Sunday, September 8, 2024

The True Calendar, the Olympics Calendar: Armstrongite Wade Cox descends to his lowest level yet

Welcome Boys and Girls to another fun day in the lunatic land of the Churches of God! For a church that claims to be the "one true church that God sent the world" it is amazing to constantly witness the endless batshittery of Armstrongism. I guess part of the reason for all of this nonsense is that their focus is NOT upon The Way or the One they "claim" to follow, but instead upon many man-made irrelevant opinions of self-appointed apostate spiritual gurus.

This time it is not our favorite crackpot prophet the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel, but on that other dingbat, Wade Cox.

According to him, our salvation rests upon accepting the "true calendar" and things he calls "the law". Reading the drivel below entirely avoids the salvational work of Christ in people's lives and instead focuses upon a pissed-off "messiah" coming down to wreak havoc and destroy humanity till all who are left will be the "holy seed" of his cult members who keep the law and the Temple calendar. Everyone else will be exterminated by some giddy god who wants to come and annihilate humanity.

Humans always seem to know better than God when to regulate His Calendar system rather than paying God due deference and obedience. Judah has been punished and had millions killed simply because they will not do what they are told. So also has Israel been punished, and over the Twentieth century millions have been killed and now in the Twenty-first century untold millions more will die until Messiah arrives to put an end to the blatant and wilful insubordination of mankind and enforce God's Law and Calendar system on the world. At the end of this age the only people left alive will be the Holy Seed (Isa. 6:9-13; Am. 9:1-15) keeping God's Laws and Testimony according to the Temple Calendar. No one else will be left alive save those who obey God's Laws under the Messiah. Rabbinical Judaism and the Churches of God keeping Hillel and other than the Temple Calendar (No. 156) and who do not repent will be exterminated under the Witnesses and by the coming of the Messiah (Nos. 210A and 210B). One must realise that these people who keep this system of Hillel and the Talmud are not Jews. They are Khazars and North African and Canaanite pseudo-Jews converted to a false system, keeping a false calendar and pseudo-Jewish religious system that is based on the Babylonian Calendar system of postponements. All that system will be destroyed at the return of the Messiah.
That will also include the Greek Olympic system under the Olympiads. That system will be wiped out for the Olympiad of 2028 which will be under the Messiah and will simply end with the millennial system and the removal of Satan and the Fallen Host being placed in Tartaros. See The Last Olympiad (No. 299G). The paper will show what it is they understand and believe using their own hymns.

Who knew our calendar system was based upon the event calendar of scheduling the Olympics? Armstrongism's stupidity is at its lowest. 

This is just a glimpse of the asshattery of Cox and his sycophants in the so-called "christian" Churches of "god" in regard to the last Olympics in 2024. I guess I need to return my 2028 Los Angeles Olympic tickets. Bummer, dude!!

The bidding for the (34th) XXXIV Olympiad commenced in the Sabbath Year of 2019 and announced ca 2020. 2028 will be the First year of the 121st Jubilee. It is expected to be the beginning of the Millennium under rule from Jerusalem and the entire ancient Pagan system is expected to be eradicated by Christ. It is our task to warn the nations of the coming of the Messiah and we have been doing that in accordance with the instructions of Jeremiah 4:15-16.

The games coincide with the election years of the presidential terms of the USA. At first glance one might think that is merely a coincidence. However, the empirical system of the Last Days was destined to be transferred from Europe to the US as the Babylonian system was moved from the empire of the two feet of iron and miry clay of Daniel which was the Fifth Empire of the Beast. This was the Babylonian Holy Roman Empire which lasted from 590 CE to 1850 CE or a prophetic 1260 years to the Sixth and Last Empire of the Beast that was formed from the British Empire which was not formally recognised as Mystery Babylon but it served as the King of the South while it was in charge of Egypt; although it was to be the dominant imperial force of the European Sunday Worshipping Trinitarian system. 
The US was originally settled by the Sabbatarians under the Pilgrim Fathers from Britain via the Netherlands. However, they were followed by the Trinitarians and more importantly the Wiccans from Europe who established their ancient pagan systems there and using also the secret societies of Freemasonry. In 1776 their pagan systems were set up independently. Using the ancient timings of the early Olympiads they developed their four and eight-year cycles from the ancient pagan systems. They developed their calendar based on the ancient Wiccan calendar and based it all on the days of human sacrifice using the 13-day cycles and the feasts of Imbolg and other sacrificial feasts renamed as St. Valentine’s Day, and All Hallows Eve (Halloween) etc. and also those of Christmas and Easter.

