Showing posts with label Christ fails to return to Wadsworth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ fails to return to Wadsworth. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dave Pack: "IF you haven't SOLD ALL - I counsel you to DO IT. You Only Have 8 Days Left!


Well, folks, you can soon kiss your butt goodbye! The time is finally here! Woo Hoo! Only less than 8 days to go! 

Dave delivered his awe-inspiring message Wednesday night at his weekly Bible Study and the faithful sat there like idiots lapping it all up. This was sermon 355 in his never-ending series.

Dave instructed his people to SELL ALL (for like the 500th time) and if they haven't done it by now things are going to be REALLY bad for them.

From an RCG source (emojis are by the source)

He finishes Part 355 by saying:

"God revealed the mystery - things His little group would never see till they got to the END of the series...

Be READY - we're gonna talk this Sabbath... 

IF you haven't SOLD šŸ’°šŸ’°ALL šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘ - I counsel you to DO IT - you do NOT want to go in THERE (pointing at the 1st little glass period of 30 days).

So we MAY have SOME AMONG US..... IF you DON'T think THIS IS God's Church - get STRAIGHTENED OUTšŸ’°šŸ’° RIGHT NOW OR.... 

Maybe move on and face your eternity one way or the other, down a different path.

But I'm gonna say with just 8.5 days to go - MEET GOD'S CHECKLISTšŸ’°šŸ¤‘...

I'll see you, Sabbath"

Dave Pack Is Getting Electrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there has ever been a Church of God leader locked into a perpetual Groundhogs Day loop, it has to be Dave Pack. Other than Bob Thiel, the church has never had a leader with such an abysmal prophetic failure as Dave Pack has. Not one thing he has said about his "christ" returning has happened, not even after 350+ sermons, Bible studies, and stupid articles. Dave's "christ" has had his bags packed and waiting by the pearly gates for years now and still hasn't been able to return because Dave has not figured out the right time.

On March 22, one of Dave's fanboys sent out the following to the faithful:

"Dear brethren,

Warm greetings from Headquarters!

Godā€™s people are āš”electrifiedāš” after the message last Sabbath.

Please NOTE that Mr. Pack is planning to give another Bible Study tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23. A second study will likely follow this coming Sabbath.

He wanted to LET YOU KNOW that IF you were ā˜ ļøINSPIREDā˜ ļø by the previous message, he is JUST getting šŸ”„warmedšŸ”„ up!" (From an RCG source, emoji's where added by source)

These stupid little sound bites used to "electrify" the brethren are getting so predictable.  This Saturday after he delivers another mind-boggling sermon that is shocking beyond measure, his "christ" will still not be returning on time.


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dave Pack "...has unashamedly led his membership on a wild farcical Adventist ride that has been nothing short of shameful"


I was just cleaning my desk out and found an old CD of one of Dave's sermons. I miss Dave, so I had to play it.

What did Dave have to say? He asked do you know what makes God's church different than all the other Christian churches? We obey all that God commands us to do including obeying the traditions established by the righteous servant and apostle Herbert Armstrong.

He then went on to explain that a number of ministers and members had left the church in the last two weeks. One of the ministers was found to be quite bad in his conduct but Dave and headquarters never knew.

To fix this situation from never happening again, he went on to quote Paul who told the brethren to mark them that are disorderly and sow division. This is a command the THEY have to obey he told them, even if that person is a minister.

It only takes one quick glance into the RCG to see who is perpetrating great disorder and division.

For the past 10 years the "all brethren reunited" and "greatest story never told" series has amounted to at least half of all of those sermons being either completely thrown away or completely reinterpreted. I would say that is division.

For the past 10 years Dave has defined himself as the person or role fulfillment of at least a dozen named individuals in the Bible. That means 12 people just got kicked out of the Bible to make way for Dave. I would call that division.

How many marriages, how many families and how many homes did Dave divide in half for his take of the money via "Common"? That is called division.

How many people were terminated, excommunicated and publicly humiliated for calling out his lies? That is disorder.

Who has unashamedly led his membership on a wild farcical Adventist ride that has been nothing short of shameful? That is a disorder which creates much disorder.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dave Pack Blows A Gasket Over Ex-Members Gathering Together To Celebrate 4th of July

Dave Pack popped his prophetic white shirt last week when he lashed out at ex-members and ex-employees who got together to celebrate the 4th of July together. One of his ass-kissing young men on the payroll has been monitoring certain facebook pages of ex-member/employees to find any dirt he can report back to Dave with. Imagine living a life so petty and filled with such jealousy that this is what you spend your day doing so you can run and "impress" Dave. Little does this guy know that he will suffer the same wrath from Dave and be treated like dirt at some point in the future, just like the ex-employees and ex-members were.

