Saturday, August 17, 2024

David C. Pack is Elijah the Prophet...because he says so


Prophet David C. Pack

David C. Pack declared himself a prophet, and all members of The Restored Church of God are also prophets. During "The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 526)" on July 27, 2024, the Pastor General spent one hour circumventing clear Bible passages by inserting his own presumptuous biases by denying what they really say.

Proving he cannot rightfully divide anything, he rejected doctrines in his literature and The World to Come programs, contradicted his own words, and recreated biblical understanding into his own image.

David C. Pack is Elijah the Prophet
because he says so.

David C. Pack had declared this before and then walked it back. The Bible does not leave room for that. He said he was not Elijah while winking to those paying attention because he never stopped believing he really was.

David C. Pack’s mouth and mind do not often align. Well-documented in the public record, he exposes his obvious lies and hypocrisy that leaves his worshippers without excuse.

Accurately quoting David C. Pack is labeled as an attack by enemies. Faithful men of God have nothing to fear when others remind them of what they said. We shall all be judged for every word that comes out of our mouths. Some should fear more than others.

Flashback Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 1:36:50 I won’t I I I won’t claim to be a prophet. “Well, you should, Mr. Pack!” Well, maybe I should. Then, pray for me because I’m not gonna do it.

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 1:14:32 I’m not prophesying now. Nobody’ll ever get me to say that.

Flashback Part 190 – June 29, 2019
@ 04:00 I’m not a prophet. If I were, I’d be a false one because I’ve prophesied the end of this Series a number of times, and they were all failed prophecies, and you'd have to stone me. But I was smart enough to come into it as an apostle and stay there. I’m not a I’m not a prophet. But I know there were false apostles, too, but I’m teaching you the truth, so I’m not a false apostle.

Flashback Part 8 – December 26, 2015
@ 32:31 “When a prophet speaks in the name the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that’s the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.” And other places say he dies. That doesn't seem to make some people afraid. Some people still go out and prophesy. They'll say things that don't come to pass. They're false, and they get the death penalty because any true prophet knows he never speaks on his own.


A complete PDF transcript of Part 526 with timestamps and highlighted moments of interest is available for download HERE.


Part 526 – July 27, 2024
@ 44:46 The Bible the Bible has is coming clearer than it ever has before. You know, I've reached that stage in my life. I just read things for exactly what they are. I know my office and and I'm I'm authorized to teach these things.

The Greatest Untold Story! runs on the fuel of NOT reading things for exactly what they are. David C. Pack is legendary for adding to and taking away from the words in the Bible. He authorized himself and carries no divine authority.

The desperate presumptions of David C. Pack’s logic cannot endure mild scrutiny.

@ 1:03:24 “As is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.” So, Paul was guided by God's spirit. There's nowhere that I see in the Scriptures. Maybe he did, but it's certainly not in the Scriptures, where it says God talked to him directly. For instance, in the same way that He did with with John the Baptist. However, He spoke to John when it said he heard an utterance, and He said, it's tie–it's go time. And and and off he went to to to to speak.

The account of Paul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9:3-6 and while he was held inside the castle in Acts 23:11 must not count. After all, the Bible is a big book, and it is challenging to keep all the relevant verses in your head simultaneously.

For a man who claims he reads things for exactly what they are, Dave performs some pretty incredible logistical gymnastics slathered with verbal sophistry to make his points appear plausible. Reading a verse as is and accepting what the book says is out of the question.

@ 1:07:36 But so far, so far, we paved the way to understand that you can have prophets in this age. Certainly, a man can be a prophet without getting an utterance from God. I mean, in a direct way where I'm gonna I'm gonna open your mouth. Put my words in there. 

David C. Pack knows he is Elijah but will not say it plainly in 3…2…1…

@ 1:08:44 I don't think any of you believe for a minute that I'm gonna have to actually or Elijah would have to actually physically eat the book of Revelation.


One way to keep a dwindling membership from bailing out is to spread the wealth around.

@ 1:09:44 God cannot bring this Kingdom unless there's at least one prophet on earth. But it says prophets. So, I mean, I have no idea. If you're gonna go first, every one of you may be considered a prophet.

@ 1:10:10 What if, right now, one prophet is telling another large number of prophets? What, what if he's doing that?

@ 1:11:23 And that may may be, by the way, encouraging to the degree that if if a prophet if the one who's gonna be Elijah, gives you a final date, once he's sorted through everything, it might mean it carries a little extra weight beyond anything we ever talked about before. But not if you don't absolutely know that he's a prophet, but also maybe you are. Or prophetess.

