Showing posts with label cog false churches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cog false churches. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2021

England Ignoring UCG Literature


It looks like the folks in England don't care too much about UGG's Beyond Today, a bad imitation of the old Plain Truth.

Prayers for Subscriber Renewal in the British Isles
October 7, 2021
David Fenney, chief executive officer of UCG-British Isles and pastor of the Preston, Sheffield, Ballymena and Stirling congregations, mentions an ongoing challenge with a very low renewal rate for Beyond Today magazine. He wrote: “Recently our subscription level grew to nearly 10,000 copies per issue, but now it is dropping back as subscribers do not renew as the end of their 6-issue subscription approaches. Prayers would be much appreciated that subscribers will be increasingly motivated to renew and that our office personnel can be inspired to enhance our renewal process if and where necessary.”
Thank you in advance for your prayers!
—Peter Eddington, Media and Communications Services

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Michael Venish Speaks Out Against All The False COG Splinter Leaders


Michael Venish of the Vigilant Church of God is back with another video ripping into the myriad of false Church of God leaders leading the splinter groups today who are actively damaging the spiritual lives of their followers.

Venish gained a lot of fame a few years ago when he exposed Dave Pack as the fraudulent liar that he is and encouraged Restored Church of God members to leave Dave's personality cult. Many did leave thanks to Venish.

This time he is ripping into the leadership of the splinter groups. Like all of those he condemns, Venish has set himself up as a splinter leader who has a following. So, the question to be asked is, "Isn't Venish just as bad as all the other splinter leaders?" He is starting to sound like Bob Thiel (no, that is NOT a compliment) when he proclaims everyone else is wrong but him.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Crackpot COG Prophet Claims He Was RIGHT!


Don't you just love COG self-appointed prophets? These are the blustering do-nothing little men that stick their chests out and beat them regularly so that all will listen to them. Not a single one of them was ever appointed by god to deliver any message that has any relevance whatsoever, so all we hear is the mental shenanigans of deluded minds seeking to be relevant. 

Real prophets of God spoke with authority and never pussyfooted around with what they had to say. There was never any "could it be's?", "maybe's?", "most likely's?", "what if's?", "will it's?", and other ways of presenting their "sure facts" as questions. Never has the church had such blustering impotent little man/boy prophets in its midst than what we see today.

This brings us to our most favorite self-appointed prophet to the Church of God in human history, our Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasians, the ONLY double-blessed prophet in the history of Christianity, the latter-day Elisha, Joshua, the Elijah to come, Jeremiah, the end time Amos, the prophet of all prophets, the worlds foremost sought after historian and theologian, and peddler of homeopathic remedies, Dr. Robert Thiel! Knell in amazement and wonder at his very sight! God has been most merciful to us by sending this most amazing prophet into our midst! Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry cower in his presence!

Anyway, it's time to move on before his head swells up any bigger than it already is, to more important topics like the drought in the West and wildfires in California.

With the drought in the west and fires burning California, it is the ultimate wet dream for COG prophets.

The prophesied Elijah to come says that these wildfires are all the result of a bunch of frisky homosexuals and other sinners in California and thus the West is being punished. Our prophet "predicted" these very things in 2012 in the most mind-boggling book of theological fiction ever published!

As regular readers of this page are aware, I have repeatedly warned of weather problems coming. Back in 2009, in my book, 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, I wrote that the following was about to happen: 
Odd weather patterns result in food shortages and natural disasters. Matthew 24:7

The world is actually in a berserk transition, as the real age of peace is not yet here. It may be a period of chaos. It is the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:8

Since that was published, we have had record smashing heat, unprecedented fires, and odd weather problems. These weather issues should serve as a wake-up call. 
The above was “predicted” if you will, because of what Jesus taught:

7 … And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8).
8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8
The Bible shows that God uses weather to get people’s attention. Sometimes to punish, sometimes to lead to repentance, and other times to consider that God, not humankind, is in control.

The Amos in our midst then says: 

While the above is for a future time, in a sense, it parallels what we are seeing today. Lack of repentance from sexual immorality and other sins is a factor in what the secularists tend to call climate change–but they do not see the connection. Any who claim to believe the Bible should. 
The Bible shows that weather problems can be a warning to people that society is going in the wrong direction (Amos 4:7-12). Notice also God’s use of fire between three thousand and four thousand years ago: 
24 Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. (Genesis 19:24-25)

And why did it happen?

