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Showing posts with label #wadsworth Ohio. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Restored Church of God: Members brains are being washed in the filthiness of David C. Pack


Brain Washer

The countdown continues to the imaginary Kingdom of God that will not arrive on April 8, 2024. David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God provided a sizeable backlog of malarkey to digest, but the real story is not what he teaches, but HOW he teaches it.

Overwhelming the brethren with Bible verses he claims all point to his in-the-moment conclusion has been a staple of “The Greatest Unending Story!" since its inception in 2015. Each week, David C. Pack paints a bloated word picture that is so incompressible that there is no choice for members but to accept that what he says must be true. After all, only a chosen man inspired by his god can speak for hours and hours in a stammering, disjointed fashion adamantly convinced of his own accuracy.

Well, until he returns to explain it was partially true. But the new fuller true is a better true, brethren. Until next time.

The people attending The Restored Church of God are not stupid. They are weary and worn down mentally. Their brains are being washed in the filthiness of David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God. Hireling enablers like Bradford Schleifer, Jaco Viljoen, and Edward Winkfield propagate the lies that David C. Pack creates.

The brethren are left to wonder if God is working with them and fear that their confusion is based on a lack of faith or not having enough of God’s Holy Spirit. This is an evil ruse perpetuated by The Restored Church of God, inflicting distress upon its members. It is all part of the mental conditioning to lock them in their seats and to accept prophetic lunacy as biblical fact.


The barrage of ever-changing narratives from David C. Pack is challenging to track, but all you really need to do is look at the status of the Tammuz Table arrangement at the end of a message to see what nonsense he is holding fast to now.

Part 466 – September 7, 2023

Part 493 – February 17, 2024

Part 497 – March 9, 2024

The Kingdom of God picture transfigured from 1-7-1000 to 4-100-1000 to 7-100-1000 has settled momentarily to 7-1000. Do not fall in love with that.

During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 495)” on March 2, 2024, David C. Pack was so busy poisoning the minds of brethren he forgot to pay attention to his own words.

God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony in 3…2…1…

Part 495 – March 2, 2024
@ 13:34 People don’t want to be told they’re wrong. Or to know they’re wrong.

Says the man who made a career out of being wrong and not wanting to be told he is wrong.

David C. Pack and his wolf den of enablers perpetuate the same lies until the memberships’ brains accept them as fact.

@ 14:40 Now, I don’t talk about this because you see me as an apostle and the leader of the church.

Part of the industrial mental conditioning of The Restored Church of God is to prove by repetition. If the Bible proves anything, it is that David C. Pack fits the definition of a false apostle, false prophet, and false teacher. However, when Dave keeps repeating false ideas, it distorts memories and reality.


To change doctrines, Dave must convince his worshippers that this information is privileged and the people who hear it are specially chosen to receive it. This is paramount to pushing teachings that create catastrophic implications and defy all current understanding of what the Bible teaches.

@ 30:58 So, you know, the First Fruits sing a special song no one else can know. They have a special name on them that no one else has. And everybody understands they’re a 144,000 that are distinct, unique, and higher than others for eternity. They’re different. But that duddn't mean they got salvation, and nobody ever understood this. Not me. Not Mr. Armstrong. Nobody ever understood that they do not get salvation (for the most part) except for a little group that goes first to make this [Table Glass 7] all possible. They do not get eternal life earlier than anybody else. And I didn’t understand that because, of course, nobody did.

Nobody can understand Bible prophecy correctly like David C. Pack can. He says the 144,000 do not yet have salvation and that even his “Father in the Gospel” during his 50-year ministry did not know.

@ 32:04 So, do not think I am in any way dumbing down or reducing what we get in an—in some ways, I’m increasing it because 144,000 are literally gonna be managing 35 billion fellow sons of God who are made of spirit just like they are.

Spirit sons of God will not yet have salvation. Do you know what other spirit beings also do not have salvation? Demons. Demons are spirits without salvation.

The Spirit of Antichrist thrives at The Restored Church of Another god, and David C. Pack is their chief spokesman. This blaspheming liar shamelessly uses coercive mental conditioning to prepare his audience to disregard sound logic.