After getting his little boy panties in a knot over the United Nations, Jesuits, Masons, NWO, and globalists he continues on with this:

They think they are in control, but they are merely pawns of Satan and they will be destroyed over the period we will term the Last Olympiad. The Games of the 33rd Olympiad were held in France in 2024 and were made into an openly Satanic Ceremony and the authorities were forced to acknowledge the problem. We explained how the end of the Four Hundred Years of Abraham’s Legacy ended in December 2023 in the Text at (No. 212J). 2024 began the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) This period will continue now on through to 2028. We expect to see the Vials of the Wrath of God continue on under Messiah from end 2027 to March 2028 and on to Pentecost 2028, The Vials of the Wrath of God will be in full force by 2028 having commenced sometime from the end of the 33rdOlympiad in 2024 and hopefully by Trumpets of that year.

The Tokyo Olympics were affected due to the Corona Virus outbreak of December 2019 and continuing development into 2020 and the subsequent crises to 2023.

We know that the Two Witnesses will be here 1264 days before the Messiah. 
We know that the Messiah will arrive to end the rule of Satan. His rule ends in end 2027 at the Jubilee in any case being 6000 years from the close of Eden in 3974 BCE. From the example of the entry to the Promised Land we deduce it can be that year that Satan is imprisoned.

The Empire of the Beast will last for one prophetic hour and rule from Jerusalem for 42 months over the time of the Witnesses (see No. 141D). The world will be dealt with and driven mad by the curses of Deuteronomy 28 (and esp. 28:34). The priests of the pagan system will be incapacitated as will the leaders of this evil system and much of it will be in captivity to the Beast and the nations it chooses to rule the administration of the Ten Toes.

No nation will be independently surviving for the Olympics under the Beast system. Thus they know that their time is short and Satan and the Demons must realise that this is the Last Olympiad of their rule. More importantly the Games of the 33rd Olympiad in Paris must also be the last of the national teams to compete in the games. Similarly, the wars of the Sixth Trumpet from the conflicts from 2024-2025 will have killed a third of mankind and the wars will desecrate the nations on an ongoing basis.

This kind of asshattery of Armstrongism is exactly why it is dying off. Its focus is on hundreds of useless topics and mindless conspiracy theories instead of on The One they are supposed to be following. The One who says His burden is easy and his yoke is light.

Armstrongism has burdened its followers with these kinds of useless tidbits and outright lies for decades. The yoke has been heavy and merciless because all of these men despise the One they are supposed to be following. 

Whether it is Cox, Thiel, Pack, Weinland, Flurry, or Billingsley, the end result is the same, liars all. No one who is a real follower of Jesus would EVER follow these apostate blowhards.



Anonymous said...

It's a trait of Christianity, both inside and outside of Armstrongism. They magnify meaningless technical points while ignoring practical everyday issues. This way they don't offend their tithe payers and appear to have the correct "The Truth" package.

Anonymous ` said...

This Millerite preacher stated, “They are Khazars and North African and Canaanite pseudo-Jews converted to a false system, keeping a false calendar and pseudo-Jewish religious system that is based on the Babylonian Calendar system of postponements. “

This origin theory for the Jews is typically found in Anti-Semitic Publications. It is a theory that was popularized by Arthur Koestler, a Jew himself, in a book he wrote titled “The Thirteenth Tribe.” Koestler’s work has been grist for the mill among Anti-Semites. Disturbingly, this view was adopted by some Southern ministers at Ambassador College, Big Sandy back in the mid-Seventies. This is the first clear evidence I have seen of it among Armstrongists since that time.

The theory is that the Khazars, a Turkic people who at one time lived in southern Russian, substituted themselves for the Jews. Hence, the Ashkenazi Jews are actually Gentiles masquerading as Jews. And the real Jew are the Sephardim and probably the Mizrahi. You can see how this would have had traction among some WCG conspiracy theorists during the days of the highly influential Stanley Rader. Rader was an Ashkenazi.

The genetic evidence effectively cancels the Koestler Theory. Autosomally, the Jews are a mixed Jewish population. They are from 30 to 70 percent European. Their greatest genetic affinity is not for the Eastern Europeans but for the Southern Europeans in the Italian realm. The mythology that floated around the WCG was that Jews looked like Europeans and that they married among themselves and were close to being racially pure. That is decidedly not the case. Ashkenazi Jews, the Jews that Americans are most likely to be familiar with, look like Europeans because they are mixed with Europeans. (The idea that full-blooded Jews looked like Europeans probably made British-Israelism more credible to some.)

