If we thought Bob Thiel's idiotic proclamations were absurd wait till you hear this from Dave Pack. He continues down his dark spiral of complete lunacy.
Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders
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Monday, September 30, 2024
Dave Pack: I am going to prophesy to 100 billion people!
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Dave Pack: The Ungrateful Jerk Mocks A Man's Generosity
Dave talks about a man who gave a huge sum of money to the RCG, but held on to it while still alive only paying his tithes. He failed to turn it over to Dave as "common" and held on to it till he died.
He gets no credit whatsoever for doing that, but at least he gave it to us instead of his fmaily.
Dave Pack Guilt Tripping Members By Telling Them He Had No Money To Cut His Hair When His Chldren Were Little
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Saturday, August 31, 2024
RCG's Mushroom Cloud of Joy
Mushroom Cloud of Joy
The perpetual cycle of astonishing discovery, exuberant preaching, inevitable disappointment, and necessary rediscovery continues at The Restored Church of God. Once again, David C. Pack proclaimed the date for the Kingdom of God's arrival because the Bible's mysteries finally became clear.
During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Parts 529-530)” on August 10, 2024, the Pastor General taught about a new 4-Year Kingdom that may or may not be a part of the already-settled First 7-Year Kingdom of God. As of today, that new theory remains a work in progress.
Tied into the 4-Year Kingdom is the start date when it all comes to a head. Not only will this be a significant day because Jesus Christ returns, but members of The Restored Church of God will receive salvation, and David C. Pack will prove to his naysayers he was right all along.
Guess which one of those he personally cares about the most.
As is Dave’s way, when he sells a new presumption, he candy-coats it with enticing words and feel-good ideas, making it more tempting to swallow.
Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 44:59 After all these years of waiting, it's talking to us. You’d have one more bombshell, I mean, a nuclear explosion. Almost a mushroom cloud of joy would spread over the whole thing, and you would know that the people who touch, just reach lay their hand on the middle of Av 16 this year, get eternal life.
Members of The Restored Church of God will receive eternal life on Av 16 this year. That should be something to keep brethren giddy about for a few days.
After David C. Pack’s failure on Tammuz 5, he proceeded with caution. But threw that out the window and dolled out more prophetic certainty.
Part 529 – August 10, 2024
@ 02:38 We know we know the whole Kingdom ends on Abib 1 in 2032, but where to put that initial four years of kingdom before God withdraws is is critical. Where does it go? It can't change the end, but it can change the beginning. Now, we are either waiting for Av 16, just under nine days away, which corresponds to the classic definition of 1335, or 45 days later for Trumpets, which corresponds to 1290, and armies hit Jerusalem, and God withdraws then or somewhere in between.
When David C. Pack poses a question or offers options, you can usually guess the answer based on how he presents it. He waved Av 16 under everyone’s noses enough throughout that they did not need to wait for his conclusion to figure it out.
@ 48:42 And then the bombshell proof after dinner. But we’re just gonna at least let’s let’s just start with the idea that maybe we’re pretty close to buttoning down this thing is happening in less than nine days. Let’s just say that.
For RCG members, doubting Dave’s authoritah is never an option. God chose him to preach this malarkey, and he will not let you forget it.
@ 1:05:45 Of course, just the fact that I’m commanded to watch on a particular day. We're anticipating the day, and those who left us are not. I’m to tell the church about a day that cannot tarry. All suggest the date was known.
David C. Pack enjoys dragging the brethren for a verbal ride, taking the back alley scenic route. There is no “short version” in his world.
@ 1:08:19 The Democratic National Convention starts, literally, the day the Kingdom comes.
@ 1:09:42 So, let’s let’s make a summary statement…which will help you understand how perhaps we should we should best see the 16th of Av. The Full Moon of Av. Or the Full Moon of The Father.
Did you forget how important Dave is? He must have thought so.
@ 1:12:24 God raises Elijah and anoints him and gives the Kingdom to the Little Flock of His Son’s at the full moon in His month in the month of Av.
When David C. Pack is fully recognized as Elijah the Prophet before all human beings, that will undoubtedly be a glorious day where mushroom clouds of joy shall fill the earth.
After the rushed Sabbath meal, Dave continued to dazzle his audience. Take careful note of his unwavering resolve for his own conclusions. A punch line is coming.
Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 43:43 Are we waiting for it as the absolute ultimate capstone that it cannot go by go past next Monday in the middle of the day, or is this just something for people way, way out there?
@ 44:30 We’re gonna count look at seven key things that will tell us should tell us that next Monday is a lock.
@ 44:47 And so you should know that your salvation is secure on Av 16 if you knew nothing of what I’m gonna tell you. You’d know it.
@ 1:04:35 So, I would say unless something is so radically different, I then I don’t I I I just we’re gonna hafta wait and watch [chuckles] how this all play out. I’d say it’s impossible we go past about 12:15 [PM] our time on Monday.