7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (Jude 7
Why mention this in the 21st century? Because God turned:

6…the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an exampleto those who afterward would live ungodly (2 Peter 2:6
Notice also the following:

11 “I overthrew some of you,
As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah,
And you were like a firebrand plucked from the burning;
Yet you have not returned to Me,”
Says the Lord.
12 “Therefore thus will I do to you, O Israel;
Because I will do this to you,
Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!” (Amos 4:11-12
Fires should get people to consider. But will people in the USA or the other Anglo-descended areas heed? 
The sorrows and troubles are just beginning and will get much worse.

Like all good so-called Bible scholars in the Church of God today, Amos Elijah Thiel never goes on to tell the rest of the story. About Lot offering his two daughters to be raped by the men of Sodom, or how these horny girls went on to commit incest with Daddy. 

What Amos Elijah Thiel does not mention is what Ezekial said about Sodom which pretty much sums up the state of affairs in the current COG movement today:

Only this was the sin of your sister Sodom: arrogance! She and her daughters had plenty of bread and untroubled tranquility; yet she did not support the poor and the needy. (Ezekiel 16:49)

Never has the church been filled with such arrogant men like what we have currently leading so many COG's. Arrogant, narcissistic, proud, boastful, and blustering men who ignore the poor, the elderly, the homeless, the orphans, the mentally ill, the sick, the needy in their groups and the world that surrounds them today. 

If the so-called doubly-blessed prophet really knew his Bible, which he doesn't,  he would know that many times people suffered because of the religious idiots ruling over them. Jesus clearing warned those false religious morons about what was going to happen to them if they continued to deceive people and yet they never stopped, just like today's crop of COG leaders are doing. 

It is time people stopped listening to these fools currently leading various COG's. Each and every one of them are certified false prophets. They are all liars and hypocrites.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Commercial Break: Are The Elijah to Come Dr. Robert Thiel, The Elijah to Come Gerald Flurry, and Elijah to Come Dave Pack Using Their Bibles, Like a Crystal Ball, to Practice Fortune Telling???

"As I see it, YES"



...or prediction, was one of the functions of the prophet. It has been defined as a "miracle of knowledge, a declaration or description or representation of something future, beyond the power of human sagacity to foresee, discern, or conjecture."


A statement about what you think will happen in the future

"Fortune-telling is the practice of predicting information about a person's life.[1] The scope of fortune-telling is in principle identical with the practice of divination. The difference is that divination is the term used for predictions considered part of a religious ritual, invoking deities or spirits, while the term fortune-telling implies a less serious or formal setting, even one of popular culture, where belief in occult workings behind the prediction is less prominent than the concept of suggestion, spiritual or practical advisory or affirmation.

Historically, Pliny the Elder describes use of the crystal ball in the 1st century CE by soothsayers ("crystallum orbis", later written in Medieval Latin by scribes as orbuculum).[2]

Contemporary Western images of fortune-telling grow out of folkloristic reception of Renaissance magic, specifically associated with Romani people.[1] During the 19th and 20th century, methods of divination from non-Western cultures, such as the I Ching, were also adopted as methods of fortune-telling in western popular culture.

An example of divination or fortune-telling as purely an item of pop culture, with little or no vestiges of belief in the occult, would be the Magic 8-Ball sold as a toy by Mattel, or Paul II, an octopus at the Sea Life Aquarium at Oberhausen used to predict the outcome of matches played by the Germany national football team.[3]

There is opposition to fortune telling in ChristianityIslamBaháʼísm and Judaism based on scriptural prohibitions against divination.

Terms for one who claims to see into the future include fortune tellercrystal-gazerspaewifeseersoothsayersibylclairvoyant, and prophet; related terms which might include this among other abilities are oracleaugur, and visionary.

Fortune telling is dismissed by the scientific community and scientific skeptics as being based on magical thinking and superstition

Critical analysis

Fortune telling is dismissed by the scientific community and skeptics as being based on magical thinking and superstition.

