Showing posts with label COG false prophets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COG false prophets. Show all posts

Friday, October 1, 2021

The 100% Failure Rate Of Prophecy In The Churches of God

In light of the recent post here about Gerald Weston's whitewashing of Herbert Armstrong, Rod Meredith, and the Church of God's abysmal track record on prophecy, I thought this would be a great separate thread.

Weston's explanation of HWA's 1975 in Prophecy booklet might be more believable if HWA hadn't already had a track record by then of making predictions and setting dates, which can be traced all the way back to early editions of the Plain Truth in the 1930s. For instance, the June 1934 edition of the Plain Truth had a chart in it where HWA labeled 1936 as the "end of the age." When that didn't happen, he simply kicked the can down the road a bit and made other predictions, and set other dates, much like Pack, Flurry, and others do today. For example, in the February 1938 Plain Truth, he declared Mussolini the "Beast" of Revelation, and in January of 1939 he further promoted this idea, saying that "MUSSOLINI UNDOUBTEDLY IS THE "BEAST" and "MUSSOLINI WILL FIGHT CHRIST!"

Weston also ignores the fact that HWA also promoted and taught the idea of 19 year time cycles, and made his own claims based on those time cycles. For example, in Chapter 24 of his Autobiography, he has this to say, 

"God set the earth, sun, and moon in their orbits to mark off divisions of time on the 

earth. One revolution of the earth is a day. One revolution of the moon around the earth is a lunar month (according to God’s sacred calendar). One revolution of the earth around the sun is a solar year. But the earth, the sun, and the moon come into almost exact conjunction only once in 19 years. Thus 19 years mark off one complete time-cycle!" 

He went on to use this statement to promote the idea that God timed his entry into the ministry based on the number of time cycles that had occurred since Pentecost of 31AD. 

It is both a double standard and rank hypocrisy to criticize the "speculations" of others, making the statement that "some never learn" while glossing over and excusing the same behavior in the very leaders you hold up as bastions of "truth" such as HWA and Meredith. 

It would be totally refreshing if just one of these guys was able to admit that HWA engaged in this behavior and was WRONG, as did Rod Meredith and others, and that we need to learn from the false claims and sins of our predecessors so we don't fall prey to repeating their mistakes. 

It is contradictory to claim out of one side of your mouth, as HWA did, that you were not called to "be a prophet" while also writing articles and booklets predicting specific events to be fulfilled by specific people, using titles such as "1975 in Prophecy" and also claiming that you are the fulfillment of an end time "voice crying out in the wilderness" as prophesied in Malachi 3:1

"John the Baptist was a voice crying out in the physical wilderness of the Jordan River area, preparing for the human physical Jesus' first coming to a material temple at Jerusalem, to a physical Judah. But that was a type, or forerunner of a voice "lifted up" (greatly amplified by modern printing, radio and TV), crying out in the midst of today's spiritual wilderness of religious confusion, announcing the imminency of Christ's SECOND coming as the spiritually GLORIFIED Christ, to His spiritual temple (the Church resurrected to spirit immortality)." Plain Truth Magazine, January 1980

If you claim you aren't a "prophet" that doesn't excuse you if you then go on to make false predictions, or engage in the same behavior that defines a false prophet.  

Concerned Sister

 In a second comment, there was this:

The date setting, and the abundant evidence of its ongoing denial, backpedaling, and rewrite is exactly why God would have to use a completely new and different group as His end time witness. Armstrongism has burned itself as a credible witness, and current members are just kidding themselves if they think otherwise. The credibility of other Christian groups has also fallen apart.

If you're just pulling into town from the feast, looking forward to a sabbath in your home town, and thinking to yourself "See? We have the truth about God's test commandment, the sabbath, so God will reveal His plans to us!", then you better wonder about the effectiveness of the sabbath as a signifier of God's True Church, because Armstrongism has a 100% failure rate in end time prophecy, dating way back to the WW-II era when HWA was preaching that the war would culminate in Armageddon, Hitler and Mussolini were the Beast, and Pope Pius was the AntiChrist. And, this was before Israel was even reborn as a nation, which was very necessary for the prophecies in Revelation to come to pass. For years, he denied that Hitler's body was Hitler, and preached that he was alive in South America, and would arise to complete the job. Sounds soooo much like a recent president, doesn't he? False leaders are always detached from reality!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Imagine Being Such A Pathetic Self-Appointed Prophet That You Need To Trot Out Norm Edwards To Legitimize Yourself


It's another sunny day in COG prophetland and our favorite COG prophet is getting so tired of being mocked that he is not a legitimate COG prophet that has to drag out Norm Edwards to bring him some legitimacy. 

You remember Norm Edwards, another self-appointed church leader who thought he was the final authority on all kinds of church matters, so much so that started The Shepherds Voice magazine and bought land in Port Austin, Michigan where he thought COG members would flock to for all kinds of classes. That never materialized, but he did start a recovery program for addicts at the campus which did help a lot of people in recovery and integration back into society. Edwards later sold the campus and moved on to other things.

Our most superfantabulous COG prophet to ever lead a COG in the history of humanity, who in spite of being the Great White Bwana to Africa, is still seeking to find legitimacy in the eyes of COG members who continue to mock and ignore him. Bwana Bob Thiel probably has this emblazoned upon his mirror in  his bathroom so he can see it every day, 

"A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country,
and among his own kin, and in his own house." Mark 6:4)

The Great Bwana has once again posted a long article by Norm Edwards on the "need" for prophets in the church today more than we need their "prophecy". Jesus apparently isn't good enough, so, like all corrupt humans, there needs to be someone physical to look up to. Jesus is not adequate. 

Bwana Bob writes:

Many are fascinated with prophecy and speculative interpretations. 
But less interest in any possible genuine prophets at this time. 
Norman Edwards, a former board member of the old Global Church of God, wrote an article Need Prophets More than Prophecy.

