Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders
CGI: Bill Watson continues to bow down at the altar of a certain political party - even after his members complained
Here We Go Again
If anyone was hoping that the Church of God International might have learned a few lessons from its recent obsession with things political and the group’s unequivocal support for Donald Trump, their latest offering from Pastor Bill Watson should be sufficient to exterminate any such optimism.
Watson’s A Beast on the Move? (part of CGI’s series on “Biblical News Updates and Commentary”) criticizes the Biden Administration’s rolling back of Trump’s policies and warns that those nasty globalists are back!
Interestingly, the pastor does interrupt his attack to admit that the church has received some negative commentary regarding their coverage of geopolitical subjects, issues, current events and governmental policies. Apparently, there are folks out there who believe that Christians really shouldn’t be engaged in these types of discussions – that there should be more sermons about Christian living. Watson, however, is having none of this line of reasoning!
Instead, he repeats Herbert Armstrong’s often stated claim that more than a third of the Bible is prophecy. He says that’s a lot of material and goes on to specifically cite the books of Daniel and Revelation in defense of his position and says that they are full of information about the “beast” and how it is going to rise in the End Times. Pastor Watson says that this is obviously information that God wanted us to have. “Why else would God have instructed John to right all this stuff down?”
Mr. Watson goes on to say that he’s amazed that some folks consider this stuff unimportant or that we shouldn’t be talking about it. He claims that we “undermine” God when we fail to appreciate the amount of work and effort which God undertook to give us this information. The pastor also states that it is obvious that we are living in the End Times, and that it is important for Christians to take the time to understand the prophecies which deal with this period.
But what about these claims? Is Pastor Watson right about this Biblical emphasis on prophecy? Does God expect “His” people to closely follow current events, government policies and the machinations of the governments of this world? Are those of us who oppose this kind of messaging from the Church dismissing prophecy as unimportant or unworthy of our attention? Are we living in the End Times? Should we be focusing on prophecies dealing with that period?
In attempting to answer these questions, we should begin by acknowledging the fact that there are many opinions and interpretations extant within the Christian community about Biblical prophecy. Most students of the Bible who have taken the time to consider the question of just how much of the Bible is devoted to prophecy put the figure somewhere between 27 and 33 percent of the whole (see How Much Of The Bible Is Prophecy?). There is also fairly widespread agreement that the Old Testament books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel and the twelve “minor” prophets are all considered to be prophetic literature. In the New Testament, the book of Revelation is likewise widely acknowledged as being prophetic in nature. Now, unless my math is incorrect, that means that 18 of the 66 books of the Judeo-Christian Bible are devoted to prophecy (we should also all be willing to acknowledge that other books contain some prophetic material within their texts).
Hence, if we accept that roughly one-third of the Bible deals with prophecy, we must also acknowledge that two-thirds of the subject matter deals with other topics. This is not to say that prophecy is unimportant – we’re just attempting to put some perspective on the issue. Moreover, it should also be pointed out that students of the Bible estimate that somewhere between 50 and 80% of the prophecy in the Bible has already been fulfilled (by the Israelites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Jesus Christ, etc.). Again, to put that in perspective, we are really talking about 20-50% of one-third of the Bible that applies to the future. Furthermore, one source estimates that 150 chapters of the Bible deal with the period known as the “End Time” (see 150 Chapters on The End Times). That’s 150 chapters (where the author estimates more than 50% of the material in the chapter deals with this subject) out of 1,189 chapters in the Bible which specifically address the “End Times.” So, yes, the subject of prophecy is important, but we must not lose our perspective that MOST of the Scriptures which God has made available to us deal with other topics!
Pastor Watson goes on to quote Proverbs 24:11-12
and Ezekiel 33 as justifications for his obsession with current events and policy. He claims that he has an obligation to warn people about what’s coming, and that God will hold him responsible for not doing so. What about the obligation to preach the gospel and discuss the Christian way of life? And, what if (like Paul and the other First Century Christians) Mr. Watson is wrong in his assessment of the fact that we are currently living in the time of the end? What if Christ’s return is still hundreds of years in the future?
In his commentary, Watson goes on to applaud Catholic Archbishop Carlo Vigano’s letter of last October to Donald Trump in which he asserts that the world is being threatened by a global conspiracy. Vigano claims that he is the voice of one crying out in the wilderness against the forces of evil who are opposed to the children of light. He claims that these folks want to destroy the basis of society and promote the suicide of Western culture. The good bishop goes on to assert that the current health crisis is being used to establish a tyranny over people. Never mind that the Armstrong Churches of God have always been extremely anti-Catholic. In this instance, Mr. Watson sees a kindred spirit in the archbishop.