Skeptic Bergen Evans suggested that fortune telling is the result of a "naïve selection of something that have happened from a mass of things that haven't, the clever interpretation of ambiguities, or a brazen announcement of the inevitable."[26] Other skeptics claim that fortune telling is nothing more than cold reading.[27]

A large amount of fraud has occurred in the practice of fortune-telling.[28]

Fortune telling and how it works raises many critical questions. For example, fortune-telling occurs through various methods such as psychic readings, tarot cards, and more. What is similar about many of these methods is that they are based on random phenomena. For example, astrologers believe that the movement of stars in the sky can have implications on one's life.[29] In the case of tarot cards, people believe that images displayed on the cards have significant meanings on their lives. The problem is that there is a lack of evidence to support why such things, such as the stars, would have any implications on our lives.

Additionally, fortune-telling readings and predictions made by horoscopes, for example, are often general enough to apply to anyone. In cold reading, for example, readers often begin by stating general descriptions and continuing to make specifics based on the reactions they receive from the person whose life they are predicting.[30] The tendency for people to deem general descriptions as being representative to themselves has been termed the Barnum effect and has been studied by psychologists for many years.[31]

Nonetheless, even with a lack of evidence supporting the various methods of fortune-telling and the many frauds that have occurred by psychic readers, for example, fortune-telling continues to become popular around the world. There are many reasons for the appealing nature of fortune-telling such as that people often experience stress when there is uncertainty and thus seek to gain deeper insight into their future. 

It is certain-It is decidedly so-Without a doubt-Yes, definitely-You may rely on it-As I see it, yes-Most Likely-Signs point to yes-Most likely-Outlook Good-Reply hazy, try again -Ask again later-Better not tell you now-Concentrate and ask again-Cannot Predict now-Don't count on it-My reply is No-My sources say NO-Outlook not good-Very doubtful

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Why Is The COG Always Trying To Provide Easy Answers?

 Why is there no room in the Churches of God for mystery and wonder?

What we all got stuck with was hundreds and hundreds of books, booklets, pamphlets, and letters from the Personal Correspondance Department that sought to answer every single question imaginable. Instead of relying upon church members to engage their brains and develop a personal theology for themselves, the church treated them like toddlers and spoon-fed them bad baby pablum.

Look at Bob Thiel today with the thousands of topics he thinks he has an answer for and of which hardly any of his 3,000 African members and his 299 Caucasians could care less about. Yet, he thinks his followers are too stupid to think for themselves so he provides his own take on things, not God's, but his.

Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack do the exact same thing. They feed their members putrid baby pablum that is so far off base and so far removed from the Gospel message that their members now are just as brain dead as they are.

Followers of The Way were meant to live in the mystery so that they would always be in awe, so much so that they yearned for more.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Gerald Flurry: God Pauses End Time Events So That My Prophecy Will Happen


Gerald Flurry has been ranting in his church rags and in the video productions his so-called work pumps out about how Donald Trump will regain power, probably this fall, and thus help usher in the end times.

After suffering a humiliating embarrassment after claiming Trump was going to be re-elected and that Biden would not and then when that prophecy failed claimed that Trump would be back in power by the end of 2020. That did not happen either, though this has not caused Flurry to silence his mouth and stop saying silly things.

Now, like all good Church of God failed prophets (looking at you Bob Thiel) Flurry says that God has delayed Trump from coming back into power and also thus delaying the end times. One of the consequences of Trump regaining office is that he is supposed to deport all Philadelphia Church of God members to Jordan, where we are led to believe Jordan will be waiting with open arms for a few thousand cult members from America arriving so they can settle into Petra or Pella and make the desert bloom like a rose.  I guess the PCG now has a reprieve for a few more months and now will have more time for telling church members to send in more money for a final push and also send Flurry's grandkids off to some more Irish Dance competions.

My July 2021 article was titled “What Will Happen After Trump Regains Power” ( Many people are acting like President Trump is history. But as that article says, prophecy not only shows he will return to office, it provides astonishing detail about what will occur once he does! 
God has a powerful message to proclaim to America in general and its 45th president in particular. It is up to His end-time Work to make God’s message as clear as possible.

Flurry claims that Donald Trump is King Jeroboam from scripture and his reign is now on pause until it is time for him to FIGHT to be brought back in power:

A key passage illuminating these events is 2 Kings 14:26-27—history that is also prophecy. This passage is about Israel, and in Bible prophecy, the nations of Israel are mainly the United States, Britain and the Jewish state of Israel (request our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy for proof). These nations are now in advanced stages of decline and are at imminent risk of being blotted out! But God said He would not allow the name of Israel to be blotted out and that He would save them “by the hand of Jeroboam.” He did this in the eighth century b.c. through King Jeroboam ii, and He has done it in our day through Donald Trump. 
Verse 28 indicates a pause in President Trump’s hold on power. “How he warred and recovered Damascus and Hamath” refers to him fighting in some way to reclaim his stolen election—and not by being voted back in at a future election.

