From a reader:
Mr. Kubik's "Letter from the President" this week is quite transparent. He says he wanted a fourth term as President, but was "not reconfirmed" by the Council. A politely way of saying: you're fired. Mr. Kubik says he plans to retire, and probably move back to Indiana to spend the rest of his days running LifeNets. Best wishes to him for that - but I can't help thinking about other ministers who "retired" from UCG and wound up preaching elsewhere (like Mark Mickelson in Pacific COG).
Here is what Kubik wrote:
As many know, my wife Beverly and I went through a major change in our lives this week. Len Martin, chairman of the Council of Elders, earlier announced that I was not reconfirmed by the Council to continue as President of the United Church of God, an International Association. Mr. Martin and the Council composed a statement, which was distributed shortly after the ballot and which you may have already seen.
He also writes:
As was relayed to me, one of the Ambassador Bible College (ABC) students heard the news and asked instructor Steve Myers, “What will Mr. Kubik do now?” Mr. Myers replied, “He will continue to serve God’s people, just in a different way.”
That was well said and eloquently reflects our thoughts.
And then makes this weird statement:
To be certain, Bev and I are praying for a peaceful transfer, and that God will inspire and lead the new president. We ask and pray that you will do the same.
Is there trouble brewing under the surface in UCG? Are we about to see another shitfest in a COG break out with more power-hungry men jostling with each other to see who makes head honcho? We have never seen that happen, have we? After all, UCG is the most unified and loving Church of God to ever hit the scene, after Bwana Bob's improperly named "continuing" Church of God, of course.
Kubik had wished to stay on for more years and do more of his pet projects, but now that he has been made redundant, those fantasies are out the window.
To be honest, Beverly and I had wished to continue in this role and complete some projects that were in progress. But we accept this decision graciously. We are so thankful to have served nine years at the helm of the United Church of God. We will forever be thankful to God for this extended period of peace and stability in the Church of God. Our greatest blessing in the Church is you and the many personal relationships that we have shared with so many around the world.
As was noted by the reader above, Kubik will continue his good works with LifeNets:
I plan to retire from full-time work for the Church after the new president is named. As Mr. Martin mentioned in his letter, Bev and I founded LifeNets International 22 years ago, a humanitarian 501(c)(3) organization that has helped many thousands of people—including many Church members—around the world. We have been privileged to help so many people with education, habitat, mobility, food security, agriculture and fresh water—things that are easy to take for granted. We will continue that work.
We also very much look forward to spending more time being grandparents. We had already discussed plans to move back to Indianapolis, where we once worked together in 1995 with many others to organize and found the United Church of God.
He makes the next statement, like so many other COG's do as they add on burdensome laws and other old covenant pet doctrines, that he is saved by grace, even though he rarely ever talks about that dude that supposedly provided it.
The knowledge of the truth and the ability to freely practice it and worship God remain the most important parts of our lives. We are saved by grace and the understanding of our incredible human potential—observing God’s way with the help of the Holy Spirit to become more like Him and be part of His Family—is and will always be a humbling focus for Bev and me.
As I close, I urge you to “draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Seek Him through prayer and the study of His precious word. Pray for each other, pray for the Church, and remember that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, One whose sacrifice opened the way to salvation, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16
). God is love! (1 John 4:16
) Paul instructs us: “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love” (Ephesians 5:1-2
, New International Version).
As UCG joins all the other COG's in their rapidly shrinking relevancy, what remains to be seen of them? Will they ever really accomplish anything good and fruitful?