Some brethren may "think" he is dumbing this down when he is doing the opposite. That is called gaslighting. This is the same manipulative tactic he used when he tore the Elijah mantle from the shoulders of Herbert W. Armstrong and placed it upon himself. The consolation prize for Worldwide Church of God alumni was that HWA was "elevated" to be like Moses.

As far as The Restored Church of God is concerned, all a Moses status means today is that both men are dead in their graves. That is the great significance of that 2015 promotion.


The minds of RCG brethren have been soaking in doctrinal filthiness for over a decade. The relentless attack on their brains conditions them to passively accept whatever biblical malarkey is vomited on them.

@ 33:53 Are we sure? Are are we su—“Mr. Pack, are we is there any way WE’RE seeing this wrong?” I’m gonna, literally, my job today is to overwhelm you overwhelm you with verses about this. Where you’d literally have to say, “I can’t reject that doc—you’d have to reject the Bible. And I’m not gonna stop until I’ve hit you with landslide after tsunami after Category 5 hurricane of verses that all say the same thing. And it’s gonna change us. And obviously, by now, just the fraction, the tiny fraction that you’ve heard, a lot of you are saying, “Wow, I I I don’t know how you’d argue with what we have so far.” I’d barely started.

This brief example of verbal coercion includes:

1) Any expression of doubt can be overridden
2) Overwhelming yet-to-be-presented Bible evidence supports the conclusion
3) To disagree means rejecting the Bible
4) Those enlightened enough to accept it will be changed
5) His narcissistic ego knows precisely what you better be thinking

David C. Pack is preconditioning his audience what to think and how to feel based upon his desires for the outcome. He even defuses any resistance because to disbelieve him would be a rejection of God’s Word and no honest, well-meaning Christian wants to do that.

This is classic brainwashing that stereotypical cults engage in.

Brainwashing (also known as mind controlmenticidecoercive persuasionthought controlthought reform, and forced re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.

A fascinating article on the Learning Mind website lists five steps for brainwashing techniques that David C. Pack and his minions employ.

1) Isolation
2) Attacks on self-esteem
3) Us vs. Them
4) Blind obedience
5) Testing

This is so difficult to see when you are still attending. But, boy…you see it clearly after you leave. Guilt, fear, shame, and denial are potent motivators for keeping you trapped inside what all your instincts tell you is a toxic, unbiblical environment. Welcome to The Restored Church of God.

If RCG members truly believed their Bibles, they would recognize and accept what they are witnessing. David C. Pack does not and cannot preach the truth. The Spirit of Error has taken root, and the mind-controlled Stepford ideology has snatched the light out of their eyes.

Just yesterday, I was independently shunned twice by current Headquarters members at the Giant Eagle grocery store within two minutes of each other. They walked past me like I did not exist. I tried to greet them with a smile, but I was only met with cold, dead stares and averted eye contact.

It reminded me of the last scene from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” when I tried to warmly greet Donald Sutherland. Even the pod people would have acknowledged my presence. The current members of The Restored Church of God are worse off than Body Snatchers. Ponder that.

The stories from those who leave The Restored Church of God tell a unified story of abuse that transcends economic, social, and cultural boundaries. This is a spiritually cancerous organization. Rotten from the core with top-down authoritarianism, David C. Pack and his corrupted enablers pervert the Bible to perpetuate the opposite of what they preach.

There is no love in or coming from The Restored Church of Another god.

By recent accounts, only the worst types of people remain at Headquarters in any leadership position. The word “toxic” is often repeated. The most awful kinds of power-hungry personalities not only endure there, but thrive.

David C. Pack has surrounded himself with like-minded individuals who are just as bitter and venomous as he is. The Headquarters Campus is a dying fountain of bitter waters. Be careful how much you drink. That place will rot your brain.


As a thinly veiled attempt to insulate impatient members, David C. Pack must remind brethren that Jesus Christ could not return until his vital information was understood and explained.

@ 35:47 So, again, we didn’t know the Mystery of God if we didn’t know this.

So, again is right. If this sounds familiar…

Flashback Part 419 – February 14, 2023
@ 02:11 In light of three kingdoms, it’s time to clear this up once and for all. How could (again) the Mystery of God be finished if we didn’t know this?

Flashback Part 435 – April 15, 2023
@ 59:19 …but I mean, as I am want to say though this long Series, there are many nights where I say, Well, did we understand the Mystery of God if we didn’t know this? How many times you heard me say that?