A certified doctor with a mental health degree would be able to accurately identify the array of psychosis expressed in the Main Hall at Headquarters. Deep down, Dave must know what he is doing but cannot stop himself. His pathology leaks out in the most bizarre ways.

@ 1:18:29 Why were they [disciples] doing that? No man can know the day or the hour. Well, they didn't have the New Testament, so they tried to find it out. I hope I could be forgiven if if I am Elijah and you, if you're prophets, too, in a sense, some of you. All of you. Most of whatever it is, however God will use us in that way. You could be forgiven for wanting to know the date.

Nobody needs to “be forgiven” for wanting to know when the Kingdom of God will arrive.

@ 1:50:05 The Mystery of God should be finished as He has declared to His servants, the prophets who are alive. I'm not talking to any dead prophets. Who are the prophets that I'm talking to? But God works through one man, this messenger. And he declares to others. So when we were looking for who Elijah is, we were looking for when you would be and who else could be prophets.

@ 1:50:30 I and I thought. Apologize for that. Mr. Armstrong thought he was Elijah. Nobody thought, well, how how? What do you mean? And I thought I was in 2015. Then then, I pulled back from that. I wasn't surebecause I knew that we didn't have it wasn't a church figure in the way we thought, but it turns out he was. And we'll come in a moment to when it may have happened.

The following quote is lengthy, but this would be worthwhile for those interested in observing the decay of a man's speaking abilities. David C. Pack’s stammering is nestled between moments of clarity.

@ 1:54:03 A twig went forth. I'll send my messenger. You know, so he I've been I'm, you know, been around a few years. Zechariah 3:1. When Elijah when when when Juh–Joshua the High Priest is standing in front of Christ, how is he already Joshua the High Priest with filthy garments on? How did he get to be Joshua the High Priest, called a messenger and a prophet in Haggai? How did he get to be a a a a a a the high priest before he walked in white and got a clean martyr mire, and was handed control over the temple in the house? Is it for the same reason he was Elijah? Before he comes to that same moment? He's called a messenger in the book of Haggai. And he goes to people in big houses, which I did starting 11 years ago. And in some ways, 25-plus years ago. I've been going to them. Any I–der I learned I was Joshua 15 years ago. I started going almost 12 years ago. 11 years ago, to Laodicea and trying to apply these verses to them. Some few listened. Not many. Those that feared and obeyed God came, and the rest didn't.

There is something seriously wrong with him, and it is only getting worse.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God must reject their Bibles to continue attending. The hirelings at Headquarters must sear their conscience with a hot iron to continue to support that spiritually corrupt organization. Paying David C. Pack to lie to them is a betrayal of all they claim to love.

@ 2:00:59 The big reason I looked for a Third Kingdom for so long is I could not see where I had first prophesied. Now I do. So if you reject that I'm a prophet, you better look in the mirror and ask, what are you?

@ 2:01:29 So, like Elijah was over the school of the prophets, I'm doing the same. You know, one of the proofs that I'm a prophet, and I'll come to the end, and you and this this this applicable to you, too. So, get in the saddle with me, or get in your own saddle.

@ 2:01:58 A prophet is not without honor, and the word should be travel–despised. But in his own country, kin and house. I am despised in my house and my kin and my country. It's actually proof of being a prophet.

That is not a proof. It is a condition. But Dave cannot tell the difference. Proof of being a prophet is when you say something will come to pass, and it does. Being despised for being a jerk is not biblical evidence.

God backs up His prophets. God does not back up David C. Pack.

@ 2:03:09 The ancient Elijah was res–despised. He was not accepted. That's what it says. I've been despised at a level you cannot imagine. Don't try. I brought the most wonderful message one could bring, and I've been hated for it. It's almost a proof in itself.

The perceived "hate" focused on David C. Pack does not originate from him bringing "the most wonderful message." Those who despise him have a good reason: He is a false apostle, false teacher, and false prophet. He is an arrogant, narcissistic, blaspheming, hypocritical liar teaching antichrist theology, keeping his members trapped with fear.

Another aspect that does not help his likeability factor is that David C. Pack is an awful human being. The line of people who would testify to that in a court of law goes out the door and down the street. The enablers at Headquarters know that is true and cannot call Marc Cebrian a liar.

The men who have worked closely with him have their personal horror stories.

@ 2:05:31 But, I do not tout myself now any more than you should go out here and start telling people you're a prophet. It might not work. Reconsider.

Being despised for being a jerk is not biblical evidence of being a prophet, Dave.


