Sunday, July 28, 2024

David C. Pack Exploits an Assassination Attempt


David C. Pack Exploits an Assassination Attempt

The assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald J. Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13 has brought out the worst in the worst people. David C. Pack is no exception. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God seized the opportunity to exploit that shocking event to elevate himself and conjure the illusion of his biblical legitimacy.

David C. Pack spent the past 11 years proving he is an incompetent prophecy expert while staring in the mirror, telling himself he is God's chosen vessel disseminating "just in time" knowledge, opening the door for the return of Jesus Christ. The documented fact he has been wrong 84 times since March 2022 is a minor public relations inconvenience.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 524)” on July 17, 2024, David C. Pack quickly capitalized on the nation-rocking incident as an indicator of prophetic timing and how he is closely attuned to biblical understanding.

Part 524 – July 17, 2024
@ 00:13 I’ve seen some of you, of course, at the picnic since the assassination attempt. I feel I should make a few comments about it. A number of people drew the same conclusion. Talking to a lot of ministers and others. And now, of course, with four days passing since the attempt to, you know, murder the former president. In many ways, it has created what I thought would be the case, and I said it Saturday night as I sat glued to the television as perhaps some of you were that Breakout had begun.

When David C. Pack sits alone in front of his television set, he proves to himself he is right and is so sure that he says it out loud. The man cannot even watch the news without being arrogant about it.

"Breakout" is what he calls an end-time calamity of worsening world conditions and chaos that occur before the Kingdom of God's arrival. This is the "sky is falling" aspect of Dave's shtick. He occasionally dawns on his Chicken Little costume and shifts into his Doom and Gloom Preacher persona.

Breakout has begun before. When Hama invaded Israel in October 2023, Dave jumped all over that, telling brethren it was the greatest metric of prophetic timing, proving Dave's authenticity. Nine months later, we are still looking out our windows, waiting for world hell to arrive in the front yard.

@ 04:41 I’m just telling you. This is exploding across the world. Every world leader’s talking about it. There is genuine fear in America now. And I mean genuine fear.

@ 07:08 So, it looks to me like Breakout has begun. Nothing is calming down.

@ 08:42 So, we’re in a we’re in a very dangerous time. And and and I wuh–I I adjure all of us, pray fervently. Stay close to God and pray for one another as the Bible tells us to do time and again.

@ 1:53:58 But, could God want Breakout to grow even worse? I’m sorry to say this, but maybe much worse. …There’re horrifically evil people in various high places.

@ 1:55:40 It looks like what Habakkuk saw, interestingly enough, President Trump was shot on a Sabbath.

@ 1:59:14 I think we're into Breakout, and I wish I didn't have to say this, but I suspect it’s gonna get much worse.

Exploiting an Assassination Attempt:

Fearmongering? Check.


After establishing the prophetic finish line is just over the horizon and the world is about to get super crazy, Dave reminds the members of The Restored Church of God that they are in the right place. If they want to escape torture and death, they better stay seated.

@ 1:02:03 You know, we’re separated from a lot of other brethren who think we’re crazy just because we won’t give up what they said they’d never give up.

Dave’s perversion of reality is so far removed from the truth.

People do not think those trapped inside The Restored Church of God are “crazy” because they will not forsake the Sabbath, Holy Days, or bacon. The perception of “crazy” rests with members ignoring their Bibles that they claim to believe and willfully turning off their brains to blindly follow a blaspheming, hypocritical liar with a proven history of being a false teacher, false apostle, and false prophet.

It is “crazy” for people to continue to pay David C. Pack to spin ever-changing theological tall tales. His enormously long and powerful lists prove whatever date for the arrival of the Kingdom of God withers the moment he stands up. It is “crazy” for followers to keep ignoring that.

@ 1:09:14 I look at this Campus and I think of we’ve seen rainbows. Like God says, you know, I’m here.We’ve seen dark and cloudy days. Extraordinarily dark and cloudy days like the way the Bible describes like God is saying, “I’m I’m kinda giving you a preview.”