Dave was incensed that these people all gathered together to celebrate the 4th of July. Imagine that! Dave really popped the buttons on his white shirt when he said some of these ex-members and ex-employees were CHRISTMAS KEEPERS! How dare some of these people associate with such heathens! Even worse, there were ex-members and ex-employees who were supposedly there from various splinter groups. How dare those people associate with Christmas keepers! Lord have mercy! Imagine a group of exRCG people enjoying a day of fun, friendship, and patriotism! What a damnable thing to do!

Dave was not happy that these people chose to gather on the 4th of July instead of waiting patiently for Dave's creature called "christ" to return on the weekend of July 17. Which it did not, as we all know.

So, now we wait for the creature to return this Saturday, but I have a feeling it will delay its second coming once again so it can watch the Olympics. After all, what would be more interesting....some creature return to Wadsworth to walk the hallowed ground of Dave's campus or watching the amazing abilities of world-class athletes in all their glory? Even JC knows the answer to that!

It's a strange thing. There's a group of people who recently who got together for the 4th of July, a week ago. Somebody showed me some pictures of them, and a lot of them are now Christmas keepers and a lot of others are in the splinters. And the one thing they had in common was that they had all been here (RCG HQ in Wadsworth, Ohio). But it was like there was no difference between them! Whether you are a Christmas keeper or you go to a splinter they are all right there enjoying the 4thof July together and they are happy to post it. Now I thought about some of the people who left us who would rather go send the 4th of July with CHRISTMAS KEEPERS, Easter, Halloween, who blew off all the laws of God and they wouldn't even say good-bye to us, never mind Thank-you, for anything.   Well, there's a lot of actors out there who are stage players and God has to get rid of them. And if people will quit when there is no fire, Come now and have a great meal and you can have eternal life in a few days and they say, "No, I choose my field and my cows or my wife who is gonna be DEAD WITH ME!" Boy, oh boy! Shallow, actors! So we ended where we started. There are a lot of people who are like that. Many are called, few are chosen. Blessed are those and happy are those who come to the 1335 and are REALLY BLESSED is a tiny little flock and there was always for 2,000 years a tiny ongoing microblock, generation by generation who actually going to be blessed a week before the others and I think it'll happen God willing, within the next week!

Even nominal Christians know that the God of Scripture has a far better outlook about people's lives than Daves nasty vengeful god does. Dave needs all of the COG reprobates to die horrible deaths in order to be proven right while scripture states just the opposite:

Donā€™t overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isnā€™t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesnā€™t want anyone lost. Heā€™s giving everyone space and time to change.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Dave Pack Member/Co-worker Letter: Christ could come TONIGHT or at any point up until April 3, 2021


On March 5, Davey sent out a member/co-worker letter to his dwindling faithful. It was the typical COG member letter straight out of the official style guide for prophetic letter writing.

The world is falling apart around the Restored Church of God. The nation is divided, politically and culturally and then there were riots at the U.S. Capitol. First amendment freedoms are at risk, which may soon inhibit Dave in saying the crap he does. Newly elected President Joe Biden has been a failure so far. Ebola has returned to West Africa, Muslims are rampaging in Nigeria, COVID-19 is leading to suicides, and Russia hoping it will weaken the United States. Iran is flexing its muscle, and much more mayhem, famine, and death.

In spite of all of this trauma surrounding the Restored Church of God Dave says:

The rapid defection of RCG members out of the Restored Church of God is totally the opposite of what Dave says above. Almost all of his original ministers who helped start RCG have left, including his legal counsel. The longer he keeps setting dates that fail the more members who will leave and take their money with them. He is now unable to spend money on his miniature auditorium and instead tells his few followers that the money now needs to go to the final "push". It is an easy diversion away from the money problems plaguing the RCG right now. 

An even bigger diversion away from HQ problems is the imminent return of the creature Dave is calling "christ". Dave has made so many specific predictions over the last few months that people are starting to laugh at him. The goal post keeps moving around because God was apparently too stupid to deliver to Dave the correct prophecy timeline. 

Now Dave claims, this creature called "christ" is set to appear anytime from tonight till the end of Unleavened Bread, April 3, 2021.

