In a sermon given on the 11th of March 2023 #geraldflurry (pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God) states that "we are about to be king of kings" and that "we actually have the very throne of Christ" and that there is "no other way into the kingdom of God" but through his government. Read the full article at:
The throne has been cast to the ground - Ps 89:44 and the throne overthrown, until later - Eze 21:27. HWA distorted "overturn" to mean "transfer". It doesn't.
What he said is so outrageous that it's hard to know what to say. He's adding to God's word and is a hair breadth from committing the sin of Moses for which God figuratively kept him out of His kingdom.
Flurry tries to copy Armstrong's speaking mannerisms such is his subservience to this fake apostle
"Gods" government? Is someone teaching polytheism now? Or is that a sloppy mistake by the Dispel people?
It is ALWAYS about government with some of these clowns. In other words, 'I am the boss, shut up and send in your tithes."
“Gerald Flurry the King of Kings!”
Gerald Flurry the Dung of Dungs!
That Satanic Fraud Gerald R. Flurry
Gerald R. Flurry was a plagiarizing (with his Malachi's Mess. “little book” derived from Jules Dervaes' Letter to Laodicea), gospel suppressing (with his “new commission” to “warn the Laodiceans”), family wrecking (with his “No Contact” policy), Jesus' identity stealing (with his “That Prophet” fraud), self promoting (with dozens of names titles, offices, and positions he made up for himself), editor and changer of Herbert W. Armstrong's old literature (such as Mystery of the Ages, etc.) who falsely claimed to be faithfully holding fast to everything that HWA had taught while actually editing, changing, warping, mangling, and totally perverting HWA's teachings.
Gerald Flurry was the worst false prophet that Satan ever sent against the Worldwide Church of God people. Gerald Flurry somehow managed to make even the Devil's apostate Tkaches appear to be sensible and decent compared to himself and the tyrannical and malicious perverts he set up to assist all the sexually immoral old people in his satanic imposter cult.
The "one-man government" had better refer to Jesus (Acts 4:12). WE won't be "King of Kings," because that's Jesus's name (Rev. 19:16).
Is that what he really meant?
The only throne Flurry will ever sit upon is the one in in his bathroom!
The pudgy little runt is also Lard of Lards.
That Flurry is trying to psych out his members with these phony titles tells us how little he thinks of his congregation and their spiritual state.
King of the Dingle lings is more appropriate.
that members sit there, putting up with such veritable nonsense ,tells us a lot about the powers of influence and mind control going on, and how people willingly surrender their critical thinking responsibility
Satanic is right as anon 11/14 5:24 relates!
Multiple eye-witness accounts out there on at least ONE of his so called "ministers" (Cal Culpepper) having serious spirit problems, see one account here:
Any of you in PCG do you realize what are supporting?
If you are Jesus (during human experience) then one man government is fine. The rest of us mortals? Wisdom is found in a multitude of counsel. Counsel implies no rubber stamp boards of directors, too, by the way.
RL — And a title of God the Father too (1 Tim 6:15) so makes it doubly worse to claim such divine titles imo like the prophecy of the “man of sin” and “son of perdition” doing likewise in 2 Thess 2:4.
It's all about power isnt it ? Desiring the grasp and influence of power, sadly power over others...power to destroy and power to hurt others.
Many a man forgets the character of Jesus Christ. His character as King of Kings. How he actually treated others to their face and behind their backs. Many a leader and their minions don't behave as if they even know the character of Jesus, don't grasp it. So if you don't grasp Jesus's character how can you ever behave as a follower of Jesus?
Gerald Flurry has really let himself go lately:
12.49 am, Exactly. It's school yard bully morality that prevails within the ministry. If problems arise from this, they simply double down with more thuggery, deception and manipulation. Their 'sermons' are nothing more than self serving rule rigging to give them the upper hand. These splinters aren't shrinking rather than growing for no reason.
Reads like a confession.
Many years ago, I did a stint as an insurance agent for a couple years. I hadn't found myself yet. On one occasion, my district manager was doing a ride along with me, partially to show me the tricks of the trade. We called on a Black family who were existing policy holders. The husband was insured, but the wife was not. My boss said in a somber voice, "Mrs. --------------, do you know that if you die without insurance, the county is going to burn your body?" I sat there, pissed beyond words, because this family had always been so nice to me. They asked us to come back in a few days, and when we arrived, the woman was still in tears, and begged, "Mr. ------------, please don't let them burn my body!" My boss sat there, acting as hero, dutifully filling out the application. I didn't even want him in my car as we left, but I really needed that job at the time.
It reminded me of how my family had been "called" into the HWA scam. Pure fear about the end. We'd be tortured and killed by the Germans if we were not members of his church. Fear is a very low grade form of motivation, and it requires constant reminders and escalation in order to be effective. HWA did also occasionally use positive motivation, but somehow the balance was always badly slanted towards the fear side. Same way with the doofusses who claim to be his heirs.
Ingersoll Lockwood may have had more prophetic accuracy than Flurry or any other ACOG HWA wannabes. He authored "The Baron Trump novels" which were two children's novels written in 1889 and 1893. The novels describe young Baron growing up in a mansion that was called by his family name "Trump" - not too different than the real Baron Trump growing up in Trump Tower. In the novels, young Baron's father becomes the last US President.
Except Lockwood had the last presidential election occurring in 1896.
Like the Pharisees, cults have a outer face that they present to the public. But they also have a inner and outer face within their group. It took me ten years before the inner face I described above became clear. Initially, like many other members, I assumed I had a 'rotten apple' minister. But three ministers later, it became clear that it was the church culture. While I'm here, they use the church crazies as a battering ram to trash members sense of normalcy. This increases the ministers power over their flock.
Still reads like a confession.
1896? Wouldn't that have been nice? None of us would have ever been born, so we wouldn't have to experience what's coming over the next four years!
BB said: “My boss sat there, acting as hero, dutifully filling out the application. I didn't even want him in my car as we left, but I really needed that job at the time.”
Like the pandemic…satanic sickos in government blackmailed people to take a dodgy vax or risk losing their job. They spread fear via the media that they would die or lose their job if they didn’t take the jab. Sadly many have since been injured and/or died from the jab itself. And to add insult to injury the Masonic sickos now invert what they said claiming they never forced anyone to take the jab and that people were always free to choose.
My brother was a member of this cult and died of cancer due to not seeking medical treatment quickly enough due to the influence and false teaching of HWA and Flurry. If you are a member of this cult please pray for deliverance from deception before it places you in financial hardship or worse yet costs you your life.
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