Av 16 began in Jerusalem at 12:15 PM on Monday, August 19, 2024.
You missed it because you did not miss anything. That was David C. Pack Failure #85 since March 2022.
The brethren had to wait 58 minutes into Part 531 the following week to hear Pastor General David C. Pack declare Av 16 was a big mistake flop.
Part 531 – August 17, 2024
@ 58:27 Nowhere in the Scriptures is rounding ever to a part of a month. Never. This said, I wanna just say I wanna draw a conclusion here. This said, I do not believe anything will happen on Monday.
@ 58:51 You can hope for it, but I strongly doubt it. I think it’s actually impossible. The 1335 that starts everything fits another way. That will come for with a great deal of fascinating information. It’s obviously, therefore, a period that must end in a full moon, start in a new moon rather than start in a full moon and end in a new moon.
David C. Pack admitted the opposite of what he taught was considered accurate. Current members should ponder this and ask themselves why they continue to pay him to lie to them.
Watching these clips back-to-back illustrates the insanity the brethren of The Restored Church of God tolerate. It exposes the shamefulness of the Headquarters hirelings who support it all.
Dave preached Av 16 one week.
Dave reversed Av 16 the next.
When people will receive salvation, when Jesus Christ returns, and when the Kingdom of God arrives are all deeply personal and eternally vital topics for all human beings. And David C. Pack continuously proves whether he speaks the truth about them.
David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar. Is it an “attack” when exrcg.org documents this?
Framing Av 16 with a broader context has chilling implications. David C. Pack made statements during Part 530 that should cause him to shudder in fear.
Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 1:16:14 God didn’t touch my lips. Not in any way that is often mentioned in the Scriptures…
He leaves the door open so that his lips COULD have been touched by God, but just not in the way mentioned in the Bible. This would mean what he uttered about Av 16 COULD have come from God.
@ 1:16:27 Or I I I saw Him. Or got a direct vision. It’s through His Spirit He’s made this clear.
David C. Pack credited God's Spirit with clarifying what he taught during Parts 529 and 530. In Part 531, he changed his conclusions and denied Av 16 was what he adamantly asserted. In fact, his conclusions were the opposite of what he said made them true.
There is the Spirit of Error and the Spirit of Truth. One of them guides David C. Pack.
Be warned, members of The Restored Church of God.
If you ever see smoke and fire rising to the sky near the RCG Campus, run for your life. That is not a mushroom cloud of joy.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
David C. Pack is Elijah the Prophet...because he says so
Prophet David C. Pack
David C. Pack declared himself a prophet, and all members of The Restored Church of God are also prophets. During "The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 526)" on July 27, 2024, the Pastor General spent one hour circumventing clear Bible passages by inserting his own presumptuous biases by denying what they really say.
Proving he cannot rightfully divide anything, he rejected doctrines in his literature and The World to Come programs, contradicted his own words, and recreated biblical understanding into his own image.
David C. Pack is Elijah the Prophet
because he says so.
David C. Pack had declared this before and then walked it back. The Bible does not leave room for that. He said he was not Elijah while winking to those paying attention because he never stopped believing he really was.
David C. Pack’s mouth and mind do not often align. Well-documented in the public record, he exposes his obvious lies and hypocrisy that leaves his worshippers without excuse.
Accurately quoting David C. Pack is labeled as an attack by enemies. Faithful men of God have nothing to fear when others remind them of what they said. We shall all be judged for every word that comes out of our mouths. Some should fear more than others.
Flashback Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 1:36:50 I won’t I I I won’t claim to be a prophet. “Well, you should, Mr. Pack!” Well, maybe I should. Then, pray for me because I’m not gonna do it.
Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 1:14:32 I’m not prophesying now. Nobody’ll ever get me to say that.
Flashback Part 190 – June 29, 2019
@ 04:00 I’m not a prophet. If I were, I’d be a false one because I’ve prophesied the end of this Series a number of times, and they were all failed prophecies, and you'd have to stone me. But I was smart enough to come into it as an apostle and stay there. I’m not a I’m not a prophet. But I know there were false apostles, too, but I’m teaching you the truth, so I’m not a false apostle.
Flashback Part 8 – December 26, 2015
@ 32:31 “When a prophet speaks in the name the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that’s the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.” And other places say he dies. That doesn't seem to make some people afraid. Some people still go out and prophesy. They'll say things that don't come to pass. They're false, and they get the death penalty because any true prophet knows he never speaks on his own.
A complete PDF transcript of Part 526 with timestamps and highlighted moments of interest is available for download HERE.
Part 526 – July 27, 2024
@ 44:46 The Bible the Bible has is coming clearer than it ever has before. You know, I've reached that stage in my life. I just read things for exactly what they are. I know my office and and I'm I'm authorized to teach these things.
