Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Neville Stevens: Proof That Armstrongites Will Believe Anything!

Neville Stevens, a crackpot Armstrongite from Australia has been flooding the internet for the last 14 years with his incredibly looooooooooong missives on TRUE prophecy.  He had a minuscule following of really weird people that used to promote his silliness on the old alt.wwcg newsgroup.  They were a creepy band of lunatics that bragged that they would take up sword and kill all who opposed Neville as he went to Jerusalem as a true witness.  A couple of these lunatics threatened to come out here to CA and kill me for bad mouthing Neville.

He never has been able to gather any of the wandering people from the various COG splinter cults to follow him. All anyone has ever done is mock him horribly as they did  on the newsgroup

Today I noticed he has posted his final missive to the lost sheep of the Church of God's.  I guess he considers us a all a lost cause.

He writes:

Eventually the time had to come when we would be saying farewell to our website friends.  It’s been 14 years from the inception of this Levite Brotherhood and now we have other duties to perform.  We can only hope that our readers have learned something from our teachings.  After all these years, it seemed appropriate to leave some parting words which might hold our readers in good stead in the coming difficult days.

We’ve come to the end of the age when everything must be fulfilled according to what God planned from the very beginning.  Exactly what God planned has remained elusive to Bible students to this very day.  Most Christians have their own ideas of what to expect, but none of these ideas, generally speaking, relate to what God has said in the Scriptures.  Jesus Christ and all the Apostles spoke of Bible prophecies for our time, that is, the end of the age, and they all quoted from the Old Testament – the only Scriptures that existed at that time!  Well, the end of the age is to bring catastrophic reversals to the fortunes of the nations of the earth, and it’s the Christian nations who will suffer the most – so you need to understand why!  To this end, this article details all that is prophesied to happen during this most unhappy period of human existence; but importantly, why it must happen this way.  By understanding what is to happen, you will be in a better position for survival.

Some of his words of wisdom in his farewell message are:

Did they become like God?  No!  Instead they became like Satan!  Or at least, Eve did!  Eve’s action resulted in the end of innocence and the beginning of evil intent.  

If Neville is gong to take his Bible literally, then he must know that Adam was there too and he gladly ate the apple too.  But, as usual in patriarchal Armstrongism, women are the evil ones, the unclean ones, the fallen ones, and now the satanic ones.

Presently, the spirit rulers are engaged in persecuting the Church of God for their obedience to God and His Laws, and the time will come when they will actively seek to kill them – and this time is not far off!  The Commandment-keeping Churches of God will be hunted down and killed, and just like God’s Son Jesus, they must go as sheep to the slaughter.  They must follow Jesus Christ!  They must be willing to lay down their lives for God and their brother Christians.

Why should anyone be surprised at this?  The rulers and authorities of the spirit realm actively sought to wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth during WW2.  The sole reason for this is because the Jews were Commandment-keepers and have remained faithful and obedient to God for thousands of years.  However, the stated reason for this onslaught against the Jews was because they were generally wealthy, and to demon-inspired maniacs, this made them the enemy of the people.  Demonic Socialist reasoning requires the rich to ‘spread the wealth around’!  (Where have we heard this statement before?)  The truth is that the Jews had been blessed by God and the demonic forces knew this, and they set out to counter it by generating hostility towards them.  The response came fast, but the demons had other motivations. 
Where are there any COG's being persecuted today?  The only one in the news is Ron Weinland, the lying false prophet indicted for tax evasion.  That's not persecution.  Neville hates Obama and nonIsraelite people.  Whites will be the rules in the Kingdom.

Then he goes of the deep end, like many Armstrongites are prone to do.


Who are these evil creatures that Paul warns us about?  He goes on to warn us in a symbolic fashion to don protective spiritual armour against them, using every device to resist them.  They are very real and totally evil!  Today we collectively refer to them as demons.  Like human beings they come in all shapes and sizes, with some of them more powerful than others.

Many people have seen them exercising their powers in the air.  We generally call these things UFO’s or Unidentified Flying Objects.  These things are very real, even though government agencies continually lie to deceive people that they are not.

Haunted Houses

What people are viewing in these haunted houses are demons.  There are more than 50 million of them living on earth in exile and are forbidden to approach the Creator God.  The sole exception to this is Satan – who still has periodical access to the One who created him (Job 1:6-7)
Flying demons:

Satan and all his demons live on earth.  They travel around in their own space ships, which we call UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects).  By this means they have the power to fly through the air, hence the title of ‘rulers of the kingdom of the air’ (Eph 2:2).
 The demons mode of transpiration
The demons have craft which can be invisible to the human eye – and they can switch this capability on and off at will.  This is real stealth capability.  Nothing that humans have ever devised can match these UFO’s for speed either.  Also, their ability to hover noiselessly is way beyond the capability of human technology.  And neither is there any human device that can match them for acceleration.  These craft can accelerate out of sight in the blink of an eye.  The bodily stresses of such acceleration would kill a human being.  The creatures that fly these are decidedly not human beings, even though they’ve lived among us for six thousand years.  In fact, they were already exiled here before human beings were created!  Furthermore, they actually rule over this planet and its inhabitants.  In fact, all the human inhabitants of this earth belong to the devil and his demons – with the only exception being the Saints who belong to God.  

God doesn't give a rat's ass about humanity (except of course for Church of God members:

It’s wild-eyed deception to imagine that God has any interest in those who won’t obey Him – and the vast majority of human beings don’t!  Yet God never had any interest in the vast majority of human beings; instead He chose just one group of people out of all the families of the earth and chose them as His own: Amos 3:1-2 “Hear this word the LORD has spoken against you, O people of Israel--against the whole family I brought up out of Egypt: 2 "You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins."  From this passage of Scripture we learn that God’s only interest is in the 12 Tribes of Israel.  

God lives in a huge cosmic space ship that has an altar here Jesus works all day.

The spirit world has a vast arsenal of airborne craft, and in the final days before the end, they intend to make use of them – which is actually predicted in the Book of Revelation.  They intend to attack the huge dwelling-place where God lives – which is itself a huge space ship capable of housing millions of angels.  It also has a Temple and Altar where the Lord Christ serves and worships the Father (Heb 8:1-2).

Demons are rioting mobs here on hearth:

You’ve probably seen demon swarms on television where mobs of people turn into lunatics and start destroying and killing everything and everyone in sight.  Looting and burning usually quickly follows.  Well you’ve seen nothing yet in comparison to what is coming.  When Satan vents his fury, no-one is safe!  Least of all, Christians and Jews!

I guess they hop back on their space ships after the riot.  Who knew!

God sits on his space ship close to the earth's atmosphere:

But getting back again to the demons who infest this planet, and who use every device to deceive and humiliate the inhabitants of the earth, they are facing some serious punishment.  What is more, those people who have emulated these evil creatures will likewise be punished.  The first myth to dispel is that these creatures are not extraterrestrial, they are terrestrial and they live on earthand have done for thousands of years!  They presently have the power to fly and navigate in our solar system, but not beyond it.  They don’t come from distant stars!  They live here!  Even God Himself lives in close proximity to earth: Isa 40:21-23 Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  Has it not been told you from the beginning?  Have you not understood since the earth was founded? 22 HE SITS ENTHRONED ABOVE THE CIRCLE OF THE EARTH, and its people are like grasshoppers.  He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. 23 He brings princes to naught and reduces the RULERS OF THIS WORLD to nothing.”  
With all the various space craft that have been flying for decades out into space, not a single one has sent back pictures of God's spaceship hovering.  But of course, it could have been in stealth mode.

There will soon be a cosmic battle in the skies that all will see.  Exploding Battlestars and Battlestar Galactica fights will pale in comparison!

The battle will rage under the light of the sun as well as the light of the moon and stars until every spaceship is destroyed and Satan and his demons confined to earth.  And this is where they will stay.  This indicates that this battle will last a number of days and everyone will see it!  All these so-called ‘alien’ spacecraft will be hunted down and destroyed even though they’ll go to great lengths in an attempt to escape.  These evil creatures have bases all over the earth and even under the sea – all of which will be destroyed!

UFO riders have brainwashed the American military officers:

Over the years, the US armed forces have been deluding themselves, believing they’ve communicated with ‘aliens’ from outer space.  These demons present themselves in a quasi-human form to high ranking officers of the Armed Forces, to convince them they’re peaceful.  Hence the frequently stated official phrase, “These ‘sightings’ pose no threat to the national security”.  So they no longer investigate them.

One of God's space ships lead the three wise men to the stable where Jesus was born:

The angels of God commute in spacecraft and so do demons.  Demons commute in these ‘UFO’s’ which so many people have seen, and likewise, so do the mighty angels of God.  It was one of God’s spacecrafts that guided the shepherds to the birthplace of Jesus at the time of His birth.  This is what the shepherds followed, and it stopped over the manger where Jesus and Mary were.  Sure they described it as a star; after all, how else would they describe it in those days?  Try following a real star to arrive at a certain destination.  All that would happen is you would travel due west, but you would never know when you reached your destination.  So what the shepherds actually saw was a bright shining light which was a flying vehicle and manned by an angel of God.

Lot's wife was killed because she look back and saw God's spaceship destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, thus God had to kill her.

It involves forces that are not discoverable in the human realm.  To give some ideas of the powers involved, Almighty God passed judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah, and these two cities were reduced to ashes (2Pet 2:6), and were never found again.  Lot and his wife were told they must not look back to see the means by which God would destroy them.  Lot’s wife disobeyed and looked back and was instantly killed.  What God didn’t want them to see was the huge combat craft that delivered the coup-de-grace!  It was not the time to be disclosing such things to humanity.  This type of spacecraft is sometimes described as an ‘eagle’ in the Bible. 

Your youth can be restored to you in this lifetime!

The Lord Jesus spoke of the renewal of our bodies or flesh.  Our bodies count for nothing with God!  He is interested only in the development of our minds through His Holy Spirit.  Since God raised Jesus from the dead and renewed His body with life, we should understand that He can renew our bodies too.  What is not widely understood or accepted is that God can renew our youth in this life, and as we’ve just read in the Book of Psalms, He intends to do so – along with any diseases!  This is why Jesus said our flesh or bodies count for nothing

Neville's followers will take Jerusalem by FORCE, killing all who get in their way.  Oh, and you stupid COG members who did not listen to Neville will pay a high price too!

And why are the Churches of Godwho obey God’s Commandments – left behind?  The reason is that they have a number of duties to perform.  They too, have refused to listen to God’s prophet, even considering him a maniac.  They’ve been steeped in false prophecy for years now, and still refuse to recant their views. 
HWA was named in the Bible:

The Churches of God (who’s founder is actually named in the Bible by means of a parable in Zech 11:15-17 (which we won’t go into here since we’ve posted many articles about it; however, the founders name was Herbert Armstrong) and which identifies which Church congregation carries the banner of the original Church that Jesus Christ built.  By virtue of the fact that no other church on earth obeys God’s Commandments and keeps His Holydays in the prescribed season, it means that no other church can claim to belong to God.  There is no prophecy that relates to the Church of God that Christ built which relates to these others.  If they are not a part of the Body, then they are not the Church of God.  
Satan has been raising an army south of the US border:

Yet, Satan’s long-term planning doesn’t end there!  For years now, Satan has been building additional reserves of murderous insurgents south of the border, ready to flood in and create mayhem.  It will become an unstoppable flood!  President Bush tried to build a wall to keep them out, but that demon Obama has done nothing but obstruct the building of it.  It will be a sad day when the American people are confronted by these murderous swine flooding in over the border.  As we all know already, kidnapping and murdering Americans is a national sport south of the border, and this has reached such prominence only in the last few years.  In view of all that has happened during these last few years, America will have very few friends to call on in time of trouble, and this will be a time of trouble never before experienced in the annals of human history.

Neville is the way, the truth and the light. Your COG minister is nothing more than a mealy-mouth weakling.

The truth is that since this Zion Ministry began exactly 14 years ago, to the very day as I write, much Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and is rapidly proceeding.   This ministry began as a prophetic ministry and has continued ever since.  The purpose and function of it was to warn the Churches of God, the 12 Tribes of Israel and the world of what to expect, and to explain the Scriptures in order that whoever might listen might be spared the horror they now face.  Did anyone imagine that with such ominous disasters pending that will result in the deaths of millions of people – including His people Israel, no less – that God wouldn’t send a prophet to warn?  Well, He did send a prophet at the appointed time; He sent me!  And I have done as I’ve been commanded.  All that I’ve written was under the instructions of God Almighty.  I’m merely the instrument in His hands.  Nothing more – and nothing less!  The difference between me and the many false, self-proclaimed prophets is that I believed God always and never deviated from this belief for any reason.  And the other difference is that I was taught by God Himself!  I’ve merely taught others what God has taught me, thereby leaving aside all the pseudo doctrines and sanctimonious nonsense that vain preachers find so compelling to their congregations.  Never mind that these vain creatures are leading others to their deaths, thereby depriving them of life!  If you are still in awe of the flowery, pathetic nonsense taught by your local preacher as he endeavours to entice you to follow him, then like Humpty-dumpty you’re about to take a great fall.  These mealy-mouthed weaklings will take you nowhere – except to your doom!

Drug users should be put to death:

The truth is that it would be kinder to drug addicts, and the rest of the community in general, to put them to death.  This would prevent a lot of grief for the rest of the community who continue to be victims of their crimes!  Everyone knows that most of these druggies live off the proceeds of crime to fund their drug addiction.  If you think putting them to death seems a little harsh, then be aware that when God’s Kingdom is set up here on earth, this will be their fate!  

Neville's deviate followers will be happy to do this!

What is more, those who serve the Almighty God will be happy to see it carried out.  Otherwise, how would righteousness prevail if this blot on the community continued?  Does anyone seriously believe these lazy degenerates should continue to live among decent people?
Presbyterians will have a hard time getting into the Kingdom of God:

It will be mainstream Christians, and especially Presbyterians, who will have extreme difficulty in entering the Kingdom of God.  It was, in fact, the Presbyterians who made a big show of divesting of all investments in Jewish companies.  So they must be seen to pay the penalty for their treachery, and – trust methey will!  The example of the Presbyterians shows just how divisive false Christianity can be.  They know there is nothing in the Bible that favours Arabs over the Jews.  In fact, Arabs have no favour with God at all!  Yet these Presbyterians use their fake Christianity to garner favour with them by ostracizing Jews.

Neville continues in the long article with comments about Obama, Muslims and a demon who attacked Admiral Byrd in the Antarctica.  The craziness knows no boundaries.

Neville ends with a final word for the faithful and the idiots that mock him:

The Creator God has made His position clear to everyone, so all are without excuse.  God gave His people Israel the choice between life and death, and counseled them to choose life.  Today, more than ever, that choice is before you, and from now on you’re on your own to make that choice.  Before you prepare yourself for conquest, be sure and certain you have God’s Holy Spirit or your fate will be to return to dust - forever!  Perhaps we, the Brotherhood, will see you in our Father’s Kingdom!


 Read the entire load of crap here:  FAREWELL TO OUR WEBSITE FRIENDS


Anonymous said...

It should be noted that the core of belief of Neville Stevens, though taken to extremes, is not one whit different from the other Armstrongist Churches of God.

He is but one more example.

The UCG, CoGWA and LCG are only more sane by comparison -- but they are all kooks derived from the original kook, Herbert Armstrong.

They all fall within the spectrum of narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, nutjobs, with not a few of them being clinically mentally ill (some under treatment) and / or alcoholics / street drug abusers (and we shan't mention adulterers, shan't we, since that would be SO UNFAIR!).

They all lie to you and then take your money (if you let them).

The only good thing is that, for whatever reason, Stevens seems to be dropping out.

Or is he?

We've seen this sort of thing before....

Anonymous said...

You filthy swine! You dare to mock God's anointed now and laugh, but in a few months you will not be laughing as your world comes falling down around you. God's anointed will not be mocked! When you see him in Jerusalem you will be shivering in your shoes for your degenerate unbelief! Perhaps God will be merciful and let one of us strike you down to stop your slide into demonic possession. You will be lucky to be alive by Pentecost.

NO2HWA said...

Thanks. You folks did not scare me 7 years ago and cannot do it now.

Anonymous said...

"Did anyone imagine ... God wouldn’t send a prophet to warn? Well, He did send a prophet at the appointed time; HE SENT ME! And I have done as I’ve been commanded. All that I’ve written was under the instructions of GOD ALMIGHTY. I’m merely the instrument in His hands. Nothing more – and nothing less! The difference between me and the many false, SELF-PROCLAIMED prophets is that I believed God always and never deviated from this belief for any reason. And the other difference is that I WAS TAUGHT BY GOD HIMSELF! I’ve merely taught others what God has taught me..."

Look at ME! I'm a narcissist! I want everyone to think that I'm special so badly I'll say just about anything! There is no lie too big! Pay no attention to the fact that I'm proclaiming myself in the same breath as I accuse all the other false prophets of being self-proclaimed!

Assistant Deacon said...

The problem all these nutjobs have is the same: God does not do what people say.

Thank God.

NO2HWA said...

Can you tell me more? There were some really nasty followers of his on the alt.wwcg newsgroup years ago. Really sick people making threats against anyone who doubted him.