From an LCG source:
Dear Brethren and Fellow Servants of God,
Here in the United States, as in some other areas of the world, governments are beginning to ease up on COVID-related restrictions. Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s directive to leave it up to each business to decide on what to require regarding face coverings has obviously put pressure on other states to do the same and several have followed suit.
Leaders here in Charlotte met with Texas pastors Gary Stein and Rick Stafford on March 4 to discuss what to do going forward. We had a free discussion, hearing all sides of the question, and decided it would be best to bring all U.S. Regional Pastors into the discussion. We held that meeting this past Wednesday, March 10.
I opened both meetings by reviewing how the Church, once we understood more about what we were dealing with, opened up for services everywhere we could. Where possible, we chose to continue with planned summer camps for our children. The Feast of Tabernacles was a success, in part due to decisions made early on that were not popular with all, but which, in retrospect, made it possible for the greatest number of brethren and families to attend a wonderful Feast. We have been in favor of opening up as much as we can, while still streaming services for individuals and areas where needed. We have left the decision to attend in person during this difficult time to the individual to make based on personal concerns and risk factors.
Most areas where we meet require social distancing, size-limited groups, and face coverings. Those requirements are being relaxed by some governments, but not necessarily by our meeting facilities. Whatever the requirements or lack thereof, our main concern is the health and well-being of our members. We have many elderly and others with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, heart issues, and obesity. In discussing our path forward with the Regional Pastors, we found that we have a variety of circumstances in the Church, but many of the men felt it was a little premature to drop our COVID-related protocols too quickly. While we are not aware of members getting sick from attending our live services, members and their extended families are still getting sick.
Let me add a personal comment here. My wife takes a 31⁄2 mile walk most mornings with several ladies in the neighborhood and was exposed to the virus from one of them. Several days later, Carol did not feel well and tested positive for COVID. I was tested the next day and came back negative. Carol felt a little under the weather for about a week, but is now back to her long walks and doing well. Our neighbor who unknowingly exposed her is back to normal, but her husband is not doing well. It has been about 11 days since I was clearly exposed, and I have had no symptoms that would indicate a problem, other than what appeared to be my usual seasonal allergies.
Carol and I have self-quarantined for two Sabbaths and, unless I can get tested in time, will probably miss attending in person for one more Sabbath. I have not made this generally known until now as I did not wish to cause concern among any of you. While my wife and I are in a risk category due to age, God seems to have been merciful to both of us. The point I want to make is that COVID has not gone away just because a few government mandates have. Even now, new, more contagious strains are beginning to circulate and bear watching.
Yet, brethren, we cannot hole up in caves forever. We have over 200 members now meeting safely here in Charlotte, some with a variety of pre-existing conditions and risk factors. Not a one of us wants to wear a mask indefinitely, yet we must also keep in mind that our decisions affect others: “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:3–5
By the meeting’s end, we decided to meet again in three to four weeks, after the Days of Unleavened Bread, to consider modifying our current protocols, based on how things develop. In the meantime, we continue opening up areas for services wherever possible, planning for summer camps, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Thank you for your prayers and let us continue to stand together as we see this challenge through.
Sincerely, in Christ’s service, Gerald E. Weston
Carol and I have self-quarantined for two Sabbaths and, unless I can get tested in time, will probably miss attending in person for one more Sabbath. I have not made this generally known until now as I did not wish to cause concern among any of you. While my wife and I are in a risk category due to age, God seems to have been merciful to both of us. The point I want to make is that COVID has not gone away just because a few government mandates have. Even now, new, more contagious strains are beginning to circulate and bear watching.
Yet, brethren, we cannot hole up in caves forever. We have over 200 members now meeting safely here in Charlotte, some with a variety of pre-existing conditions and risk factors. Not a one of us wants to wear a mask indefinitely, yet we must also keep in mind that our decisions affect others: “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:3–5

By the meeting’s end, we decided to meet again in three to four weeks, after the Days of Unleavened Bread, to consider modifying our current protocols, based on how things develop. In the meantime, we continue opening up areas for services wherever possible, planning for summer camps, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Thank you for your prayers and let us continue to stand together as we see this challenge through.
Sincerely, in Christ’s service, Gerald E. Weston
Nicely spoken and about as practical an approach as one can take under the circumstances. We all want this to be over but a virus loves carelessness. Wishing them both a good recovery with no further complications.
I second Dennis Diehl's comment. Weston is smart to follow the science in this matter, and the principle of caring about the interests of his brothers and sisters in Christ.
What really bothers me about ministers is that they get paid a lot of money even though they do not do any hard to work to deserve it.
What choice does Weston have? His church can't risk being sued by the relatives of members who died from COVID, and the publicity would harm the church. It's self preservation.
I'm confused:
How can the Armstrong god allow the "true" 'Little-Flock' (LCG)(as compared to the the other "false" 'Little-Flocks') to be affected by the plague?