@ 1:09:55 Is the Father nearby? It would be impossible for you to convince me the Father does not walk this Campus.

Without any proof, Dave wishes this to be. Money fraudulently coerced from the brethren built and maintain the Headquarters Campus. By asserting God the Father walks the grounds, it means there is divine approval. Dave wants that so badly he can taste it.

@ 1:10:43 It’s impossible to separate Joseph from the from the story of this little flock that sold all that did these amazing things under ferocious fire and attack by people who wanted us as as dead as that shooter wanted the president.

Nobody has ever taken a shot at David C. Pack because nobody cares enough to bother. The absence of a murder attempt is not divine protection but a testimony of his ineffective unimportance.

Dave held up church members as his personal meat shield. “People who wanted US as dead…” There must be a collective perceived animosity not focused on the biblically corrupt leader.

@ 1:13:00 It oughta make people think long and hard about leaving this church. I don’t think we have much time, but the point is there are always people who swallow a whole bottle of Stupid Pills in a particular day, and that's the end of it.

Exploiting an Assassination Attempt:

RCG is The Only Place? Check.



The assassination theme was threaded throughout Part 524, giving Dave's standard short-clock malarkey more texture and flavor.

@ 1:27:05 But this the 12th [of Tammuz], so we’re obviously in a delay into a day beyond the 12thNow, I’m told by God, “You kept My watch.”

@ 1:32:33 Anybody who saw the assassination can’t possibly believe, if they’re watching the news, we’re gonna go another year even if we didn’t know that 2031 is a Year of Liberty two thousand years after after Christ and seven years after the First Kingdom began.

@ 1:50:52 So, we’re waiting for Av 1? Well, lemme just tell ya, on July 1, I made a list of of Av 1 possibilities. There’s scores of ‘em that point to Av 1.

David C. Pack exercises the antithesis of inspired preaching as he spitballs when the Kingdom of God might arrive. He proves that over 25,000 hours of Bible study since 2015 still is not good enough to be accurate regarding prophecy.

@ 1:53:27 And don’t forsake the assembling of yourselves together as you look out the window and you see raging Breakout and hell. Don’t do it. Don’t fear. If it goes longer, don’t say, you know, “My Lord delays,” and panic and leave.

Exploiting an Assassination Attempt:

We’re Close—But If Not, Don’t Leave? Check.



David C. Pack glistens with his own self-importance. As of Part 524, he does not claim to be a prophet or Elijah (wink-wink) anymore, but he does have special knowledge nobody else can access. Ignore the paragraphs in RCG literature stating an office in God’s Government is given and cannot be acquired by human effort. There are no office take-backs. Dave must have forgotten that part of the books he co-wrote.

Dave's desire to be relevant is so raw it is screaming.

@ 05:58 Now, anybody who's been around me knows, brethren, I’ve been saying for months, “They’re going to shoot the President.”

If only that could be confirmed. He neglected to say it publicly, so we just have to take his word for it. David C. Pack is an unreliable narrator who often distorts reality into the perverted shape he desires. Maybe he said it. Maybe he did not. Either way, trusting his words is a fool’s errand.

@ 07:54 We are told, “Fear not.” I don’t wanna say I’m a prophet [chuckles] ‘cause, you know, I’ve had what I’ve said about that. But I will tell you, I I expected them to take a shot.


Note the placement of his chuckle. He does not want to “say” he is a prophet “but” he knows he is. That chuckle betrayed his lie.

Dave channeled his inner Alex Jones with “them” taking a shot at President Trump. Who are they? Insert your favorite conspiracy theory HERE.

@ 08:12 I I half-expect the next time they’re gonna get him.

They? Who? The Clintons? The Bilderberg Group? George Soros? Professor Xavier’s Illuminati?

