Wednesday, July 31, 2024

UCG: Even though income is up close to 9% we need more of your money to help us through there perilous end times

In these perilous end times as prophecy comes alive around us and even though you are giving money to us, we need more of it to do our vital ministry. So give, and give, and give, and give and give! You must perform this good work to show God that you are supporting this most vital work. Otherwise, He will be extremely disappointed in you and your salvation may be at stake. Give now as you never have before! We need to get this vital message to the world! Time is short! 

It isn't just UCG doing this; it's almost every COG out there demanding more money from their followers. God can't be bothered till he sees money in the till.

UCGIA Financial Update

With the end of June marking the final month in fiscal year 2023-2024, we are encouraged to report that (unaudited figures throughout) total income has increased more than five percent year over year. This also represents just under a nine percent increase over budget for the same period measured. 
Inflationary challenges continued in many expense categories this fiscal year and (as of the date of this writing) expenses, in the aggregate, exceeded annual budgeted amounts—though by less than two percent. We very much appreciate God’s blessings of increased income to cover these additional expenses. 
I am again reminded of Philippians chapter 4 where the apostle Paul writes about the generosity of faithful followers in Philippi, and how pleasing it is to God (Who is ultimately the source of it). Verse 19 reads, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever . . .” 
With the mission of the Church to preach the gospel, make disciples, and care for those disciples, including the recognition of its responsibility to help those with financial needs, God continues to bless the Church with the means and opportunity to give and provide this much needed care and support. 
Also, in recognition of our commitment to members outside the United States, the Church, in the form of international subsidies, provided just under $1.7 million this fiscal year to international areas. These funds are in support of their respective operations, including financial assistance to those in need. 
God continues to provide the Church with all it needs. We know and trust He will see us through whatever comes our way, with an ever-changing world in which prophecy continues to unfold. We are grateful to Him, and to the members, coworkers and donors who faithfully support the Work. May we all continually seek God’s will and be faithful in submitting to it. 
Until next time, if you have any questions about the finances of the Church, please feel free to contact me.
—Barry Korthuis, Treasurer


Anonymous said...

Maybe I missed something. Where in this statement does he actually ask for more? Where does he say it’s not enough?

Anonymous said...

5:43 said: "Maybe I missed something. Where in this statement does he actually ask for more? Where does he say it’s not enough?"

Armstrongism has always manipulated members into giving money, whether it was direct hellfire and brimstone letters from the apostle demanding money, tithing demands, and subtle manipulation.

This statement is one of those subtle manipulation tactics. God is good and faithful and we are grateful to him and to keep that favor upon us we need to do our part and give more money.

"We are grateful to Him, and to the members, coworkers and donors who faithfully support the Work. May we all continually seek God’s will and be faithful in submitting to it."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the problem. None of these groups are making disciples. They're just keeping the ones they already got sitting there. If God expects to add to his family, he expects there to be a lot of work being done. That doesn't just involve keeping the sheep corralled. Go ye there for and make disciples of all Nations.

Anonymous said...

Evidence of 9% increase NO2HWA?

Anonymous said...

"Evidence of 9% increase NO2HWA?"

Um, our own website states that, if you had bothered to look. Look under Weekly Updates.

Anonymous said...

I know a northwest congregation that's saving money. The minister moved them to a place where they have to do custodial work on the sabbath. Vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, etc. He said it was a savings to the church and even the old people are expected to labor.

Kolchak said...

They're asking for more via a very vaguely masked hint when one reads between the lines :

"Inflationary challenges continued in many expense categories this fiscal year and (as of the date of this writing) expenses, in the aggregate, exceeded annual budgeted amounts—though by less than two percent. We very much appreciate God’s blessings of increased income to cover these additional expenses."

The hint is "inflationary challenges", & "exceeded". 

Despite the note of "increased income" covering the additional expenses, the hint is that blessings of increased income are due to what is indeed often asked for..."more". More was sent, but the hint & light pressure to the reader is for sending in yet "more" of that "more".

Anonymous said...

So, somebody contact Barry..

Lee T. Walker said...

Anon 5:43pm July 31 -

You are correct that they are not exactly begging for money. Indeed, had something like this come from a Methodist denomination or such, it would warrant little negative attention.

But it doesn’t come from a Methodist denomination. Armstrongism has been demonstrated in court to exercise “undue influence” over members. Members who leave an exorbitant amount to their church in their wills often have those wills thrown out in court by family for that reason. So yes, it is documented.

As a result, even this seemingly benign – and honestly, I suspect it was written to be benign – document does carry with it the spirit of greed Armstrong put into his church. Older members especially may be susceptible to that subconscious cult pull. That is why seemingly benign items like this draw attention on Net platforms like this.

So I totally am with you on a literal reading of it. I personally would not include this on some anti-Armstrongism site I might run. I will probably write it off, as most likely a sincere attempt to NOT be like in the past. However, Armstrongism is in this regard irredeemable. The institutional spirit shows through, and more importantly, the training of its members – particularly of the old WCG class – remains.

Anonymous said...

Think Barry is into it.