Flurry continues:

The book of Kings is one of the former prophets. It is primarily prophecy for this end time. 
The other key passage regarding Jeroboam is Amos 7:8-9: “And the Lordsaid unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more: And the high places of Isaac shall be desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste; and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.” 
This passage, I believe, includes another indication of this pause in President Trump’s power that I did not see before.

Why are COG self-appointed prophets so dumb at times that they do not see things? Bob Thiel and Dave Pack say this exact same thing. When their dumb prophecies fail they immediately claim that it was because of something they did not see before. Then their members sit there like bind dumb sheep and believe them when scripture tells us that even if ONE of their prophecies fail then they are false prophets. The Church of God has never had a real prophet tell the truth in its 80 some years of existence, including our current crop.

According to Flurry, Trump is being brought back for one sole purpose:

A Pause in Amos 7
These verses in Amos 7 describe the Prophet Amos’s message from God to King Jeroboam. They also describe God’s message today, which we will soon send to the modern Jeroboam! 
President Trump was in the White House for four years, and things went relatively well during that period. God’s Work supported Mr. Trump as God used him during his four-year presidential term to save Israel temporarily, to keep the name of Israel from being blotted out. 
But verse 9 speaks of a time of desolation, wasting and the sword. God says that He Himself “will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.” That is a very different picture than you get in verse 8! 
I believe there is a pause in the events between verses 8 and 9 of Amos 7, and that we are in this prophesied pause now. God is showing us this to prepare us for what is coming. 
President Trump is being brought back for one reason—to keep Satan and his political Antiochus from blotting out the very name of Israel! (Learn what I mean by “political Antiochus” in my free booklet America Under Attack.)

A little later he has this:

God is going to bring Jeroboam back. At that time we will proclaim God’s specific warning message in Amos 7:9 to the modern Jeroboam and his followers, and to those three dying nations of Israel: America, Britain and the Jewish state. 
What do you suppose will happen as God’s Work proclaims this message in our magazines and literature,and on television, radio and the Internet? As national calamity intensifies, so too will this message. And it will rapidly reach a crisis point where people will want to silence it! You can see it building and getting far worse already.

Then according to Flurry, when Trump is back in as President the PCG will then proclaim the "gospel" message with power.

This is what verse 10 describes: “Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel: the land is not able to bear all his words.” 
God’s Work is right in the midst of these cataclysmic events! And we are telling the nation and its leader God’s words. It is a dire warning, and they cannot bear it! 
God’s Work has a short final job that we must fulfill! There is going to be a big change in our message. It is a strong message, and we must deliver it.

How can Flurry have a storage message when Bob Thiel claims he has that strong message? How can Flurry and Bob have that strong message when Living Chruch of God and Restored Church of God claim they have it? Liars all.

The Americans, British, Jews and other descendants of ancient Israel have been sinning, and God is rising against them! Here at the very end, we must give the leader—who will definitely be Mr. Trump—and his followers a fiery warning. 
These prophecies seem to omit Barack Obama, the political Antiochus, who has been responsible for so much destruction through his two presidential terms and through Joe Biden. The way these prophecies read seems to indicate that he will be off the scene and that God will have turned events to ensure that His warning message can be delivered. 
And the name of Israel will not be blotted out. That blotting out would include spiritual Israel, or God’s true Church. That is the name of Israel that Satan wants so fiercely to blot out!

I will give you one guess as to who is coming to blot out the United States and England.......Germany, who else. Get ready for concentration camps, meathooks, and fiery ovens to kill Americans in while their children are shipped off to Europe to be slaves to the Europeans. This is the orgasmic wet-dream of COG failed prophets for decades. The jackbooted Germans and Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (the very same man who is Bob Thiel's bromance). Guttenberg has been the wet dream of so many COG false prophets over the years, though I doubt the bouncing and flouncing by Bob Thiel would appeal to Guttenberg.