After a long screed by Norm, Bwana Bob has this to say:

Norman Edwards runs Nashville Christian Media and has been the editor for Shepherd’s Voice magazine. He is not part of the ContinuingChurch of God, where, I function as its human leader (and am an anointed prophet; the only known such prophet in any legitimate Church of God group)

It still fascinates me how Bwana Bob can lie so much about his self-appointment and ordination. God never planned this, was part of it, or sanctified him as a prophet. That is a fact that he can't refute.

But of course, I am an unconverted backsliding Laodicean heathen who refuses to acknowledge Bob's prophethood status. Bwana Bob has some choice words for people like me (and you):

While Norman Edwards and I have long disagreed about aspects of church governance and various matters of doctrine (and I would have suggested a different title, etc. for his article), we both agree that many who are in or claim to be in the Church of God (COG) wrongly do not accept that God has any prophets today. We also agree that most have severe difficulty to identify one who really is a prophet because of various unscriptural biases and improper criteria that they have.

What improper criteria? 


Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matt 7:15

For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Matt 24:24

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Peter 2:1

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 1 John 4:1-6

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. 2 Cor 11:13-15

But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. Deut 18:20-22

Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord. Jer 23:16

For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. Romans 16:18

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2Tim 4:3-4

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. 2 Peter 2:1-3

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Matt 7:15-20

The Bwana continues with this: 

Because of false prophets in a couple of COG-related groups and a disbelief in prophets by most of the COG groups, the non-Philadelphian COGs have a lot of severe prophetic misunderstandings. 

The entire COG movement has NEVER had any PROPER prophets in their midst in its modern-day history and this includes Herbert Armstrong, Richard Ritenbaugh, Gerald Waterhouse, Rod Meredith, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, and the host of other self-appointed know-it-alls over the decades.
As Norman Edward’s article points out, it is scriptural to now have prophets according to the New Testament. But many who truly believe that they live by the word of God have discounted or overlooked what the Bible actually teaches and/or have been influenced by others who have done the same or worse. The COG has at least one demonstrably true prophet today, yet most in the greater COG world seem to be able to ignore the truth about that, like most ignored John the Baptist and others in their day.

What utter bullshit! Bob Thiel is NOT a true prophet and that is a fact! 

The Great Bwana also says:

The current problem is that most end time Christians are Laodicean and instead of using God’s criteria, they use their own.

More smelly bullshit! If anything that the COG's do have right. its the fact that most do not see the need for yet another beta-male liar standing up pounding their underdeveloped chest proclaiming, "look at me!"

All any of these fools do is take the focus off of the One they are supposed to be following but refuse to.

Don’t listen to the sermons of the prophets. 
It’s all hot air. Lies, lies, and more lies. 
They make it all up. 
Not a word they speak comes from me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Depression in the Churches of God due to constant prophecy fatigue

When Herbert Armstrong was rebelling against the COG 7 and dreaming up his splinter group, he was also reading numerous books by the Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, and the Mormon Church. In his downstairs basement, in the old walk-in safe, were numerous books from these groups with sections marked up, underlined, and with copious notes in the margins. Of these groups, the Jehovah's Witnesses' literature made up the largest quantity of these books. Of any of the Millerite splinter groups out there, the JW's are the closest to Armstrongism in their beliefs and in the number of failed propechies. Surprisingly these failed prophecies follow almost identical Worldwide Church of God/Armstrongite prophecies. By now we have all seen the 200+ documented failed prophecies of Armstrong and his minions. Armstrong's failure rate in prophecy is identical to the JW's failure rate, particularly when it comes to the 1971 - 1975 prophecies. Both churches failed miserably in their predictions.

Like all churches out there that utter predictions that never come to pass, they fluff it off as a timing mistake or that God was not ready or it happened spiritually. Even today in 2021, the church is filled with many false prophets uttering asinine predictions and outright lies to their members. Just look at Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Ron Weinland and you can see this in action today.

None of these buffoons ever take into consideration what happens to members when they are subjected to their prophetic lunacy that fails every single time. Some members become numb to it and just fluff it off as not really important to worry about because even HWA made mistakes and he was still God's apostle. Others sink into depression due to these constant moving of goal posts. Marriages suffer and frustrations are taken out of family members with all kinds of abuse happening. Others, like Terry Ratzmann are so damaged by the words of COG ministers that they lash out in violence and kill members. Sadly, as more and more COG self-appointed prophets make more and more public lies, I am afraid that we may soon see a member in Restored Church of God or Philadelphia Church of God crack under this pressure and resort to some kind of violence. It is only a matter of time. Then, watch as their leaders leap into action to delete sermons, backtrack, and portray the members as the disturbed ones instead of taking any responsibility.

I have to hand it to Jeff Reed of the Church of God international who recently wrote about the current spate of false prophets in the Church of God. In his article, The Dangers of Headline Theology, Reed said,

We in the Church of God International may occasionally look at world events and examine them through the lens of God’s law or prophecy. Still, we carefully avoid making dogmatic statements and identify our observations as speculation. Those who practice “headline theology” go much further. They may predict specific days or years as an absolute fulfillment of prophesied events. Or they may suggest that the end is only a few years away. 
One of the dangers of this mindset is paranoia. We are told in Philippians 4:6-7 to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Looking at every new war, earthquake, natural disaster, social trend, or political change as a fulfillment of prophecy can cause anxiety.

Armstrongism is filled with prophecy addicts who have a field day by looking at every war, earthquake, natural disaster, social trend, and the political minefield as somehow relating to Bible prophecy. Most of the time, these fools are pulling predictions out of their sanctimonious privileged derrieres which have absolutely nothing to do with end-time events.

