Showing posts with label #COG false teacher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #COG false teacher. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bearing Witness to Laodiceans and the Worldwide Declaration That WCG Still Exists


Anyone who has been a part of the Church of God movement over the decades has witnessed or maybe even known one of the various Elijahs, Elishas, and men who self-appointed themselves as the overlords of the so-called restored truth from Herbert Armstrong and then expected us to respect their decisions. We have seen how well that has played out over the decades, especially since 1996.

Yet, here we are in 2024 and these self-appointed ne'er-do-wells continue to flap their jowls about how God has sent them on a mission to preserve the truth once restored, which was apparently lost by an impotent god who could not preserve it. Never fear though, that god has sent Bob Thiel and Samuel Kitchen to preserve that truth as they prepare to walk the streets of Jerusalem proclaiming a loud and forceful message...

Samuel has this up about his 2022 Jerusalem/Jordan Feast of Tabernacles experience.

Sometimes I run across someone writing about me or my family.
It’s hard to tell the full story, without dragging up dirty laundry on the other person. So I’ve refrained from writing about it.
When I went to Jerusalem in 2022, I was originally going alone.
Satan was really attacking that time, and what kept coming to my mind was, even Christ had to escape to solitude to continue on in life. He used that time to draw close to God the Father.
So I was going to use that time to draw close to God.
What ended up being, was the announcement of the Worldwide Church of God existing and assembling to keep the Holy Days of the Lord. It was a worldwide declaration.
I had let my brother choose where we were all staying in Jerusalem. We found out we were scammed(it wasn’t my brothers fault)but Christ did intervene on our behalf and we ended up in Petra, Jordan keeping all the Fall Feast days.
It was made apparently clear, God had placed His name THERE in Wadi Mussa, as we ended up there without foreknowledge.
So that was exciting news for us. Not only was we allowed to declare to the world from Jerusalem we, the Worldwide Church of God, still existed and were still assembling, we also felt Christ revealed what “her place” meant in Revelation 12:14 with this trip.
We were filled with bewilderment!
We never would have thought we would end up in Jerusalem and then Jordan! So briefly we thought on what our attitudes should be! We left our homes thinking on Gods Word, where it says “remember lot’s wife”.
We didn’t want to “look back”.

Trouble begins in paradise, a woman enters the picture: 

Now as we ended up in Jordan, we were still in contact with loved ones back home. We told them the possibility of us not returning home.
So my brother became excited because his estranged wife and their children, decided they were coming to Jordan! I was seeing woman at the time, and she flew out to Jordan as well!
But now, things turned from “the church” and “her place”, to family problems.
Tim, my brother, needed to be the head of his household again. He had been separated from his wife for several years prior. But he had no money to provide for them and take care of them in Jordan. Our group ended up taking care of them, even after protesting. We didn’t have enough for everyone, and when they showed up with no money, we protested.
This was not an unfamiliar problem, as when my brother initially got married, they showed up at our home with no money and no means to provide for themselves. Even my brother had to admit God seemed to shut all the doors for him to provide for her and her children! She eventually had to run back to her parents and go elsewhere for the privisions. Now my brother worked very hard and is working hard to provide for his family. He wasn’t lazy. He was seeking to do good. God just intervened on certain things, because he knew all hearts.
In Jordan, my brother simply had no ability to provide for the addition of his returning family, and so he leaned on church assistance for it, which we did give at our own peril and loss.
His wife placed him in that position. I don’t look down on my brother for him wanting his family together again.
He would have given if he had it to give.
But with us not being able to help THEM,
He chose to stick with them, as they had to go elsewhere for assistance.
That’s what problem we faced in Jordan.
He stayed with his family. I stayed with the brethren.
Now afterwards, he did take the YouTube and social media away from me. That was wrong of him. He, finding himself in the new role of “head of family”, which was handed back to him by his wife, began to encroach all areas he was included in with the work online.
And since I discerned a wrong spirit with his wife, I was at odds with him too, because he felt wronged by me. It was his wife, I was saying who had a wrong spirit.
So he felt I was attacking his “headship” of his family, and therefore was attacking the God ordained family government.
So he felt, it was his duty, to remove me from my own YouTube channels and social media over this problem.
Later he found out his wife, in her private messages online, went to Jordan to “pull” him away from me because I had too much influence with him.
She went there to divide brothers.
And after looking at things, and praying about it, we had a lot of growing up to do after mom and dad died. Lots of socialization needed to happen.
I don’t have any hard feelings against my brother. I don’t think he necessarily did wrong. With exception of usurping me on the channels and social media. My dad placed me in charge of those things and not him.
As soon as he did that, however wrong it may have or not have been, I continued on with new social media and new YouTube channels, doing what I was led of Christ to do, which set up a scenario of someone going after them, shutting me down using a new trademark.
As soon as my brother and I started to talk again, our little brother was working on being healthy and to my excitement was becoming more and more interested with God’s truth and work! Well in his quest to be more health, he started to supplement testosterone. Which made him extremely aggressive. He didn’t seem to be thinking right and clearly, and being “a babe in Christ” he didn’t know enough spiritually to defend against the Devil and his demons. So a wrong attitude developed.