This message is a stern warning that something even worse than internal war is coming: war from outside. “For thus Amos saith, Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land” (Amos 7:11). This refers to an attack by foreign nations! Prophecy tells us that the modern Assyrians—Germany leading a European empire—are the ones to watch. 
Germany has an election in September. Watch that closely. After 15 long years in office, Chancellor Angela Merkel is retiring. Meanwhile, her political party is losing favorability with the people while its sister party, the Christian Social Union, is surging. This could lead to a more assertive German government and the rise of a prophesied destructive dictator we have been watching for. Watch these elections, and watch the maneuvers of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (my free booklet A Strong German Leader Is Imminent explains why). 
God’s Work has been proclaiming this warning about the sins of modern Israel and the coming attack by the modern Assyrians for more than 75 years. 
Amos 7:11 shows that the ultimate result is that the sword of America’s enemies will prevail, and the modern Israelites will be “led away captive out of their own land.” That is part of this powerful message that we must proclaim.

PCG members need to gird their loins, as do all other COG members, because when the PCG starts really preaching its warning to the United States and England there are going to be a lot of unhappy people. People will be so angry that they round up the Flurryites and ship them out of the country.

When God’s Work publicizes the truth with amplified power in the midst of escalating national crises, the land simply won’t be able to bear it. That is when these national powers will expel God’s people! 
Then God will take His very elect to a place of safety. 
This will happen! God’s people must have faith to deliver that message and to trust God when the nation and the government turn against us. We must have faith in God the Father and His Son to strengthen us to do His will.

How can we have any man leading a COG today deliver a powerful message? Most of them are so emasculated that no one will do anything but laugh at them, as they do now. 

We have a trumpet-warning message to deliver. It is a prophecy of the destruction of the modern nations of Israel: the United States, Britain, the Jewish state and other related nations. Prophecy tells us that they will reject that message. But it also tells us that when all these events actually happen and people are suffering terribly, many who have heard God’s message will repent. A great multitude of people will repent after the sword begins to lay waste to our nations. Many who have heard the message and who have been part of God’s one true Church doing His great Work but then rebelled, will also repent—giving their lives for God and His message. 
Whether you have been part of God’s Church or whether you have been reading our message for a long time or whether you are new to it, now is the time to put your heart into supporting this trumpet-warning message and shining the one and only light of hope on Earth.

Send in your money brethren! You won't be needing it at that time. Pack your bags and be ready to walk into Petra where Guttenberg Thiel will be waiting to preach to you for 3 1/2 years. Oh, happy days!

You can read Flurry's diatribe here: A Prophesied Gap in Trump’s Presidency


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Why Do COG Leaders Set Themselves Up As Our Intermediaries?

Someone made a comment on here recently about how COG leaders have set themselves up as intermediaries between their members and the god they claim to follow.

Most of them, but not all, will bellow that they do no such thing, but in actuality they are.

All of them have made the claim that they are the one true church carrying on in the footsteps of Herbert Armstrong. As leaders of the one true church, they have deliberately maligned all other COG's and delegated them into lesser than status or actual Laodiceans.

They all claim exclusive knowledge through dreams, visions, nightmares, or whatever other entities they channel their "knowledge" that comes to them through.

Dave Pack has been preaching a 300+ sermon series on the visions and dreams he has that lead him to interpret scripture to prove his creature he calls "jesus" will be returning three times and that its imminent return is always days or weeks away. He bellows that no other church has this knowledge and no other church has access to God and his "christ" unless they are members of the Restored Church of God.

Bob Thiel does this by claiming his legitimacy through dreams and visions he claims he has had along with a couple other mentally unstable people in the Australasia regions of the world. Never have we seen a more pompous self-indulgent leader than we have in Bob. He has the exclusive doctrines and teachings that only he understands and repeats ad museum that only he has the right interpretations to scripture. His endless diatribes that all COG members need to recognize him and his work, and join in that work, in order to know the "correct" time to flee to  Petra/Pella or some other hellhole he expects his followers to go to are beyond pale. No one knows the right time to flee except him. Therefore your salvation is dependant upon his interpretations, dreams, visions, and nightmares.

Gerald Flurry has set himself up as King of the Church of God because he has now in his possession a dirty old rock from the hills of Oregan that he claims his creature he calls "jesus" will return and sit upon. No other COG out there has this revealed knowledge and therefore are Laodiceans and are cut off from God. Only through Flurry can salvation be attained.

UCG, LCG, COGWA, CGI, and many of the other minor COG groups also claim that they are the only ones with the real truth. Most of them no longer state that publicly in order to appear more "loving" towards other COG members, but corner a diehard evangelist or minister and they will tell you that their group is the only COG doing the work and that they are the correct path to salvation.

