Monday, July 29, 2024

Dave Pack's New Low - Comparing Miracles

 My Miracle Is Bigger Than Yours

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 524)” on July 17, 2024, David C. Pack capitalized on the assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald J. Trump in Pennsylvania on July 13.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God exploited the global incident to perpetuate religious fearmongering, reminded troubled brethren they were in the right church, and warned the weary that if things do not work out timing-wise the way he taught, they should not panic-swallow Stupid Pills sending them out the door. His most important point was that he is super special and stuff.

I did not think David C. Pack could find a new low, yet he still managed to surprise me. I guess I am still naïve in that way. The worst aspect of his mindset was not covered in the previous article because it is repulsive enough to deserve particular focus.

This article topic again answers the question: “Who is David Crowl Pack?” If you want to get another glimpse inside his twisted brain, keep reading.


Context requires rolling back the clock one week further to when Dave recounted a harrowing experience on a Chicago highway that reminded him how precious life is. Well, his own life.

Flashback Part 523 – July 6, 2024
@ 00:04 I thought I would give you a quick story that was personally very inspiring to me.

@ 04:10 The car passed through me. There’s no other way to explain it.

@ 05:02 Just a seedy, kind of a demonic-looking little guy in a little car. And he wouldn’t stop. I honked and honked.

@ 07:13 I know they were all killed unless God delivered them. And I don’t know. The you know, the devil is said to be at my right hand [chuckles] at the time we are we are ready for the Kingdom. And I’ve often wondered, “What is that?” There’s just no way I survive that. And maybe God just protected them, as well.

@ 07:41 So, is personally very inspiring to me that A) I wasn’t killed. And God may have saved the people behind me.

@ 09:17 And sometimes you can know, as I did, that I I was I was divinely protected.

@ 09:28 So, I I thought maybe that would encourage you.

@ 09:39 Just one more reminder. I’m in the right church serving the right God. So, maybe by me telling you that story. There’s just no chance I’m not dead unless God intervened and an angel moved that vehicle in the way that it did.

I am not denying the possibility that David C. Pack’s life might have been spared via divine intercession. God has mercy beyond our human understanding, even for blaspheming, hypocritical liars who are also false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers like David C. Pack. The man embodies so much of what the Bible warns about on top of being so self-righteous and smug about it.

I have had my own private experiences that I still consider “miraculous deliverances” today. Matters of faith like that are personal, and only awful people would try to insert their uninvited wedges between what did and did not happen.

So, whether God had to spare Dave’s life by taking action or Dave was never in any real danger but falsely imagined the actual circumstances is for God to judge.

That story was not previously covered, and I had not planned on writing about it. Until Dave decided to turn it into a spectacle after President Trump was shot.


Dave told his “quick” ten-minute story, and I held my peace. Then, a disturbed young man took shots at a former President of the United States during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

David C. Pack could not resist the one-up potential and planted the seed early.

Part 524 – July 17, 2024
@ 01:00 I I do believe God intervened for His own reasons. And we could sit here and speculate on what they are. I have my own ideas about it. But I know God intervenes. I learned it just a week before President Trump did.

He just had to start with the comparisons. He could not let President Trump have the limelight all to himself. Dave refrained for an hour to let his mind stew before the chest puffing overtook him.

@ 1:10:12 It would be impossible for me to believe in light of all the things that I’ve seen, never mind deliverances. I can tell my story. Mine is more dramatic than a bullet. I had way more than a bullet sitting right over here, coming at me at 60 miles an hour. You know, weighing in a couple tons or whatever it weighed.

This is an undeniable insight into who and what David C. Pack is. A genuinely despicable person's thought process would draw a comparison between an automobile near collision and an assassin's bullet, then elevate his miracle over someone else.

Out of the abundance of his arrogant heart, his foolish mouth speaks to fully expose his true nature to all the members of The Restored Church of God, leaving them without excuse.

@ 1:10:33 I don’t say that wasn’t a miracle. I’m not that’s not my my my my point.

David C. Pack's point was that avoiding a car accident inside his cushy Lincoln Navigator is a bigger miracle than President Trump not being assassinated because he turned his head at the most perfect moment, sparing his life.

David C. Pack’s point is that God spared him more than President Trump because a car is “more dramatic” than a bullet.

David C. Pack’s point is that his miracle required more involvement because he is more important than President Trump.

Again, I am not saying Dave was or was not spared by God. But, to put things in perspective, the bullet hit Mr. Trump in the ear a fraction of an inch from his head just after he turned in the only direction that saved his life. On the other hand, according to, the Lincoln Navigator Dave drives has a 5-star safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

No matter what the facts are in the cases of both men, David C. Pack will always know that his miracle was bigger than Mr. Trump’s. Bigger than mine and bigger than yours. And that is very dramatic.

Marc Cebrian


Anonymous said...

“Dave Pack's New Low – Comparing Miracles”

Donald J. Trump is at a big disadvantage because he actually has to do amazing and miraculous things continually.

David C. Pack has a big advantage because all he has to do is flap his lying mouth and make up unbelievable stories continually.

Still, Trump always beats Pack.

Anonymous said...

I'm renaming the Restored Church of God. From now on, it will be known as COGDAP. (Church of Giving Dave a Pass)! Heh heh. Let 'im roll that up and smoke it!

Driver license revoked √ said...

See, I knew Mr. Pack was not safe to be operating a motor vehicle. If he sees visions of cars passing through him out there, he could at random begin flailing the wheel to dodge invisible obstacles right while innocent passengers are next to him in his lane or in adjacent lanes. The man is a road hazard, AND a Jim Jones. A liar, breaking 9th Commandment regularly over his false witness of failed Jesus return dates.📆

His discrepancies could easily be exposed by expert cross-examination by Linus van Pelt of Charlie Brown Peanuts© gang. Linus would know how to extract confession from Dave & get to the bottom of the entire scam. Then sis Lucy can go at Dave next when he sits at her 5¢ booth lemonade stand for psychiatric help.

What kind of shepherd leads his dedicated flock endlessly into an Isle of Crete Minotaur labyrinthe maze of desperate confusion?

Dave is actually pulling Lucy tricks of snatching the football away from his flock every time he makes the blatant false witness failed Jesus return dates, a serious violation of 9th Commandment. Along with indeed taking the Lord's name (in vain). Shame on you Mr. Pack, literally.

Anonymous said...

hello, Mr. Wadsworth police officer...can you point me the way to COGDAP?

yes it is right by the Giant Eagle grocer 🛒

Anonymous said...

What was that we saw in Marc's video of open house day? Wasn't Dave driving a Lincoln Navigator? I'm wondering if he ever got around to having some of the young people in COGDAP "pimp out" his ride? Hydraulics, oversized wheels and tires, gigantic sound system that would allow Dave to address a crowd anywhere he went, custom paint job, and plush interior. Be still my beating heart, wouldn't that be the day?

Flurry's got him beat in one way with the grandkids in Irish dancing. If Dave were active with his own grandkids, he could have them starting a tribute band to U2, one suitable for international competition.

No wonder the ACOGs are all greying. Nothing really contemporary and cool for the kids. That and all the gloomy, goth aspects of the Armstrongian interpretation of prophecy.

Anonymous said...

Dave needs a new "Big Beak" mascot, a Darth Pack or a Pack'r or a Davy-Wavy. His SUV in the video did look like a Transformer, with the flashy public service style zingy hazard lights.

Anonymous said...

Miracles, what defines a miracle? Several years ago, my husband had some severe back pain, which he had a history of. He told me it hurt and then he proceeded to call for an anointed cloth. I told him to go lay down, gave him 2 Aleve and put him on a back massager to ease the pain. He fell asleep and 2 hours later, he was better, no more back pain for the day. Days later I see it posted in an email he received from the church that he had a miracle happen to his back. At that point I wondered how many other "miracles" that were posted were just wishful thinking.