Of course, some of them only say they are speculating and if it doesn't happen then they are off the hook. In a comment on The Painful Truth website there is this comment by a woman named Kathy regarding COG prophets and those who make excuses for their lies:

Re: whether or not the Armstrongs claimed to be prophets, It's all semantics, my friend. Catch-phrases, such as "we're now in the gun-lap" "eight or nine short years to go", "in five or six short years from now", "last dying gasp of this wicked society," "God's apostle for the "end-time," etc. etc. ad infinitum, do have a certain prophetic ring to them. Both Garner Ted Armstrong and HWA have been more careful, at least since 1972, when their credibility was slightly damaged by the non-fulfillment of their predictions, to make it abundantly clear that they are not "prophets"-all the while continuing to "watch," or as a cynical person such as myself might put it, to prophesy. 
If you are a sincere person, and I have no reason to doubt that you are, I suggest that you go to a university (a "worldly," accredited one, please) and take some basic history courses, beginning with the History of Western Civilization. I especially recommend this if you think you already know this history, based on what the Armstrongs taught you. The reason that "not many wise men now are called" is because educated people, generally, simply know better than to fall for the histrionics of the proclaimers of the end of the world. They've seen this sort of thing through the ages and they understand the motive behind it. (And yes, I do remember what the New Testament says about people who say what I've just said. I don't care, so don't quote it to me.) Garner Ted Armstrong's Myrmidon Replies To Questions

Back to Jeff Reed's observations:

Another danger with “headline theology” is that it may cause some to lose their faith. Many over the years have put their hopes in a prophetic fulfillment that never comes to pass. Church leaders have unwisely predicted specific dates for the return of Christ or have implied that it would occur within a certain number of years. This date-setting has caused disillusionment in many former Christians. Faith in Christ becomes entwined with faith in their leader's predictions. Once these predictions ultimately fail, they can have a devastating effect on those who gullibly believed them.

William Miller predicted that Jesus would return to earth by 1844. He was so wrong in his calculations that the ensuing failure has been labeled the “Great Disappointment.” This failed prediction caused many to abandon their faith entirely and others to refer to this event as a reason to not even consider Christianity. Since then, many others have made similar predictions based on faulty calculations and their perceptions of world wars, disasters, and other dramatic events. They have all been wrong, and some of the fallout has been many people losing faith entirely. This also hurts the credibility of organizations and preachers, making their ensuing evangelistic efforts less effective.

One of the great things about Reed's article is that he used outside sources to support his viewpoints. Most COG members never look outside their insular worlds filled with pastor generals, chief apostles, and overseer's booklets, sermons, and articles as all the proof they will ever need. Besides, those so-called Christians of the world are losers and fake so why care about what they say!

One of the links Reed used was about what failed prophecy does to the mindset of members of these cults and in this case, it was a Jehovah's Witness. They too had the same end of the world scenario that was supposed to happen in 1975 that Armstrongism did. Here is how it affected one of its members:


Since 1975 when the Witnesses predicted the arrival of God‘s kingdom on earth there have been numerous problems in the Watchtower congregation. These problems have included dis-fellowshipping, doctrinal disputes, and the aftermath of recurring prophetic speculation failures (Hickman1992). In 1966 the Watchtower society issued a number of statements predicting the significance of the new date 1975 for the heralding of Christ Millennial Reign and the catastrophic implications for non-believers. The prediction was based upon biblical chronology which predicted that 6,000 years from man‘s creation will end in 1975 and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975. This prophecy had a significant effect on the movement which was galvanised and proselytisation increased substantially. However, 1975 passed without incident leaving the Watchtower vulnerable and open to claims of prophetic disconfirmation. The leaders responded through invoking a number of rationalisations, denial and purges and blamed the rank and file membership for misreading the organisation‘s interpretation. The initialrationalisation of the failure of Armageddon to arrive emphasised the time lapses within the creation of Adam and Eve. This had been miscalculated.

In his ethnographic study of Witnesses Sociologist Andrew Holden (1992) presents a number of testimonies of ex Witnesses who believed the world would end in 1975. 
"I said it from the platform. We told everyone the end was near. When I became a Witness I gave up my insurance policies, I cancelled my insurance endowments, I never bought a house because I knew I wouldn‘t need one. We didn‘t even want to put the kids‘ names down for school". 
Holden notes that the governing body of Watchtower regarded the failures as a test of faith. In agreement with Brian Wilson‘sjudgement many did not abandon faith because of disappointment about a date as this would be too traumatic an experience to contemplate. Like many other prophetic groups disconfirmed prophecy does not necessarily lead to the dissolution of the group (Stone 2013). 
In my own work I have treated one man who lived through the anticipated apocalypse in 1975. Martin is a 70 year old man. Martin was born in the north of England. He first encounters Jehovah Witnesses while he was growing up as an adolescent in his home town. He started to attend Kingdom Hall and to read Watchtower. Very quickly he became hooked and begun to believe their prophecies about Armageddon. In 1974 the year before the expected arrival of Armageddon he was very excited. Much of his time was spent in Kingdom Hall and the discussions there centred round the arrival of Jesus‘ reign. He had no doubt in his mind that this would occur. He left his employment as a chef in anticipation of this prospect. He remembers for several days before the expected arrival he could not sleep. Every morning he awoke in eager anticipation of the end.

But the expected date arrived and nothing happened. How did he respond? Like many other Witnesses he knew at the time, he developed a depressive disorder. For several months he was low in mood. He was bewildered and could not understand why things had happened as such. His sleep was poor as was his appetite. He lost a considerable amount of weight. He begun to doubt the views of the Witnesses and debated with them as to why their prediction had failed. He became angry when one Witness explained to him that it was the fault of the believers who had miscalculated the date. He began to feel that life was hopeless and even seriously contemplated suicide. He ended up in psychiatric treatment where he was prescribed antidepressants. Over several months he improved and shortly afterwards left the Jehovah Witnesses movement. Much of the psychotherapeutic work with him focused upon his anger pertaining to this disconfirmed prophecy. In retrospect he felt he was ̳naive‘ to be taken in by this prophecy and cautioned me never to get involved with them. He is no longer religious although he considers that God may exist but for him no one can know when the world will end. Prophecies are Dangerous Things: Mental Health Implications of Prophetic Disconfirmation

Depression in Armstrongism has been rampant but leaders and ministers sweep it undercover as they label such depression either a sign that a person has been sinning or even demon possessed. Never do they consider it is because of their lies. Sadly in the Churches of God today there are few if any, ministers who are trained to deal with depression or are even trained as real counselors. Their only training is from a minister above them or the current church leader and not by real clinical therapists who teach proper counseling techniques.