COG members have been duped for so long by this kind of reasoning that they have turned into gullible sheep who sit there week after week believing that their leader is the right, correct, and one true leader of the end time COG, and because of that, their salvation is in his hands. Most will not admit that until you push them as to why they have not left for another group or left the COG entirely. They have been frightened into following a bunch of spiritual frauds that only care for the members as long as they give money.

COG members believe this because they have never heard that much about Jesus preached. Oh sure, they will talk about the veil in the temple being torn in half, and in the next breathe tell you that every damn law in the old covenant is still in force today, all except for the ones they conveniently don't want to follow and they always have an excuse as to why they don't. The new covenant is always shoved to the rear burner in order to promote the law and other nonessentials.

Ask most Christians today who their intermediary is and they will name Jesus and the work accomplished and finished on the cross. Most COG members cannot do that. They need the revelations from their leaders, their writings, and visions to tell them what to believe.

There is only one intermediary and it is NOT Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, or ANY of the other COG leaders or corporations. Bob, Gerald, Dave, and the others are not necessary for anyone's salvation and no one will ever attain it through them. It is an impossibility.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Gerald Flurry Tells All Of His Members To Have The Spirit Of Prophecy


Gerald Flurry, leader of the Philadelphia Church of God has a new article up about The Spirit of Prophecy. It is another convoluted mishmash of false beliefs created by Gerald  Flurry in an attempt to promote the law and whip his followers into the notion he is the one true prophet to the church. Jesus gets the short end of the stick again.

“And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10). The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. 
Testimony comes from the Latin testimonium, which is the word used for the Ten Commandments. Webster’s offers three primary definitions: the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law; a firsthand authentication of a fact; and a solemn declaration. 
So this testimony the Apostle John wrote about is very different from most: It is a declaration from God in the flesh! 
The Temple Dictionary of the Bible writes: “In the plural, this word stands in the Old Testament, especially in Psalm 119, for the divine law. … Testimony is frequently joined with ‘commandments’ (2 Kings 23:3) …. It is used emphatically for the two tables of the law.” This is a testimony from God in the flesh. It was His message when He came to Earth.

Christ said, “I receive not testimony [the same word used in Revelation 19:10] from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved” (John 5:34). Christ’s testimony didn’t come from a man. It is perfect and it’s in the spirit of prophecy. 
Thayer’s further amplifies this word: “[T]he testimony of Christ is that which He gives concerning divine things, of which He alone has thorough knowledge … that testimony which He gave concerning future events relating to the consummation of the Kingdom of God ….” That is prophetic testimony! 
It is critical that we, like Christ, understand and have the spirit of prophecy!

The article is a huge slobber fest of idolatry to Herbert Armstrong and quotes HWA at every chance they can get. It also makes the excuse for why Flurry left the mother church to start his own group. Of course, it is an attack of Tkach Sr. and high praises for the most significant moment in PCG's history when Lil'Stevie read Flurry's plagiarized Malachi's Message.

After Mr. Armstrong died, terrible spiritual destruction fell on the Church. God started that famine, exactly as Mr. Armstrong prayed it would. And look at what has happened since. “And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit” (verse 18). On July 16, 1989, exactly 3½ years later, my son read Malachi’s Message. The latter rain started at that time, and “brought forth her fruit.” We are that fruit! One man prayed to God and changed the course of everything. Look at the fruits of that prayer. We are here because of Mr. Armstrong’s prayer and God’s blessing. We have all kinds of marvelous new truths God has given—truth that God and Mr. Armstrong didn’t want the Worldwide Church of God to ever have again. He raised up the Philadelphia Church of God to receive God’s new revelation.

Imagine basing your church on demented writings of Jules Dervaes that Flurry plagiarized and the fact that Lil'Stevie read it. It can't get any crazier, except maybe for Bob Theil's fantastical reasons on why he formed his group.