David C. Pack will continue to say that because God is not using him to preach any of this. Nothing David C. Pack proclaims will happen on April 8. And he still does not know about the eclipse.

Part 495 – March 2, 2024
@ 36:31 Took over eight years to get here, but here we are. Right on time with about five weeks to go. Little over.

On April 8, David C. Pack will again expose himself as a biblical fraud. The man who knows everything knows nothing.


After the meal, Dave makes sure the less-enthused in the Headquarters congregation know some are still willing to bow the knee to kiss his ring.

Part 496 – March 2, 2024
@ 00:08 Well, the conversation was exciting. There’s tremendous buzz.

The Assigned Yes Couples at Dave's supper table are unreliable sources for gauging the commoners’ excitement. But, a vocal few are thrilled to praise Dave at every opportunity. I know those people by name and witnessed these same wide-eyed All-Believing Zealots greet Dave, thanking him for the wonderful information. I wanted to wretch. I guarantee they still do it today.

Even these spiritual zombies had no idea Dave was about to turn the tables on them by reshuffling the Kingdom of God deck again. If they were surprised, then they are among the most miserable.      

@ 41:27 A lot of things point to a thousand years. That (in other words, we’ve been playing with three kingdoms, four kingdoms, three kingdoms, four kingdoms.) What if it’s just two? [chuckles] Seven years and a thousand.

By going back to two kingdoms, David C. Pack exposed himself as a theological incompetent. Again. He continuously botches his “inspired preaching” and is so out of sync with his god, he perpetually fails in spectacular fashion. Some effective messenger he turned out to be.

@ 41:41 If that were true, you’d never doubt Abib 1. You’d never doubt April 8th. [laughs] You just couldn’t ‘cause you got seven years butted up against a thousand. They’ve gotta all start when years begin. But that’s one of the great proofs…so it sure makes 36 days away as hard as diamond.

@ 42:12 So, if there’re two kingdoms, I mean, that would be real simplicity in Christ.

@ 43:43 But also, this was something now, none of you would be aware of this, but I’mna share something with you be heart to heart. Also, if it is next, it means our literature has been right all along. Do you know how big that is?

David C. Pack once again admits their literature has been wrong for years. Of the 140 prospective members that actually show up on their first Sabbath, they will have to learn what they REALLY teach the hard way after they sit down behind locked doors.

The little hiccup in Dave’s bright side literature declaration is that his statement does not apply to everything. This list does not include the retired booklets or hidden The World to Come videos.

Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? — The Rise of False Prophets
Herbert W. Armstrong — His Life In Proper Perspective
I Will Send Elijah To Restore All Things
The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked!
The Bible’s Difficult Scriptures Explained!

Do not expect those to return to the RCG website anytime soon.

@ 44:49 I mean, consider. We have an open door in front of us. It’s eaten me up that I couldn’t get the literature to a settled point.

Just not eaten up enough to take meaningful action. Do not be fooled into thinking anything doctrinally is settled. The picture will keep moving, especially as April 8 (Abib 1) approaches.

Jessica Brown and I entertain each other by predicting when Dave will walk that one back. The most likely moonwalk will occur on the evening of April 7. But take my shrug-worthy educated guess from an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic as uninspired speculation. You know, the same means David C. Pack employs for all his messages.

@ 45:16 I just didn’t. I never had time, and I didn’t know exactly what or when the final pic—what [chuckles] or when the final picture would come.

Part 500 will be delivered today. There will be no final picture coming from David C. Pack.

@ 45:30 So, if it’s coming now after eight and a half years, boy, oh boy, oh boy, it is right on time. This is March. We started in September of 2015. And it’s March. And we got about 36 days away. There’re all kinds of interesting things we have to resolve.

The September 2015 reference is Dave manipulating reality to retcon the start of the Series. He creates his own narrative and repeats it until sleepy brains are tricked into believing it. He may gaslight himself into thinking Part 1 was not in November 2015, but those resisting his mind control tactic will be able to remember the truth.

The longer you wallow in RCG’s mental mire, the deeper it penetrates your brain.


During Part 497 on March 9, 2024, Dave solidified the 7-1000 Kingdom structure and discovered that MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN of Daniel 5 was actually a hidden mathematical code for 2,520 days.

Wow. I just heard Dennis Diehl slap his forehead.