So, there was no substitution of one people for another. There was instead mixing through intermarriage. With migration, it happens. The Western Europeans are a mix of Hunter Gatherers, Agriculturalists and Steppe Pastoralists. That is why you find vestiges of haplogroups (Y chromosome haplogroup throughout) I and G among the now predominantly haplogroup R Europeans.

Neither are the Jews North Africans. There is among them a little haplogroup E which is found in North Africa. Einstein was haplogroup E. But so was “Aryan” Adolf Hitler. A little haplogroup E is found among European populations and dates from ancient times. And the Jews are not Canaanite pseudo-Jews although Jews everywhere are closely related to Canaanites who have been genetically demonstrated to be the modern-day Lebanese.
The Jews and the Lebanese are both principally haplogroup J but when Jesus came to his own he came to the haplogroup J Jews of Palestine. He did not come to the haplogroup R people of Britain.

This leads me to wonder what people this Millerite preacher would identify as Jewish. There were weird ideas circulating in Big sandy in the Seventies about this. Some people used to believe the people of Kentucky, I believe, were the tribe of Simeon. I heard a Kentuckian claim that in Spokesman Club in Gladewater. One of the ministers who held to the Khazar theory back in the Seventies told me that he did not know who the real Jews were but they were some group on the North America continent. All of this is malarkey. People can story but genetics does not. As for the calendar system. I believe we will get the one God wants us to have eventually. But until then, it is a tempest in a teapot. Probably plays well among the locals, though.


Anonymous said...

Wade Cox has never been know to be the brightest bulb in the pack. He has widely been mocked by COG leaders in the Australasia area for decades. Regular members thought he was nuts when he was just a regular member.

Anonymous said...

Oh that 6000 year thingy again..............sharpen your pencils.......

2963 yrs - Gen 5, 11, 15:13, 1Kings 6:1
429 yrs - 2Chron - 36 years of Solomon to Zedekiah/Wikipedia
2608 yrs - 585 BC to 2024 AD
6000 yrs

Anonymous said...


In my previous comment I wrote, "Autosomally, the Jews are a mixed Jewish population. "

That should have been, "Autosomally, the Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed Jewish population. "


Anonymous said...

Thank you, 7:40! If you are correct, then this is the year that that stupid 6,000 year theory finally dies. If the Jews are correct, nobody alive today need even be concerned.

Actually, I'm more concerned about the effects of global climate change. It has really accelerated this year once again. We missed the boat. Much of the damage progression is now self-perpetuating and has become unstoppable. Like the release of carbon ongoing as permafrost continues to thaw.

Feastgoer said...

So he's setting a date.
And it's going to be great,
With Jesus returning in 2028!
(Too bad for Brisbane, preparing for the 2032 Olympics.)

Anonymous said...

Scout going off the tracks as usual. So afraid to talk about Jews because 'antisemites' do so.
Ashkenazi are from Ashkenaz, a son of Gomer. This was explained by a rabbi. Picture Kissinger's placid manner.
Are the Sephardic genuine?
We know about the Khazars. What's da problem Scout?
We know that Arabs converted to Judaism and lived in Palestine all these centuries.
When the Jews moved back from Babylon to Palestine it was mainly Levites. I've come to recognize the Levite look now. Think Jack Klugman.
Judah remained with the Chaldeans.
Your idea that everyone from Adam is the same haplogroup is completely wrong.

Anonymous said...

The Vials of the Wrath of God will be in full force by 2028 having commenced sometime from the end of the 33rdOlympiad in 2024 and hopefully by Trumpets of that year.

will he sign a contract forfeiting all possessions, plus stepping down from all church positions, when this forecast fails?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Troll (Anonymous 4:28)

Your response can be described as nothing less than a Comedy of Errors. The drivel is not really worth a response but I will give you a short one. Nothing you have asserted is supported by logic or data. I do not regard “Think Jack Klugman” to be an argument except maybe in the Sound Bite Church of God that you attend.