I will give Weston credit for using common sense. We need to use common sense as we pull out of this pandemic. What was always recommended through the many years of the flu seasons of the past applies to covid 19. Use common sense. Stay away from those who are elderly and frail because of serious health issues if you are sick ect. That said, we need to also realize that we need to get on with living and realize that by July 4th that the vast majority of Americans will be vaccinated or will have some immunity because they have recovered from covid 19. By summer we should be able to attend mass gatherings with-out masks in sold-out baseball parks and 4th of July celibrations with-out fear of contracting covid 19. Lets get on with our normal lives. We can do that with some command sense precautions!
so he lives in the house with his wife and has not contracted it...I personally know of 2 other couples like much for it being highly contagious, huh?
and btw, CDC website still has a paper posted stating that masks are not effective in preventing the spread of viruses.
Anonymous 5:51 wrote "and btw, CDC website still has a paper posted stating that masks are not effective in preventing the spread of viruses."
The passage below is from a study referenced by the CDC Website. Please post a reference to your source for your statement. I would normally take your word for it, but the example of Donald Trump has taught the educable that lying is a way of life for some people.
From the CDC:
"Experimental and epidemiological data support community masking to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The prevention benefit of masking is derived from the combination of source control and personal protection for the mask wearer. The relationship between source control and personal protection is likely complementary and possibly synergistic, so that individual benefit increases with increasing community mask use."
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Gone are the days when the church used to boldly claim leadership and ministers were protected by God from illness and disease. that came to an end in the 1970s when an alarming number of ministers' wives came down with cancer.
The church of God has a bunch of people who do not change their minds even when it's obvious they are wrong.
To 6:51, are you calling Trump a liar for saying the virus is contagious? He only got his advice from medical advisors who don't know God.
) What happened to Israel also applies to the church. (1 Cor 10:11
To 8:33, that is what happens when the church goes off track and breaks the commandments of God. It suffers from plagues and other ailments too. (1 Cor 11:29-30
So Weston calls it a "selfish ambition" and "conceit" to not obey the secular authorities when we come together for worship? Since when are they smarter than God when it comes to how we should worship? They let movie crews and large stores and Democratic rallies bunch up together publicly, don't they?
Anyone notice Weston in the picture straining under his mask while trying to speak?
Maybe he'll one day understand what it means to not muzzle an ox while it treads out the corn? (1 Cor 9:9
LOL....I muzzled the ox. GW is too vain to have a picture taken of him wearing a mask.
looks like Weston and Pack share the same mask LOL, hope they have more than one
It is incredibly amazing how many of the church people do not think outside of the church and they get mad when you tell them stuff that contradict their beliefs.
Lol, I first thought it looked like a jock strap....fitting look for him.
1:48 Equally true for any belief system and those who hold to such whether scientism, evolutionism, leftism, Trumpism, homosexualism, transgenderism, feminism, Talmudism, Islamism, legalism, etc. like Byker Bob said elsewhere re Armstrongism: “If they believe in the man’s teachings or philosophy, they will attempt to refute any allegations against their guy, even to the point of appearing ridiculous, or going down in flames themselves.”
How AWKWARD must it be living in the same town as Joe Tkach?
Wonder if they run into each other?
In upscale mall parking lots?
As they they make their way to their respective luxury European cars?
As you may know, LCG sent this to ministers and congregation leaders on Thursday evening. Ordinary members aren't sent a copy of this weekly update, also called The World Ahead, until Sunday.
By posting on Thursday evening, you aren't just sharing information. You are reminding LCG members that even some of their own leaders, who are trusted with this advance information, are reading and supporting Banned. That is a powerful testimony by itself, no matter what advance news you are sharing.
Speaking of millionaire Weston's nemesis, millionaire Joe Tkach, I see the GCI site now states that their membership is "around 30,000". That's a nice round number that nobody believes! Didn't he recently claim 60,000? What in the 'world'(wide) is going on?
I see the GCI site now states that their membership is "around 30,000".
At one point they were claiming 30,000 members in Angola alone. Maybe some of those went with Bwana Bob's CCOG?
I doubt that the GCI figure, even if true, is made up of mostly of former HWA members. People have posted here that after the church split, many GCI congregations evaporated. Which doesn't surprise me since my experience was that many attended the old WWCG only because they could take advantage of other members.
“ By posting on Thursday evening, you aren't just sharing information. You are reminding LCG members that even some of their own leaders, who are trusted with this advance information, are reading and supporting Banned. That is a powerful testimony by itself, no matter what advance news you are sharing.”
I noticed this too. I am grateful that we have ministers that do this.
I see Bob Thiel copied this post to his page again without acknowledging where he got it from. Since it appeared here first and not by anyone sending it him it is hypocritical that Thiel copied it from this blog as how he hates this blog.
W H A T ever!
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