As more and more Church of God leaders make more and more asinine prophecies or speculations as they call them, more and more COG members will be suffering from deep depression and hopelessness. None of this needs to happen if these ministers and leaders actually followed the Christ they claim to follow. If they did they would stop the prophecy crap and teach their members about the present rest one can have in Christ and a peace that passes all understanding.

Matthew 11:30
The Message

28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

John 14:27
The Message

25-27 “I’m telling you these things while I’m still living with you. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught.

John 14:27
New Revised Standard Version

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Why Is The COG Always Trying To Provide Easy Answers?

 Why is there no room in the Churches of God for mystery and wonder?

What we all got stuck with was hundreds and hundreds of books, booklets, pamphlets, and letters from the Personal Correspondance Department that sought to answer every single question imaginable. Instead of relying upon church members to engage their brains and develop a personal theology for themselves, the church treated them like toddlers and spoon-fed them bad baby pablum.

Look at Bob Thiel today with the thousands of topics he thinks he has an answer for and of which hardly any of his 3,000 African members and his 299 Caucasians could care less about. Yet, he thinks his followers are too stupid to think for themselves so he provides his own take on things, not God's, but his.

Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack do the exact same thing. They feed their members putrid baby pablum that is so far off base and so far removed from the Gospel message that their members now are just as brain dead as they are.

Followers of The Way were meant to live in the mystery so that they would always be in awe, so much so that they yearned for more.

Monday, March 8, 2021

"RCG is the only extension of the one Church Christ built." Best joke of the day!


Poor Bob Thiel, the little guy just cannot get ahead with anything in the church.  All of those claims that he is the only COG doing the work now flies out the window. 

There is not one single COG out there that is an "extension" of the "one Church Christ built. I hate to burst his bubble, but Jesus did not build a church. It was his followers that did that. If Jesus came back today he would be appalled at the Churches of God pretending to be authentic Christianity. He would be even more appalled at the state of disarray in the church. With somewhere between 400 - 700 different groups that have split off since Herbert Armstrong founded the church, the church is a moral cesspool of illegitimate leaders, corrupt ministers, and money-grubbing opportunists.

If Herbert Armstrong was alive today he would have kicked Dave's ass to the curb so fast that Dave's head would be spinning. Everything Dave preaches is against everything HWA taught, though Dave claims that God is personally delivering to him the things that He could not deliver to HWA. That's a load of bullshit. God is no more speaking to or through Dave Pack than he is through Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland, or Gerald Flurry.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Are You A Spiritual Baby In The Church In Need Of A Self-appointed COG Leader Telling You What To Believe? One Crackpot Prophet Thinks So...


There is one trait that differentiates COG followers and Christians in the so-called world when it comes to understanding spiritual maturity.

Church of God leaders what you to remain as little whiney babies, totally dependent upon their words, and teachings. The most dangerous thing a COG Christian can do is decide to move on from the baby pablum that is spoon-fed to members and to become a mature Christian, grounded in Jesus Christ. 

Almost-arrested Elisha Bwana Bob Thiel, the self-appointed savior of Africa and 299 Caucasians let it be known tonight that he does not expect spiritually mature Christians to be part of his cult. If you were, you would be out the door so fast his Fatima's skirt would be even higher than it is already!

Bwana Bob said on February 25th in his weekly "sabbath" letter to his African faithful:

Until we are born into the Kingdom of God, we are all spiritual babes and need “the pure milk of the word, that we all can grow spiritually.

Bwana Bob needs his followers to be dependent upon his every word, as silly and unimportant that it is most of the time to any REAL Christian.  When you look at Bob Thiel's websites, his articles, sermons, animations, blogs, it is nothing but rubbish. Pure unadulterated pablum for babies who have to wait for their spiritual daddy to tell them what to believe.

When looking up different definitions of what a mature Christian is, I came upon this great definition which describes Thiel's theology to a "T:".

'Baby Christians', a baby is a person, a little person who is utterly dependent upon another. It is a person who is amused, often times, by rubbish - you can give it the box of the toy and not the toy, and it will be more amused with the box than the toy. A baby is a creature that seems to put into its mouth anything that it finds lying on the ground. As that little baby gets older - and it doesn't need to get too old, I can tell you, to go into little tantrums when it doesn't get its way. When we look at the figure, or the metaphor, or the illustration, the analogy that Paul gives us of baby Christians, we see that he's talking about people who are always dependent upon others, who never learn to have spiritual independence and growth individually. They are often amused by rubbish, by things that don't really matter, they'll put anything into their mouths, they'll feed themselves on anything except the word of God, and they are often - within the church of Jesus Christ - prone to tantrums. That's what a baby is like, and if you can imagine what an adult like that would be, you have now imagined what the Corinthians Christians were like in the days of Paul. Baby Christians

COG leaders never teach their members to reflect upon scripture, to question it, to examine it, and determine if it will fit life situations. 

For the last 16 years, I have been leading a 4-year course on the Bible, church history, and living your life fully as a Christian by looking at ways to put your faith into action in the world around you. Every four years the theme for that year is Living as Spiritual Mature Christians. A couple notes from the lesson plan has this:

Within the arena of Christian ministry a person demonstrates intellectual maturity as one reflects carefully and critically within life situations in ways that increase and enhance the ability to discern God's self-revelation and action.

