Nothing describes the perverse teachings of the Philadelphia Church of God, or the COG movement as a whole, than some of the asinine teachings on child-rearing. It's no wonder the church is filled with such disgusting man/boys in leadership positions that are a result of that "child-rearing" training. They were robbed of their youth and still act like little whiney children when things don't go their way.
PCG's Ron Fraser writes:
“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). This verse is simply the starting point in understanding how to raise your children. We need to understand the nature of what we are dealing with!
What chance does a child have when this is what they are faced with on a daily basis? They grow up hearing that they are deceitful and desperately wicked. In their teen years, this is overemphasized and then as adults, this is beaten into them very year around Passover time. No one is are worthy in the sight of the god of the PCG or many of the other COG's.
God created the human mind, the intellect, the process by which we think, conceive our plans, imagine about the future, reason back and forth, and the process of taking given facts and deducing or predicting certain outcomes. The Eternal God created the mind of man for a brilliant purpose.
“So mark well this super-vital truism—that perfect, holy and righteous character is the supreme feat of accomplishment possible for Almighty God the Creator—it is also the means to His ultimate supreme purpose! His final objective! But how? I repeat, such perfect character must be developed. It requires the free choice and decision of the separate entity in whom it is to be created” (Mystery of the Ages).
God created law—law is good (1 Timothy 1:8). Submission to God’s law brings the excellent, profitable and blessed results that God intended for human beings, and which ultimately leads to eternal life.
Why is it that most of the abusive COG's out there claim the law is good when scripture itself says that the law is an instrument of death? "NIRV He has given us the power to serve under a new covenant. The covenant is not based on the written Law of Moses. It comes from the Holy Spirit. The written Law kills, but the Spirit gives life."
Yet there is an opposing law that impacts our minds to lead us to disobey God’s law. Paul called this “the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). He contrasted it to “the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus which sets us free from the law of sin and death.” The Apostle James elsewhere calls God’s law “the law of liberty” (James 1:25
; 2:12
Yes, Christians do believe in the fact that the spirit gives life. The problem with the COG, particularly the larger abusive sects, is that they deny Christ and everything he stood for and accomplished. These groups have no idea what the spirit is that they claim to be the sole possessors of.
Fraser then lets it be known that little babies are already in the gripes of Satan himself the second they are born.
So our starting point in understanding God’s method of child rearing is to deeply understand just what it is that we are dealing with. We are dealing with fresh, young human minds. Minds that are automatically tuned in to Satan’s wavelength from birth! “The human spirit within each human is automatically tuned to Satan’s wavelength. It seems as if Satan has surcharged the air over the entire Earth with his attitude of self-centeredness and vanity” (ibid). Here is the source of the law of sin—that great fallen Lucifer who was the first living entity to sin (Ezekiel 28:15-17).
Why does everything that to be a"law" in the PCG cult? It does keep the blinded under control though.
That nature of Satan is the law of sin. It opposes and seeks to exalt itself above all that God’s perfect law of liberty, the law of love, stands for. It is a law of corruption which leads to chaos in any human mind unable to resist it. It is full of pride, vanity, jealousy, lust and greed. It is selfish to the core. It is anti-love, anti-life, anti-God!
Never has there been a COG that has exalted itself above all others than the PCG. God's Liberty in love is totally missing from the PCG leadership. The pride, vanity, jealousy, lust, and greed that fill the current leadership have turned many of the leaders of the PCG into some of the nastiest people ever. Remember, this is the same group that told a family to take their mentally challenged daughter to the mall and leave her there so that the state could take care of her.
Fraser continues:
That’s the challenge you face as a parent! As the umbilical cord is cut and that little baby is laid upon its mother’s breast, already Satan is intent on tuning in to that mind. We may picture the drama of Revelation 12:4applying to the children in God’s firstfruits Church. Satan literally stands before the expectant mother, seeking to devour that little one’s mind as soon as it is born.
He next blames the mother for allowing satan to enter the baby while still in her womb!
And it even starts before birth! This precious little life is drawn from the womb of its mother with a mind already impacted, even in its fetal stages, through the influence on the mother of the war between the law of sin and the law of life!
PCG members are encouraged to have "good breeding" skills:
Many studies have proved that the state of mind, body and general circumstances of the parents at the time of conception of the child have a bearing on the general well-being of the fetus developing within its mother’s womb. “Good breeding” in the physical sense starts with two healthy bodies, those of the mother and the father. Congenital defects and weaknesses in children simply can be sourced at the breaking of God’s laws at some point in the ancestry of the child.
Satan has so impacted the mind of man as to greatly corrupt the good Earth and its air, water, produce and livestock, designed by God for the sustenance of healthy life. Whatever we breathe, drink or consume as food has inevitably been weakened or warped by man’s interfering, law-breaking hand to the point that congenital problems related to heredity and environment are escalating dramatically. Those couples contemplating having children would do well to ensure that their physical fitness and health is at its peak when endeavoring to conceive.