Part 497 – March 9, 2024
@ 00:13 Took a long to appreciate what it means, “Wait for it. It will surely come.”

@ 00:50 Because when we finally learned the date and what God was gonna do [laughs] it was gonna be a long wait and we would need to know that it won’t go longer than that.

@ 02:41 Last week, I concluded by speculating that there was not a hundred-year kingdom in here [Table glasses]. And we sort of officially at the end of the sermon pulled it [100] out. …If the picture really is this [Table 7-1000] and not the third one in between but it really is seven and a thousand we’d have to jump over some hurdles. Face some challenges. Answer some questions to be sure we really, really, really have it right.

@ 04:14 The real question was, Was there three or four [kingdoms]? For the longest time. But, if you’re gonna move back to two, you have to resolve certain things in a way that you’re never ever tempted to see anything other than 1,007 contiguous years from some Abib 1. And we haft know—see it and know it and know that we know it and know that we know that we know it. So, we’re gonna do that.

God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony as Dave unintentionally describes himself in 3…2…1…

@ 16:11 And God help all of us to see it, and God help me to teach it to you correctly in a clear and concise way so that all the mystery of Daniel and Revelation, which ties all the theologians and all the prophets and prophecy experts in knots and [chuckles] and they they [laughs] it helps them make the dismal swamp a lot more dismal and a lot bigger swamp. So, we’re gonna clear all of it out.

David C. Pack speaks lies while claiming God's authority, proving himself to be a blaspheming liar. That is not an opinion. God is not helping him see anything nor is the Holy Spirit guiding him to teach his incorrect and muddy confusion.


Daniel 5, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, and 2,520. Have at it, prophecy hobbyists.

Be warned, the second part of the quote is so infested with parenthetical interruptions no manner of punctuation can make David C. Pack’s words comprehensible. Slowly read his stream of consciousness. If you dare.

@ 47:15 So, the key we just read in Daniel 5 is titanic. It's not years. It didn't end in '75 or '82 or '92, or 2012. It has nothing to do with years. It's 2,520 days that comprise seven years that I thought were the length of years only when you got to the Kingdom of God. So, this is another way that God is hiding what He was doing. And Mr. Pack concluded just as the Seventh and Eighth Head can’t die in the same kingdom, but they do, and I'll prove it. God reset part of what confuses people, they don’t know what maybe when seven years would end, exactly, or how it works because there’s seven years nobody who’s ever lived has ever seen before there’ve never been a 360-day year.

A sound mind, indeed. Dave realized that by looking into the meaning of MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, the 2,520 referred to days and not years like WCG believed. I did not get goosebumps.

@ 53:54 We’re sit—we’re learning a lot about this seven years. My job is to make the seven years plain. The Day of the Lord follows it. It was a dismal swamp. But I think we'd all agree it's clearing up. Whether you call it seven years, seven times, 84 months split into 42 and 42, or whether you call it 1,260 days and 1,260 days, or you call it 2,520 days, it's the same, and it's this [Table glasses]. And it’s impossible to argue with it now. It’s impossible.

Everyone agrees and his points are impossible…impossible to argue. He tells them how to feel and what to think. There is no need for the brethren to prove all things because he already did that for them. The brethren do not need to control their own thoughts because Dave will do it for them.

@ 55:05 I think I can be, shall we put it, say if I if I I’m I try to admit my mistakes. I think I can be forgiven for trying to figure out how the Seventh and Eighth King and months that are all thirty days the way they’ll be for eternity is this side of the Kingdom of God. I thought it had to it had to be a switch. Okay. There doesn’t.

I did not hear an apology in there. David C. Pack manipulates brethren with devious persuasion tactics to give the impression of an apology without one. Then, he graciously accepts their assumed projected forgiveness.

@ 1:11:35 I’m trying to make this and with God’s help as absolutely plain as possible and absolutely impossible to misunderstand.

So says David C. Pack: The Inept King of Misunderstanding.

The brethren of The Restored Church of God are victims of systematic brainwashing by David C. Pack and his hireling acolytes. Nobody in RCG can explain what they just heard, but they just know, "Mr. Pack is right this time."

Soaking in confused doctrinal filthiness and then told how to think and feel, the brainwashed members of The Restored Church of God are ground into submission.