“Half-expect” sounds very non-committal to me. But on the bright side, David C. Pack just guaranteed President Donald J. Trump cannot be assassinated. There is no way on this earth Dave can ever be even partially right about anything he teaches. It is not possible.

Thanks to the ranting of false prophet and false apostle David C. Pack, Pastor General of The Restored Church of Another god, Mr. Trump now wears divine Kevlar.

Well, he did for about one second.

@ 08:15 Or they’re gonna they’ll wound him or something. Who knows what will happen?

Dave’s confidence shriveled faster than it swelled. That was the quickest moonwalk in RCG history. The brethren must be so grateful for the keen insight provided by their human idol.

Mr. Trump needs to be on the lookout for “something” next time. Thanks for the inspired head’s up, Dave.

@ 1:45:40 How far could you get past the 5th [of Tammuz]? How far can you get past the midst of the years? It’s impossible to argue with those dates. What I wasn’t an expert on years ago, I am now. I could teach the rabbis stuff they don’t know.

Exploiting an Assassination Attempt:

David C. Pack is Special? Check.



In the quagmire that is Part 524, full moons became a big deal just as RCG started phasing out new moons. Av 1 on August 5 is back in the crosshairs as a definite maybe, but because there is a built-in delay, knowing the day and hour will remain a mystery. Oh, and the Father is already in Joseph at the start of the Kingdom of God. So, there is that.

Capitalizing on the assassination attempt of former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, David C. Pack uses that fearmongering theme to season the same boring nonsense he has been preaching for over eight years.

David C. Pack’s most despicable exploitation will be the focus next time.

Marc Cebrian

See: David C. Pack Exploits an Assasination Attempt


Anonymous said...

Of course he's going to exploit this, nearly in the same way as Donald Trump has also exploited it. It's what people with agendas do! They magnify all of the negatives, and propose themselves as the perfect solution. Sales 101.

One of the great difficulties in my life has been watching supposedly intelligent individuals being worked by effective sales persons, and manipulated into modifying their behavior. An effective salesman is very adept at taking control of the decision making process. One trap into which religious teachers can easily fall is "selling" gospel. A need for money is often the motivator for their salesmanship, and the consequence is that what should be the one pure thing on planet Earth becomes whored up.

The good news is that Dave and others are in a series of perpetual contractions. I would imagine that Dave realizes that the clock is running out on him, and as this weighs heavily on his mind and continues to loom larger, he's going to do more desperate and ridiculous things as he secretly realizes that nothing like he believes is going to happen, and that he was in no way special.

Anonymous said...

It's earie.

Anonymous said...

he secretly realizes that nothing like he believes is going to happen, and that he was in no way special.

Dave may eventually realize that nothing like he believes is going to happen. But he will NEVER give up the belief that he is in some way special. It's a psychological defect he shares with Bwana Mzungu Bob Thiel. All we can do is hope that Dave and Bob will retire from the public eye quietly like Harold Camping, and not go out violently like David Koresh or Jim Jones.

R.L. said...

President Trump was shot on a Sabbath.

The U.S. has endured four Presidential assassinations. TWO of the shootings came on Sabbath - Abraham Lincoln (1865) and James Garfield (1881). Did either of them quickly lead to the end of the age?

I’ve been saying for months, “They’re going to shoot the President.”

Hopefully someone has advised Mr. Pack that Joe Biden is still "the President" for six more months.

"The U.S. already may have its last President." - Herbert Armstrong in The Plain Truth after John Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963. That was based on the U.S. being conquered by 1972. Did it happen?

Anonymous said...

He says they have the "OPEN DOOR", no they don't, the television program/studio is mothballed!

Anonymous said...

I disagree, 1:24. I believe that both Dave and Bwana Mizingu know deep down they are nothing special. They just won't admit it to others. They aspire to be collectors of the people who will become the evidence of their greatness. So they project specialness. It's kind of like theatre, in that acting is involved. Reality is they have no concept of greatness, or they would be executing it and it would appear to be effortless as they did so.

