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Showing posts with label Self-Appointed COG Leaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Appointed COG Leaders. Show all posts
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Friday, June 18, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
"...these men expose themselves as an emperor with no clothes. They are poor. They are blind. They are miserable. And they are naked. "

Their focus is on promoting their own name, their own imagined ecclesiastical authority, their own church, in an effort to attract or control their own "members." There is no love for one another in their writings. There is no humility of spirit. There is no thought process that perhaps they don't know as much as they think they might, and maybe they could learn a thing or two from someone else. There is no effort among any to work to come to any unity of the faith, but instead to cast blame, point fingers, and justify one's own position, or church group.
Even efforts to preach a gospel are done almost solely as a "warning" and with the idea of self-promotion or preservation, rather than compassion or care for those who might be reached with such a message. If the motivation is skewed, the message won't be effective. You can scream all day about how you are the best, greatest, most mistreated, most persecuted, most favored by God, whatever. You might even attract a few people with grandiose statements of righteousness, claimed unique prophetic knowledge, etc. but if you aren't truly motivated by a love for God and a love for your fellow humans, your efforts will ultimately come to nothing, because God won't honor them, and unless God is building the house, your efforts are useless. (Psalm 127:1

Concerned Sister
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
COG Bigshots: Dosen't Everybody Want To Be One?

Doesn’t Everyone Want to Be A Big Shot?
Within the culture of Armstrongism, all of the men were/are expected to aspire to give a sermonette or attend Ambassador College. After all, the pastors and the leadership in Pasadena were held up to be the epitome of Godly manhood. All of the lesser men within the congregation were encouraged to emulate them or “to covet earnestly the best gifts.”
In the splinter groups, these notions about aspiring to participate in church leadership have taken on even more significance. In short, asking a man to give a sermonette or sermon is seen as a means of keeping people involved/interested/invested in the particular group. By stroking egos and flattering someone with an invitation to speak, it is hoped that they will not wander off or consider joining one of the other splinters.
Of course, these notions and practices are not peculiar to Armstrongism. Flattery and other enticements have been used from time immemorial to keep people engaged. After all, it is heady stuff to be placed in a leadership role – even if it’s only for 30-45 minutes on a Sabbath!
But what about the men in the church who never got wrapped up in this kind of thinking? What about the folks who don’t want to be in charge or speak? What about the men who had absolutely no desire to emulate Herbert or Garner Ted Armstrong? What about the guys who think that church leaders should serve members and exude humility?
“That man is dangerous!” the other men declare. “Everyone wants to be Garner Ted – he must have some kind of agenda!” “If he doesn’t want to deliver a sermonette, he must secretly want to run the whole show!” OR “He must be planning to start his own group or cultivate a following for himself!” They simply cannot understand anyone who is not motivated by the same kinds of things that motivate them.
Throughout my association with Armstrongism, I have never desired to be an apostle, minister or deacon. I have never desired to start a new church or accumulate a following. I have been asked numerous times by others to speak or write. “I will do anything I can to help you, but I have no burning need to speak or put myself forward,” I would always answer.
Sometimes that would evoke a knowing smile, but I remember one time when the pastor who had asked me to speak understood what I meant. He acknowledged what I was saying and then quoted Plato. “Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.”
Unfortunately, many of the folks within the Armstrong Churches of God want to say something. They like the prestige and respect associated with standing in front of a congregation or being the one that folks turn to for advice. For them it’s not about serving and helping others, it’s more about being the big shot – the top dog. It would almost be funny if it weren’t so very sad/pathetic!
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