The Greatest Untold Story! runs on the fuel of NOT reading things for exactly what they are. David C. Pack is legendary for adding to and taking away from the words in the Bible. He authorized himself and carries no divine authority.
The desperate presumptions of David C. Pack’s logic cannot endure mild scrutiny.
@ 1:03:24 “As is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.” So, Paul was guided by God's spirit. There's nowhere that I see in the Scriptures. Maybe he did, but it's certainly not in the Scriptures, where it says God talked to him directly. For instance, in the same way that He did with with John the Baptist. However, He spoke to John when it said he heard an utterance, and He said, it's tie–it's go time. And and and off he went to to to to speak.
The account of Paul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9:3-6 and while he was held inside the castle in Acts 23:11
must not count. After all, the Bible is a big book, and it is challenging to keep all the relevant verses in your head simultaneously.
For a man who claims he reads things for exactly what they are, Dave performs some pretty incredible logistical gymnastics slathered with verbal sophistry to make his points appear plausible. Reading a verse as is and accepting what the book says is out of the question.
@ 1:07:36 But so far, so far, we paved the way to understand that you can have prophets in this age. Certainly, a man can be a prophet without getting an utterance from God. I mean, in a direct way where I'm gonna I'm gonna open your mouth. Put my words in there.
David C. Pack knows he is Elijah but will not say it plainly in 3…2…1…
@ 1:08:44 I don't think any of you believe for a minute that I'm gonna have to actually or Elijah would have to actually physically eat the book of Revelation.
One way to keep a dwindling membership from bailing out is to spread the wealth around.
@ 1:09:44 God cannot bring this Kingdom unless there's at least one prophet on earth. But it says prophets. So, I mean, I have no idea. If you're gonna go first, every one of you may be considered a prophet.
@ 1:10:10 What if, right now, one prophet is telling another large number of prophets? What, what if he's doing that?
@ 1:11:23 And that may may be, by the way, encouraging to the degree that if if a prophet if the one who's gonna be Elijah, gives you a final date, once he's sorted through everything, it might mean it carries a little extra weight beyond anything we ever talked about before. But not if you don't absolutely know that he's a prophet, but also maybe you are. Or prophetess.
A certified doctor with a mental health degree would be able to accurately identify the array of psychosis expressed in the Main Hall at Headquarters. Deep down, Dave must know what he is doing but cannot stop himself. His pathology leaks out in the most bizarre ways.
@ 1:18:29 Why were they [disciples] doing that? No man can know the day or the hour. Well, they didn't have the New Testament, so they tried to find it out. I hope I could be forgiven if if I am Elijah and you, if you're prophets, too, in a sense, some of you. All of you. Most of whatever it is, however God will use us in that way. You could be forgiven for wanting to know the date.
Nobody needs to “be forgiven” for wanting to know when the Kingdom of God will arrive.
@ 1:50:05 The Mystery of God should be finished as He has declared to His servants, the prophets who are alive. I'm not talking to any dead prophets. Who are the prophets that I'm talking to? But God works through one man, this messenger. And he declares to others. So when we were looking for who Elijah is, we were looking for when you would be and who else could be prophets.
@ 1:50:30 I and I thought. Apologize for that. Mr. Armstrong thought he was Elijah. Nobody thought, well, how how? What do you mean? And I thought I was in 2015. Then then, I pulled back from that. I wasn't surebecause I knew that we didn't have it wasn't a church figure in the way we thought, but it turns out he was. And we'll come in a moment to when it may have happened.
The following quote is lengthy, but this would be worthwhile for those interested in observing the decay of a man's speaking abilities. David C. Pack’s stammering is nestled between moments of clarity.
@ 1:54:03 A twig went forth. I'll send my messenger. You know, so he I've been I'm, you know, been around a few years. Zechariah 3:1. When Elijah when when when Juh–Joshua the High Priest is standing in front of Christ, how is he already Joshua the High Priest with filthy garments on? How did he get to be Joshua the High Priest, called a messenger and a prophet in Haggai? How did he get to be a a a a a a the high priest before he walked in white and got a clean martyr mire, and was handed control over the temple in the house? Is it for the same reason he was Elijah? Before he comes to that same moment? He's called a messenger in the book of Haggai. And he goes to people in big houses, which I did starting 11 years ago. And in some ways, 25-plus years ago. I've been going to them. Any I–der I learned I was Joshua 15 years ago. I started going almost 12 years ago. 11 years ago, to Laodicea and trying to apply these verses to them. Some few listened. Not many. Those that feared and obeyed God came, and the rest didn't.
There is something seriously wrong with him, and it is only getting worse.
The brethren of The Restored Church of God must reject their Bibles to continue attending. The hirelings at Headquarters must sear their conscience with a hot iron to continue to support that spiritually corrupt organization. Paying David C. Pack to lie to them is a betrayal of all they claim to love.