Anonymous said...

Problem may be that they are NOT in the public eye. Only in the BANNED eye!

Anonymous said...

"Breakout" is also basically what Charles Manson aimed for after plotting for groups to be pitted against each other into a race riot. Dave is gloating over similar "breakouts" to make his podium seem significant despite his sermons being hogwash & ker-fuffle.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

R.L said, "The U.S. already may have its last President." - Herbert Armstrong in The Plain Truth after John Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963. That was based on the U.S. being conquered by 1972. Did it happen?"

MY COMMENT - When my family came into the Church, Lyndon Johnson was President. When Richard Nixon was elected, I remember the Church calling Nixon the "end-time President". His first 4-year term election in 1968 fit perfectly culminating with a 1972 Great Tribulation/1975 Return of Christ.

Did it happen? NO! And no mention in the 1960s WCG prophecy of future Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan (he survived an assassination attempt too), George H.W. Bush, Clinton, G.W. Bush, Obama, Trump, or Biden. The only mention was German bombs about to be dropped on America in 1972.


Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Dave Pack says in a video clip that they "have an OPEN DOOR".

MY COMMENT - Little Bobby Thiel says he also has an OPEN DOOR. According to Thiel, his divine open door is the door of animation when Bobby Thiel occasionally morphs into Cartoon Bob. Cartoon Bob is much more effective and entertaining than the real Bobby Thiel. But little Bobby Thiel lacks the faith to walk through that open door of animation by morphing into Cartoon Bob 100% of the time. In other words, Thiel is lukewarm lacking the faith and zeal to "go all out". Which raises a fair question - whose OPEN DOOR is a more powerful witness to the world - little Bobby Thiel or Dave Pack?


Ronco said...

The Restored Church of God- Where the End of Days is always just days away. (TM)

Anonymous said...

The U.S. already may have its last President." - Herbert Armstrong in The Plain Truth after John Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963

the great art of manufacturing fear out of every event and elevating oneself in the process.Terrible liars and hypocrites

Anonymous said...

The only mention was German bombs about to be dropped on America in 1972.

recall reading the fake apostle writing similar words in the 1930's not long after the start of the true church

Anonymous said...

I believe that both Dave and Bwana Mizingu know deep down they are nothing special. They just won't admit it to others. They aspire to be collectors of the people who will become the evidence of their greatness.

The problem with your theory is that Dave and Bob don't respect their own followers. Collecting their followers is no great accomplishment, as Bob and Dave both know that anyone weak and gullible enough to follow them isn't worthy of respect.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, 1972 whewww when East Germany & West Germany were diluted into a 1/2 & 1/2 mfg. watered down scenario. Why didn't Mr. HWA at least have the folk wait till 1989 wall comin' down.

Kolchak said...

You mean the grassy knoll almost ushered in the Millenium back then? Before bell bottoms & disco & Soul Train?

Must be the congregations weren't "refined" & readied for it yet back then eh.

Is that why Arlen Specter of PA staked his career on the "magic bullet" doing stunts & u-turns inside JFK to eventually carom off out into TX Gov. Connally?

Anonymous said...

This is true sadly and it epitomizes how Armstrong treated people throughout his entire self centred career. God will be the judge.

Anonymous said...

I think 3:54 made a good point! It's kind of like the old go around and freak everyone else out at a pot party mentality. Pack and Theil are saying and doing all these outrageous things because they know that we at Banned, basically all the people who left, are their only audience. They"re deliberately attempting to freak us out!

And of course we just laugh at them as we ended up doing at old Hog Jowls!

Anonymous said...

That's true for all ACOG ministers, present and former. The knowingly ignored scriptures, choosing to follow the toxic church culture instead. All for the sake of their comfy Marie Antoinette life style. God's not going to accept their pathetic "I was just following orders" excuse.