Even after April 8 fails, conditioned minds controlled by evil men will continue to reject reality. The rinse and repeat cycle will continue as long as David C. Pack remains the Brain Washer.

Marc Cebrian

See: Brain Washer

Restored Church of God: A Messy Mess


A Messy Mess


The Restored Church of God experienced an exciting week when European minister Christophe Binette departed with a bold letter heard ‘round the world. It certainly jolted Bradford Schleifer out of bed before the cock crowed.


Jaco Viljoen was not fully awake when he drafted a deeply flawed rebuttal to the membership without pausing to consider the implications of what he accidentally admitted. RCG “ministers" are trained to under-react. Still, Headquarters forgot that philosophy in their desperate haste, so they swung into Damage Control Mode and revealed more than they intended.


And opened themselves up to a potentially messy legal action.


One serious implication of that poorly-crafted response letter is that The Restored Church of God exposed themselves to a lawsuit for violating pastoral confidentiality. Ministers are legally bound to keep information of counseling sessions private. Jaco claimed he and Cardboard Denee were working with Christophe, but then disclosed the nature of those discussions. Naughty, naughty.


The Restored Church of God ethically and legally violated its moral obligations as a religious organization by revealing private counseling information to its members.


This is not the first time.


Kenneth Orel is famous for revealing member secrets, and it could be a supporting factor in why he was so easily cast out from Wadsworth last year and was reduced to remote volunteer status. Some former members learned the hard way that if you counsel with Ken privately, he will use that content to flavor his sermon publicly.


Hearing your private story being divulged to the entire church while sitting in services is a traumatizing experience. Two former members approached me with their sufferings, but found it too painful to tell their side publicly. It is my hope that some day those stories come to light.


There are now three first-hand reports of this happening in The Restored Church of God. An attorney would better understand how many claimants you need to form a class action lawsuit. If anyone would like to take up this cause, I would gladly facilitate communication between the interested parties. Write


That is a sliver of the abuses taking place within the walls of The Restored Church of God. Moral, ethical, and legal messiness is gaining traction on the already prevalent doctrinal mess.



David C. Pack enjoyed his drive home Sunday learning The Restored Church of God just shrank by 1%. When an organization is already in steady decline but reporting it as flat growth, how many more 1% losses can they sustain before financial collapse becomes inevitable?


RCG’s banks might also be smelling blood in the water. The more desperate shift in RCG’s financial policies and doctrines is a response to pressure from their loan holders, not coincidental revelations of biblical clarity from Dave’s god. Banks love steady, reliable income. The big, occasional Common check does not put them at ease. Dave may love it, but sound financial institutions do not.


The cold sweat on the wooden walls of Headquarters’ Third Floor of the Hall of Administration might just be steady, controlled panic at The Restored Church of God. They are not growing. Tithe income is not growing.


That is why they are considering preaching publicly for the first time after twenty-five years. Because they are being forced to. It has nothing to do with “the work” Herbert W. Armstrong did in the Worldwide Church of God. That is a plastic veneer to hide the rot underneath.


Let Stone Cold Math tell the tale.


The Restored Church of God uses business tools common to many corporate entities including Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. There are all kinds of easily accessible data stored within that environment for anyone interested to document.


As of March 2024, these are exact numbers according to The Restored Church of God.


Current Active Members: 1,254

Removed Members: 4,625

Prospective Members: 140

Church Inquiries: 6

Deceased: 442

Total Contact: 470,801


These numbers report worldwide data since the inception of RCG in 1999 and since they began tracking. The active member numbers do not include children, and these statistics are outdated because they have lost 1% of their members in the past seven days. The hemorrhaging is not over.



As a frame of reference, Bradford Schleifer delivered a Bible Study, “Your Work and The Work” in June 2022. Despite his painting a deceptively rosy picture of RCG’s prospects, it was apparent that he was fudging the numbers back then. How much more so now?


Your Work and The Work – Bradford Schleifer – June 24, 2022

@ 54:04 We’ve seen our Church Inquiries grow ’21 over ’20. And we're currently projected, with what we're seeing right now, to beat last year by about 35 percent.


As of March 2024
Prospective Members: 140

Church Inquiries: 6


Part 493 – David C. Pack – February 17, 2024

@ 2:01:37 So I'm telling you, some people are afraid to sell all. They won't. They don't have the faith. …If you are sitting on funds, extra houses, or cash, you are commanded by God to sell all. Or, at best, you will face four years of sore trial. Now, I don’t mean to be strong ‘cause I don’t need it. The church is doing fine.