@ 2:00:59 The big reason I looked for a Third Kingdom for so long is I could not see where I had first prophesied. Now I do. So if you reject that I'm a prophet, you better look in the mirror and ask, what are you?
@ 2:01:29 So, like Elijah was over the school of the prophets, I'm doing the same. You know, one of the proofs that I'm a prophet, and I'll come to the end, and you and this this this applicable to you, too. So, get in the saddle with me, or get in your own saddle.
@ 2:01:58 A prophet is not without honor, and the word should be travel–despised. But in his own country, kin and house. I am despised in my house and my kin and my country. It's actually proof of being a prophet.
That is not a proof. It is a condition. But Dave cannot tell the difference. Proof of being a prophet is when you say something will come to pass, and it does. Being despised for being a jerk is not biblical evidence.
God backs up His prophets. God does not back up David C. Pack.
@ 2:03:09 The ancient Elijah was res–despised. He was not accepted. That's what it says. I've been despised at a level you cannot imagine. Don't try. I brought the most wonderful message one could bring, and I've been hated for it. It's almost a proof in itself.
The perceived "hate" focused on David C. Pack does not originate from him bringing "the most wonderful message." Those who despise him have a good reason: He is a false apostle, false teacher, and false prophet. He is an arrogant, narcissistic, blaspheming, hypocritical liar teaching antichrist theology, keeping his members trapped with fear.
Another aspect that does not help his likeability factor is that David C. Pack is an awful human being. The line of people who would testify to that in a court of law goes out the door and down the street. The enablers at Headquarters know that is true and cannot call Marc Cebrian a liar.
The men who have worked closely with him have their personal horror stories.
@ 2:05:31 But, I do not tout myself now any more than you should go out here and start telling people you're a prophet. It might not work. Reconsider.
Being despised for being a jerk is not biblical evidence of being a prophet, Dave.
The man does not hear what comes out of his mouth sometimes. God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony in 3…2…1…
@ 1:18:58 Matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna show you that one of the things the false prophets will do is they say they know the Day of the Lord. I'll show you that in a minute. So I finally, finally know. But these verses also help for our purpose here per when Elijah rises because he has to have finished a Series before the first season arrives.
False prophets know when the Day of the Lord is. So does David C. Pack. Ponder that.
For those who wonder if David C. Pack is aware of what he is doing, let his own lips bear witness to what his mind knows in 3…2…1…
@ 2:06:02 It’s just, I'm gonna give this message and and the enemies will attack me. And they'll say, you know what he said? 'cause there are people listening to this, “You know what he said? He he flattered him and told them they were all prophets. What a wicked man.”
Thou hast said.
Marc Cebrian
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Will RCG Members Step Out In Real Faith And Not Waste Money On Feast Plans This Year?
Last Days FOT DOA
David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God brought a faux mind-blowing concept to light when he explained during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 461)” on July 29, 2023, that The Last Days had already begun.
That's right. We have been in the prophesied Last Days since 2015, and nobody knew it. Not even David C. Pack. Just as the fickle 1335 of Daniel has an annoying habit of starting and stopping without notice, we are almost eight years into The Last Days and had no idea.
Just to keep it simple, Jesus Christ will return on the Opening Night of the Feast of Tabernacles in 2023. That is at “the split-second” of sunset on September 29. In Wadsworth, Ohio, sunset will be 7:12pm ET.
The Last Days began during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2015 because Dave whatever. The Last Days are sixteen years long because Dave says so. And because pigs sprout wings and glide across the sky, it points to the Feast of Tabernacles of 2023 as the dead-bang middle.
Exercise your faith, brethren. Book a one-way ticket this fall.
Part 461 – July 29, 2023
@ 16:23 I finally had to acknowledge because I was learning some very powerful things. That the Last Days are the Last Years, and there are eight of them. There are eight years of Last Days and Last Years. In effect, the Millennium is when the Last Days are over.
@ 23:48 I believe I can tell you exactly the day the Last Years the Last Days began, and it's been some years now. But, I believe I can absolutely prove to you exactly when they began before the Eight Years continued them to the Millennium.
To Dave, revealing when the Last Days began gave him the key to the "midst of the years," which marked X on the calendar as to when the Kingdom of God arrives. There is a logic at play. Psych ward logic.
Dave occasionally says things during these messages that might as well have a light and buzzer attached. Some words leap out at me, and my gut reaction is later validated. This was one of them.
@ 28:39 Now, as I lay out this absolutely stunning proof to you, I’m gonna I’m not gonna tell you. I’m not gonna tell you when the Kingdom comes.
When I heard that, I knew Dave would not be able to resist over-explaining his prophetic Rorschach drawing. He has OCD when it comes to forcing his temporary certainty onto the brethren, like when he asks questions and projects the answers they have in their heads because that is what he wants to hear.
Later, Dave reinforced my instincts:
@ 44:11 In light of what we just heard about the end of the year, when do you think God’s feet touch down? I’ll tell you. The split-second the Feast of Tabernacles begins.
A rule of thumb that is the safest position to take is to understand that David C. Pack will do and say the opposite of what he says he will.
@28:47 I’m not gonna tell you when the Kingdom comes.
Oh yeah?
@ 1:00:58 You could almost, if you knew nothing else, just fold it up. Let’s go home. And you could almost say, “Wow, it’s this Feast of Tabernacles.”
Technically, if the Kingdom God arrives at sunset on the Opening Night of the Feast of Tabernacles, brethren do not even need to travel to a Feast site since Jesus Christ will return at the exact moment the Feast begins. There is no commanded assembly at sunset on the first night. That is only a church tradition. Recheck your Bible. It is not there. The brethren in The Restored Church of God can truly express their noble faith by choosing to not make ANY travel plans for this year. They would still be obeying God the moment the “midst of the years” triggers everything.
You and I know David C. Pack will not sit on this teaching for the next 55 days. In fact, I suspect Part 462 will bring "additional clarity" to the situation because the window is too wide for those on the fence to bail from RCG and still have time to make alternate FOT travel plans with another organization.
@ 1:05:37 Anybody, anybody doubt when this would be? Anybody doubt when the Kingdom comes?
The members of The Restored Church of God should have nothing but doubt. It is healthy and wise to doubt the doctrines of David C. Pack.
Flashback Part 189 – June 26, 2019
@ 1:02:12 The Days of the Son of Man are the days before the Son of Man comes. So, lemme just tell you: we’re in the Days of the Son of Man. I wanna remove all doubt.
Flashback Part 197 – August 7, 2019
@ 32:08 Only recently did I finally come to truly truly truly understand blow by blow exactly what is happening in this chapter [Zechariah 11] and when. What and when sequentially. Exactly. And you won’t doubt it either.
Flashback Part 297 – March 17, 2021
@ 13:37 I’m gonna throw some knock-out punches here that removes all doubt about Christ arriving on Passover.
Flashback Part 403 – November 5, 2022
@ 01:51 Now, more than ever, I can tell you this: Salvation will come in November 2022. See if you doubt that when we’re done.
Flashback Part 413 – January 4, 2023
@ 1:17:08 If these guys die in the next three days, we’ve removed all doubt. And God would know this, and I can't tell because it's so cryptic. If they die in the next three days, nobody will doubt that Christ is coming.
Flashback Part 415 – January 17, 2023
@ 31:47 I said on Sabbath we’re not waiting 27 days…And you won’t have any doubt of that after the first point, and I'm gonna give you probably about 50 or 60…
Flashback Part 435 – April 15, 2023
@ 00:04 Good evening. Here we are…We're still just fine. You will (perhaps) more than ever before, not doubt that after tonight.
Flashback Part 436 – April 20, 2023
@ 00:02 This will be the single most important sermon I’ve ever given. You won’t doubt it. Or, if I lived twenty more years and we had to wait twenty more years that I ever could give.
Flashback Part 440 – May 5, 2023
@ 55:24 [Part] 440'd be the end of the line as far as the Series. But nobody would have any doubt that this is right.
If you are a member of The Restored Church of God and have doubts, that is not the devil putting evil thoughts in your head. Use the discernment God gave you to know what you can know and see what you can see. David C. Pack is a biblical fraud, a false apostle, a false teacher, and a false prophet.
Observations of reality are not accusations.
More Dark Dave came bubbling to the surface.
Part 461 – July 29, 2023
@ 29:04 You will absolutely know and know that you know. And nobody with a machine gun to your head could convince you it's other than what I'm gonna show you. All questions are gonna be dead and buried long before we get through this list.
His inexplicable obsession with graphic violence comes out at random moments. There must not be a more "Christian" way to communicate the same idea.
David C. Pack suffers from conflicting thoughts firing through his brain at the same time. He interrupts himself to insert an aside and returns to his original idea. His speaking flow is erratic, confusing, and unstable. This is not the communication style of a sound mind.
One of the side effects of his disjointed thinking is that he sidetracks himself so much that he winds up saying the opposite of what he intended.
@ 1:07:04 I’ll bet there’s not a person in here (I’m still nowhere near done) not a person in here who could begin to believe that the Kingdom of God (in every year that ever happens for the rest of eternity) to start a year (we’ve seen over and over and over) will be the Feast of Tabernacles. And you know why? Because that’s the kinda God we serve.
Dave disrupted himself with unnecessary fluff and forgot how he started his point. He winds up saying the opposite of what he intended. His overly-confident lean-back was perfectly timed right after botching his statement.
He meant to say, “I’ll bet there’s not a person in here who could begin to believe that the Kingdom of God does NOT start a year on the Feast of Tabernacles.”
