ass about. 

Jesus has always embarrassed Bob Thiel and a host of other COG leaders. They would rather play themselves as painted whores to the law than ever delight in being a follower of Jesus.

The Continuing Church of God continues to get additional materials translated into the Spanish language.
Here are links to the latest news posts we received today: 
‘Is Biden’s relationship with Europe beyond repair?’
‘Está la relación de Biden con Europa más allá de toda reparación?

‘Gold Will Explode; The Dollar Will Implode When The Markets Figure This Out’
‘El oro explotará; el dólar se desmoronará cuando los mercados entiendan esto’

BBC: Mass protests in Poland amid EU exit fears
BBC: Masivas protestas en Polonia en medio de temores de salida de la UE

CG7-Denver member decried loss of doctrine
Miembro de CG7-Denver condena pérdida de doctrina

ZH: “So Deeply, Deeply Wrong” – Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny
ZH: “Tan profundamente, profundamente malo” – Lituanos sin pase de vacuna describen la vida bajo la tiranía médica

Evidence of the Great Flood from China
Evidencia del Gran Diluvio desde China

DW: EU-UK trade war looming as Northern Ireland Protocol tensions hit boiling point
DW: Guerra comercial UE-Reino Unido tejiéndose mientras tensiones por el Protocolo de Irlanda del Norte alcanzan el punto de ebullición

FT: Europeans Should “Prepare For Demographic Replenishment By Arabs And Asians”
FT: Los europeos deberían “prepararse para reabastecimiento demográfico por árabes y asiáticos”

WND: Jonathan Cahn finds remarkable ‘harbinger’ in Afghanistan withdrawal
WND: Jonathan Cahn encuentra notable ‘presagio’ en la retirada de Afganistán


Jewish perspective of the role of Christianity in God’s 6,000 year plan
Perspectiva judía del papel del cristianismo en el plan de 6,000 años de Dios

First Baptist Pastor Alan Rudnik posted seven reasons he feels that a Christian should celebrate Halloween
Primer Pastor Bautista Alan Rudnik publicó siete razones por las cuales él siente que un cristiano debería celebrar Halloween

Forbes’ article predicted 2020’s could be worst USA decade–it will get even worse than we have seen
Artículo de Forbes predijo que los años 2020s serían la peor década de los EE.UU. – ella será incluso peor de lo que nosotros hemos visto

‘BREAKING NEWS: More Than A Dozen Shot, One Dead After Shootout In St. Paul Bar’
‘BREAKING NEWS: Más de una docena de hridos por disparos, un muerto tras tiroteo en bar de San Paul’

UK and USA want more surveillance, yet do not consider them privacy invasions. What about 666?
El Reino Unido y los EE.UU. desean más vigilancia, no obstante no consideran que ello sea invasiones a la privacidad. ¿Qué hay acerca de 666?

104th anniversary of the ‘miracle of the sun’
104° aniversario del ‘milagro del sol’

‘China’s Xi Vows ‘Reunification’ with Taiwan, but Holds Off Threatening Force’
‘Xi de China expresa votos por la ‘reunificación’ con Taiwan, pero rechaza amenazar con la fuerza’

Clean and unclean meat arguments, COVID, and scripture
Discusiones sobre carnes limpias e inmundas, COVID, y la Escritura

NTEB: Yes, Bill Gates Is Working Around The Clock To Bring A Global Identification System Based On The COVID Immunity Passport To Every Nation On Earth
NTEB: Sí, Bill Gates está trabajando contra el reloj para conseguir un sistema global de identificación basado en el Pasaporte de Inmunidad COVID para toda nación sobre la Tierra

The Hill: The real reason Biden is going to the COP26 climate summit
The Hill: La verdadera razón por la que Biden va a ir a la cumbre climática COP26

WND: Catholicism’s ‘final trial’ before Jesus’ return?
WND: ¿’Prueba final’ del catolicismo antes de que regrese Jesús?

CBS: Biden-Harris Administration unveils $1.75 trillion spending plan; PCG: When America Defaults, How Will Europe React?; COGwriter: PCG left out Habaakkuk
CBS: Administración Biden-Harris revela plan de gastos por $1.75 trillones; PCG: Cuando América se quiebre, ¿Cómo reaccionará Europa?; COGwriter: PCG dejó por fuera a Habacuc

‘Vatican conference convenes experts to study early Christian history’
‘Conferencia vaticana convoca expertos para estudiar la primera historia cristiana’

Metaverse and ‘Europe’s Digital Services Act: on a Collision Course With Human Rights’
Metaverse y Acta de Servicios Digitales de Europa: En curso de colisión con los derechos humanos

ZH: MEPs Protest “Oppressive” Vaccine Passports, Question Why “Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard”
ZH: MEPs protesta por “opresivos” pasaportes de vacuna, pregunta por qué las ‘élites políticas impulsan esta agenda tan fuertemente’

AP: UK’s Johnson warns of ‘doomsday’ as climate summit begins; BB: France Says Britain Must Be Punished for Brexit, Leaving EU Should be ‘More Damaging than Remaining’
AP: Johnson del Reino Unido advierte del ‘día del juicio final’ mientras comienza cumbre del clima; BB: Francia dice que Betraña debe ser castigada por Brexit, dejar la UE debería ‘ser más nocivo que quedarse’

YouTube censors: COVID-19: Eat what is good!
Censuras de YouTube: COVID-19: ¡Coma lo que es bueno!