Every age and culture must apply the model of Jesus to its own times and circumstances. The question of what constitutes Christian maturity must be answered afresh by each generation. What first-century Christians in Antioch thought about being Christ-like would be vastly different from those in pre-Reformation Europe or from those of us in the United States at the close of the twentieth Century. Christians in every era and location seek to model Christ out of their own experiences of the world, with their different needs and responsibilities, with their vastly different self-concepts. (Parent, Educating for Christian Maturity)  

This is why when you hear COG leaders spout off, today in 2021, that that are practitioners of 1st century Christianity you know that it is pure bunk. For them to say this proves they are not mature Christians. They are so immature that they cannot even model Christ in 2021 but struggle to model Moses. But, of course, the reason for that is that the COG cannot and will not focus upon Jesus. Its focus is upon the law, rules, proper church government, and idiotic worthless topics that have no meaning whatsoever to a Christian walk.

God is not after spiritual police but passionate followers. Mature Christians are so convicted by their belief that they are not so close-minded that they see everyone else wrong. That can sit down and glean wisdom from people of other Christian faiths, Muslims, Buddhists, and even atheists. They can share stories and support each other and not wag the crooked finger of COG hypocrisy in their faces. One can listen intently and not always agree, but still be kind and gracious to others. Baby Christians cannot stand the thought of even associating with a Catholic, Pentecostal person, or sitting in a Gospel praising African American church service, and God forbid if a Mulsim or an atheist ever came into their presence.

Baby Christians only love themselves and the group they are in.  All others are Laodiceans destined to the lake of fire. It just irks their pharisaical knickers that Jesus had a special love for those on the margins. This was the dividing line between him and the self-righteous Pharisees and other law keepers. Jesus surrounded himself with that with no voice - women, poor, lepers, the sick, centurions, slaves eunuchs, tax collectors, the dead, and others considered unclean

Mature Christian's hearts break for those in the world suffering and who have no voice. For the hungry, those suffering from famine, war, and persecution. They do something about it. They don't sit in their lovely home in Grover Beach CA and bitch about being persecuted when real Christians are being persecuted in Syria, Iraq, Malaysia, India, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere. Some of them are even in prison or dying for their beliefs, while fake COG prophets whine like little crybabies that Youtube or Twitter blocked some poorly made video.

Why would ANYONE let some self-righteous turd tell them to remain spiritual babies? Babies are easy prey for predators and the current Church of God movement is FULL of predators!

14-16 No prolonged infancies among us, please. We’ll not tolerate babes in the woods, small children who are easy prey for predators. God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love. The Message, Ephesians 4:14-16 

Therefore let us get past the elementary stage in the teachings about the Christ, advancing on to maturity and perfection and spiritual completeness, [doing this] without laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God...Hebrews 6:1

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Zerubbabel The Only True COG Prophet Continues to Humiliate Bob Thiel


Where would the Church of God be without some crazy prophet in its midst? We have had a lot come and go over the last 80 some with all of them being proven liars. That has not stopped our current crew of self-appointed prophets though.

We have Gerald Flurry the final prophet of Edmond Oklahoma and now the official King of the Church of God. Gerald has been so blessed by God that he now possesses the true coronation stone that his creature christ will come back to sit upon as he is crowned the second King of all the earth. Plus, we must be eternally grateful for the restoration of the true dance of God to this end-time church! How could we ever have gotten along without this new truth?

There is also Dave Pack, the self-appointed apostle/prophet and best bud of JC who has been preparing his Wadsworth campus for JC to return to. Davey is eagerly looking forward to walking the hallowed grounds of the Wadsworth campus with JC by his side. Dave has bought a house and has it ready for him on Akron Road and also set up a charge account at the Giant Eagle for him. JC then can use Dave's broadcast studios to send out the final witness to the world, for the third time.

We also have Ron Weinland who preaches from his basement to the world. After being mocked in San Francisco after his speech at IdeaCity, he went on to become the first official felon to lead a Church of God in the end-time age. After a heart attack and suffering hallucinations from COVID-19, Ron's witness is quickly fading into the background as gibberish is about all he can preach any more. As he and his dingy wife travel to visit his micro churches, she has her fingers covered in diamond rings so they can use the proceeds from their sale if they need money to get to Jerusalem when it's time to be the two witless witnesses.

Speaking of gibberish, this leaves us with TWO final witless witnesses and self-appointed end-time prophets of the church. Both peddle in the craziest gibberish imaginable. There is Bob Thiel, the self-appointed messiah and Grand Bwana to Africa, the appointed Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Joshua, and the most double blessed man on earth today. His mind wanderings are getting so bizarre that he has become a comedy routine for the church to mock.

Then there is Zerubbabel. The true prophet to the Churches of God! All of our other guys are just agents of Satan as they preach their heretical lies, but God in his mercy has sent Zerub as a witness to us!  Plus, Zerbubbael has made fools of them as none of them know how to dress like a real prophet! Zerub does!

You can listen to this amazing man here as he discusses giants who roamed the earth along with giraffes. Note that Zerub says the giants were all destroyed in the flood but flourish in the world today. Such mind-boggling new information! Thiel has been seen whimpering in the front window of his world headquarters over this, and the fact that Zerub is on Twitter and he is not. Poor Bob, always the bridesmaid and never the bride!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Restored Church of God: Edward Winkfield III

Edward Winkfield III

From an RCG source

Bradford Schleifer is not the only man holding apostle Dave's signet. Edward Winkfield has been successfully climbing the ranks of RCG Headquarters' leadership for over a decade. With so many having left, Ed's political savvy has allowed him to slip into influential roles. 

Word on the RCG street is that he is contributing to the darkness of RCG. He is also strengthening Dave's death-like grip on brethren's minds with messages enforcing Dave's way, not God's. 