Speaking with double negatives is tricky business, and Dave should leave that to the seasoned professionals. He forgot the second negative, which would algebraically make it positive. Instead, he said, “Not a person in here could begin to believe the Kingdom of God starts a year on the Feast of Tabernacles.”
God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony. In an interesting twist, Dave’s mocking comments and misspeaks wind up being accurate, while his intentional doctrines are proven false. That will be the case here. Wait for the inevitable abandonment of this theory or the egg timer proving David C. Pack a biblical fraud.
Brethren still have time to bail from RCG, join another group, and still get to the Feast of Tabernacles. If you remain, by the time the Opening Night song leader tells everyone to rise and pick up their hymnals, you will know seven days of spin are on the agenda, and it will be another FOT DOA.
Marc Cebrian
See: Last Days FOT DOA
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Dave Pack: I know the identity of the 6th King...Oops...Wait, I got it wrong
With Apologies To Mr. Putin
Some goofy ideas were created by David C. Pack during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 461)” on July 29, 2023, while others were blown off. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God will spend over ninety minutes convincing the brethren how right he is about a goofy new idea, but a week later, spend less than ninety seconds to dismiss it.
• Nothing occurred on Av 10 (July 28) because the Jewish people believe stuff.
• The Kingdom of God will arrive at sunset on September 29, 2023.
• The Last Days are a 16-year period that already started in 2015.
• More “fairly dramatic” financial cuts are coming to RCG Headquarters.
David C. Pack must like saving the best for last because his biggest zingers were given within the last five minutes of Part 461.
Which “present truth” will stay and which will go is always a guessing game for those following along. Some things taught behind the front gate at Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, are easy pickens for designation for the near-future doctrinal compost pile.
David C. Pack has suffered an incredible string of bad luck when it comes to identifying people fulfilling prophetic biblical roles, so it was a No-Duh moment when he walked back the identity of the Sixth Head/King of Revelation 17.
Part 461 – July 29, 2023
@ 1:35:00 I’ma throw another thought at you, and I’m gonna be very discrete in how I handle it. I do not believe Vladimir Putin is the Sixth King. That’s all I’m gonna say…You’ll have to think about a Christian nation and (perhaps) a Catholic leader. And all five of the first Heads of the Holy Roman Empire were Catholic.
David C. Pack spent a grand total of 57 seconds undoing his own declarations. With his next breath, he moved on to another topic because he dared not wallow in the Pond of Disappointments. Being timid and vague does not look good on him.
@ 1:35:55 I know a lot more than I’m saying. That’s all I wanna say.
Was this a goofy idea from the jump? Yes. Does David C. Pack pray on his knees with tears and beads of bloody sweat that the Common-paying brethren forget what he said in the first place? Oh, you betcha.
All 92 minutes of Part 453 on June 17 were dedicated to “correctly” identifying Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as the Sixth King of Revelation 17:10. Brethren, hurry up and download a copy from Member Services before they delete it from the Sermon Library. (If you are too late, email exrcgwebsite@gmail.com.)
In case some members of The Restored Church of God forgot how convinced David C. Pack was, enjoy these reminders.
Flashback Part 453 – June 17, 2023
@ 00:21 Well, truly, we’ve reached the end. I have to tell you from many perspectives, I look forward to giving both these messages almost as much as anything I’ve ever covered…it focuses on the Sixth King.
@ 02:20 And if we can identify the Sixth King with great clarity and detail. Let me say that again. With great clarity and detail. If, instead of thinking we're looking for him, that, in fact, we are staring at him, that will tell us we are very close.
@ 43:53 My job right now is to tell you about a man who becomes, in many regards, the most powerful metric in the Bible.
@ 52:08 He [God] says He picks a man who wanted to know His heart and mind, so if this is correct (and it is), and it’s because God wanted to reveal it at the end. I didn’t reveal anything.
Pause. Since the knowledge was not true, it was not revealed by God. What does that say about the man who was convinced it was? That should throw all his discernments into question. This should keep the enablers at Headquarters up at night.
The Pastor General is not preaching the truths of God even after claiming he was.
David C. Pack lacks the wisdom to know when God is guiding him and when God is not. He is screaming to the members of The Restored Church of God that he cannot be trusted with the most critical aspect of what he teaches—the spirit from which the information came.
The identity of the Sixth King did not come from the Holy Spirit. What spirit drove that understanding?
Continuing the June look-back, these following quotes might feel very different than they did then.
@ 1:24:44 Somebody thinks it’s somebody else? All right. Who else? And what alternative is there? I know it’s him. Everything lines up.
@ 1:30:12 So, this is all faith-building. If your faith didn’t grow as a result of hearing this sermon, then there's something wrong.
For the troubled brethren who twisted inside because their faith did not grow, you can now rest easy. It was not revealed knowledge. It was error. It was doctrinal fraud. It was taught to you by a false teacher. This did not come from God, which is why your faith did not grow.