Bad attitudes. The church seemed to be filled with them, or that is the excuse that was convenient to use. 

He ran to my brother with this attitude, and I was “executed” swiftly, without question, and once again my brother took the YouTube channels and social media away.
That hasn’t stopped me from working where I have been placed by God. But it’s clearly Satan trying to DESTROY us brothers, and doesn’t want us working together.
I’ll hope, my brothers can forgive me. I forgive them. We all have done wrong or have given the appearance of wrong. Satan capitalized on it. But the work of God isn’t destroyed thankfully.
I think Christ needed to establish whom He is using.
Mr Armstrong is Christ’s apostle.
Through him, Matthew 24:14 was fulfilled “as a witness to all nations”.
The Worldwide Church of God, was raised up through such preaching, and gave a second witness by living and putting into action the way of God which was preached by the apostle!
The publishing stage for this Church ended roughly around 1986. That’s when the organization was taken off the track and used for other purposes by non believers.
The internet stage was raised up simply to preserve such publishing for future engagement.
As we address the departures from Jesus Christ, and the dangers set against the Church, we have a true witness to show how it’s meant to be, Jesus Christ is there leading the Church.
But in warning, I do give my own testimony and witness, in observing the departures in order to raise alarm!
People ask, how do you know this isn’t Jesus Christ? I point back to the witness work done through Herbert W Armstrong and point back to the Head of this Church, back to Jesus Christ leading this Church! So the mouth of two witnesses the thing is establish. My voice alone is worthless. And without someone raising the alarm and seeing the departure, and bringing forth the true witness work, that witness work is locked into 1986- and prior!
So my family has been bringing forth the true witness which was done through Herbert W Armstrong and the church, and raising the alarm with our own witness and testimony!
Now, what happens to the “archives” if the beast system shuts down the internet? It cuts off our ability to bring forward the true witness! We can no longer direct people to the preaching of Herbert Armstrong, and the church, if we can no longer access those archives!
So what would be needed? Assembly at Jerusalem, for now there requires TWO WITNESSES.
This is also about the freedom to assemble as the Worldwide Church of God!
Those of the Body of Christ, the Worldwide Church of God, will go into a place of safety. “Her place”(Rev. 12:14)
No one can stop that assembly.
But right now, the warning to the Laodiceans, is going out through our work. We have been warning of departures, of becoming a “separated church” and from joining “other churches”. We are admonishing brethren and ministry to come back and return and reassemble as the Worldwide Church of God. And boy have we seen opposition!!!!!!!!
I think that opposition will continue until the place of safety. Then the world will know!
Our job with preserving the archives, is not to hold possession of the archives, but to ensure their preservation and to stir up engagement!
In fear of us holding possession, others have fought much harder, and with more money we could ever provide, to keep us from possessing all of the archives. In that attempt, they have made it possible for more people to engage with those archives, and to expand our reach with the warning.
So I feel everything my brothers and I, my family etc, have gone through has been for the good of God’s Church. For the preservation of the witness work, and engagement people have with it.


All of you rebellious Laodicean heathens need to repent and return to the one true Worldwide Church of God! 