Only one wcg minister continued for about six months to deliver the truth of God. Eventually, he too caved in and accepted wrong doctrines. If you were in the spirit of prophecy, you would never follow that church because they were teaching “Prophesy not”! That’s no small mistake—it’s rejecting God and His law and our testimony. 
Mr. Armstrong knew what that leadership was all about. He knew Mr. Tkach was not going to lead God’s true Church. And he saw to it that he didn’t receive any new revelation. He saw an evil that he hadn’t seen six days before. 
We are dealing with those who are “according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders.” We are in a war against that evil being, and Satan is in his worst wrath ever. That is what we are fighting against. Being in a war can result in a lot of persecution. This is why we must understand the spirit of prophecy. 
Know We Are at War 
Prophecy describes Mr. Tkach being in the bonds of Satan and his son being a spiritual Antiochus. God says these men are liars, and He’s going to expose them. These ministers were in the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 3:9). Satan is the father of liars and a murderer from the beginning because there is no truth in him (John 8:44).

Propehcy has absolutely nothing to say about Tkach, Flurry, Thiel, or any of the other looney tunes leading COG's today other than the fact the Bible states that false prophets will arise to deceive many.

Flurry then gets to the gist of what the spirit of prophecy is in the church and it does not involve church members. It's all about him. and corporate prophecy.

This little group, with a powerful message going around the world, believes in the spirit of prophecy! If you are in the spirit of prophecy and you have the testimony of Jesus Christ, you see the future and you know it is worth any trial we have to endure. 
With the spirit of prophecy, you understand that we have a spectacular future when Christ returns. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2). We are going to be like God! What a stirring God Family potential!

There's that "we will be gods" myth, again.

He then moves on to his favorite book in the Bible, Lamentations. Not anything that concerns Jesus but a book filled with death and destruction. Hell yeah!

Lamentations is the most horrifying book in the Bible! Some of it is tough to read. It’s not something you sit and read before going to sleep—it would keep you up all night! But it is talking about real events that are going to happen to Israel. For example, Lamentations 4:10 talks about the “compassionate women” of Israel boiling their own children for food! (Revised Standard Version). The Laodicean churches are going to experience that! Unparalleled punishment is coming on God’s own Church! They are self-righteous and lukewarm. They can sound chic today proclaiming their messages of “love,” but they won’t be doing that when Lamentations is fulfilled! God will force them to face their rebellion!

A little later he writes:

The book of Lamentations is a funeral dirge—a poem of the most intense grief and mourning. Yet we must remain encouraged. You need the spirit of prophecy to put all this into perspective. This book makes clear that God will do what it takes to bring members into His Family. If you lack the spirit of prophecy, then you won’t see the beautiful bigger picture in this book—God building His Family!

He does mention Jesus a couple times, but only as it fits his warmongering of death and destruction of the Laodiceans:

The spirit of prophecy is filled with hope. How could Jesus Christ endure the suffering of being marred more than any man—how could He be crucified—if He weren’t in the spirit of prophecy? He knew He was to be a King! He was born to rule this Earth and this universe under His Father. Nobody could stop Him from fulfilling that destiny! 
We must have the testimony of Jesus Christ. If we are going to be like Christ and get through severe persecution, we need the spirit of prophecy!

Only Flurry's group has any hope of being the "elect".

But look how God describes His very elect: “The precious sons of Zion, worth their weight in fine gold, how they are reckoned as earthen pots, the work of a potter’s hands!” (verse 2; rsv). What powerful poetry! 
If you want to be a “precious son of Zion,” you must let the master potter shape and mold you! We are simply the clay in the potter’s hands. This is a powerful truth. These are people who give everything they have to God’s Work. How precious that is! 
Live in the spirit of prophecy! If you can get this wonderful vision in mind, there is nothing like it and never will be anything better on Earth during this age of man’s rule! Allow that to stir genuine hope in your life and to stir your motivation and fire your imagination. Give everything to God, even your life if that is required. That is the perfection of beauty! That is what God loves.

While Flurry tells his followers to have the spirit of prophecy it is only to be the prophecies revealed by him or Lil'Stevie after Flurry dies.  It is all about corporate propehcy and has nothing to do with any "spirit" of prophecy. Members are to be subservient and NOT believe they can have the spirit of prophecy.

Can you imagine what would happen if one of Flurry's members popped up and said they had a prophecy from God? They would be out the door so fast they would know what happened. Flurry's "spirit of propehcy" schtick is that his followers develop the understanding that Flurry's prophecies are true. That's the only "gift" they need to have.

There is no need for a prophet to be in the New Covenant church. One can easily see that this is true considering the mishmash of demented weirdo's currently lying to the church in 2021.


Living Armstrongism: Reading Malachi's Message: Part 1 (links to Part 2,3,4 are at the end of the posting)