Watson then interrupts his praise of Vigano’s letter to compare its contents with Chuck Todd’s Meet the Press interview in February with Dr. Michael Osterholm warning about the surge in deaths and illness which we might experience if we aren’t diligent in addressing the pandemic in the present. Osterholm pointed out that “we’re good at pumping the breaks after we’ve wrapped the car around the tree.” Pastor Watson seems to think that this is proof that the archbishop’s assessment of the threat of a globalist conspiracy to institute a tyranny over all of us and destroy our individual liberty is real. Watson also quotes the archbishop’s statement that Pope Francis has betrayed his office and is supporting the Globalist agenda. Vigano goes on to suggest that Trump is an “instrument of Divine Providence.”
For his part, Watson equates globalism with the Beast. He claims that Biden’s executive orders are implementing this globalist agenda. He cites the fact that the new president has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, instituted restrictions on the increased production of fossil fuels, stopped construction of the Keystone Pipeline and Trump’s border wall, revocation of the travel ban against Muslim countries and his commitment to rejoin the World Health Organization as evidence of Biden’s complicity. Watson then proceeds to warn us that, if the United States goes globalist, the rest of the world will follow. According to Pastor Watson, this Beast is going to persecute Christians – which he insists means that “government is the enemy of Christians.” To be fair, he does finally admit at the end of his message that Jesus Christ’s offer of eternal life in God’s Kingdom is what really matters (I’m thinking that should have been the bulk of his message).
Anyway, bottom line, the folks within CGI who were hoping for a return to a more spiritual message are going to be sadly disappointed with this latest offering from Pastor Watson. Maybe it’s time that these folks start looking for a different church home? Oh, sorry, I forgot there’s no where for them to go – the other Armstrong Churches of God are just as bad or worse! If you’re not a Trump supporter (or worse – if you support Biden), it’s becoming clearer and clearer that you’re not welcome in the Church of God International.
Miller Jones
Biden and the Democrats appear to be completely, totally, utterly perverted on many major issues.
The Republicans under Trump appear to be significantly better on many major issues, but are not without some extremely serious sins too.
Either way, it appears that the end is getting nearer for the USA. Neither side is about to repent of ALL their sins.
I recall my first minister complaining from the pulpit about the fact that many members were reading self help books. He wanted his congregation kept ignorant for the sake of his personal power. It was ridiculous. Members were morally confused and often socially clumsy. Yet all they got was neo Kenneth Copeland religious slop. And that's after members falked out thousands in tithes and offerings. At their prime, HWAs church could have easily hired writers to read these books, and relate them to bible verses. But no, the church chose to keep it's members dependent by feedng them only spiritual milk. This, despite Christ telling Peter three times to 'feed My sheep.'
We all have our own political opinions/perspectives, and Mr. Watson is certainly entitled to his - that is NOT the point of this post! My thesis is that he should NOT be spouting those views from the pulpit. In other words, political commentary is NOT part of the duties and responsibilities of a minister of Jesus Christ. Moreover, any group who claims to be the ekklesia (or any part thereof) should NOT provide a platform for such views.
Individual Christians can also be citizens of the country where they live and can (within the dictates of their own conscience) make a decision to participate/not participate in civic life. A Christian living in the United States can decide to vote and identify as an independent, Republican, Democrat or some other party affiliation. None of this should ever be allowed to supersede or interfere with their identity as a Christian - as a citizen of God's Kingdom.
In similar fashion, Christians bring various perspectives and interpretations to Biblical prophecy. Mr. Watson's view that we are living in the "End Times" may/may not be correct. Like Herbert Armstrong, he may be wrong about the timing of those events. And, like his political views, he is NOT entitled to impose his prophetic perspectives/interpretations on the whole. And, the more insistent a minister is on the primacy of his own views - the greater the likelihood that he will alienate others and provoke animosity and division within the body of Christ.
CGI has long had difficulty with the line between preaching prophecy and taking a political stand on the issues of the day.
"The Bible is 1/3 Prophecy!"
But gets over 2/3 the attention.
How about "The Bible is ONLY 1/3 Prophecy!" and give prophecy no more than 1/3 of the attention?