Get your lamps trimmed, your Petra bags packed, and all of your money ready for that final push and be ready to buy your plane tickets to Jordan where I have been assured by the Jordanian government that they will welcome tens of thousands of COG members flying in from all over the world to take over their prime tourist destination.

Be warned though. The Great Bwana Bob Thiel has laid dibs on the Petra Marriot Presidential Suite for his place of lodging. While you suffer in heat and cold in some dank pissed filled cave, the Great Bwana, the first Witless Witness,  and the Second Witless Witness Samuel will be living in luxury. God is great!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

There is no need for apostles anymore in the church because we still have Herbert Armstrong


Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry will not like what Tim Kitchen has to say below. These three fools think God is speaking directly to them.

Christ called his team under Him. The Apostles, with Peter being leader. That again can be proven with so many scriptures. And through the Apostles, God called the Church, a team backing the Apostles, all speaking what the Apostles taught them, speaking the same thing. Which is what Christ taught the Apostles. Today, we have an apostle, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong exemplifying God's Way of Life, teaching us that way, preparing that way. He like Elijah and Zerubabbel has a team, just like the original apostles in the First Century. And we are qualifying to be on that team in the Kingdom now!

And he like Moses and Joshua, died. For he was human.(But will lead that Team under Christ in the Kingdom of God) God commands that team, that Era to HOLD FAST to what you were taught via the Apostle, the same message he gave Ephesus. Why, because an apostle was on the scene, and God gave the Church its doctrines through apostles. There is no need for another apostle, when we still have Mr. Armstrong. Why would God restore all things, and then go around and restore them again, as if the first installment was lost and couldn't be found. No. The Witness through Mr. Armstrong is still here. Those teachings are still here. And they still witness through those holding fast and staying true to those truths in the church.

HWA has become all-powerful and set the measuring line. Gerald Waterhouse did not depart from the trunk of the tree...yeah, right. Never fear, though; Waterhouse was a human and made dumb speculations, and NO ONE had the right to correct him. Only he could correct himself. That's one of the biggest loads of crap I have heard about Waterhouse in ages. Waterhouse was a liar and a fraud.

Like Mr. Armstrong explained, he taught the Trunk of the Tree and the main branches, the outline, the skeleton, the measuring line of which we must build and grow on. The Ministers were to expound, build up, focus on the smaller limbs, the twigs and expand from there, not departing from the Trunk of the Tree. That is what Mr. Gerald Waterhouse did. He showed us the program Christ started through Mr. Armstrong. He took all of what he was taught, the Plan of God, and expounded it into an AMAZING sermon going through almost every single point we needed! But he was human and speculated on some things. But he had the authority to correct it, not anyone else. And he did. Too many thought they can take that authority given to someone and do it better themselves, and some took themselves out of the church when they did that. Others when shown their error, repented.

Did you know the open door to understanding only came thorugh Herbert?

Today, with many of the sermons and message I've heard from many ministers, they do not have that structure, that skeleton, that measuring line, making clear to everyone whom God was using, what everyone's job is, and how we fit into the plan of God. Many take the job of an apostle and Mr. Armstrong and apply it to themselves or their group. And I'm not just talking about those groups who openly say they are an "apostle". I'm also including those who take the scriptures that apply to an apostle, that did apply to Mr. Armstrong and apply it to themselves and to the group they are fellow-shipping with and leading. Many say the Matt 24:14 is a commission and it is the Church's commission. Mr. Armstrong explained it as a PROPHECY of an Apostle coming on the scene fulfilling the Great Commission, which of course was given to the Apostles with the Church backing them. If the Church is not backing them, showing their loyalty, sticking with it, making a stand with the Apostle, not denying Christ through the Apostle, how can they truly be doing their part? And how can they grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, if they are not doing what Christ commanded us? Only those who were doing what Christ commanded, are given a good understanding. That means the open door to Understand, which the Philadelphia Era is given!

Tim Kitchen, Facebook

Friday, September 20, 2024

Lone WCG Man Ready To Gather 7,000 Saints Who Have Not Bowed Their Knees To Baal

For many years now we have been regaled by wild stories from the Great Bwana Bob Thiel about how amazing he is and his so-called church is. There has never been a more miraculous COG in the history of humanity nor has the church ever seen a greater man than what we see in the Great Bwana Bob. No one has been persecuted more than he has and no COG has ever suffered as horribly as his church has.