Joe Biden pledges to 2030 at COP26; Moshe Feiglin warns climate, like corona, is the ‘new paganism,’
Joe Biden se compromete para 2030 en COP26; Moshe Feiglin advierte que el clima, como el corona, es el ‘nuevo paganismo’

CBS: A potentially faster-spreading Delta variant, A Y.4.2, has been spotted in 8 states; CMI: Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 efficiently evades vaccine-induced immunity
CBS: Una variante Delta que potencialmente se esparce más rápido, AY.4.2, ha sido detectada en 8 Estados; CMI: Variante emergente A.30 de SARS-CoV-2 de manera eficiente evade inmunidad inducida por vacunas

US voters push back against some ‘progressive’ matters
Votantes de los EE.UU. presionando para echar hacia atrás algunos temas ‘progresivos’

Revelation 2 & 3: Seven Churches and Messages
Apocalipsis 2 & 3: Siete Iglesias y Mensajes

How did early Christians view the Godhead?
¿Cómo veían a la Divinidad los primeros cristianos?

‘Iran Warns Nuclear Talks Would Fail Unless Biden Provides Guarantees’
‘Irán advierte que conversaciones nucleares fracasarían a menos que Biden dé garantías’

Metaverse religion, Big Tech censoring, WND de-monetized by Google: What’s next?
Religión metaverso, censura de Big Tech, WND desmonetizado por Google: ¿Qué sigue?

Boris Johnson and Franklin Graham: Doomsday, 1 Minute to Midnight?
Boris Johnson y Franklin Graham: ¿Día del Juicio, 1 minuto para la media noche?

Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero and 666
Alianza Financiera de Glasgow por Net Zero y 666

DW: Can Africa achieve universal internet access by 2030? COGwriter: There are still many open doors with the Internet
DW: ¿Puede África alcanzar acceso universal a Internet para 2030? COGwriter: Todavía hay muchas puertas abiertas con el Internet

Tap Dancing Ambiguous COG Prophet Says Petra May Not Be The Final Place Of Safety, But It Could Be, Maybe...


There is one thing that self-appointed Church of God prophets are good at is tap dancing around certain subjects. Unlike the real prophets of old, who actually predicted things, our crop of self-appointed ne'er-do-wells, tap dance around and make ambiguous thought-farts on how they think things should be.

Today, the Church of God's biggest know-it-all is trying to get you to believe that Petra may not be the final place of safety. Nothing sets Armstrongsm apart from most of Christianity than this pet doctrine.  For decades, thanks to Loma Armstrong, the church has taught that right before the tribulation hits that all of the countries of the world would expel Church of God members and ship them off to Petra where they would receive special training to be kings, priests, and god's in some magical world to come.

Then the church imploded and hundreds of self-appointed gurus set themselves up as the one and only true Church of God. This created a massive public relations crisis in the COG movement. How could they ALL claim that they alone were going to Petra? Who was going to be in charge when they all showed up at once and started their little bitch fests and power struggles. What a nightmare scenario this presented! Then, to top that off, there were Christian outside the Armstrongite movement that also belive in Petra as a place of safety. How can the true Christians share Petra with so-called Christians?

James Malm solved that problem and claimed his few followers were going to go to Pella. Other COG ministers claim people will be protected in place, wherever they are.  Today, we have the Great Bwana to Africa and Savior of 299 Caucasians trying to convince us that Petra may be just a stopping off point as true believers move on to a new location at Bozrah.

