The world is falling apart around the Restored Church of God. The nation is divided, politically and culturally and then there were riots at the U.S. Capitol. First amendment freedoms are at risk, which may soon inhibit Dave in saying the crap he does. Newly elected President Joe Biden has been a failure so far. Ebola has returned to West Africa, Muslims are rampaging in Nigeria, COVID-19 is leading to suicides, and Russia hoping it will weaken the United States. Iran is flexing its muscle, and much more mayhem, famine, and death.
In spite of all of this trauma surrounding the Restored Church of God Dave says:
The rapid defection of RCG members out of the Restored Church of God is totally the opposite of what Dave says above. Almost all of his original ministers who helped start RCG have left, including his legal counsel. The longer he keeps setting dates that fail the more members who will leave and take their money with them. He is now unable to spend money on his miniature auditorium and instead tells his few followers that the money now needs to go to the final "push". It is an easy diversion away from the money problems plaguing the RCG right now.
An even bigger diversion away from HQ problems is the imminent return of the creature Dave is calling "christ". Dave has made so many specific predictions over the last few months that people are starting to laugh at him. The goal post keeps moving around because God was apparently too stupid to deliver to Dave the correct prophecy timeline.
Now Dave claims, this creature called "christ" is set to appear anytime from tonight till the end of Unleavened Bread, April 3, 2021.
Our 2021 projected Church growth rate is currently well into double digits!
TRANSLATION: We project one new member per month, for a double-digit total of 12 new members in 2021!
This is almost an exact copy of what Dave claimed last year, the year before that and the year before that.
Every time he uses every holy day coming up to do the same thing. Can someone stop this madman..
How soon the straitjacket,Oh Lord, how soon?
Our 2021 projected Church growth rate...
Another false prophecy!
What goes around, comes around:
"Many abandoned the church after the day of October 22, which became known as the “Great Disappointment,” came and went. In the years to follow, though, stories abounded in the newspapers that there were a good number of people still clinging to the “delusion,” with numerous reports of many ending up in insane asylums or being perceived as insane. Miller, too, until his death in 1849, clung to his belief that the end of the world was nigh. Adventist believers did continue on through the creation of new churches. . . "
From a web article titled "The End of the World was Almost Today in 1843 and 1844: The Failed Prophecies of the Millerites,"
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When is this PIMPLE called Dave Pack going to burst??
It should be noted that the Miller Movement WAS NOT a sabbatarian movement. Miller was a Baptist, and his following consisted of people from a wide variety of Sunday keepers.
The COG 7th Day accepted that the Miller prophecy was a false one, and moved forward beyond it. The SDAs however, still to this day believe in the Oct. 22,1844 date as something important. They postulate that Miller was indeed right, but that on this Day of Atonement date (which they incorrectly chose BTW) was the day that Jesus entered into the Holy of Holies in heaven to consecrate it.
Armstrongism has never attached any significance to the 1844 event other than its historical happening. The concept of an end times "latter days" scenario is embraced by many fundamentalist Christian churches, and is not unique to Sabbatarian churches.
Dave member letter should really be known as the COW-OINKER letter!
Dave wrote: "...We are praying for you more fervently than ever through this difficult time. Please do so for us..."
The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and [yet] he hath opened mine eyes.
But Dave continues to spew out lies regarding his Mickey Mouse Millennium of another Jesus, some say creature, to return very soon to establish some reign on earth for 1,000 years, but Dave has proven himself to be so blind, especially with every false prediction that comes out of his mouth, and Dave says he prays. But to whom? He begs for others to pray too, but to whom and why? Dave's lies to be fulfilled?
Dave is driven by another spirit of error, and is so blind, perhaps a former blind individual, who actually had contact with a Jesus of some approximately 2,000 years ago.
The advice to blind-sighted Dave, who has nothing to demonstrate that God has heard anything from him, can now come from that former blind/healed individual and it follows:
John 9:30
:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
But will Dave admit that he is a sinner spewing out lies?
Time will tell...
Anonymous said...
Our 2021 projected Church growth rate is currently well into double digits!
TRANSLATION: We project one new member per month, for a double-digit total of 12 new members in 2021!
LOL! That "double didgits" thing caught my attention and I also said, "What 12 new Members/) Can't be more than 99
Well, I'll ask anyway: due to the antics of DCP, GF, and others ..... is Satan's time short, like, really, really short?? Mat 8:29
; Rev 12:12
well into double digits!
Negative double digits as members and ministers flee from the crap to come.
Well Dave says it is one month until Unleavened Bread. But ha! 24 days til Easter and 288 days until Christmas!
From the annals of Millerism:
"Convinced of an imminent apocalypse, in a time frame which was announced by Florence Houteff but not found in the original writings of her husband Victor, Florence and her council gathered hundreds of faithful followers together at their Mount Carmel Center near Waco in 1959 for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 9. . . . The anticipated events did not occur, and following this disappointment, Benjamin Roden formed another group called the Branch Davidians and succeeded in taking control of Mount Carmel." (Wikipedia Article on the Branch Davidians)
Millerites do this once in a while. That's why, after the arm waving is over, we all know how it ends.
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Got to be! Couple that with everything else going on and there can't be much time left.
Pack Jesus would cast out satan from your sin sick mind and body. Pack is so evil
What is a Seed Kingdom? A cornfield?
Considering Dave's destructive, deluded diatribes and the dissolution of his diminutive domain, I can't help thinking of the last scene in The Bridge on the River Kwai. Looking at the destruction wrought by Allied saboteurs, a medical doctor exclaims, "Madness! Madness!"
Jesus cannot return because he was never here in the first place. Jesus is just a myth plagiarized from the pagans. Not one story in the gospels is true. It's all fiction, most of it taken from pagan myths.
There has been a lot of dumb things said on here but 1:45 has to be the dumbest so far. There are plenty of historical facts that prove Jesus existed. Your fiction comment is also baseless as there is plenty of historical proof to back up things in the gospels. You need to go pound sand somewhere else.
Anonymous 1:45
, "Whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.". Christ died for you, and you need to repent, before his second coming. Also read 2 Peter 3:9 (ESV)
"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."
You will be surprised one day, because of your unlogical and unbelievable, biblical lack of knowledge, unless you search the truth, with an open mind and humility. I would recommend for you to read 2 Corinthians 4:4 (ESV)
"We could see the Seed Kingdom anywhere from tonight to a week or 10 days or even more."
This is an utterly-meaningless statement. There is no limited timeframe being given here; it encompasses all of time - from now, infinitely into the future. This is the sort of wording that you'd hear in an ad, or from a politician or P.R. flack.
Jesus said “It is finished” But with Dave there’s always another a part, a secret understanding, a new revelation.
Simplicity in Christ sounds a lot saner then complexity in Dave. All the pompous and self serving words Dave uses to give witness to himself can never match the few lines of the Sermon on The Mount.
Shakespeare wrote, “brevity is the soul of wit” And Dave could drone on
The Bible is true because the Bible says so.
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