This seems to be a technique that is used generally by apocalyptic Millerites. It was modeled in the old WCG and no doubt some Splinterist preachers paid careful attention. It involves creating a sense of urgency and relevance for unconventional prophetic interpretation by connecting it to current events. In this way, the audience may get a feeling that prophetic events are tangibly progressing even though they are not. A congregant can read the newspaper or listen to the evening news on TV and get a feeling that prophecy, as formulated by the pulpit, is happening. And they are privileged to have a protected, front row seat. This has all kinds of organizational benefits. It stirs up excitement for all the organizational programs. It encourages organizational unity and discipline. But it is just an induced excitement about misguided prophecy that masquerades as pure religious zeal for the faith. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.
Ultimately, this technique should be self-limiting. The great prophetic storm turns out to be a tempest in a teapot. Reasonable people re-evaluate and choose a more efficacious path in life. But many apocalyptic Millerites just come back for more. It is this recidivism that is puzzling and, for me, so far has no cogent explanation. But a hint as to what is going on emerged in a recent study done at NYU. The link is below. Listen to the audio. It is much more informative than the script.
If you listen to this you will understand a little more why right-wing misinformation is so compelling to so many people. This is an effect that can be measured. And it is interesting that far-right misinformation is not subject to a "misinformation penalty" - after it proves to be malarkey, nobody abandons it. You can then understand why the pulpit would want to mix its message liberally with far-right misinformation. This means that many religious leaders out there, both Evangelical and Splinterist, may be trying to draft off of developments that happened during the Trump Administration.
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5.17 AM
Miller Jones, politicians are legislating many anti God policies. So I don't believe that it's wrong for ministers to warn their members away from the underlying immorality. Observing the worldwide moral decline and its natural negative consequences is very educational and strengthens ones convictions. So I don't begrudge ministers pointing this out, provided it is done in balance.
members were reading self help books
The closest thing to a self-help book our pastor promoted was a Dale Carnegie book at Spokesman's Club. At first he wanted it in a "portable library" but said we'd want to make notes in it (like in a Bible during a sermon) so we were each sold one.
In one speech a member boasted about how many self-improvement (same thing) he had, and made judgements on other members based on their library.
Later I learned (via Ambassador Report) that the AC bookstore had a purge on any self-help, motivational, psycho-anything books.
Watson has a long history with CGI. He speaks writes and comments on wide range of subjects. His current article in CGI International News called Christ Crucified is enlightening and shows a contrast of your narrative of his subject mix. And besides that, when talking of prophecy he always claims to consider policy not party. He says that alot. Actually, when listening to him, I still don't know what party he belongs to if at all, or even if he votes. So frankly, I find your opinion of how you characterize him unfair, bias, and hostile. Even the quote you have written on the picture is something I never heard him say. "I don't care." I've talked to him and he seems to be a nice man who appears to have care for God's people. I think you are a socialist and can't determine what is good for your country. Watson only mentioned contrasts of different policies that are compromising our country. How can you disagree unless you prefer open borders, International Associations with NWO agenda issue's, more restrictions, higher taxes etc.. If you don't see these things you are blind and maybe unappreciative of this wonderful country that has given you and family a lifestyle to be grateful for. Why don't you wake up or leave? We would be better off without people like you here. All Watson's trying to do seems to me, is make us aware of the difference that is now able to be seen from what other previous policies provided. Watson has good saying you should listen to: wake up and smell the coffee, your losing your country Mr. Jones.
One can argue the validity of Watson's observations , whether they be legitimate views or not.
However, it is a glaring fact, that Jesus , Paul and the other apostles, do not say much of anything about the politics of the Roman Empire, which dominated the entire region at that time.
There was homosexuality, drunkenness, intrigue, bad politics, and evil of every sort with the rulers of that time. Yet, the scriptures just seem to imply to try to get along with the government, (carry the bag the extra mile, pay your taxes etc) and rather focuses on their own internal spiritual development and closeness to God.
I dont understand how having angst about things you have NO CONTROL over helps anything. The scriptures say we are to pray for our leaders, and to pray that we have the ability to meet in peace. Political activism is not very apparent in the NT.
"I think you are a socialist and can't determine what is good for your country"
That's droll. Socialism is an economic theory and somehow by reading your review of Watson, your economic affinity for socialism has emerged for Anonymous (9:37). I didn't notice it. Where is the part about the social ownership of the means of production?
This is kind of like the Trump crowd calling the Democrats "socialists." All the while carefully ignoring Trump's program of socialism for the wealthy. Trump and Watson certainly are not conservatives. Conservatives believe in globalism and global marketplaces. So what are they? I don't know about Watson but Trump is a populist demagogue. Bannon advocated for Nationalism. I am not sure what the Trumpians mean by this term. I am afraid to look into it too much. I like America to make sense. Maybe Nationalism is an eclectic political philosophy that includes all manner of ideas that seem to play well on Faux News, formerly State Controlled News. That state controlled part is kind of socialistic in itself.