The craziness continues:
Again, in this masterful exposé of human nature, Mr. Flurry states, “Our educational system looks upon man as being basically good and trustworthy. That philosophy destroys institutions and nations! We must see the evil in human nature, or we can never solve our problems. That is where man’s false hope lies—in an incredibly deceitful mind that is terminally ill! Here is where men generally place their trust. What deadly deceit!” (ibid).
That is why we reject the human ways of psychology, psychiatry and sociology in coming to understand human nature, human interaction between God and man and between human beings. Godly parenting is only possible with godly revelation. It takes converted minds, converted parents, tuned in to God’s wavelength, daily—and aggressively tuning out Satan’s wavelength—to comprehend the vision within which our child rearing must be conducted. We are accountable to God to understand how to apply the God-given method of training up those children in the way that they should go.
As parents, the key is to not “let a day pass without intense Bible study and repentant prayer to our God. Only He can save us from our incurably sick minds” (ibid).
This is bullshit. While the spiritual life of a Christian is important, one does NOT need INTENSE daily Bible study nor does one need to continually be obsessed with repentant prayer. Because the PCG and the COG have made themselves prostitutes to the law, there is no other avenue for salvation for them unless they keep it perfectly so that God might let Christ save them because nothing Jesus did was ever good enough to do that!
There is much, much more craziness in the article, which is in three different parts.
Understanding the Method (The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 3)
The Missing Dementia in PCG Childrearing is gentleness, meekness, kindness and patience. No Satan is waiting to attack a newborn at birth. What bullshit. Superstitious ignorance.
Well Satan for sure was standing next to Flurry’s, Pack’s, Thiel’s et al cribs after their births..
Dennis, "satan" merely means "adversary." Any baby born into PCG definitely faces an evil adversary from the beginning, in the form of Gerald Flurry and his minions.
It's true, Satan is literally waiting for babies to be born so he could attack their minds. That is if you're in the PCG. Where else could Satan be if not in the "church" he inspired to be created? Gerald Flurry, his ministers, and all who continue to stay there are accomplices with Satan. Why wonder? You should know that by now.
Why is it that most of the abusive COG's out there claim the law is good when scripture itself says that the law is an instrument of death?
Because the Scripture also includes Romans 7:12
"....the law itself is holy, and its commandments are holy and right and good." (NLT)
It's really BOTH.
Original sin strikes again.
And speaking of striking.. Please request your guide to spanking to continue turning the hearts of the children to their fathers.
Gentleness, meekness, kindness and patience. You brought tears to my eyes. Those words desperately need to be said to parents in that organisation. I wish someone had said that to me when we were raising ours. It was so wrong, the approach was so wrong. It leads in many cases to indoctrinated, little heartless robots, who are unable to think their own thoughts. The best outcomes in the PCG are the parents who didn’t follow the childrearing book to a T. 😞 sure there were SOME helpful things but it was void of love, gentleness, meekness, kindness and patients as you mentioned.
PCG is evil considering the suicidees in their group and stuff.
Feastgoer- and the NIRV translation of 2 Cor 3 is an embellished misinterpreted paraphrase.
From wwcog(decades) to cogi(1 year) to LCOG(1year)to pcog(2years + 2uspensions)back to LCOG(1 sabbath) again to pcog when Carroll Scott called me to suspend me a3rd time I interrupted loudly & informed him that pcog is now suspended from my life.
Pcog....philadelphia church of gerald
Jer. 27:9
"The heart is deceitful above all things and desparately wicked.."
. However, as everyday life shows, not everyone is a criminal. It's a commie and school yard bully teaching that every one is evil, to the effect of "who are you to believe that you have a right to be treated justly. You deserve to be abused and treated like dirt." This is what power hungry, abusive ministers want their members to believe. Ron Fraser was a socialist, so of course he wanted people to resign themselves to be eaten alive for the benefit of the lazy and irresponsible.
A psychologist whose life work is studying criminals stated that he never came across a criminal who didn't see him/herself as a good person. So there is truth in Jer 27:9
Btw, man is made in God's mental image, meaning that all human drives are pro success, just like in the animal kingdom. God stated in Genesis that His creation is good, which includes human nature. That the ACOGs fail to differentiate human nature from the criminal carnal mind is calculated deception on their part. These churches lie through their teeth. They quote the bible, but they put their twisted church culture first.
Glad that Rebecca figured out that PCG is all about GRF. He has members who have sat there with him for over 30 years and still don't know that.
These writings from Ron Fraser must be several years old. He has been deceased for quite some time.
Ron Frazer, idolizing Gerry Flurry, wrote: "...Again, in this masterful exposé of human nature, Mr. Flurry states, “Our educational system looks upon man as being basically good and trustworthy. That philosophy destroys institutions and nations! We must see the evil in human nature, or we can never solve our problems..."