That all came to a screeching halt when the most persecuted family in the church stepped forward with their horror stories:

Samuel Kitchen writes:
Now Herbert W Armstrong came in the spirit and office of Elijah the prophet. He came to “prepare the way of the Lord” as mentioned in Malachi 3, and 4 explains, and he came to “restore all things” as Jesus Himself said in Matthew 17:11.
If God didn’t send such an individual, He would allow “utter destruction” to curse this earth(Mal. 4:5-6).
In Matthew 24:22, concerning worldwide destruction, Christ says “but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”
So this man has something to do with raising up the elect of God. This single human man is not only important to God, but also those with that man are important to God!!!
The fate of the World depends on them!
The Worldwide Church of God is in 100% agreement and support of everything Mr. Herbert W Armstrong taught!
Where he goes, we go. We do not run, we not retreat, or depart from God’s leadership through one man!
While he was alive was Herbert W Armstrong available to every member of the Church? Could he simultaneously appear in every congregation of the Worldwide Church of God? No!
Now instead of everywhere in 1986 and prior, we have EVERYWHERE 1986- FUTURE!
And while not every member of every congregation received the teachings from the apostle of Christ simultaneously while he was yet alive, members are receiving those teachings, this preaching, as they do through time.
How are we bound to such a work now, when the servant of God died so many years ago? By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit! Without it… WE HAVE NO CONNECTION!!!!! We have no reason to obey it. We have no reason to hold fast to it otherwise! But those of us who have the Holy Spirit dwelling and leading in us, recognize the authority of Jesus Christ, and the work of God being done in the flesh, we forsake everything in surrender to Jesus Christ! Those who have not yet surrendered wholly to Jesus Christ do not understand why we do what we do!!!
They say we ought to join or become another group or church. They think the job started through Herbert W Armstrong is not going to finish, since he died. They think the physical aspect is needed! It is a SPIRITUAL WORK!!!!
And while there may be great distance between people, those with God’s Holy Spirit are on a total different frequency than the rest of this world! The connection will always be made!
So back to 1 Kings 19.
Elijah was fleeing Jezebel because she wanted him dead. His colleges were attacked and the students and teachers were murdered.
He ran a days journey into the wilderness, and here received two meals from an angel of God.
The first meal was to recover from what he was then experiencing!
Think of the 1970’s and “liberal period”.
Jesus Christ through Mr. Armstrong sustained the membership who held fast. Without that spiritual food, many would have STARVED SPIRITUALLY!
The second meal was for the intent of preserving the servant of God for a journey he was going to make! Now from 1981- forward we have received spiritual food, through Mr Armstrong, that is aiding and assisting the membership of the Worldwide Church of God to continue to EXIST for the last 40 years.

Apparently everything that Herb did prior to 1981 was wrong. In 1981, when he supposedly put the church back on track thenthe church was on the right path

For the first time in ourchurch history, the Church of God was organized right in 1981!
Prior to 1981, the Church was organized to a “corporation” pattern. There was a board of directors that could fire Mr Armstrong, but they wouldn’t.
But 1981, Christ through Mr Armstrong put the Church back on the right track, and placed ONE MAN IN CHARGE of EVERYTHING via corporation sole! The government of God was restored to the Worldwide Church of God. And the work, the congregations etc got organized rightly under Mr Armstrong.
This was done in the state of Arizona.

Then, forty years later, prophecy came alive and intense persecution started on the one true COG family: 

