From an RCG source:
God’s Latest Revelations to RCG, were already revealed...2 years ago….So while members in RCG are still waiting for Christ to return, there has been another upset in their prophetic picture. Dave after claiming the “Mystery of God” had been revealed and that there were no more messages, starts ANOTHER message with this:
“Now I wondered last week, if I should have closed with something like this, "If anything is yet to be explained, I reserve the right to come back and do this or correct a point or two when the series ended." But nothing, nothing, a move from what we learned there, there were nothing changed. Then something Titanic truly was added and I then knew one more message was needed.”
In general, Dave's latest prophetic messages show that he (Dave) is actually "a messenger" (about to be Elijah, even though he has already declared himself Elijah two other times, he rescinded those claims) preparing the way before the Father, (not Jesus Christ) who will come and setup a kingdom. Many of those who have left Restored (and Armstrongism) will be maimed, beaten, eyes gouged out by the "man of sin" and then some (many?) will be consumed in fire by the Father at the end of this period. This will all be proceeded by a "cloud of darkness" that will cover the whole earth and signal to the True Church that all this is about to happen.
Dave's "Gateway Prophecy" of last year, is essentially in shambles, since he taught Christ was supposed to return last year as Dave had prepared the way for Christ. Since Christ hasn't returned, Dave now understands that it's actually the Father, who is returning. That's why nothing happened last year (or any of the other times). However, now that it's being taught properly "the way is prepared."
While it’s unclear, it also seems like the 1,335 prediction from earlier in 2021 will be abandoned also, even though it was ironclad revelation from God. Time will tell.
For those of you who haven't followed Dave's ever changing predictions, he began claiming that the Father came first in June of 2019. In fact at the beginning of June, he predicted the Father would come as a "thief in the night," on Sabbath. Then, when Christ didn't show up Sabbath, he claimed Christ would be back Pentecost.
The morning of Pentecost, when Christ still wasn't there, he rushed out another message stating: "I want to go on the record and say that I knew nothing would happen today (Pentecost)...and I could tell that last night....Now that I know the FATHER IS COMING, that changes everything!" Then around 2 months later at the beginning of August 2019, it was decided the Father wasn't coming first (even though this was revealed to him by God) Christ is actually coming first again. Then at the end of August, after the picture was rearranged again, Dave declared the "Mystery of God has been revealed!"
Now, 2 years later, he is literally making the same claim again! Using the same verses. And the same reasoning. With the same ironclad logic. With God's authority. You really can't make this stuff up (but wish you could).The drama of an ever shifting prophetic picture has already played out in RCG, literally. The same points Dave uses today, he used years ago. Unfortunately, most don't remember, (or try not to remember) that all of this material was already revealed. Dave already “revealed the mystery” and already ended the series.
I am curious why the God of the universe would reveal not only false timing to His chief apostle but also juggle around the entire prophetic picture on a regular basis to "reset the clock."
"I am curious why the God of the universe would reveal not only false timing to His chief apostle but also juggle around the entire prophetic picture on a regular basis to "reset the clock."
I'm more curious as to why the God of the universe chooses to reveal complicated and confusing prooftexts through middlemen. Why all the confusion. Why not show up, nicely and have a talk with everyone. Prove himself now herewith by participating in his own plan in such a way as to remove all doubt as to his/her existence, intentions and program to achieve it. Dave Pack's god is obviously and evidently THE MAIN AUTHOR OF DAVE'S CONFUSION. Really though, if there is a God, he/she is off the hook. Dave is the author of his own confusion. No God would play Dave's game in order to fulfill "I will build my church..."
Pack says that he "reserves the right"
MY COMMENT: I reserve the right to judge his madness , duplicity, sociopathy and confusion!
The Millennial campus is ready;
The Stucco Admin Bldg is ready;
The Cobweb TV studio is ready...
Yes, but is his next big fat doobie of delusion ready?
Is David C. Pack now the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit -- all in one? Stay tuned for the continuing, and continuing, and continuing, episode of Lost in Dave's Ramblings.
Dave has been claiming that he’s The One for years. What’s new (big yawn).
Attempting to follow Pack's train of thought would be like trying to find a corner in a round room.
How else shall scoffers rise in the last days (2 Pet 3:3-4
) except the Mystery of God is hidden in many messages to be soon made clear (simplicity in Christ) to those who remain faithful to the end. Mr. Pack is on track with proohecy! The scoffers are more visible now than ever, more so among God's church. God designed these messages in this fashion to fulfil a prophecy (rise of scoffers) within a great prophecy...
How else shall scoffers rise in the last days (2 Pet 3:3-4
) except the Mystery of God is hidden in many messages to be soon made clear (simplicity in Christ) to those who remain faithful to the end. Mr. Pack is on track with proohecy! The scoffers are more visible now than ever, more so among God's church. God designed these messages in this fashion to fulfil a prophecy (rise of scoffers) within a great prophecy...
I wonder if ANY of the lay members could explain to me what The Great Packster is talking about or what he is teaching.
And I also doubt if any of the RCG ministers can!
Hate to burst your bubble Anon 4:13, but Dave’s actions and words are (by all biblical standards) the doings of a FALSE prophet.
‘But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, IF THE WORD DOES NOT COME TO PASS OR COME TRUE, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.’
Deut. 18: 20-22
In plain English; Dave Pack is lying to you. Dave Pack is a deceitful conman, praying on your fear and using your heartfelt belief in God to gain ever more money and power.
Time to walk away from evil, don’t you think?
Anon 8:16 --> First of all, Mr. Pack is not a prophet but an apostle. Secondly, many of God's apostles had the timing of Christ's coming wrong but we still consider them to be true servants of God. Paul thought Christ would come in his time (1 Thes 4:15-17
). Same as Peter and John. They were wrong by about 2,000 years. Do we then call them false "prophets"? There is a reason why God inspired them to preach with a sense of urgency about the imminent return of Christ. If they knew Christ was coming after 2,000 years, the church would have died in its infancy.
). We are in that setting!
Same thing with Mr. Pack, God is inspiring these messages to flush out the scoffers before Christ returns. We are living in the last days and one of the first things that should happen before Christ returns is the rise of scoffers (2 Pet 3:3
Anon 3/11 1:51 am, How can Pack possibly be an apostle when he can't pass the test? He at no time has seen Christ, was present at the crucifixion or witnessed the resurrection. Maybe he's doing an apostle Paul thing, but even then, Paul said he was the last. How many times can a person lie to you before you finally realize he's crying wolf?
Anon 1:51
I feel deeply sorry for you. Blinded by Pack’s fear installing money grabbing made up doctrines. What he is doing is definitely not inspired by God. Pack worships only two things: money and power.
Run. Run away from that evil madman!
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