As of March 2024
Total Active Members: 1,254


The Restored Church of God is a doctrinal mess wrestling with a financial mess. When the April 8, 2024, kingdom does not arrive, expect that to be the last straw for more members. If they keep losing attendance in 1% increments, expect the messy mess to get messier.

Marc Cebrian

See: A Messy Mess

Monday, May 16, 2022

RCG’s David C. Pack Is Finally Diagnosed


RCG’s David C. Pack Is Finally Diagnosed

Marc Cebrian


For those wondering what affliction is causing David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God to continuously bumble the date for the return of Jesus Christ, the answer has been finally revealed. 


Very few human beings in all of Creation have failed so perfectly at their fundamental purpose, which is why David C. Pack is owed your empathy. Those who have witnessed the biblical epilepsy in person have long understood that which is now becoming public.


The Pastor General and self-proclaimed “apostle,” David C. Pack, suffers from the most horrific case of P.A.S.E. That diagnosis goes a long way to explain his prophetic babblings which had its most public expression of symptoms starting in 2015 when he declared himself to be both Elijah and That Prophet.


Perpetual, Acute, and Severe Eisegesis


There it is. The truth is out now and the healing can begin.


The outward symptoms of this affliction include (but are not limited to):


• Prophetic amnesia

• Prophetic Alzheimer’s

• Prophetic dementia

• Prophetic diarrhea

• Continually crosses out dates on a calendar that he spent hours to circle in the first place

• Understands that the louder you declare something, the more true it is

• Declares he is right and he KNOWS that he is right

• Believes that jars, spoons, and volleyballs are not ridiculous visual aids

• Knows that no other man on earth can do what he does

• Repeats, “I finally understand…” but in the following days proves that to not be the case

• Uses the word “clarify” as code for “error”

• Regurgitates the same false teachings by merely reshuffling the verses

• Is fully convinced that any other human being can follow his ever-changing teachings

• Thinks every biblical idea he tells the church is given by God

• Sees himself all throughout the Bible

• Believes God has bestowed upon him various biblical titles

• Forgets that WCG used to teach what he said they never did

• Forgets he “already taught this” years ago, thinking it’s new

• Declares it is “the last part of the series” dozens of times

• Asks, “Do you think we have one more year?” seven years in a row

• Declares another “WATCH-me-fail-again” for the entire church

• Believes his ministers prefer to spend their Sundays trimming tree branches with him, rather than having quality time with their wives and children


David C. Pack can teach a Master Class in prophetic failure. His track record stands at 100% and that achievement may never be topped in our lifetime.


Being diagnosed is the first step to recovery even with the most extreme cases of spiritual fraud.

Please show David C. Pack the same compassion that he would readily express to you.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

David C. Pack Is All Throughout Your Bible!

David C. Pack Is All Throughout Your Bible!
Marc Cebrian

It must be very hard for Dave Pack to do any type of Bible study without seeing himself "pop" off the pages. God has granted him more titles than any other human being in Creation (take that, Jesus Christ). He has preached to more people than anyone on the face of the earth (take that, Paul) AND he has studied the Bible more than anyone on the face of the earth (take that, everyone). After all...SOMEBODY has to do it.

Here is a list of the titles and scriptures Dave Pack has preached that are about him. He's walked some back, but that would mean God did NOT inspire him to see it in the first place.

Elijah is Mr. Armstrong / Mr. Pack / Not Mr. Pack / Mr. Pack / Not Mr. Pack (yet) / “I know who that is” / Mr. Pack
Elijah is That Prophet 
Elijah is “like Moses”
Elijah is Joshua the High Priest
Elijah is Ezekiel’s Watchman
Ezekiel is a type of Elijah
Elijah cries out to the Ten Virgins the Bridegroom is coming
Elijah is the porter
Elijah utters the Seven Thunders to six other Messengers (maybe)
Elijah is David, the righteous king (but not any more)