Forty years later, was the year 2021.
My family was living in Arizona.
We had been fighting for the right to exist as the Worldwide Church of God.
We had a window washing business, and we had been fighting with a conglomerate of other industry leaders, who used to be in the Worldwide Church of God! They got together and wanted us to be ran out of town. One man stood up for us and wanted to include us with the “network” because he figured they all would do better with us than against us.
So we fought underhanded, dirty, thieving tactics, with people pretending to be our company in order to disauade customers from using our services. We had our home taken from us. We were burglarized. We had death threats. We had federal locks on our post office boxes, that had to be removed, we had a lot of “shady” things happen to us, because we were online sharing what we was finding about the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert W Armstrong.
Through us, interest was expanded and explored. We had people come out of their churches in disagreement with us, trying to out do us in making these truths available. They thought they were better than us.
So through persecution we ended up in Arizona.
And there in Arizona, my family was killed.
A man who claimed to work for the cia, wanted my dad one day saying it was coming. He wanted us to know it was nothing personal, it was just orders. He had to protect his own family, he said.
That may have sounded like words of madman, but when a grandmother is murdered in the hospital, and your mom dies mysteriously and then your dad dies mysteriously, that warning had more weight. We didn’t take the warning lightly. We trusted God. And it just so happens that my dad died in 2021, at the closure of what began in 1981 with the corporation sole.
From that point forward I’ve been focusing on raising the alarms to brethren, and to continue to show the Worldwide Church of God does still exist.
Now I’ve personally come across some people who has tried to destroy myself and this Church! They have tried to put brother against brother, in order to destroy what is held in trust!

The last man standing! Even wimpy beta heretic Bwana Bob cannot measure up to this! 

Now because of this division someone else has started, the threat of some dissident sweeping in to take legal control of the name of the Worldwide Church of God has come.
And with family gone, I’ve been told I am the last one standing!
In 1983, the paperwork of the corporation sole in Arizona went dark.
In 1984 Mr Armstrong returned to Pasadena, and was preparing spiritual food for all of us these last forty years.
If Elijah received food to survive the attack from the state government, first, then the second time was meant for 1983-forward to our time, after the receivership, meant for a LONG JOURNEY! Jezebel destroyed the parts of the Elijah Work she could get her hands on!
You see how the spirit of Jezebel works?
And so forty years later, the Elijah Work still exists and we who have God’s Holy Spirit are connected with that work!
And when I read Elijah’s words in 1 Kings 19:10,14, I am moved emotionally. Because out of my personally family, I am alone for now. We’ve been struck by the enemy, and he seeks our destruction!
Now Mr Armstrong said there will BE NO ELISHA TO FOLLOW HIM! I agree.
In 1 Kings 19, it is a prophecy concerning the end of the Elijah Work.
Our work will end, with the rise of the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, a combine of ten toes, or ten nations or groups of nations in Europe, calling themselves “the United States of Europe”!
But no, as some mock me, the servant of God did not “go back to Egypt” when he travelled to Mt. Sinai. He was looking for the next instructions from the God of Heaven.
And we too, need to look to God and Jesus Christ as our savior and Head! We are connected to the Elijah work if we have God’s Holy Spirit! And we only will have God’s Holy Spirit if we surrender to Jesus Christ and wholly obey Him!
Some are saying they are the 7,000 prepared who have not bowed their knees to Baal. When the two witnesses stand up, they will be ready to add to our membership! There won’t be “another church” competing. We either will be together as the true church or we won’t be.
As for this legal sweep to grab for legal power over trademark. Merchants fight over that. And our God will destroy the merchants of this earth and avenge our people. A whore is going to be a whore. So a Jezebel will act like a Jezebel.
The book of Obadiah speaks on these things. God be praised!

There is one lasting sad legacy of Armstrogism, and that is that it helped create a lot of mentally unstable people! Hundreds of Elijahs have self-appointed themselves over the decades. Prophets and prophetesses regularly visited Pasadena with their prophetic messages. Some pretested with large signs parading up and down the street in front of the Hall of Ad as others tried their best to draw away church members.

I can state with absolute confidence that no one is going to follow Samuel. The few that did previously have all abandoned him after his epic failure at the Feast in Israel/Jordan.

Others, like Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, and Bob Thiel, attempted to start their own groups,  supposedly with God's official blessing, which now have turned out to be miserable failures.

Even the mother, GCI is facing difficulties. Are we finally witnessing the end of Armstrongism?

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Satan Attacks The Greatest Church of God In Human History...Again!

Poor Bwana Bob, Satan is always out there trying to thwart his mind-boggling work in one way or another.