If your faith did grow, then you are in far worse shape than you can possibly understand.
With this unfortunate turn of events, I felt obligated to inform our comrades on the other side of the planet.
To: rusembusa@mid.ru, communications@rcg.org, dpack@rcg.org
Subject: With Apologies to Mr. Putin
Date: August 1, 2023
Greetings and peace to you once again, comrades!
The weather has been quite appealing here in our corner of the world in Wadsworth, Ohio, USA. A few weeks have passed since my last correspondence, and much has changed.
With a heavy heart, I must inform you that your president, Mr. Vladimir Putin, is no longer considered by Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God (rcg.org) to be the prophesied Sixth King of Revelation 17:10.
Indeed, this is as much a disappointment to you as it is to all members of The Restored Church of God. The identity of Mr. Putin being the Sixth King was a major metric that time was short, and the return of Jesus Christ was imminent. It also proved that God was directly working with David C. Pack!
David C. Pack has studied Mr. Putin since his time in the KGB and commented, “I understand the man.” There is not an article in the Wall Street Journal about Mr. Putin that David C. Pack does not read.
I am not sure how quickly the wheels of progress turn within the Russian government, but I surely hope you can intercept the previous messages before they reach Mr. Putin’s desk. I can imagine how disheartening it might feel to read in one letter that he is biblically prophesied royalty but then “not so much” in the next.
Please forgive my previous enthusiasm. David C. Pack told everyone in the church that God gave him this knowledge. Since God is never wrong, Mr. Putin being the Sixth King of Revelation 17, could not be wrong. The details behind this situation are still a mystery, as David C. Pack told us this weekend, “I know a lot more than I’m saying. That’s all I wanna say.”
I will not belabor the point because I do not intend to rub salt in the wound.
However, before I sign off, I wanted to advise caution.
Since Mr. Putin is no longer guaranteed to live until the return of Jesus Christ and miraculous protection does not apply, it is now advisable that Mr. Putin no longer take any “unnecessary risks” such as hang gliding, free solo rock climbing, or deep water skin diving. If his daily routine included his food being tasted in advance, please return to that with all haste. Let prudence win the day!
Should Mr. Putin or anyone within the Russian government wish to follow up on the topics of these emails, you can contact the Communications Department at The Restored Church of God by dialing 1 330 334 2266. You can also ask to speak with David C. Pack directly, as I am sure he would be very excited to receive your call.
Do svidaniya,
Marc Cebrian
Wow. President Vladimir Putin is not the Sixth King of Revelation 17:10. It takes a while to sink in.
The King Poutine article covered much more on this topic from Parts 453, 454, 455, and 456.
Do yourself a favor: Listen to the hollow 57-second embarrassment of Part 461 as David C. Pack desperately tries to distance himself, then reread the article. All the quotes now have an enhanced perspective.
Brethren of The Restored Church of God, do not ignore the words that fall from David C. Pack’s lips. He proves to you time and again whether or not God is guiding him.
By their fruits, you shall know them.
And to Mr. Vladimir Putin, our sincere apologies.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
My Panic Attack behind the Pulpit – Reflections and Confessions of an Ex-Evangelist
October 1, 2012, is a day I’ll never forget.
I was the main speaker for our morning church service. Our annual convention, the Feast of Tabernacles, was kicking off and it was the first day. For the membership, this event was a high point of our year. People had gathered from surrounding states. The mood was upbeat, and people were overjoyed to have congregated together.
Yet, as I started my sermon, I had a panic attack.
It was one of the scariest moments of my life. I was on stage in front of hundreds of people. And I was suddenly gripped in a series of feelings that I had never felt before.
Admittedly, I had no idea what I was experiencing at the time. There was an occasion or two before where I experienced some of this, but not to this level.
It was 10 years ago, and I remember it as if it was yesterday. I had no idea it was going to happen. I had spoken in front of large audiences many times before. It came on suddenly and out of the blue.
My heart was beating out of my chest. I felt clammy. I began to sweat.
It’s hard to describe but there was a feeling of pressing, impending doom. A suffocating tightness in my chest. It was like my world and the room were closing in.
It literally crossed my mind that I had to walk off the stage. I wanted to run. But I couldn’t. Here I was in front of 200+ people.
Could people tell? I asked myself, as I simultaneously tried to keep delivering my message. Surely, they can tell.
Ninety grueling minutes. The structure of my sermon helped. Knowing that I just had to follow the outline. Get to the next series of scriptures.
Waves would come back throughout the message. But I kept going.
An hour and a half later, I got through it. I was exhausted and defeated. Yet I survived.
As I walked off that stage around 12:30 pm that day, I felt relieved and scared. Relieved I made it through. Scared because I had no idea where this came from or what it was.
It shook my world. I had no idea what to do with it.