I can state for a FACT that Dave's creature will NOT return TONIGHT or by April 3, 2021, or at any point this entire year. Dave will make more excuses and set more dates. It will be Pentecost next and then the fall Holy Days. The Feast of Tabernacles will come and go and 2022 will be here. The Giant Eagle will still be open, Wadsworth, Ohio, will still be here, and Dave will be holed up in his office waiting for his god to send him the CORRECT prophecy this time.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Restored Church of God: Edward Winkfield III

Edward Winkfield III

From an RCG source

Bradford Schleifer is not the only man holding apostle Dave's signet. Edward Winkfield has been successfully climbing the ranks of RCG Headquarters' leadership for over a decade. With so many having left, Ed's political savvy has allowed him to slip into influential roles. 

Word on the RCG street is that he is contributing to the darkness of RCG. He is also strengthening Dave's death-like grip on brethren's minds with messages enforcing Dave's way, not God's. 

History is revealing that the most political are the the ones staying and thriving in David C. Pack's cesspool cult.

It's time to share our collective experience of the key people surrounding and giving power to David C. Pack.

What would you say to somebody who has served Dave for over 10 years? Who has witnessed the resignation of scores of HQ employees and ministers? Who, when Dave Pack has become truly delusional and dangerous, has doubled down and held up the charade?

Share your feelings below. Perhaps we can help him... 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Dave Pack Has New Calculations On Why His "christ" Will Appear Today...

From a reader:

Part 283 of the sermon series

He went in Daniel 12 and said you calculate 1335 days from the middle of the 70th week at the 1260th.

So he put 3.5x365+1=1277.5

He took 1335-1277.5=57.5

And he said there are 2 little Kingdoms back to back, Elijah's and Christ's, having each half of those 57.5 days.

So he says Christ "must" come back this Sabbath because the series is over, and he explains in 284 "how it is possible" (I have yet to download it) to have these 2 mini Kingdoms before the 7 years (70th week)...

Now I said to my wife - WHO SAYS you calculate 1335 days from the middle of the 70th week!!! WHO says you go back from that to land 1335 days prior to decide it HAVE to be like sort of NOW - because "there's nothing else left to say"?!!

Further, he says you calculate the 1335th from the 1260th - BUT he also happily points with his hands that the 1290th meets the 1335th like a gable roof, but it DOESN'T since there is a 30 days crossover! You're like MAN - THAT is supposed to be marvelous and the way God says at the last minute that IT IS READY?!!!!


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dave Pack, Apostle Extraordinaire, left you where you needed to be at the end of the Feast...even though it all failed, everything is still right on course!

In the recent news update for Restored Church of God members. This has to be the most idiotic thing I have seen that is trying to cover up absurd comments made by Dave. Where's the logic in such nonsense?

Remember back at Feast time when Dave told his few remaining followers that his creature "christ" was returning on the Last Great Day and his followers would NOT be returning home? Well, we all know Dave failed miserably in that prediction and JC did not return and his followers went home to continue to warm money to send to Dave.

Dave immediately started scrambling to reinterpret his interpretation. As Dave is incapable of making a mistake and his "god" would never lie to him he claims things are right on course.

Never in human history or in the history of the church has anyone received as much hidden knowledge as is being revealed by Dave.

Hence the need for this convoluted mess:

Greetings brethren! We hope those of you in America had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as we did here at Headquarters. Despite the worldā€™s many troublesā€”controversy with the U.S. election, the worst year of Atlantic storms on record, riots, racial strife, and of course the worst global pandemic in over a centuryā€”we above all people have so much to be thankful for, no matter where we live.

We get to see all of the events Christ said would precede His return! We get to live in the time the apostles all spoke of and wanted to see! And God has uniquely revealed to usā€”His end-time little flockā€”many prophetic truths hidden from the world and even other eras.


Mr. Pack has learned more inspiring and powerful things over the past few weeks. You were left where you needed to be with the final Feast messages, but a brief note to explain that everything is right on course is helpful.

The nature of the ā€œacceptable yearā€ has clarified. Six verses show the year is contractedā€”that it is shorter than a standard year. And because we cannot know when it begins or ends, it must be contracted on both ends. But understand, this does not change the start date of the devour month! Much, much more exciting information could be added.

Endless reasons make extending our wait a year look scripturally impossible. Just the conditions referenced in the opening paragraph is enough to make this plain!

Take Paulā€™s words to the Galatians to heart: ā€œLet us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint notā€ (Gal. 6:9). Keep watching!