Poor Bob Thiel, the little guy just cannot get ahead with anything in the church. All of those claims that he is the only COG doing the work now flies out the window.
There is not one single COG out there that is an "extension" of the "one Church Christ built. I hate to burst his bubble, but Jesus did not build a church. It was his followers that did that. If Jesus came back today he would be appalled at the Churches of God pretending to be authentic Christianity. He would be even more appalled at the state of disarray in the church. With somewhere between 400 - 700 different groups that have split off since Herbert Armstrong founded the church, the church is a moral cesspool of illegitimate leaders, corrupt ministers, and money-grubbing opportunists.
If Herbert Armstrong was alive today he would have kicked Dave's ass to the curb so fast that Dave's head would be spinning. Everything Dave preaches is against everything HWA taught, though Dave claims that God is personally delivering to him the things that He could not deliver to HWA. That's a load of bullshit. God is no more speaking to or through Dave Pack than he is through Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland, or Gerald Flurry.
Delusions of Grandeur on an unprecedented level.
Only 900 followers. That must be hard for Dave. He’s looking for 9,000 or 90,000 or ....
Imagine all the $$ Dave!
David C. Pack has his current crop of suckers so ADDICTED to his frantic prophetic guessing that they would have withdrawal symptoms if they tried to go anywhere else.
RCG cult members are not used to common sense. All they know is David Pack's “common” theft scam and endless wrong prophetic nonsense. They are suffering from a very severe form of PREDICTION ADDICTION.
“If Herbert Armstrong was alive today he would have kicked Dave's ass to the curb so fast that Dave's head would be spinning. Everything Dave preaches is against everything HWA taught, though Dave claims that God is personally delivering to him the things that He could not deliver to HWA.”
Gerald Flurry and David Pack both started off their personal cults by criticizing everyone else for supposedly having departed in various ways from what HWA had taught.
Now, Gerald Flurry and David Pack have come to represent a couple of the most satanic departures from everything that HWA had taught.
Is it just me, or is there a SWASTIKA outlined by the flower beds??
Jesus said HE would build His church (Matthew 16:18
) - but He gets the credit and the inspiration. Or, at least, He should.
Yes, the followers were and are involved (I Cor. 14:12
"Is it just me, or is there a SWASTIKA outlined by the flower beds??"
I thought the exact same thing when I saw this picture!
As a former member of RCG insults like this directed at current members doesn't help anyone (except I suppose maybe making you feel better putting people you don't know down).
I would assume you want to see people get out and for groups like this to go away. Kindness works wonders there.
There is a lot of manipulation, fear, and lies there that is difficult to overcome. If you have not experienced this yourself please don't assume you would be any better off in that situation. These people have been hurt and need help, not more verbal bashing than they already endure from David.
7:09 PM,
I hope that all decent and sincere people escape from David Pack and his cult.
I also know that not all people who go to cults are decent and sincere.
... HWA ... would have kicked Dave's ass to the curb so fast that Dave's head would be spinning.
Dave's ass would be gyrating on the sidewalk...
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