Greetings from the Five Cities region of California. 
Yes, we have received more translations of our English language booklet, The Gospel of the Kingdom of God this week. As mentioned before, this assists us in our efforts to support the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14
That said, we have been hit by a major computer glitch and this is affecting our ability to do mailings, etc. Please pray that God’s will will be done and that this will be resolved without major data loss.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The True Calendar, the Olympics Calendar: Armstrongite Wade Cox descends to his lowest level yet

Welcome Boys and Girls to another fun day in the lunatic land of the Churches of God! For a church that claims to be the "one true church that God sent the world" it is amazing to constantly witness the endless batshittery of Armstrongism. I guess part of the reason for all of this nonsense is that their focus is NOT upon The Way or the One they "claim" to follow, but instead upon many man-made irrelevant opinions of self-appointed apostate spiritual gurus.

This time it is not our favorite crackpot prophet the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel, but on that other dingbat, Wade Cox.

According to him, our salvation rests upon accepting the "true calendar" and things he calls "the law". Reading the drivel below entirely avoids the salvational work of Christ in people's lives and instead focuses upon a pissed-off "messiah" coming down to wreak havoc and destroy humanity till all who are left will be the "holy seed" of his cult members who keep the law and the Temple calendar. Everyone else will be exterminated by some giddy god who wants to come and annihilate humanity.

Humans always seem to know better than God when to regulate His Calendar system rather than paying God due deference and obedience. Judah has been punished and had millions killed simply because they will not do what they are told. So also has Israel been punished, and over the Twentieth century millions have been killed and now in the Twenty-first century untold millions more will die until Messiah arrives to put an end to the blatant and wilful insubordination of mankind and enforce God's Law and Calendar system on the world. At the end of this age the only people left alive will be the Holy Seed (Isa. 6:9-13; Am. 9:1-15) keeping God's Laws and Testimony according to the Temple Calendar. No one else will be left alive save those who obey God's Laws under the Messiah. Rabbinical Judaism and the Churches of God keeping Hillel and other than the Temple Calendar (No. 156) and who do not repent will be exterminated under the Witnesses and by the coming of the Messiah (Nos. 210A and 210B). One must realise that these people who keep this system of Hillel and the Talmud are not Jews. They are Khazars and North African and Canaanite pseudo-Jews converted to a false system, keeping a false calendar and pseudo-Jewish religious system that is based on the Babylonian Calendar system of postponements. All that system will be destroyed at the return of the Messiah.
That will also include the Greek Olympic system under the Olympiads. That system will be wiped out for the Olympiad of 2028 which will be under the Messiah and will simply end with the millennial system and the removal of Satan and the Fallen Host being placed in Tartaros. See The Last Olympiad (No. 299G). The paper will show what it is they understand and believe using their own hymns.

Who knew our calendar system was based upon the event calendar of scheduling the Olympics? Armstrongism's stupidity is at its lowest. 

This is just a glimpse of the asshattery of Cox and his sycophants in the so-called "christian" Churches of "god" in regard to the last Olympics in 2024. I guess I need to return my 2028 Los Angeles Olympic tickets. Bummer, dude!!

The bidding for the (34th) XXXIV Olympiad commenced in the Sabbath Year of 2019 and announced ca 2020. 2028 will be the First year of the 121st Jubilee. It is expected to be the beginning of the Millennium under rule from Jerusalem and the entire ancient Pagan system is expected to be eradicated by Christ. It is our task to warn the nations of the coming of the Messiah and we have been doing that in accordance with the instructions of Jeremiah 4:15-16.

The games coincide with the election years of the presidential terms of the USA. At first glance one might think that is merely a coincidence. However, the empirical system of the Last Days was destined to be transferred from Europe to the US as the Babylonian system was moved from the empire of the two feet of iron and miry clay of Daniel which was the Fifth Empire of the Beast. This was the Babylonian Holy Roman Empire which lasted from 590 CE to 1850 CE or a prophetic 1260 years to the Sixth and Last Empire of the Beast that was formed from the British Empire which was not formally recognised as Mystery Babylon but it served as the King of the South while it was in charge of Egypt; although it was to be the dominant imperial force of the European Sunday Worshipping Trinitarian system. 
The US was originally settled by the Sabbatarians under the Pilgrim Fathers from Britain via the Netherlands. However, they were followed by the Trinitarians and more importantly the Wiccans from Europe who established their ancient pagan systems there and using also the secret societies of Freemasonry. In 1776 their pagan systems were set up independently. Using the ancient timings of the early Olympiads they developed their four and eight-year cycles from the ancient pagan systems. They developed their calendar based on the ancient Wiccan calendar and based it all on the days of human sacrifice using the 13-day cycles and the feasts of Imbolg and other sacrificial feasts renamed as St. Valentine’s Day, and All Hallows Eve (Halloween) etc. and also those of Christmas and Easter.