You state, ”Ashkenazi are from Ashkenaz, a son of Gomer.” I first heard this vacuous statement in a sermon at WCG church services in East Texas back in the mid-Seventies. In fact, the European Diasporic Jews referred to Germany as Ashkenaz. Since they had an association with Germany at one time and spoke a dialect of High German called Yiddish, they adopted the term Ashkenazi to refer to themselves. They are not asserting that they are descendants of Ashkenaz. The idea that they are descended from Ashkenaz because they named themselves that is a word association error that Herman Hoeh and other pop historians in the WCG made repeatedly.

In any case, genetics shows that the Ashkenazi Jews really are Jews in origin, really have a direct connection with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob unlike the British who are thoroughgoing Gentiles and whose origins cannot even be found in the so-called Table of Nations in Genesis.


Anonymous said...

Apparently, God does not punish false teachers who use Armstrongism to create false prophecies (often in the name of Jesus Christ). These people damage their members' lives while laughing all the way to the bank out of one side of their mouths, yet yelling "we need more!" from the other side.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments Scout. The drivel by Anon @4:28:00 PM PDT is simply ludicrous laughable inept and lacking historical accuracy. What one would expect from hard core Armstrongism. Unhinged and devoid of facts but big on theory. ‘We know that Arabs converted to Judaism…’ quite the historian lol. The Ashkenazi Jews are indeed Israelite/Jews, whose history is well documented and leaves one without doubt they are Semitic and from the Levantine region. As you attest, DNA puts to sleep, or should, the Khazar nonsense and any historian of note and of conscience would be appalled at this devious nonsense, which is rather simply, anti semitic at its core dressed in more appealing clothing for the masses.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:28 has missed the mark. It is the Jews who in large numbers converted away from their ancestral faith. If you compare the population of Jews in Judea in Jesus' day to the population of Jews there when Islam arose, you'll see a huge decrease, but there was no great genocide to account for that. What happened is that huge numbers of Jews converted to Christianity. Then, after the rise of Islam, even more Jews converted out of their faith, to Islam, along with many Christians of Jewish ancestry who became Muslims. Yes, there are Jews from Central Europe who have a mixture of Hebrew and Caucasoid ancestry. But if your standard is 100% pure tribal ancestry, we have to conclude that Ephraim and Manasseh are even more diluted and supplanted than Judah, and are meaningless to consider as "tribes" today.

GeorgeS said...

Only about 3% of the population of Israel has Abrahamic DNA. How does that fit in with Ashkenazi?
I have never heard that discussion of Khazars was 'antisemitic'. You turn a history discussion into poison with your vile accusations. I can only pray that your vile be turned against you and not hurt anyone else.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your voice of reason. There is a historical side to the “Khazar nonsense.” I read an article in Commentary magazine a few years back that supported the idea of the Khazar connection. The Jewish author of the article was fine with the idea that the Ashkenazi absorbed some Khazars in the past. There seems to be some historical evidence for this. There is an article in Wikipedia titled “The Khazar Hypothesis of Ashkenazi Ancestry.” It is a lengthy and complex article. Its nothing to get stirred up about. We know the Jewish community that gave rise to the Ashkenazi absorbed lots of Europeans. So, they may have absorbed some Turkic people as well. None of this jeopardizes the basic Jewishness of the Ashkenazi. In the Wikipedia article there is a section on genetics that is varied but forms consensus that the Ashkenazi are Jews, albeit mixed. It does not support the idea that Ashkenazi Jews can be equated with Khazars as the anti-Semites maintain. This is a much more rational conclusion than we find in British-Israelism where some fanatics claim that the British are Israelites without a stitch of genetic evidence to support this idea.

An interesting point in the genetic studies is that the Ashkenazi mtDNA is 80 percent European and the Y chromosome haplogroups are 80 percent from the Near East. This suggests some historical tribe of Jewish males married European women to give rise to the Ashkenazi. But none of the genetics connects the Ashkenazi with Khazars who originated in the Caucasus. My guess is that the Khazar influence was tiny.


Anonymous said...

Ephraim and Manasseh are even more diluted and supplanted than Judah, and are meaningless to consider as "tribes" today.

You jest. The Brits have distinct ways of speaking and writing. Their writing style stands out on the comments on blogs. As an gentile, what always amazed me about the former Cops TV show was the uniformity in the officers temperament, no matter the national state. Which is why it doesn't surprise me when I read a long time ago that 90% of the U.S. population marry someone within three blocks from where they live. I don't believe that this would be the case if their was a spread of temperaments. Yanks and poms do stand out.

Anonymous said...

GeorgeS (3:34) wrote, “Only about 3% of the population of Israel has Abrahamic DNA.”

