Saturday, August 3, 2024

Guess Who Is Elijah Again?


RCG News Flash – August 3, 2024

David C. Pack IS Elijah The Prophet After All.
All Restored Church Of God Members Are Prophets, Too.

During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 526)” on July 27, 2024, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God spent one hour of a two-hour and eight-minute sermon explaining that he is, in fact, Elijah the Prophet. But all the members of RCG are also prophets.

I Am Elijah – Part 1

I Am Elijah – Part 2

“I’m Not Gonna Claim To Be A Prophet”

The June article, The Elijahn Wink, already called his bluff.

Dave has had an on-again, off-again love affair with being Elijah the Prophet since first believing he was during the worst Sabbath six-hour marathon in RCG history in 2015.

“I Hafta Be Elijah Now”

His god sure has a hard time making things clear to the only living apostle on earth charged with delivering just-in-time divine knowledge. That is probably the product of the not-so-great idea that Dave’s god can talk to him without using an audible voice.

David C. Pack Compilation – Elijah the Prophet 

He knows the date for the return of Jesus Christ. But won’t tell anyone. Yet.

Dave knows his enemies will attack him, but he just laughs about that. Sure, he laughs…sure…

Marc Cebrian


Anonymous said...

Anyone who claims he is one, for certain is not.

Anonymous said...

So Dave is flattering his members by telling them that they are all prophets. Actually there's only one Profit in the RCG, and his name is Dave Pack.

Anonymous said...

Multiple personality disorder at its worst and most devastating! Which one will finally emerge as the dominant? Too dangerous to remain as one of his followers to witness that!

Anonymous said...

Nice way to try and cover up your previous failed prophecy by making everyone feel special.

Anonymous said...


From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Megalomania is a mental illness. People with megalomania have delusional fantasies that they are more relevant (important) or powerful than they truly are. They have inflated self esteem and overestimate their powers and beliefs.

The word "megalomania" is no longer used in the mental health field. Instead, this condition is now called narcissistic personality disorder.

The word "megalomania" comes from two Greek words: "μεγαλο" (megalo-), meaning large or great, and "μανία" (mania), meaning madness or frenzy.

Anonymous said...

Dave should change agenda slightly & claim to be Elijah Muhammad.

Anonymous said...

No Dave, no one is confusing you as a prophet.

Anonymous said...

A false one at that.

Anonymous said...

“David C. Pack IS Elijah The Prophet After All.
All Restored Church Of God Members Are Prophets, Too.”

David C. Pack is the second-worst false prophet (after Gerald Flurry) that Satan ever sent against the Worldwide Church of God people.

All Restored Church of Fraud members are the guilty supporters, enablers, and accomplices of the false prophet David C. Pack.

Tonto said...

It's only a matter of time before Pack declares that he is Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Tonto mistakenly wrote:

It's only a matter of time before Pack declares that he is Jesus.

Dave is too smart and sophisticated to do that. He's also too steeped in Armstrongism.

What Dave will do is declare himself "the Christ" having returned. Jesus was one human instance of the Christ, he'll say, and now Dave is the second such instance. At some point, Dave will confess that he has been too humble to accept the momentous truth of his true identity. In fact, Dave will probably arrange things so that his HQ sycophants start proclaiming this amazing new truth before the new "Christ" publicly admits it.

Once that happens, it's anybody's guess as to whether the con will end in another Waco/Jonestown, or whether "the Christ" will disappear while his followers try to explain his disappearance and continue on without him, while he lives off RCG resources he has taken with him into hiding to provide his "retirement" income.

Anonymous said...

The question all the members will need to abswer, 1:32, is would the Christ have spread ten years of lying prophecies. Unfortunately, although this question is like "What color was General Custer'a yellow hair?" all the members will get the answer wrong!

Anonymous said...

Jesus? Dave will never aim that low! I’m waiting for him to declare himself God..

Anonymous said...

Jesus? Dave will never aim that low! I’m waiting for him to declare himself God.

We can definitely make a case for Dave being the Father of Lies, so a claim of being God the Father would be right on-brand for him.

Anonymous said...

I know the Guess Who put out a futuristic Millennial song of hope, "Share the Land", but I don't think they ever claimed to be Elijah.