After getting his little boy panties in a knot over the United Nations, Jesuits, Masons, NWO, and globalists he continues on with this:

They think they are in control, but they are merely pawns of Satan and they will be destroyed over the period we will term the Last Olympiad. The Games of the 33rd Olympiad were held in France in 2024 and were made into an openly Satanic Ceremony and the authorities were forced to acknowledge the problem. We explained how the end of the Four Hundred Years of Abraham’s Legacy ended in December 2023 in the Text at (No. 212J). 2024 began the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) This period will continue now on through to 2028. We expect to see the Vials of the Wrath of God continue on under Messiah from end 2027 to March 2028 and on to Pentecost 2028, The Vials of the Wrath of God will be in full force by 2028 having commenced sometime from the end of the 33rdOlympiad in 2024 and hopefully by Trumpets of that year.

The Tokyo Olympics were affected due to the Corona Virus outbreak of December 2019 and continuing development into 2020 and the subsequent crises to 2023.

We know that the Two Witnesses will be here 1264 days before the Messiah. 
We know that the Messiah will arrive to end the rule of Satan. His rule ends in end 2027 at the Jubilee in any case being 6000 years from the close of Eden in 3974 BCE. From the example of the entry to the Promised Land we deduce it can be that year that Satan is imprisoned.

The Empire of the Beast will last for one prophetic hour and rule from Jerusalem for 42 months over the time of the Witnesses (see No. 141D). The world will be dealt with and driven mad by the curses of Deuteronomy 28 (and esp. 28:34). The priests of the pagan system will be incapacitated as will the leaders of this evil system and much of it will be in captivity to the Beast and the nations it chooses to rule the administration of the Ten Toes.

No nation will be independently surviving for the Olympics under the Beast system. Thus they know that their time is short and Satan and the Demons must realise that this is the Last Olympiad of their rule. More importantly the Games of the 33rd Olympiad in Paris must also be the last of the national teams to compete in the games. Similarly, the wars of the Sixth Trumpet from the conflicts from 2024-2025 will have killed a third of mankind and the wars will desecrate the nations on an ongoing basis.

This kind of asshattery of Armstrongism is exactly why it is dying off. Its focus is on hundreds of useless topics and mindless conspiracy theories instead of on The One they are supposed to be following. The One who says His burden is easy and his yoke is light.

Armstrongism has burdened its followers with these kinds of useless tidbits and outright lies for decades. The yoke has been heavy and merciless because all of these men despise the One they are supposed to be following. 

Whether it is Cox, Thiel, Pack, Weinland, Flurry, or Billingsley, the end result is the same, liars all. No one who is a real follower of Jesus would EVER follow these apostate blowhards.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Stinking Pile Of Feculence That Claims To Be A Church Leader Maligns Dr. Stavrinides


Dr. Stavrinides died the other day and just like clockwork the ravenous wolves of Armstrongism started peeing on the ground marking their territory as they sought to malign his character and his faith.  

Most of this bad-mouthing has come from self-appointed stinking turds masquerading as faithful men of God who in rebellious fits of vile impertinence decided they were better than everyone else and started their own little cults. 

Castrated from the very start by Herbert Armstrong's very own words condemning their actions, these little men struggle to find position and honor in their tiny little apostate communities as they continually lash out at others who are better than they are.

This brings us today to our great Bwana Bob Thiel, the chief overseer of the improperly named "continuing" Church of a lesser "god". Nothing pops his holistic cork more than COG and former COG members being more successful than he is and having a better relationship with God than he does.