History is revealing that the most political are the the ones staying and thriving in David C. Pack's cesspool cult.

It's time to share our collective experience of the key people surrounding and giving power to David C. Pack.

What would you say to somebody who has served Dave for over 10 years? Who has witnessed the resignation of scores of HQ employees and ministers? Who, when Dave Pack has become truly delusional and dangerous, has doubled down and held up the charade?

Share your feelings below. Perhaps we can help him... 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Why do crackpot COG prophets expect us to believe their every word?

The last few weeks have not been good for self-appointed COG prophets. One failure after another has smacked them across their smug faces. Never has the face of prophethood in the Church of God been such a horrible mess. From Jesus standing up Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry's reinstallation of Donald Trump to the US presidency, to Alton Billingsley who prophesied that Hillary Clinton would defeat Trump and be set up as the first woman to rule over the United States right before the Holy Roman Empire destroyed the nation and took people into slavery.

Despite all these failures, these stinking piles of steaming bullshit continue on and get even more fervent in their predictions. Unless of course, you are Bob Thiel and your prophetic radar is broken making you are the king of the could-be's and may-be's. They all demand that we respect their prophecies and not mock them. 

Gerald Flurry is particularly perturbed right now that people are not heeding him and his prophecies. In his latest Trumpet rag he has this up: Do You Believe All That the Prophets Have Spoken?.

What is a true Christian? One who follows Jesus Christ—as well as His true apostles, prophets and other leaders. 

What utter bullshit! A Christian is a follower of Christ and of no man. Self-appointed apostles, prophets, and COG leaders come and go and leave trails of destruction in their wake. When has the COG had a true prophet in its midst over the last many years? COG leaders always have to have Christ plus something added.

After Christ was crucified and resurrected, He walked among a group of Jews without being recognized. They talked about how Christ was a mighty prophet in word and deed. They searched His tomb but found it empty. This disappointed them because they had hoped Christ would redeem and save Israel at that time. They didn’t understand the timing of God’s plan—that they had only witnessed Christ’s firstcoming, not His Second Coming. 
Then Christ had something very important to tell them: “Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken” (Luke 24:25). Do you believe all that the prophets have spoken? All of it? To follow Christ, we must do this. He doesn’t want followers who relegate prophecy to mere history or who disregard the Old Testament. Christ rebuked these Jews severely!

I can state for a fact to follow Christ one does NOT have to believe any COG prophet or anything they speak. It is not a requirement for salvation. 

As Flurry continues on the bullshit gets deeper and deeper:

God wants to lead us. Magnificent glory is available to us—if we’re willing to do what the prophets say. Heed the prophets, because God sent them to teach us what we need to know to enter His Kingdom, which is also His Family. 

God has NOT sent Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Alton Billingsley, or Ron Weinland to us. They have absolutely NOTHING to teach us that is worthwhile or necessary for salvation and entrance into some phantasmagoric hell hole of a kingdom these guys want to set up according to their wishes.

“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself” (verse 27). These Jews didn’t know the Bible passages about Christ’s first coming. Christ was telling them they had been lazy in their Bible study! 

COG members are lazy in their Bible Study of they actually believe these professional bullshitters.  No one in their right mind who has even a superficial understanding of the bible would EVER join up with these guys. 

Flurry goes on to speculate that Jesus always looked back at the prophets of the Old Testament because the New Testament did not exist yet. And we should do so today. We need to do that because today 90% of all prophecy is being fulfilled and we need to follow today's prophets.

“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days” (Genesis 49:1). In the last days! Ninety percent of all Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in this end time. “… At the end it shall speak …” (Habakkuk 2:3). Sometimes, prophecy is dual, meaning Bible history will repeat itself. We need to know prophecy!

Flurry believes that he and his church and his prophethood are prophecies in the Bible for the end times. Rising out of the ruins of the mother church and into the mess he has created.

God the Father is perfect. Jesus Christ is perfect. The Bible is Jesus Christ in print. Remember this when you study the Bible. Imperfect translators made some mistakes, but this doesn’t nullify the messages of any of the biblical books. 
“And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me: Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up” (Acts 15:13-16). This is another example of the New Testament quoting the Old Testament. Here, Amos 9:11 is referenced. 
“In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old” (Amos 9:11). God’s Church fell several decades ago. Someone had to raise it back up before Christ’s return. This is all about the throne of David. Where is that throne today? Christ will sit on it when He returns, so it has to be somewhere on Earth already! Study my free book The New Throne of David to learn more.

Imagine a god being so impotent and weak that it was unable to keep a church alive for its people and needed Flurry to come along and restore it. How pathetic is that god? And, what kind of a god needs a special rock to come back and sit upon when it supposedly is already King of all that is? It certainly does not need a rock in Edmond Oklahoma to come back to or a sad storefront in Grover Beach, CA, or a campus in Wadsworth, Ohio.

Flurry ends with this:

God wants us to live by every word of all these prophets. This will fill our lives with glory, wonder, majesty and royalty! God’s Word is about to flood the Earth (Isaiah 11:9), but we can soak it up right now!This world is suffering for not paying attention to the prophets of God. Soon, God will raise the ruins of the world just like He has in His Church. 

If you ignore the prophets of old you are sure to ignore the prophets of today in the church. Seriously? What crap! Besides, a follower of Jesus does NOT need a physical "church" to cling to for salvation.

We’re right at the edge of Christ’s Second Coming, when all will choose the right tree that Moses prophesied about. Christ will fill the Earth with wonders that will set our imaginations on fire!

No one needs either of the two trees of Moses or Herbert Armstrong's two trees for that matter. Christians know that Jesus made those trees obsolete and unnecessary. COG leaders and false prophets always have us looking backward at something outdated and unnecessary and establish all kinds of obstacles in our paths.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Philadelphia Church of God claims Laodicean members from LCG, UCG, and GCG UK are reaching out to them.