; Romans 7:17
, 20
) them?
Regarding Flurry, and Frazer, Jeremiah has this to say:
"Behold, I [am] against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD." Jeremiah 23:32
Both individuals, by lies, ignorantly or not, but driven by another spirit, strive to cause us to err. How so?
Gerry wrote: "...We must see the evil in human nature, or we can never solve our problems..."
Well, then Gerald and Ron will never solve their problems! Why not?
They believe they are seeing "evil in human nature." That is a lie! How so? I believe the following words inspired by God and written some time after the creation of Adam and Eve:
"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good..." Genesis 1:31
God saw that the creation of Adam and Eve, with that human nature, was not only good, but was "very good!"
Who will I believe Ron and Gerry or what God inspired Moses to tell us? Duh! I choose the latter.
Now, if Ron and Gerry want to explain something called the "carnal mind," that is a different story.
And if Ron and Gerry want to further understand what makes a human being "tick," I suggest they look into the "spirit in man:" not the one that makes one different from an animal, and certainly not God's Spirit, but the following verse:
"Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5
They need to look into a mirror, b/c that spirit is within both Ron and Gerry. That spirit in man is also spirit of error:
"We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error." 1 John 4:6
Ron and Gerry have both been snared, taken captive, to the lie that human nature is evil:
"And [that] they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." 2 Tim 2:26
Why were Ron and Gerry so easily snared into believing err? Lying is a sin; is it not?
"He that committeth sin is of the devil;..." 1 John 3:8
Will false prophets, Ron and Gerry, see their sin within of professing belief that human nature is evil, and repent of calling God a liar? Or, will they continue to believe/teach the err of that spirit that dwells within (James 4:5
Time will tell...
Time has ran out for Ron. He's been dead for quite a while. Gerry? Hopeless. Devil incarnate himself. Members too blind to see that.
Fraser's discourse is similar to GTAs "Missing Dimension in Child Rearing" , arguably the WORSE piece of literature ever produced by the WCG. It advocated the spanking of babies still in the crib, to "stop that human nature".
To steal a quote from the old Star Trek series,... "Set FRASERS to kill"!
“They grow up hearing that they are deceitful and desperately wicked.”
“Deceitful and desperately wicked” is a perfect description of all the little PCG perverts and tyrants.
Tonto at 8:32 AM said...“Fraser's discourse is similar to GTAs 'Missing Dimension in Child Rearing' , arguably the WORSE piece of literature ever produced by the WCG. It advocated the spanking of babies still in the crib, to 'stop that human nature'.”
I thought that GTA's booklet was called The Plain Truth about Child Beating.
I also thought that GTA was the one who should have been given a good spanking.
How dare you people attack the Armstrong Churches of God with regard to childrearing!!! Just look at the positive results - can't you see just how many well-adjusted, happy, healthy and materially prosperous adults these parents have produced over the last 80 years? Look at what an outstanding son Herbert Armstrong raised in Garner Ted? Wake up and smell the coffee! Look at the fruits of "God's" parenting techniques as revealed to his "chosen" ministers.
@ 11:35am, my mother bragged for years that she swatted my baby sister at 2 weeks old when she cried. SMH
GTAs book on child rearing advocated text book psycho behavior. That is, unleash mind boggling violent in order to turn your victim into a unquestioning obedient slave. Perfectly trained to be lorded over by the Herb ministers. No sin is too great in order to perpetuate the church.
11.35 AM
GTA did get a good spanking at the whore houses from his madames. They might have used whips on him.
Haven't these idiot PCG ministers ever read that children have guardian angels? Angels that certainly watch over them, and protect them from demons seeking to devour them. But, then again, since the ACOG'S teach the doctrines of demons, they probably want those demons to chow down!
GTA was well known to use ghostwriters. I doubt he strung many words together. I'm sure you know all about ghostwriting.
Way to go Ms./Mrs BloggerRebecca !!!
Oh and I might have found one of those "evil (:D )" psychologists to heal from wcg/gcg/lcg I'll see next week
11.58 PM
The use of ghost writers is common among celebrities. But by attaching their name to a book, they are legally and morally liable for its contents. Since I've never heard of a rights respecting HWA minister, I would be very surprised if Ted was not in agreement with the contents of his child rearing book.
"We must see the evil in human nature"
HWA forgot his Quaker heritage. To the Religious Society of Friends, man is instinctively good, and should be treated as such. Incarceration for crimes was in a Penitentiary, where the intention was to make the offender penitent...
Never said GTA wasn't in agreement. But many Minister's used the carrot rarther than the stick with their own families, whilst preaching the opposite.
Ghost writers are common throughout in the WCG past and the ACOG present with writers and speakers.
The Bible does say children have guardian angels. We were told in my WCOG area that children are not susceptible to Satan until around puberty. Then you might get ideas about being mischievous or criminal.
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