It undermined me in many ways. When would this happen again, I thought? It’s like it became some sort of lurking monster in the closet.
I never spoke to anybody about it. Not my closest friends (didn’t have many, to be honest). Not even my wife.
As I look back, a fair question is: Why didn’t I address this, then or later? Why didn’t I walk off the stage and deal with this?
I am sure there are many reasons, but I was in survival mode. I did not want to be humiliated. The concept of walking off the stage in the middle of a sermon would have been catastrophic, or that’s what I believed at the time. It would have been the talk of the Feast site. Frankly, it would have been the talk of the whole church. Since I was a “senior minister,” whatever that meant in hindsight, a PR campaign of some sort would surround my wife and my family.
There was no clean way out of this. So, in the end, I concluded I had to work through it, and by work through it, I knew that meant ignore it, bury it, lock it away. Survival mode.
For years, I didn’t even feel I could speak to my wife about this. Not that she wouldn’t have been supportive. It’s that you didn’t talk about things like this because they didn’t happen to God’s people, spiritual people, normal people…so if it happened to me, then I must not be those things.
To provide some context, from a church culture perspective, talking about anxiety or having a panic attack or even emotional health in general, was not acceptable. It just “wasn’t done.” To be open about one’s mental health, or worse, emotional struggles, would never happen.
See, God’s spirit is one of a “sound mind.” And, if you don’t have a sound mind, well, then you are in trouble. You’re weak. You are not close enough to God.
Then there was the additional level of being in the “ministry.” There was this pressure to be perfect. Granted, we would all admit or say the words that nobody was perfect and that everyone fell short, including ministers. But, when ministers actually did fall short, or need help, it really wasn’t accepted or supported, and it was seen as weakness and shortcoming, plain and simple.
So, what did you do with any weaknesses you had? You covered them. You buried them. As deep as you could.
You didn’t address them. You sent them as far down as possible, and you piled as much stuff on top as you could, hoping they wouldn’t surface too often.
In 2012, I had been absolutely run ragged. A campus (or, more properly, a compound) was being built.
The church had received large sums of money due to new teachings from the leader. In 2008, the infamous “Clarion Call” sermons were produced. This essentially laid out a timeline that led brethren to believe they should give all their money before Jesus returned. (Incidentally, the range of time given at that time explained that it was impossible for Jesus to return after 2021. He would most certainly arrive before 2021. That, evidently, didn’t happen.) But by 2011, the “Common” doctrine was instituted. An even more disgusting and onerous financial doctrine was yoked upon the necks of church membership. It was now doctrine for the Church’s apostle to tell people to sell all and send it to him. And many did, perhaps most did.
By 2011, the Church had bought land. By 2012, construction had begun. It was an incredibly stressful time. My youngest son was born in July of that year, and instead of looking back with joy at that time, I instead don’t remember much of his birth or first few months. It was marred by stress and constant turmoil and worry. Within that same timeframe, I was present during an instance that occurred to my brother, in a roomful of grown men, that I will never forget and for which I wish I had said something. It is and will always be one of my most vivid and awful life memories. (Perhaps that’s content for another time.)
It got even worse in the years ahead, but that, too, is a topic for another chapter.
The simple point? It was an incredibly stressful time.
The Mask
Ironically, I have pictures of this very event when I had this panic attack (included here). It’s fascinating for me now to try to look at them as an outsider and see if anything was going on. I don’t believe you can tell in the photo how close to meltdown I really was.
Like at no other point in my life, I had to keep the mask on. I had to play the part I was required to play.
See, this was all part of something I was thrust into in my 20s. I was told I was going to be a minister really early on. I had to step up. Be mature beyond my years!
I was always pushed to be somebody I wasn’t. I was too young-looking, I had to look older. I had to part and comb my hair a certain way. I had to stop wearing shorts around the lay members (mature men don’t show their legs!). I had to wear fuller dress pants, whatever that meant. I had to remove “youngish” ways of speaking. Etc. Etc.
Put on the mask, Kevin.
I did.And it almost ruined me.
This panic attack was my mind trying to break out of the inauthentic existence it had found itself in. Cognitive dissonance was raging through my mind like an out-of-control wildfire. I just hadn’t learned to identify it yet.
It took me several more years to figure this out, but I did. On some level, as I write about this for the first time, I am still figuring it out now.
I would pay a lot of money to travel back in time to this event. I would talk to myself and explain what was happening. I would give myself permission to accept what was going on and guide myself in making steps to improve my situation. I may have even tried to convince myself to tell the brethren in that moment exactly what was going on. Despite the shock and the gasps, I’d be willing to bet that many in the room could have related. I would tell myself to open up to my wife about it afterward and receive her support, to not go it alone.
When you are in a bad place in life, your body and mind will respond.
The authenticity of you will not remain buried. And although I buried my true self so very, very deep, I am slowly uncovering each layer and getting back to the real me.