Brad Macdonald, one of the Philadelphia Church of God's more abusive ministers and not known for being the brightest bulb in the pack, delivered a sermon a while back which had as its main focus Laodiceans. It doesn't take much of a long shot to figure out that this is this epithet that Flurryism dumped upon all COG members in other groups.

Among his many points listed on Exit and Support Network was this section in which Macdonald claims that scores of LCG, UCG, and GlobalCG UK members, are reaching out to the PCG. This is about as truthful as Bob Thiel's claims that he is a prophet.

Laodiceans Reaching Out to the PCG

BM: “I think more and more Laodiceans are willing to think about some of these prophecies, expressing interest in the PCG.” “PCG is experiencing a growing number of Laodiceans reaching out to the PCG. Across the world. We are seeing more from LCG, and United and Global [Global UK] call us up and want a visit and it’s really, really wonderful and it’s really, really positive.”

BM: “When I talk to a Laodicean I am amazed at how damaged that Laodicean mentality is.” …” These people are just so casual and so relaxed.”

BM: “I have yet to see a Laodicean that comes in and says, ‘I have rebelled and I need to repent and I need to change my behavior and I’ve been fighting God all of these years and I cast his Truth to the ground, and I’ve been repenting about that and now I want to change my way.'”

BM: “They don’t come in with that mentality, but that’s where they try to get them to.”

BM: “Some of these Laodiceans are paying tithes to PCG but still attend their Laodicean church.” … “They are trying to rescue themselves, but it doesn’t work.”

BM: “Understanding Vs 11 of Isa 22 is the key to understanding chapter 22.” … “This truth [about it not being enough to just read and study] is the key in understanding the whole Bible.” … “Receiving new revelation is a mind-shaking miracle of God.”

Monday, February 8, 2021

David C Pack's Words Come Back To Haunt Him


From a reader:

More highlights from David Passover Christ's Is 'That Prophet' Alive Today? 

Page 80:
When such suddenly-elevated leaders give themselves over to urges of “new understanding,” they are actually completing the cycle of “falling into the condemnation of the devil.” Too unskilled in the scriptures (particularly passages about prophecy) to resist the “deeper insights” they feel are coming to them, they wind up yielding to demonic whisperings in their ears. As these men become conduits for fallen spirits, they pour out pure garbage on their followers.

The result is that they destroy far more people than just themselves—and in the end they do always destroy themselves! I have seen it all too often, with name after name—past and present—coming to mind as I write this.

Page 46:
Saul was vexed, and often outright possessed, by a demon. The unwitting and fearful (which was apparently almost everybody in Israel at the time) continued to follow him anyway simply because he was “the king”—and this led them to eventually conclude that he was “among the prophets.” Fear gripped the majority—while only a few hundred people chose to follow David until Saul died! The lesson is that despite the fact that Saul had become a crazy demoniac, most of his subjects continued with him anyway!

This account should truly sober you! It is a characteristic of false prophets and demoniacs to bellow, rage, belittle and attack other people—sometimes relentlessly—to elevate themselves. Apparently, Saul also had a particularly murderous spirit, which repeatedly tried to kill David, or have him killed. Saul became abusive. Yet, few had the courage to stand against him, because he was “the king.” Over time, Saul became a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” One moment, he could be warm, friendly, charming, and David’s best friend, and seconds later a raging murderer seeking to kill David!

Be careful if what is being described is a pattern visible in your leader. It is not of God.

Page 48:
…within the understanding that demons are actually the ones inspiring a false prophet, it is God who has sent one or more of these spirits to fulfill His purpose, which can also be to present a test to God’s people regarding whether or not they will follow those He has not sent.

If a prophet is sent by God, every one of his prophecies will always be perfectly accurate—no exceptions! He would not merely be close to the timing and truth of events “foretold.” He would always be completely correct, if God was sending a warning through him. Never forget this, because God is always right! 

The Dilemma Of A Self-Appointed Prophet


Prophets in the Church of God do not know when to keep their mouths shut. For many years Bob Thiel has been bad-mouthing Living Church of God leaders, but needs them at times to justify his imagined prophethood status:

He identified his religious superiors as outright liars and unable to discern the truth, but these same men were somehow able to correctly and truthfully discern him as being a prophet. So the modern day COG prophets source their information and facts from liars and Laodiceans, or in Dave Pack's instance - the Devil himself, and then pronounce and establish concrete truth? I am having a hard time understanding these modern day prophets.

comment by a reader here 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Dave Pack: Boxed In


From an RCG source:

Throughout most of his (the many) proclamations, Dave Pack often says God was working with him, revealing things. But when things go wrong, sometimes he didn’t realize that he had other things to see, or that God was still revealing things.

When Part 285 dropped and the latest prophetic failures happened on the weekend of Feb. 5th, Dave didn’t leave much wiggle room to reinterpret what God told him. As seen by the quotes below.

So the question is, if Dave received a revelation from God, and Mr. Pack was the direct pipe from the Creator to the intended audience, then why did God give us the wrong message?

You really only have two options:

1. The direct message from an all powerful divine Creator was wrong
2. This is a direct message from Dave and he is wrong

Verbatim from Part 285:

(Dave Pack on his inspirations for Friday, February 5th return of Christ) 1:28:13

"It all hit me suddenly, God just streamed the list that I am going to read to you, and it was typed exactly as I got it, through my mind, without notes or a Bible. So it's exactly what I said, my staff taper ecorded it. I told them, I just began to see things, and I told the staff "Turn on the tape recording and do not interrupt me and then type it just as you heard it."
So here's what I said yesterday afternoon pacing the boardroom because it struck me.