1 Samuel 2:35 – Mr. Pack (Elijah/Joshua) is the “faithful priest”

Psalm 50 – Mr. Pack (Elijah)
Psalm 89:19-37 – Mr. Pack is David

Isaiah 11:1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the “twig”
Isaiah 11:2-5 – Mr. Pack (Elijah), not Jesus Christ is described
Isaiah 40:1-3 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) “speaks comfortably to Jerusalem”
Isaiah 41:2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “the righteous from the east”
Isaiah 41:25 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the one “from the north” who “from the rising of the sun…call”
Isaiah 58:1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the one to “Cry aloud, spare not…”

Ezekiel 34:23-24 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “My servant David”
Ezekiel 34:29 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “a plant of renown”
Hosea 3:5 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “David the King”

Joel 2:23  – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the “teacher of righteousness” mistranslated as “former rain”

Zephaniah 3:2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) Jerusalem “obeyed not [his] voice”

Habakkuk 2:2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “he may run who reads it” “rush to call it out” “making it plain”

Haggai 1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is working with Jesus Christ to talk to the people

Zechariah 2:3 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is “another angel”
Zechariah 3:1 – Mr. Pack is “Joshua the high priest”

Malachi 3:1 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the messenger
Malachi 4:6 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) will remove the “curse” of Revelation 22:3

Matthew 24:43 – Mr. Pack is the “goodman of the house”
Matthew 25:6 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) gives the cry announcing the Bridegroom

Luke 12:43 – Mr. Pack is the servant “to be found so doing” and Jesus Christ comes to him
Luke 14:17-24 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the servant of the Great Supper

Mark 13:34 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the Porter (the Watchman)

John 10:3 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the Porter

Revelation 10, 11 & 16 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the Seventh Angel/Messenger (now)
Revelation 10:3-4 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) utters the Seven Thunders (maybe)
Revelation 10:7 – Mr. Pack ends the Mystery of God
Revelation 10:9-11 – Mr. Pack (Elijah – as John) eats the book and “prophesies again”
Revelation 11:1-2 – Mr. Pack (Elijah – as John) measures the Temple
Revelation 22 – Mr. Pack (Elijah) is the angel talking with John
Revelation 22:10 - Mr. Pack is the one to “unseal” Revelation

Monday, April 25, 2022

Why do Restored Church of God members continue to allow themselves to be made out as fools for believing Dave Pack's daily lies?


Here we are in another day, the sun is up and it is a beautiful day outside and the Wadsworth "jesus" has not returned!

Every single day Dave Pack makes up a new excuse as to why the creature he invented has not returned and the Restored Church of God members sit there and lap it all up as truth. How many lies will it take before they wake up? Worse yet, how many more failed returns need to happen before some RCG employee or member snaps and there is another COG tragedy happening?

Why are COG members so willing to give up individual self-worth to blindly follow these liars? So many church members have a deep need to be told what to do and believe. That then removes all responsibility from themselves and alleviates their fear and insecurity. If someone else is in control of their beliefs and tells them what to believe then they can remain in a child-like state all their lives. Sadly, this is an attractive option for most RCG members and other COG members.

Restored Church of God members danced the night away in anticipation of Dave's creature returning, but alas, it did not, but fun was had anyway.

As a wonderful dinner dance went deeper into the evening here at Headquarters, it BECAME EVIDENT our wait MIGHT be longer than expected—PERHAPS deep into the night, or even the daylight portion of today. A POWERFUL rationale for a seven-day “one week”—not eight-day—Kingdom of Israel EMERGED, which SOLIDIFIED AFTER a meeting this morning with Headquarters ministers. The case is PROFOUND and involves many scriptures, but only two are needed for proof: 
Daniel 9:27 says Christ will confirm the covenant with many for ONE WEEK.” Simple reading leaves no room for an eighth day! The “confirmation” is finished in seven days. Couple this with I Corinthians 1:8, which says Christ will “confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ [synonymous with the Day of the Lord].” 
Do NOT MISS what is being said when these two passages are linked! “Confirmation” is complete in the Day of Christ—which caps a seven-day period! 
YET AGAIN, we should cling to the promise in Habakkuk 2:3 as the day progresses and we move into the night: “though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry!” We are all STILL MOST EXCITED and INSPIRED here as a meeting with 14 ministers comes to a close!

Dave met with the 14 men he considers his council. Being the weak impotent men that they are, they sat there and nodded heads in agreement with Dave's latest lies. I wonder how many of them deep down inside know that Dave is a liar?