After he read the notice I put up on this blog and copied the exact information I posted on this blog, he set about maligning the character and faith of Dr. Stavrinides. Dr. Stav's religious knowledge, his historical knowledge, and his ability to debate and examine issues of importance make the superficial crap that was spoonfed the Great Bwana Bob by Armstrongism and his spiritual daddy, Rod Meredith look like baby pablum curdling on the highchair. Dr. Stav could have wiped the floor with Bwana Bob's so-called intellect many times over, but he was too good of a person to do that. Not so with Bwana Bob.

The Chief Overseer of Feculence starts off by claiming Dr Stav's church, where he was a Greek Orthodox priest, said he was God. Can Bwana Bob really be THIS stupid? Godly men who practice their faith will always be said by their associates, members, and others as God sent to them. In no manner whatsoever do any of these people claim the person is God. That is blasphemy in almost every branch of Christianity except in Armstrongism and Mormonism which both teach humans will be God.

Bwana Bob says:

No, Orthodox church, he was NOT “God sent to us as a church.” That is a blasphemous statement.

His parish wrote in his obituary:

We are truly going to miss you. We have learned so many things from him. He has taught us to love and respect each other.You were God sent to us as a church. Not only we got the best priest, we also got a very educated priest who just loved to teach and guide us in the right way. He never gave up on us. He always remained committed to the church, even having to endure a two-hour drive plus traffic from Glendora to Saint George Orthodox Church Hesperia. We are extremely grateful to meet you and spend lots of time with him. 
No matter how busy things got, he always made time for the people he cared about, and showed us that family always comes first no matter what. Everyone who knew him knew how proud he was of the people he loved, 
He stressed the significance of attending church and emphasized the need to prioritize it. He used to say, (We always should put God first before anything) 
Father Alexander had the Bible memorized. Any question you ask, he would say go to this verse and chapter. 

Here we have a group of people who recognized the God-given attributes that Dr. Stav epitomized and practiced to all around him. He epitomized godly attributes as all REAl Christians are supposed to be doing (except for Bob Thiel, apparently). He was not God on earth or sent as a God to his church. Greek Orthodox Christians would be appalled how some small-minded iniquitous man such as Bwana Bob would say this.

Bwana Bob continues on trying to malign him.

Dr. K. J. Stavrinides had been a member of the old Worldwide Church of God. 
After Herbert W. Armstrong died and the Tkach Administration was in place, he rose from being basically a little known teacher to being one who tried to persuade the membership to change and embrace the Greco-Roman trinity that was enforced by Emperor Theodosius.

Dr Stave was not a "little-known" teacher. He was highly respected by students, faculty, and church members for his intellect and his Biblical knowledge, something that Bwana Bob is greatly lacking in. He wrote numerous articles for church publications and was sought out by other institutions for his knowledge and expertise.

Next, the Bwana tries to smear his name by attaching him to Tkach jr and the God Is... booklet. The God Is...booklet was a wake-up call for many in the church to examine how we understood God.

Bwana Bob then tries to smear him one more time by stating he taught at Azusa Pacific University as if this is some kind of great blasphemy. APU is highly rated for its education, nursing, religious, and other teaching areas. It has also been in existence since 1899, something that Armstrongism was never able to accomplish with its three colleges or even its church!

Dr Stav's students rated him highly, something that Bwana Bob has never accomplished. Imagine at any point from this moment forward that anyone and I repeat ANYONE would EVER say this about Bob Thiel:

Again, I ask...will you ever hear ANYONE ever talk about Bob Thiel in this manner? Even his own church, the Living Church of God which kicked him out, never had anything good to say about him and still doesn't to this day.

Only those who are part of the highly chosen of Bwana Bob's cult are the faithful, chosen, and called by God. Dr Stav, not so much, and even worse for Tkach Jr.

It is those who truly hold to the original faith that are called, chosen, and faithful. 
Sadly, Dr. Stavrinides, Hank Hanegraaff, Joseph Tkach, Jr. and many thousands who had at least some affiliation with the old Worldwide Church of God fell away from being faithful. 
Do not follow their poor legacy.

No one in their right mind would ever be following the Great Bwana Bob Thiel. Do NOT follow his poor "legacy", if we can even call it that. In a few short years, no one will remember Bwana Bob, know what he taught, or will even be part of his so-called church.

Dr Stavrinides will be remembered for a long time. Bob Thiel, not so much.