(At the end of his list) 1:46:45

"Like the sermon you already heard before this conclusion, all of this did not quite line up until the full picture came into view. And it's [this inspiration] a divine act, if all these prophecies are at stake, can God let me mess up? He had to just sort just of stream it into me. Having the time to process all of this is crucial and it is essential to the last message that all of us know that all of our relatives will be arriving with Jesus Christ and the rest of the saints. Again, you can see God in the process. I was telling the ministers, "Don't think of me as a genius, but it's ok if you do, I mean I am going to fight you," [laughs] I am going to have a little humor at the end here. I was no different than the typist who put it out. I just [spitting sound] spat it out and they just typed it out, I am a conduit, I am a pipe, [from God] I truly see myself that way.

As an open question to any minister or member in RCG, how do you justify the fact that your God, got this divine revelation wrong? If it wasn’t God, then why and how did His Apostle and Messenger get it wrong?

In the coming weeks, members in your congregation will ask, “If Mr. Pack is a pipeline to the Father, then why was the Father’s message wrong?” In the coming years, your children will ask “When you saw all these obviously wrong things happen, why didn’t you act? Why didn’t you protect us from this man?” What will your answer be? My job at HQ was too important? I didn’t look closely enough at his proof? I didn’t really put much stock in his prophetic teachings anyways?
  • Will your future self be satisfied with those answers? 
  • Will your children be satisfied with those answers?
What we are seeing in RCG is the endless cycle of false Armstrongist prophecies unfold before our eyes. While it happens in all the groups, RCG is just the most obvious place to see it.

There is no better time to reclaim your life and reject heresy.

Gerald Flurry: If You Got Upset Over My Failed Prophecy Then You Probably Needed To Be Upset...What????


Not only do we have Dave Pack lying through his teeth right now, but we also have Gerald Flurry. After Flurry made a royal Mannassite ass of himself in declaring that Trump would be reelected, he is doubling down on his lies just as Dave Pack is.

Flurry is so arrogant in his self-righteousness that he blames everyone else around him for not understanding why his prophecy failed. If people were upset by its failure then maybe they needed to be upset. What?????? COG leaders never take any responsibility for their actions and always blame others.

Flurry, like Pack and Thiel, claim that they and they alone are conduits for God's messages to the church. New revelation is constantly streaming out of them and is always something never heard before in the entire span of Christianity. Apparently, we are supposed to look upon these charlatans as inspired.

From Exit and Support Network

February 4, 2021 
GF recently denied that what he said was a prophecy, but only “words” that he said. (“This is not a failed prophecy, it’s not a prophecy at all. It’s what ‘I’ said”) This was in his January 23 sermon. 
He also said, “Everybody has to be”tried and tested” and even brought out that, “Maybe some of our co-workers need to be shaken up by something like this (the false prophecy). Maybe that’s exactly what they need.” 
He keeps trying to cover over his lies. He said he was “sorry for upsetting some people–unless that’s what God wants done.” It’s never a genuine apology. He even said, “The Apostles were 2,000 years off” and then chuckled about it. 
He was filled with so much vanity in this January 23 sermon (“Where Are We in Bible Prophecy? Pt. 2”) and boasted, “There has been all kinds of new revelation given to me–over 50 books and booklets have new revelation that God has given to ME.” He said there were no such people besides himself where you could get new revelation. 
He always talks about how God wants them to ROAR out of Zion and if they do that then God will take them to a place of safety. The only “roaring” I’ve ever heard is when he raises his voice and starts yelling. Who wants to hear that? But that is supposed to be part of the “power” he’s always talking about. 
He doesn’t even talk about Christ saving us and coming into our lives but said, “God is going to come back and slaughter them all and then start a new civilization.” That’s the kind of Christ he worships. –From PCG source

Dave Pack's Reign of Terror: "God backs me even if I am wrong."

Pack has terrorized the brethren for more than FORTY YEARS! His antics have been going on for that long and yet, neither the WCG or Global/ Living ever tried to stop him. Obviously, a KOOK like Pack can find refuge in a system that does not have an accountability or "flushing system". Any organization has about a necessity of replacing about 7% of its work force each year because of performance problems.

The COGs rarely ever fire someone, and just move idiots around.

THE FOLLOWING WAS PRINTED IN THE AMBASSADOR REPORT 36 YEARS AGO IN 1985! Nothing was done then, and should have! ...

David Pack's Reign of Terror

On the night of Roxanne Elliott's death, one of the last people - probably the very last one - Lois Elliott phoned before the tragedy was WCG minister David Pack, pastor of the Buffalo (North), New York congregation.. Exactly what was said, we don't know. At least not yet. That information may well come out should Lois Elliott ever recover sufficiently to stand trial. What is remarkable, however, is how often Pack's name seems to appear in conjunction with tragedies in the WCG. For a number of years now, no WCG minister's name has appeared more often in letters written to the Report complaining of ministerial abuse.

Pack, a burly 6-foot, 5-inch Ambassador College graduate known locally for his authoritarian style, has so incensed some in his flock that a group have circulated an open letter detailing his abuses and have called for his removal. The letter describes Pack's ministerial leadership as a "Reign of Terror." On the cover page, addressed to WCG headquarters leaders, they wrote: "David's power-crazed quest to totally dominate the mind, body, and spirit of church members has not been done in a corner and has been done clearly in view of all to see at headquarters in Pasadena."

On the following 13 pages of their letter the allegations about Pack read like a horror story. The authors contend that Pack constantly intimidates members, uses threats and mind-control methods, is given to extreme emotional outbursts, is highly political, believes in winning at all cost, has disfellowshipped members for trivial faults, prescribes diets while "playing M.D.," insists on being addressed as Mr. Pack, enjoys wearing skimpy, skin-tight shorts to sporting events, has actually worn a wolf costume to church socials, enjoys putting down women, and told one married woman with children, "It would be better for you to shack up one night with a man than wear makeup."

The letter quotes Pack as having said, "Everyone who has challenged me has either died, been seriously injured or has been eliminated from the work." And, "God backs me even if I am wrong."

Comment submitted by Tonto