The man does not hear what comes out of his mouth sometimes. God has a sense of humor and is a fan of irony in 3…2…1…

@ 1:18:58 Matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna show you that one of the things the false prophets will do is they say they know the Day of the Lord. I'll show you that in a minute. So I finally, finally know. But these verses also help for our purpose here per when Elijah rises because he has to have finished a Series before the first season arrives.

False prophets know when the Day of the Lord is. So does David C. Pack. Ponder that.

For those who wonder if David C. Pack is aware of what he is doing, let his own lips bear witness to what his mind knows in 3…2…1…

@ 2:06:02 It’s just, I'm gonna give this message and and the enemies will attack me. And they'll say, you know what he said? 'cause there are people listening to this, “You know what he said? He he flattered him and told them they were all prophets. What a wicked man.”

Thou hast said.

Marc Cebrian

See: Prophet David C. Pack


Anonymous said...

Well he is a prophet, a false one.

Anonymous said...

He's Fert-Elijah!

Anonymous said...

Might need to pack Pack in he’s like a broken record stuck in a never ending and annoying play back

Anonymous said...

Dave is actually a chef, not an apostle or prophet. Unfortunately, he only serves word salad.

Anonymous said...

They need to have a Worldwide/Post Worldwide Hall of Phoneys listing all the FALSE PROPHETS & THE LIST OF FAILED PROPHECIES. It would probably be a pretty thick list.

JPM said...

He has some pretty serious "I" trouble.

Anonymous said...

I truly don't understand what claiming to be a prophet is supposed to do for him. I do understand that his previous statements when he emphatically claimed to NOT be a prophet were supposed to be a loophole that exempted him from being a false prophet when he is wrong, so he's now giving up his lifetime supply of "Nonprophet: get out of stoning free" cards.

Maybe it's all for the tactic of telling the members that they are prophets too, which seems to be a form of spiritual manipulation. Dave is elevating his own status by declaring himself a prophet, then extending that status to the members as a way to gain loyalty and suppress dissent. By implying that anyone who questions his status will lose their own elevated role, Dave is attempting to create a system where members feel pressured to agree and avoid criticism out of fear of losing their new "prophetic" status. He's also introduced the idea having the members try to figure out the timeline themselves, instead of just telling them, which suggests he will suppress and deflect criticism by saying something like, "Oh you don't like my getting it wrong, well at least I'm trying. You, also being a prophet, haven't come up with any date at all, so until you can, shut up ya lazy bum."

This tactic is a convoluted form of coercive control where Dave is using his authority to maintain power and influence over the members to silence opposition. The question is will the members see through the tactic or with glassy eyes be like Heimlich in A Bug's Life, "Finally, I'm a beautiful prophet!"

Anonymous said...

It's a Packulean effort to keep the money supply existing as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

Bob Thiel makes vague guesses and then complains that nobody in COGdom respects him as a prophet. Dave Pack makes specific guesses and as it constantly turns out, God does not respect him as a prophet.

The others apparently stick with "possibly sometime within the next 3-5 years"

When will the remnants of the Armstrong movement finally realize that HWA and his later heirs and claimers of the mantle have always faked the gift of prophecy? And, if they faked one gift of the Holy Spirit, isn't it obvious that they totally are fakers and have faked them all? It's not as if even one group ever had the gift of healing, either. The seeming need to fake is indicative of a disconnect with God.

Anonymous said...

1 Corinthians 13:
13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

2 And though I have the gift of PROPHECY, and understand all MYSTERIES, and all KNOWLEDGE; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Anonymous said...

Whenever any o' them has uttered that familiar "within the next 3-5 years" blab since 1972, none o' them has carefully checked all the news agencies of their day 1st to see if this, this & this in Revelation, Daniel & Isaiah have had fell into place, yet. Such prophesying goons have ruined the faith of many & brought much shame.

Tonto said...

Well certainly Pack is Elijah! He has done miracle that far surpass these from Biblical Elijah, has he not??

Elijah's 8 miracles:

Shut up the heavens causing a drought (1 Kng 17:1)
Multiplied flour and oil for a widow (1 Kng 17:14-16)
Raised a widow's son from the dead (1 Kng 17:17, 22-23)
Defeated the prophets of Baal with fire from heaven (1 Kng 18:25-38)
Brought rain to end the drought (1 Kng 18:41-45)
Destroyed 51 soldiers with fire (2 Kng 1:9-10)
Destroyed 51 soldiers with fire and lightening (2 Kng 1:9-11-12)
Parted the waters of the Jordan River (2 Kng 2:8)

Anonymous said...

Dave has plenty o' the Wadsworth tax assessor.

WOWFJI said...

An impressive array of books behind him in the first photo