Where might the place of safety in the wilderness be? 
Someone asked me about the possibility of Bozrah being the “place of safety.” 
Many have wondered if Petra could be the place. 
After doing some scriptural research, I ran across the following warning about Petra and Bozrah possibly being the place from Tim McHyde: 
Is Petra the “Prepared Place” of Safety For Israel or You? 
Petra, Jordan was once the stronghold of the Edomites and later the capital city of the Arab Nabateans. … 
Will Petra become the number one safe destination of Israelites in the end times, as well? Some people think so and feel they have Bible prophecy to back this up. 
The most popular version of the speculation around Petra is that the Jews escaping from the Battle of Armageddon will find refuge there. Some Old Testament passages mentioning the city are used to support this idea … 
Others, believe Petra to be the place that the “true church” will be protected in fulfillment of Revelation 12. 
Both views argue based on Scripture and the city’s excellent defensive structure. It is mountainous and its main entrance is a long narrow rock wadi, called the Siq. What better location for people to be safe from attack, right? 
Supporters also claim that the city could hold 144,000 people, the number of Israelite evangelists listed in Revelation 7 and 14. The Worldwide Church of God believed that there would be 144,000 of their members who made it to there. 
The Petra theory has its appeal. But is it truly grounded in Scripture or even realism? …
If you search the Bible for the name of the city Petra, you will not find it. Instead of that modern Greek name for the city, you have to search for the Hebrew equivalent, Sela (or Selah). Both words mean rock. … 
It seems like the main basis of the Petra speculation is the area’s natural features. .. The springs have dried up long ago. … 
As far as how many people can comfortably live there, it’s woefully inadequate. This is a small city with an estimated past top population of 20,000. Whether you think Israel or Christians will be sent by God there, it equals far, far more than 20,000 or double that. The remnant of either Israel or the church is more likely to be in the millions. … 
As for the theory about Israel fleeing the land before Armageddon, that also is problematic.

A little later the doubly-blessed self-appointed prophet proclaims:

While I do agree, based upon many scriptures, that Jordan seems to be the place and God will likely use a prophet to say when (and where), I disagree with the author’s view on many points–Jordan, to cite one example, will NOT be evacuated. But I do agree that Revelation 12:14-16 is talking about protection for faithful Christians and NOT physical Israel. As far as the old Worldwide Church of God goes, it speculated, but did not insist, on Petra being the place. 
Petra is large enough for the Philadelphian Christians to be protected–and they are the ONLY Christians promised protection from the Beast (cf. Revelation 3:7-10)–most Christians will NOT be protected (cf. Revelation 12:14-17). 

Nothing frosts the butts of self-appointed COG prophets more than having to accept there might be other non-COG Christians, or worse yet, other COG members there when they arrive. 

The reason I found this article was because of looking for views of some on the place of safety and Bozrah. 
As far as Petra or Bozrah go there are several clues in the Bible that suggest that a Jordanian location makes sense. But part of this is based upon where the place of protection is not.

Isaiah thus indicates this place will be a fortress of rocks for those that escape from the nations (note: the escaping from the nations suggests that groups with origins in CGI, such as ICG and CEM, are in error for teaching that God intends to protect people where they are). 
It is also of interest to note that those that escape will be assembled–they are not lone independents–this is also consistent with Zephaniah 2:1-3

Gather yourselves together, yes gather together, O undesirable nation, Before the decree is issued, Or the day passes like chaff, Before the day of the LORD’s fierce anger comes upon you, Before the day of the LORD’s anger comes upon you! Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the LORD’s anger. 
The Hebrew words translated as Zephaniah means “Yahweh Hides” or “Yahweh Has Hidden” (Holy Bible: Vine’s Expository Reference Edition, p. 826). Notice that a decree is issued, apparently by a church leader–and I believe that the leader will be part of the Continuing Church of God. This would seem to happen after the gospel has been preached enough to the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14), Jewish sacrifices are stopped, and the abomination is set up (Daniel 9:27; 11:31) per Jesus’ statements in Matthew 24:15-16
It remains my prayer that those who are Philadelphians and are scattered in groups will soon assemble together, before it is too late.

A little later Bwana Bob talks about Bozrah.

In terms of its location from Jerusalem, Petra (Sela on some Bible maps) is mainly south and slightly east of Jerusalem. Bozrah is also in the right general direction, as are other locations in Jordan. 
Now it is also possible that the actual place of protection could simply just be near Petra or perhaps the location will be far from it.

In the early days of Armsgtrongism, Petra was not that much of a tourist destination. Now it is packed with hundreds of thousands of tourists a year. Bwana Bob can't have those tourists coming in and gawking as his 299 Caucasians and their 3,000 Africans.

Realize that Petra is one of the leading, if not THE leading, tourist destination in Jordan, hence there could be economic and other factors against that precise location itself (though if only a small amount of Christians flee, that might be tolerable, and even helpful to, the tourist industry possibly as a ‘side-show’ or to be of cultural or prophetic interest). Other than the aspect of caves (which does not mention the amount of caves), it should be noted, that many other areas in Jordan also are in the right direction and fit the description of the place–so it is possible that the Church may flee into Jordan and not stay in Petra, but somewhere else in Jordan or a neighboring area. 
It is also possible that the true Philadelphian Christians will stay in Petra for a time and then go elsewhere–and that is something I have written about before.

The thought of having to spend 3 1/2 years listening to Bwana Bob preach as he bounces and flounces is not a sight to imagine or desire.