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The Romans taxed their citizens the equivalent of a several days labor per year. They left their citizens alone. Today in the west, people are taxed about 50 cents in the dollar if all forms of taxation are added together. Plus today's left wing governments are a religion, with the media being their priests. They are constantly pushing their religion down their citizens throats via endless new laws.
Claiming that today's Christians should have the same reaction as to the Romans is non adaptive and doesn't make sense.
Anonymous 3/10 @ 5:01,
Your argument about the Roman Empire's taxation of its citizens conveniently leaves out the taxes which its client states also collected from its citizens within their borders. Likewise, the taxes which the citizens of the United States pay do not all go to (or originate with) the federal government - states and municipalities also collect taxes and spend the money they generate. And, finally, the average Roman citizen did not have access to anything approaching the wealth/resources of the average American citizen.
Also, the Roman Empire intentionally combined the secular and the religious - there wasn't even the pretense of separation of church and state. And I don't recall the United States government ever crucifying someone or throwing them to the lions on account of the practice of their religious beliefs. I also seem to remember reading something about the Romans destroying God's Temple and the city which surrounded it. The Romans were better masters than a progressive leaning U.S. government? Give me a break. Christ, Peter and Paul were actively persecuted and put to death by the Romans - I think that's a little more serious than what you or anyone else has suffered at the hands of "Cancel Culture" or Joe Biden's "socialist" policies!!!!!
Even so, once again, the thesis of my post is NOT about whether one agrees with Mr. Watson's political views - It's about whether or not it's appropriate for him to use his platform as a minister to promote them. While there is nothing wrong with underscoring the moral implications of some policy, actively resisting or working against those in authority is NOT supported by ANYTHING in the New Testament. As has already been indicated in this thread, Christians are expected to pray that secular authorities leave us alone - allow for us to practice our faith in peace. If you really believe that Republicans are more righteous than Democrats, then vote for them in the next election; BUT ministers should refrain from telling the rest of us how to vote or what to think.
Miller Jones
Roman Pontus Pilate tried to set Christ free. It was the Jewish leaders who intimidated Pilate into crucifying Him. The persecution of the other disciples originated from their own countrymen as well. The Romans had the power to crush Christianity, but chose not to. Overall, their persecution was spodatic and mild.
I don't know why you mentioned the Roman siege of Jerusalem since it was over power, not religion.
I get the impression that you want all dissent against sleepy Joes Marxism silenced, even within the micro HWA universe,
Anonymous 3/11 @ 4:49 AM,
Yes, the gospel accounts indicate that Jewish leaders pressured Pilate to execute Christ, but it was still his decision to do so. Likewise, although we are told that Jewish leaders actively persecuted Christians, it was the Romans who imprisoned and executed most of them. Your characterization of Roman persecution as sporadic is accurate, but there aren't many historians who would agree with you that it was mild. And, what constitutes mild? Should the imprisonment and execution of many thousands of Christians over a period roughly equivalent to the existence of the United States as a nation to be characterized as mild? Finally, how do we separate the religious from the political in the story of Rome's suppression of the Jewish revolt? After all, the destruction of the temple did have a profound impact on the practice of the Jewish faith.
As for your impression that I wish to silence dissent against President Biden, you are mistaken. I have no problem criticizing policies or behaviors with which I disagree. Likewise, I have no problem with you or any lay member of CGI criticizing Biden and/or his policies. And, as long as he doesn't use his platform as a minister of Jesus Christ to do so, I have no problem with Bill Watson doing the same. Even so, you and Bill may want to reevaluate your decision to parrot the talking points of conservative media and take another look at what does or doesn't warrant the Marxism label.
Miller Jones
The Democratic party is pure evil as are their policies. This gives ministers every right to expose and condemn them from the pulpit since they impact everyones life. Claiming that this is just about "politics" is deceitful.
Btw, as Thomas Sowells book "Conflicting visions" points out, the left believe in tyranny versus personal responsibility, and views people as infinity mealliable versus being mentally made in God's image. They are evil, and anyone who aids and abets them in any manner is a traitor to Gods way.
8.54 AM
Like many other people, I've been reading up on Marxism (the overall tent or mother church is called collectivism) for decades, so no, I don't need to have 'another look' at the topic. Neither do I use use, or need to use 'the talking points of conservative media.' Rather my talking points come from the bible and the scientific method, ie, you shall know them by their fruits.
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