Since this statement is unsupported by any data or logic, it simply becomes bizarre. What does this commenter believe “Abrahamic DNA” is? My guess is that he has no definition. And if you could unpack this statement I am sure you would find a lot of Anti-Semitism in the mix. So in his upside down world, I am vile because I cite actual data indicating that the Jews are the Jews. And he is not vile because he is an Anti-Semite based on who knows what.

Let me guess. Abrahamic DNA is y chromosome haplogroup R – the haplogroup of the Western Europeans. The BI weenies are smart enough to know that if the Jews are principally haplogroup J, the British cannot be Israelites. Therefore, they have to claim that the Jews are not the Jews but are - you name the conspiracy theory. And they find redoubt it what sounds like a garbled version of Hoeh’s pseudo-history, if that can be imagined. And their zeal to support BI plunges them into the tired theories of Anti-Semitism.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:21

You realize what you are citing as evidence is mere anecdote. This is the kind of minmalist analysis that plays well in the Sound Bite Church of God. There is an incredible leap from the reality of cultural similarities to the idea that the British are the tribe of Ephraim. If you want to assert that the British are Ephraim, you have to bring it. You just can't notice an interesting little fact and expect that to sway the debate in your direction. You, yourself, are jesting.


Anonymous said...

Read your Bible! The original Ephraim and Manasseh's mommy was Egyptian!

Anonymous said...

Miller, Scout:
Is there a calendric fixed schedule of times to meet with other brethren on a regular basis and have celebrations at certain times to avoid confusion, chaos, and missed the law of Christ?

Anonymous said...

I was repeating reliable info I've read in the context of history study. You sound ignorant in your intellectualism. Again making vile accusations of antisemitism. I've never heard that this study was antisemitic.
Dear dopey Scout, the J that you found in Palestine is the Arabs who lived there. Jews only lived there a short time. Screwball.

Anonymous said...

What are you getting at?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:54

Let's have a look at your "reliable info". Give me some citations.


Anonymous said...

7.22 There was a family in my congregation with three daughters. All three daughters looked like a near photo copy of their father. They did not look like their mommy.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps ‘Abrahamic DNA’ is really Anglo Saxon fair hair, blue eyed, white dna Scout ha ha. I am rather astonished that this bizarre theory that the Jews, are actually Turkic Khazar peoples is still in vogue in the outer reaches of the crumbling Armstrong empire. Not surprised though. There was a man many years ago who proclaimed his people were destined for greatness due to their supposedly superior ‘breeding’ and decided those lesser peoples especially Jews were unfit to co inhabit his Europe. Ended rather sadly for him and his supporters. The Jews survived and are flourishing. Yet the embers of anti semitic sentiment that unfortunately survived still find a ready audience. It is dressed in many colours and with many costumes. Elements are found everywhere, even within the church. Regardless Ashkenazi Jews are still Semitic.

Anonymous said...

Let's play a game! Let's bring up all manner of what ifs, speculation, repetition of already debunked theories, and unscientific gobblety gook in an attempt to "prove" that British Israelism is actually correct, and that the only reason people disavow it is due to their hatred of Herbert W. Armstrong, and by extension, Gos Himself. Whoops, guess I get the news late! That's what a bunch of people are already constantly doing here already!

Man, Miller and Scout are just so patient with these people. I don't know how they manage to be so measured in their responses to the sheer insanity!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:46 wrote, "Man, Miller and Scout are just so patient with these people."

To clarify, Miller and I are not carrying out a joint strategy. We are both Christians and this accounts for the similarity in our views.

I try to be patient with people who oppose my views. I am not always successful. And some of the people who angrily attack my views are brain-washed. That is to say, they have been so profoundly indoctrinated they have lost their critical thinking skills. This leaves them with nothing but emotion when they enter a debate. They are not stupid or uneducated. Someone just unplugged their rationality module. Sometimes they can be reasoned with. But it is a long shot.


Anonymous said...

It is quite remarkable, and appreciated, Scout. it is refreshing to watch efforts to educate and to understand. Quite a contrast with the hate fomenting activities of some of our politicians these days.

Free Your Mind said...

He wrote "We know that the Messiah will arrive to end the rule of Satan. His rule ends in end 2027 at the Jubilee in any case being 6000 years from the close of Eden in 3974 BCE" -- where does he get his dates from? How can he calculate so precisely? Besides, it can be proven that Adam was created around 6800 years ago, so where does that leave his 6000-year theory?
This video has some useful information: