Saturday, November 16, 2024

Did Satan Create Artificial Intelligence In Order To Persecute Crackpot COG False Prophets?


The sun is brightly shining in California, and our resident crackpot prophet is having another mental breakdown as he cowers in the back room of his amazing world headquarters, preparing for the end-time persecution that will surely befall him. Everyone and everything is out to get the world's greatest prophet ever to lead a Church of God. Not even Dibar Apartian could have ever imagined the lunacy that would emerge from the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel as he leads his rag-tag army across Africa on their way to the Place of Safety.

That road to Petra is fraught with dangers and obstacles as he and his occasional Caucasians live lives of privilege in the U.S. and New Zealand. This makes it easy to make wide and absurd speculations about the end times that no one in their right mind believes. 

The biggest danger along the way for the Great Bwana Bob is that big old bad meanie Satan, who came into being during the great rebellion to specifically come in the end times to persecute the Great Bwana and a few other self-appointed Church of God's false prophets.

One of the latest obstacles that big old meanie Satan is throwing up in the path of the Great Bwana and the other COG liars is the use of artificial intelligence. Cowering in his backroom, the Great Bwana fears that AI will soon be impersonating him on the internet, deceiving his followers and potential converts in Africa deliberately leading them to not give him their money and allegiance.

In one of his rants the other day, he used the movie 2001 as proof that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to destroy people, more specifically, the Church of God's self-appointed false prophets like himself. Yet, in spite of the evil he foresees in AI, the Great Bwana is making full use of it. He uses it for articles and his sermons, and get this, the Great Bwana Bob's intelligence is so magnificent that when he tells AI it is wrong, it corrects itself! It even apologizes to him! All Hail the all-powerful Great Bwana! Even AI trembles at his feet! Has the Church of God ever had a more amazing man?

When it works right, AI helps by finding right answers and basically making research much more efficient. However, while I do use AI from time to time, about 1/2 the time I get wrong or useless answers. Now when I challenge wrong answers, the AI programs normally agree that I am right and then they apologize–but how will most users, particularly young ones know when AI is right or wrong? Well, they often will not.

The amazing Great Prophet ends his spiel with how AI will soon be persecuting him and his followers.

As we warned here a while back, governments are expected to use AI to persuade, deceive, and persecute people. 
Furthermore, from Bible prophecy, we know that religious and financial controls are coming to Europe. The Apostle John was told by Jesus to write the following about a coming deadly peril:

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:15-18
When Jesus had the Apostle John pen this 1900+ years ago, yes, government authorities could kill people who would not worship they could find, but there was no way to monitor most buying and selling. Yet, with computer software, including AI, much is already being done, and more will be done. A totalitarian persecuting system is being put in place. Artificial intelligence looks to be part of it. 
Yes, a deadly peril is coming. 
While there are many actual and potential benefits of AI, and I have gotten some research benefits sometimes from it, do not be deceived, whether or not it will try to bypass programming limits, the fact is that government regulations will NOT stop it from ultimately being used as a way to control and persecute people to fulfill biblical prophecies, such as 666.

The amazing thing about AI right now is that even it knows that Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Ron Weinland are liars and false prophets.



Anonymous said...

The book of Revelation: Unveiled at Last!!: The book is prophecies about the spirit world and conditions in the universe and on earth - cf 2Kings 6:17Rev 1:10; 4:2.  Those who attempt to apply physical interpretations:  bad luck!

DennisCDiehl said...

Then spoke they secretely among themselves, "What manner of man is this, that even AI and technology obeys and apologizes to him when he setteth them straight?" And from then on sought they to unplug him....

Byker Bob said...

AI puts powerful tools into the common man's hands. The problem lies in that the more powerful the tool, the greater the potential is for misuse and destruction. AI will get into the wrong hands just as quickly and easily as did assault weapons. Buckle up! We're in for a rough ride!


Anonymous said...

I just asked ChatGPT about the Continuing Church of God. Here's part of the response it gave me: "Critics of Dr. Bob Thiel, the CCOG’s founder, sometimes highlight his claims of divine revelation and prophetic authority as potential signs of cult-like tendencies. This includes his assertion that God confirmed his leadership role through dreams and biblical validation. While charismatic leadership can sometimes be a red flag for cultic behavior, this is not universally considered harmful or manipulative unless paired with coercion or abuse of authority."

I'm sure the above would offend Bob, but IMO he should be grateful to be considered a "charismatic" leader despite his common arm-flailing and dingy-motel-room video backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

The amazing thing about AI right now is that even it knows that Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Ron Weinland are liars and false prophets>>

but when the chosen one challenges the AI backs down and recognizes his credentials, thus affirming he is indeed chosen in these last days

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call Woody Allen impersonator Bob Thiel charismatic.
Btw, the mark of the beast in broad terms is obeying man rather than God instead of obeying God rather than man. By this definition, Herb-world is plastered with the mark of the beast.

RSK said...

Hell, it probably only gave you that because he spent hours telling ChatGPT about himself.

Anonymous said...

5:36:59 PM >>very good point - and yet they boast on a number of occasions they have a pass to a place of safety from the beast etc as they say due to their commandment keeping and one true church status

Anonymous said...

Eh, anything that can be used for good WILL be used for evil. That's just how man is.

Anonymous said...

AI can be very deceptive. It draws from a source that has been heavily distorted by the media and leftist bias. It will take some time to correct this.
I think it may well provide vastly different results on how to conduct a presidential campaign after the Harris candidacy went down in flames believing celebrity and the lowest common denominator were likely to produce victory.
Even now the democrats are probably following some AI game plan in that they are openly insurrectionist with their own congressmen claiming they will create a “shadow cabinet” and “shadow government”. Even in Pennsylvania they are choosing not to follow court orders. Their probable reliance on AI generated plans still produce actions that are far more Leftist than the populous (but the Left thinks its centrist). Anyway, they will soon find out that their actual insurrection and disregard for the law is not acceptable by our populous.
They will need to be prosecuted. Then AI will correct itself; AI will begin to recognize that the liberal elite are no longer immune from directing claims of insurrection and lawbreaking toward others when they basically govern in that fashion. The current Leftist “elite” will not be able to accept this for the remainder of their lives and will ineffectually gather together and scream at the sky.

Anonymous said...

7:05: Dude! You should write for the Onion! That was brilliant. Have a nice Caucasian Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned. Watch how we get punished now with many options which used to be considered nuclear coming into play

Yer buds have total control now, and nothing can stop them from rolling over us. But, it's what America needs to get this $hit out of our national system once and for all.

Anonymous said...

DOn't fret; the season of lawfare is over, conservatives even think Jussie Smollett shouldn't have been retried for his despicable attempts to foment racism with his false hate crime claim. Conservatives honor the law, unlike the liberal elite as we have seen in the PA senate race and elsewhere, and though Smollett was only given a wrist slap in his conviction, it does qualify as a punishment and double jeopardy holds. Thank you Constitution loving conservatives!
I seriously doubt you are trying to create a shadow government or stir an insurrection, if you simply want to protest with a thousand friends (even at the US capitol) you may do won't go to jail for several years because those that treasure the Constitution and the 1st Amendment are back in office and recognize your right to protest. We won't be the arbiters of allowable speech, even if Hillary Clinton or John Kerry continue to volunteer their services as arbiters of acceptable speech. Let us know if those two ever start hassling you; they could look like they have the color of law due to their having been a part of the government but we will not allow them to continue those bullying behaviors. Burt

Avoura said...

AI was created so we can make great memes out of false prophets: