Gerald Weston has a new article up on race and interracial marriage that he feels Living Church of God members need to insider. One would think that in 2023 that this would not be an issue in the church, particularly the interracial marriage part.
Reading his article he comes across as being ok with interracial marriage when those people enter the church and with race relations between all ethnicities. But then as he goes through the article he talks about racial purity of nations in ancient times and in times to come in their kingdom. The entire article sends a mixed message, one that I doubt he intended.
He starts off with this:
What is God’s mind on the subject of marriage and race? The subject is complex, emotional, and often controversial. Furthermore, no matter how one approaches it, it can be a no-win subject. To say nothing offends some. To say anything will offend others.
God is love. Satan is hate-filled and wishes to divide mankind in general, and those whom God has called in particular. We all see things from our own background and perspective, and this subject is very personal. But, contrary to what some imagine, it is not something affecting one’s own nation only. It is a worldwide issue, and the body of Christ is found all over the world. It is in no way limited to any one country or group of people, and it even goes beyond what we might think of as “race.”
In many parts of the world, such as Africa, tribal differences are important. Heritage is highly respected. Xhosa and Zulu wedding customs are different and a marriage crossing these lines would likely concern both families. So, too, among the Dhlous and Kikuyus in Kenya, and the Hutus and Tutsis of Rwanda and Burundi. Additionally, some areas of the world have very little mixing of races and ethnicities, while other areas—such as the Caribbean and parts of South America—have long had significant mixing. And everywhere in the world we find individuals who are already of mixed tribe and race, including many of us reading this article.
Mixed marriages involving tribe, ethnicity, race, and religion are not new. It is evident from Scripture that mixed marriages have taken place since ancient times. It is also evident that God “made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). Yet the issue goes deeper than that, as shown in the remainder of the verse. We must guard against overreacting to or neglecting what is a sensitive and complex subject with many variables.
Not much to disagree with there.
Then the mixed messages start:
So, what is the Church to do? How are we to guide our members to see as God sees and to make wise decisions? I am going to be very open in this article, trusting that those who are guided by God’s Spirit will understand.
Something must have happened in LCG that stirs this up again, This is not the first time LCG has had to deal with this over the years.
Marrying outside of one’s tribe, race, ethnicity, or culture presents challenges, as many studies demonstrate. Some think interracial marriage is only considered an “issue” by white people. This is patently false, as I have observed firsthand, both in the United States and elsewhere. Therefore, if someone can be called racist for opposing an intertribal or interracial marriage, then that emotionally inciting accusation can be made toward people of all races, ethnicities, and tribes around the world. But does such an accusation simplify the problem or only exacerbate this sensitive issue?
Are there LCG members who are against interracial marriage? Are their ministers? And, why does the ministry need to deal with this at all when new members start attending?
Further complicating the issue is the fact that some couples prior to coming into the Church are already of mixed tribes, races, cultures, and even religions, and few of us are of what we might refer to as a single ethnicity. Our approach to the subject must take this into account. Not only do we strive not to offend such dear brethren, but we also do not want to make any children from these marriages feel awkward. They and their families are cherished members of our spiritual family in the Body of Christ, and we sincerely do not want to risk complicating or adding further complication to their lives.
In my personal memory—including nearly six decades in the Church of God—the Church has never counseled married couples of mixed races to separate. The Church recognizes that they are validly married in God’s sight just as much as any other married couple.
All of these niceties quickly fade away as Weston questions whether or not LCG needs to "encourage" marriages over racial and ethnic divides.
But, at a time when many around the world are strongly encouraging mixed marriages, should we encourage marrying across broad racial or ethnic divides? How should we deal with this complex and emotional subject? To answer these questions, we must lay aside personal opinions and the “wisdom” of this world and look instead to the mind of God as revealed in the pages of His word.
Then HWA and the two trees appear:
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong took us back, time and again, to the two trees. One symbolizes looking to God to understand right and wrong. The other symbolizes mankind using the “here is how I see it” approach to making choices in life. The choice between the two trees in the garden sounds simple enough, but was it? Is it now?
The prince of the power of the air is still ruling on earth, directing the course of this world, and working in “the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2). Sadly, some by their actions presume that the ministry, the Church, and—by extension—the Bible and God Himself are out of date and the world is “ahead of the Church” in some areas. Are we to look to “the course of this world,” as directed by the “prince of the power of the air,” for answers? Can mankind outvote, outsmart, or outreason God?
More mixed messages. Interracial marriage is not wrong, but we discourage it.
The Church’s approach has long been that mixed marriages are not sin, but marrying across broad racial, ethnic, or tribal differences is generally discouraged. We have not always applied this approach consistently, to be sure, and we have made our share of mistakes. But the approach itself has been consistent for decades and it remains our approach, which brings us to an important question: Is the world ahead of the Church?
Weston then says the world around us is bombarding us with mixed marriages and it's not a good thing:
The world around us is certainly stepping up its promotion of mixed marriages, but the promotion is not new. For those who remember, ask yourself: What was the 1958 musical South Pacific about? What about the 1961 movie West Side Story, recently remade by Steven Spielberg? These extremely popular productions, scored with beautiful music, stir the audience’s emotions to accept a particular theme: Personal attraction supplants consideration of family heritage.
Different approaches to forming a family were promoted on stage, in films, and in the media even before anyone reading this article was born, though often subtle in presentation. And aren’t subtle messages more easily overlooked and accepted? Once the subtleties are accepted, the heat is turned up and the advertising becomes incrementally more blatant. And video, music, and print are almost never so explicit as to say, “Do this.” Instead, ideas are promoted by flooding us with example after example, until we think, Everyone is doing it, so it must be O.K.—in fact, it must be good.
What do you see in television and magazine ads? Even innocuous HGTV programs showing home remodeling feature interracial couples far more often than we see them in day-to-day life. Why? Why do producers and directors go out of their way to seek out those couples and feature them?
One cannot help but notice after the BLM protests started how mixed couples are shown a lot more in TV shows and commercials. Weston tries to place blame on the world as more enlightened than the church.
Weston then asks, Is It a Sin?
Many on each side of this subject engage in a never-ending battle of dueling Bible passages, each looking for a “silver bullet” verse that proves, in their opinion, that their side is right. For instance, those who firmly believe interracial marriage is a sin may cite Nehemiah 13 as evidence, ignoring that the context makes it plain that the main issue was religion and cultural degradation (vv. 26–27). As another example, on the other side of the issue, those who believe race should never be a consideration may cite 1 Corinthians 7:39, claiming that marrying “in the Lord” is the only factor, making the same error in handling the Bible as those who use verses like Romans 14:5 to falsely claim it is up to the individual to determine Sabbaths and Holy Days, ignoring anything else the Bible might say on the matter.
Most such verse “exchanges” go similarly, and even when the error in interpretation is pointed out, it seems to change no one’s mind on either side of the question. Consequently, I will not attempt in this article to address every single verse someone might present to “prove” his or her point. It only promotes debate and tends to settle the question for no one.
Instead, we need to follow Jesus’ own example by stepping back to get a larger picture of the mind of God on the issues involved. Let me explain what I mean.
In my 2017 sermon “‘Is It OK?’ Is the Wrong Question” and in my March-April 2023 Living Church News editorial “Challenge Yourself to Think Like God,” I pointed out that there are many actions we can take in life that are not sins in and of themselves, but which are still unwise decisions that do not reflect the fullness of God’s mind and thinking.
A good example is found in Paul’s counsel to fellow Christians regarding a situation they frequently faced in the first century—meats offered to idols. The discussion in his first letter to the Corinthians shows that focusing merely on what was or was not allowed misses a bigger point, and that “It’s not a sin, so it must be OK” is the wrong approach.
In this context, Paul explains a vital principle we all must understand: “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify” (1 Corinthians 10:23). We must recognize the profound significance of this principle. That is why Is it a sin? is the wrong question—not because we don’t care what sin is (we do!), but because we are not to be content with merely “not sinning.” The right question is, What is God’s mind on the matter?
Jesus corrected the Pharisees on this point when they challenged Him on the laws of divorce. Please note this, as it is important in understanding God’s mind. They sought nothing more than answering “Is it sin to divorce for this reason or that?,” based on Deuteronomy 24:1. Christ trumped them all by leaping over Deuteronomy all the way to Genesis to reveal God’s mind on divorce (Matthew 19:3–9), pointing them to the beginning and to God’s purpose and design for marriage.
Yes, God had allowed divorce in His law, due to the hardness of their hearts, but to fully understand His mind on the matter they needed a broader view beyond what was merely “lawful.” While the Pharisees focused on the narrow question of “Is it sin?,” Christ admonished them to aim higher, dive deeper, and seek God’s mind.
Enter the most spoken-about and most powerful entity on earth today. Not Jesus, mind you, but Satan:
We know who the present “ruler of this world” is. Therefore, we would do well to ask ourselves other questions: What is Satan’s mind on the matter? Is it the same as God’s? In what way is the prince of the power of the air directing the course of this world? What is he promoting? Is it not prudent to see red flags whenever the world is pushing a particular agenda? What is his endgame?
Satan hates the family as God designed it, and he hates the true Church of God. He targets the family because God is building a Family (Ephesians 3:14–15). That divine Family will be built from human beings of both sexes and all tribes and nations (Galatians 3:27–29)—people who demonstrate during this lifetime that they get it. They recognize that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts: “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts.… ‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts’” (Isaiah 55:7–9).
God expects us to grow in learning to think His way and discern His mind as His Holy Spirit works within us (1 Corinthians 2:9–11; Hebrews 5:13–14). We are to set aside human reason, which is often driven by human emotion. Carefully read Paul’s correction of the Corinthian brethren in 1 Corinthians 2:6–14. The apostle makes plain that what the “wisdom of this age” and “man’s wisdom teaches” falls far short of the wisdom of God, even as the understanding of the Spirit of God seems like foolishness to a world that has no spiritual discernment.
Yet how often do we say, “This is how I see it” or “This is what I think”? Our initial thoughts on any subject may very well be tainted by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, as John warned us (1 John 2:15–17). What we think is too often influenced by emotion and human reason apart from the revelation of God, starting us off on the wrong foot from the very beginning.
Satan’s Approach to Human Love
The challenges to marriage involve far more than culture, race, tribe, or ethnicity. Satan’s all-out, multiple-front assault on this divine institution goes beyond the immediate topic of this article. Fornication, adultery, selfishness, self-will—all are of the devil and not of God. That is why marriage and family in our modern world face disaster and continue to deteriorate before our eyes! Too often, individuals who once pledged their lifelong love and loyalty to each other end up divorcing, claiming any number of reasons—leaving children caught in confusion.
Some today have little regard for family heritage or lineage. All that matters is “I love her, she loves me, and the rest of the world can take a hike.” Parents are often left out, having no part in who their children marry. Couples in love often minimize or ignore the effect their decision will have on their parents, future children, and grandchildren, focusing only on themselves.
But God does not think about marriage as modern society does. The Bible gives example after example illustrating God’s mind on families and marriage, and His thoughts are far from the shallow concerns of modern thinking—even beyond concerns of religion and culture.
Consider the case of Zelophehad’s daughters. Zelophehad had no sons. If his daughters married outside the tribe of Manasseh, Zelophehad’s inheritance would then transfer to another tribe. The chief fathers of the families sought Moses’ guidance, and Moses brought the case directly to God, who plainly considered inheritances and family origins important enough to override personal desires:[M]y lord was commanded by the Lord to give the inheritance of our brother Zelophehad to his daughters. Now if they are married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then their inheritance will be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and it will be added to the inheritance of the tribe into which they marry….” Then Moses commanded the children of Israel according to the word of the Lord, saying… “This is what the Lord commands concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, ‘Let them marry whom they think best, but they may marry only within the family of their father’s tribe’” (Numbers 36:2–6).In the mind of God, marriage was obviously something larger than “I love her, and she loves me.” Yet, many today care little or nothing about family considerations.
The account of Israel going into the Promised Land, and God’s commands about the permanency of land ownership by family lines—a practice He will continue in the Millennium—show that heritage is important to Him. His many Old Testament regulations as to whom Israelites could and could not marry, whom priests could and could not marry—and even marriages required when a brother must raise up children for a dead sibling—illustrate that, in God’s mind, marriage is inseparable from considerations of lineage, heritage, and lines of descent. Consider how much of God’s word is devoted to preserving a record of lineages. This was important to Him. When the Jews, Levites, and priests returned from Babylon, some were excluded from the priesthood because they could not trace their roots (Ezra 2:62–63), which Christ will continue to consider for the physical service of the Millennial temple (Ezekiel 48:11).
Why in the world would there be a millennial temple? If you are following Christ then that temple is dwelling among you? Why else would the temple curtain have been ripped in two?
There are too many examples in the Bible to list them all, but they paint a clear picture of God’s mind on marriage. As He designed and intended it, marriage is more than merely a formalization of romantic attraction between a man and a woman—much more than “I love her, she loves me, and that’s all that matters.” Marriage is the foundation of family—and, therefore, of civilization itself. In addition to faith and culture, issues of lineage, heritage, inheritance, extended family, and descendants are inherent concerns in God’s design of marriage. God’s mind on the matter is at odds with the relatively shallow modern take in many parts of today’s world.
Now race enters the picture with more mixed messages:
Variety by Divine Design and Decree
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong noted that God equipped Adam and Eve genetically to produce varieties in their offspring. In fact, by directing different families to occupy geographically distinct regions of the earth—as we will see that He most definitely did—God guaranteed that humanity would produce concentrations of unique characteristics and variations we call “races.”
Did God make a mistake in creating the races? Of course not! He is a God of variety, and He obviously loves filling His creation with variety—including within humanity. Individual people differ, one from another, and so do the different tribes and races of mankind. If the creation of different races of mankind is God’s intent, should we not respect that? Should these differences not be seen as a blessing to humanity?
Knowing this—that the Almighty is the author of the races and that the variety among His potential sons and daughters, created in His own image, exists by His design—we see that there is no room for people who consider themselves Christian to harbor prejudice in their heart or to allow room in their mind for delusions of racial superiority and racist attitudes. All people of all races, ethnicities, tongues, and nationalities have equal standing before God and will be given the opportunity to be a part of His divine family in the Kingdom of God (Romans 10:12; Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11). God will hold accountable those who judge one race as inferior or unworthy in His eyes.
Yet, we must not conclude that race is meaningless. If God loves the variety He created in the different families of man, who are we to view that variety as unimportant?
Science and history demonstrate that the different major races of humanity reflect different geographic origins and ancient homelands. Who dispersed humanity into the ancient nations and homelands reflected in the races? Let the Bible answer this question. “Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. Ask your father, and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you: When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel” (Deuteronomy 32:7–8). From this passage Paul shows that while we are all sons of Adam and Eve (of one blood), it was God who separated the nations. “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (Acts 17:26).
One of the long-held myths of the church is that in the Millenium those of different races and ethnicities would return to their homelands. Thus Africans back to Africa, European whites to Europe, etc. Never taking into account that every "white" person in Europe BEFORE their spreading around the world was already mixed races, many times over. None of them were of the pure heritage of anything. The church has always taken great pride in pointing out that nations were FORCED to live in thier own regions after their languages were disrupted at the Tower of Babel. Weston points this out below:
It was important enough to God that when mankind at Babel refused to separate and the people sought to make a name for themselves with no boundaries, He intervened and miraculously forced them to separate geographically into their distinct families (Genesis 11:1–9). He would not allow His plan and design for multiple, distinct family lines to be thwarted by humanity’s vain belief that it had a better plan.
Weston then points out is was better for Abraham's sons to parry pagans in order to maintain racial purity.
Abraham understood that family lineage mattered when he sought a wife for his son Isaac. Abraham told his servant not to find a wife among the nearby Canaanites, “but you shall go to my country and to my family, and take a wife for my son Isaac” (Genesis 24:4). Isaac similarly commanded Jacob to “take yourself a wife from there of the daughters of Laban your mother’s brother” (Genesis 28:2). Religion does not seem to have been the driving factor in these considerations, since Laban’s family had pagan household gods (Genesis 31:19, 30). The motivating reason was clearly related to family line and heritage. Was Abraham, the father of the faithful, racist? Was Isaac? Rebekah lamented that her son Esau had ignored such considerations and had married “the daughters of the land” (Genesis 27:46). Was Rebekah racist?
Fast-forward to the Millennium. We read of distinct nations—distinct “families” (Zechariah 14:16–18)—such as Egypt, Assyria, and Israel. While David will rule over Israel as a whole, the twelve distinct tribes will be ruled by the twelve apostles (Matthew 19:28). Just as when Israel came into the promised land, during the Millennium each tribe will have its own separate inheritance within the greater nation (Ezekiel 48). As with Zelophehad’s daughters, there will be some restrictions on marriage to preserve inheritances. God has kept track of the ancient tribes and families of the earth, and Scripture is clear that those familial lines do and will matter to Him, even through the Millennium when Christ will reorganize the world under His rule and God’s laws.
Truly, as we are taught, God does not change (Malachi 3:6), and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
What It Means to Be One in Christ
Some members ask, “Aren’t we all the same in Christ?,” based on Paul’s statement to the Galatians: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:28–29).
Paul’s statement is true, but was he referring to marriage? If so, based on this passage, the roles of men and women in marriage would also be the same—which, as Paul shows elsewhere, is not the case. Furthermore, the same argument would justify same-sex marriage: “Aren’t we all the same, since there is ‘neither male nor female’?” This is, of course, absurd. The passage is speaking of all being equal in having the same opportunity for salvation
Well, where would a Living Church of God article be without bringing up the gays...
The fact is that it is natural and normal for people of all races, ethnicities, tribes, and cultures around the world to want their children and grandchildren to be as they are. Yet, we know that God loves all, and offers to everyone the same hope of eternal life as His children in His glorious kingdom. The God who made us created the races of mankind to fulfill His own joy and purpose, and there is no room whatsoever for hatred of any race. But neither is there room to ignore God’s created differences as though He did so without purpose, or to act with indifference to His desires.
It is God who created our racial variety. It is God who divided the nations. It is Satan who influences mankind toward the destruction of the races. Even while promoting the amalgamation of the races God created, the devil is simultaneously stirring up hatred and strife between them. He is dividing families and causing children to grow up confused.
Before jumping on any bandwagon the world presses on us, we must ask ourselves: What is Satan’s agenda? What is he promoting? What is his endgame? And are we falling for his deceptive tactics as he, the prince of the power of the air, directs the course of this world?
Are we supposed to first ask what is Satan's agenda? What about Christ's agenda? Why is Satan always the most powerful creature that LCG looks to first?
More mixed messages:
Brethren, we must not be naïve. The world is not “ahead” of the Church on this issue. We must not be prejudiced against any of God’s children and potential children, but this does not mean marriage should be a free-for-all in which we focus on little more than our own personal desires. Scripture makes it plain that God’s mind on marriage is the exact opposite of such an approach. He was the one who separated the nations. He put restrictions on whom His priests could marry. He put restrictions on marrying across tribes when inheritances came into play. The patriarchs were involved in whom their children married, and He instructs us to honor our mothers and fathers. All these considerations and more will be in place during the Millennium when the world is under the direct control and guidance of Jesus Christ. People will know their heritage. Family lines will be maintained, and those families will rebuild their nations in beautiful homelands within clear boundaries.
So where will the couples from mixed marriages be? Where will their children be sent to live? Which country supersedes the other? It is clearly obvious that these myths that Weston and the church tried to promote are not something that will happen.
LCG members who are in mixed marriages have already CROSSED THE LINE...but we love you anyways. Christ will fix you in the millennium.
The Living Church of God promotes love between all peoples. Where individuals have already crossed racial lines in marriage, we fully love and support these marriages and their children. We also recognize that there are singles of mixed race who might have questions as they seek to find a spouse and build a family.
LCG's ministers will continue to interfere in marriages:
Because of these complications, the Church provides counsel to couples considering engagement, and must make judgments from time to time and on a case-by-case basis. Those judgments include whether to perform a wedding or not. And those decisions are based on a multitude of factors, such as general compatibility; whether both are members; family input; significant differences in age, nationality, or culture; and, yes, differences in race, ethnicity, or tribe. We seek God’s will and mind in each individual case, and none of our decisions are likely to please everyone. But in most cases, as a general guideline, we discourage marriages across broad racial lines. We also discourage marriages where parents and family disapprove.
Is the ministry to start cracking down?
This has long been the Church’s approach and continues to be. As mentioned earlier, the ministry has not always been consistent in its application, and it is certain that we have made our mistakes. But the mind of God and Jesus Christ must matter to us—those whose whole purpose in life is seeking to reproduce His mind in our own (Philippians 2:5).
Interesting times are ahead for LCG members and new members. Weston is expecting some to leave over this:
Dear brethren, I have no illusions that this will satisfy everyone, but decisions must be made, and explanations must be given. When Jesus told a crowd of disciples that they had to eat His flesh and drink His blood, many fell away because they did not understand. We also saw people fall away when Mr. Herbert Armstrong made decisions on smoking, makeup, and the correct day on which to observe Pentecost. More recently, members were challenged by decisions the Church had to make regarding COVID-19.
Our true conversion is not shown by what we do when we agree with a controversial decision, but by what we do when we sincerely do not understand or do not agree with one (Deuteronomy 17:8–13). Whether the day on which to observe Pentecost, makeup, masks, singing, or social distancing, I will be the first to say that the ways some of these subjects were handled were not perfect. Yet many members who disagreed with how they were handled nevertheless kept their focus on the big picture and showed true conversion.
Don't you dare disagree with Weston, if you do you are being influenced by Satan!
So, I appeal to all of you: Please do not allow Satan to stir up your emotions to serve his purposes. He has filled the world with a spirit of offense and division, but we do not need to follow his lead. And remember that God tells us that His ways are not our ways. Let us seek His mind—His way of thinking.
There is a lot to unpack here. What say ye?
RE: The three major races (white, yellow, black), interracial marriage, geographical segregation, etc.
Book: Mystery of the Ages by Herbert W. Armstrong
Chapter 4: Mystery of Civilization
End of the Antediluvian World, pages 147-149
Origin of Cities, 149-154
Present Evil World Develops, pages 154-156
A lot of commercial advertisements these days have an agenda to promote interracial marriage.
Many of the aspects of interracial marriage which he dramatizes, styling them as negative, are also brought into a person's life who chooses to join a cult! In fact, anyone who has learned to tolerate and deal with all the toxic negatives associated with being an LCG member should find the lighter challenges of an interracial marriage to be a snap!
Armstrongism presents huge cultural differences with everyone except fellow church members. These cretins apparently believe that you should defer to your parents and scuttle your marriage to a person of color if they disapprove, but it's adios Mom and Dad if they don't approve of you joining the cult!
Also, we live in times when everyone is everything. That ship had sailed when Columbus found out that Native Americans had discovered America, and continued to sail when people decided that it was OK to buy fellow human beings from slave traders. And the hits just kept on coming as more and more diverse peoples continued to colonize and immigrate to America. The American melting pot is the land of cultural enrichment. These days, the people whom our grandparents had to study in their Social Studies textbooks are now our next door neighbors, and we get to ask one another any questions which come to mind, and to sample one anothers foods, music, and clothing styles. Like most white guys, when someone asks me my nationality, I truthfully answer "Heinz 57"!
The only reason Armstrongites laud ethnic purity is their overwhelming need to be able to call the USA "Manasseh", and the English melting pot "Ephraim". I've discovered through my own love for people of all cultures, and my hunger to learn about them that it's the closed minded ones who are missing out. I love living in a multicultural nation, even if it does "F" up all the Armstrong prophecies. No, make that especially since it does render those prophecies impossible. If the USA were a province of the Holy lands of Israel, we wouldn't be known as Jews or Israelites! We'd be known as Samaritans!
Don't listen to Gerald Weston's choices for you in your marriage. Marrying someone you love should be your priority. If that happens to be someone of a different culture than your own, then you have a wonderful opportunity for your life to be enriched in ways you could only imagine. Go for it!
I'm disappointed to see this old doctrine resurface. Of all the old Armstrong doctrines, this must have among the worst Biblical justification. It relies on a substantial quantity of church historical Armstrongist dogma to push it over the line. Looking objectively at scripture, there's only a very tenuous justification of it, and significant counter-arguments — eg Rahab being in the lineage of Jesus.
Of far greater significance is the principle "don't be unequally yoked", which is to say, marry someone who believes in God and Jesus Christ and is committed to living by every word of God. Don't marry a Buddhist or an atheist.
The other doctrine that CoG folks tend to neglect is the calling of Gentiles that occurred in the early New Testament church, as recorded in the book of Acts. Armstrong CoGs tend to minimise this significant Biblical historical development, due to their British Israelism pet doctrine. I think it's a great pity, because the calling of the Gentiles was a significant development in God's unfolding work of redemption to the whole world — Israelite, Jew and Gentile — but CoG British Israelism enthusiasm bars it from comprehending and elaborating this important doctrine. It prevents the CoG collective from embracing the evangelistic mandate to preach the gospel to the whole world. In this regard, Protestant missionary work has been much more effective, even though CoG folks meanwhile condemn the Protestant failure to enthuse about the Sabbath and holy days.
If you are a white and marry a yellow or black person, you will always be viewed as an outsider to be heartlessly exploited by their community. They will give you no support if you require it in old age.
We are all human beings that bleed the same. The word "Race" is made up by Satan to divide.. If you are a Child of God, skin color does not matter. Satan also tries to divide when we are asked on a form to check the box which best describes our skin color.
Armstrongism is an embarrassment.
They are the most evil definition of "white nationalism" which as no place in the body of Christ. They use the word "race" & skin color. They promote Satan's divisiveness.
Most people are happiest if they marry within their own race and culture. Of course, so many are mixed races and cultures today, so that may be difficult to do.
Heh, I have a friend who is Asian, but because his parents are from what was once called "French Indochina", his first name is Andre.
On two occasions, when his wife (who has a common English first name) has filled out apartment applications for them, prospective landlords of Baptist leanings have seen the name "Andre" and assumed she married a black man and lectured her about the perils of interracial marriage. Its so silly. Mind your own business.
On many topics the Churches of God never understood that there are three places they can stay for FREE.
1. Out of my business 2. In their own lane 3. And Over there...
Doug Winnail married (and divorced, and remarried) within broad racial lines. See how that worked out!
This is much more menacing that what it appears. This denomination may refuse to perform a church sanctioned marriage in some cases where "differences" are too great. What goes along with noncompliance will be disfellowshipment and loss of salvation because of disobedience to denominational governance - where the denomination is thought to be nothing less than the "one and only true church." It is not like a unsantioned couple is going to go outside and get married by a Methodist minister and come back and be a members in good standing of this little Millierite denomination. No matter the smarmy talk about toleration, the Armstrongist laity in this denomination gets the picture - they know the subtext - this preacher does not have to be explicit.
What is missing from this shtick is a definition of the term "race." Outsiders who read this statement will not realize that this little denomination, if it truly follows in the footsteps of HWA, will have a very idiosyncratic defintion of what race is. For instance, without going into detail, Herman Hoeh taught that the British and the Russians were of two different races, the former Semitic and the latter Japhetic. (In other words, you could be White by anthropological standards but not really White by Hoeh's standards.) Modern genetics reveals this to be malarkey.
Back in the Seventies, during the Golden Age of Armstrongism, a graduate of AC Pasedna let me look at the notes he had on marriage from a class at AC. I will not mention the teachers name. But the guidelines were,
If someone is one quarter Japhetic or more, they cannot marry someone who is White (Semitic).
If someone is one eighth Hamitic or more, they cannot marry someone who is White (Semitic).
With Japhetic, Semitic and Hamitic being defined in Hoeh's doctrine of race. I am wondering if these guidelines are still being followed by some of the more reactionary groups in Splinter Land. First, this approach is White-centric - it is intended to protect the White race from dilution. Second, this stigmatizes people of other races and anyone of mixed racial background.
Back in the Golden Age, interracial marriage was a sin. That no longer is the case from what this preacher has stated. If you were of mixed ancestry, it was the unpardonable sin - a sin from which you could not repent. While this all may seem like an odd side issue to most, I believe that there were people who sat in the pews who were there expressly because of the racial policies that Armstrongism espoused back in those days. And at this time, we must recognize that racism was a formational factor in the development of Armstrongism.
Note: G.G. Rupert, who should arguably be considered the first ideological Pastor General of the WCG, wrote a book titled "The Yellow Peril" that identified the Russians as Oriental. It is remarkable, hence, that some Armstrongists find Donald Trump's camaraderie with Vladimir Putin to be so acceptable.
Many on here say we can marry between races, let's look at the results. Much higher percentage of divorce between black men and white women 87.3% divorce rates normal 50.9 %. 2 abandonment black men deserting white women 85.7 % normal 46.6% 3, unemployment of black men 65.5 % normal5-7 % 4, Incarceration rate black men 84.6% normal 29.9% 5, Drug use 65.9% normal
This alone should tell you it was not meant to be.
If both parties are in the church, in love, compatible, striving to walk together towards the Kingdom, wanting a God centered marriage, why would color skin be a problem? I’ve asked ministers for years to show me in the Bible where it says that interracial marriages are against God’s will. Not one came up with a verse! All agreed it wasn’t a sin! So why is it so important to Mr Weston that people adopt his opinion?
Moses married an Ethiopian woman. Aaron and Mariam criticized him for it and God punished them for it. God clearly is against racism!
Joseph married an Egyptian woman, Potiphar’s daughter… different race, different nation, different religion, different culture… they had 2 sons: Ephraim and Manasseh. What??? Those 2 tribes of Israel were half Egyptian????
The article reminds me of Hitler who wanted a pure nation of white, blue eyed, blond people.
And if interracial marriage isn’t a sin, how can it be from Satan? And if it is from Satan, how isn’t it a sin? Just doesn’t make sense!
I don’t understand why he makes a big deal out of it if indeed it isn’t a sin… all it’s not going to edify anyone. In the contrary, he is going to hurt more people and create more division.
I personally think he is actually gaslighting by accusing people of following their own feelings and opinions. And some do but just as he does because I haven’t seen one scripture proving that interracial marriages are against God’s will.
And last comment: he had no problem banning singing at church when the Bible is full of verses showing how God wants us to sing to Him…
What is not mentioned in the article, is that LCG also has a quiet policy about skin tone matching. What I mean by that is a black person and a white person wanting to get married are more like to be “strongly encouraged” not to do so. A white person and an Asian person, or latino and Asian coupling will generally not be so strongly discouraged. YMMV (your minister may vary)
Why are commentators assuming it's white LCG members not wanting mixed race marriages ?????
Be aware that there does seem to be developing a great rage against white people these days, as well as a desire to interbreed them out of existence, invade their countries, and replace them.
White guys are encouraged to be attracted to yellow girls, and white girls are being propagandized to be attracted to black guys.
Other countries like Russia and China do not presently seem to be interested in destroying themselves. Perhaps only white sinners want to do that sort of thing to themselves.
Anonymous 8:27 listed some general population statistics without citing a source for the statistics. Therefore, how is one to verify them? We're left to guess whether they came from a peer-reviewed study, or from the KKK!
But, more importantly, even if they are accurate, most of the activities which produce these stats are taught as being sinful in all of the ACOGs. A young black guy raised in the church in a family all the members and the minister have known for years does not resemble those stats in any way! It would be against the strict code by which he lives! And, since your typical white young lady in the church is not making the black bar scene looking to pick up guys from the 'hood, your stats would not apply to her, either. Why aren't the ministers trusting the judgment of their long term members? It's because they have replaced the Holy Spirit with their own authoritarianism and rituals. The cultural aspects Weston cited are even minimized, because traditionally, Armstrongites do not develop close personal relationships with those outside the church, even with their own relatives! So, if there are any cultural bad experiences for these couples, who are they coming from? The brethren and ministry? I don't think that would be an unwarranted assumption!
Thus stuff isn't just a hypothetical for me. I've dated and married interracially. My youngest son is multi-ethnic. Weston is projecting his own opinions on the LCG, and is greatly exaggerating the fear factor.
By the way, we don't know what color Manasseh and Ephraim's mommy actually was. Egyptians didn't just come in one color. Don't believe me? Google "Nubians" One of my girlfriends loved it when I called her my Nubian Princess!
"Anonymous 8:27 listed some general population statistics without citing a source for the statistics. Therefore, how is one to verify them? We're left to guess whether they came from a peer-reviewed study, or from the KKK!"
That was mild compared to some I have not let through. racism is alive and well in the Church of God. It's pretty disgusting what some are saying.
Did not very late in his life HWA have a buxom young Filipino female that he was seeing on the down low? I don't think she would fit within his own racial guidelines for potential mates.
"Modern scholarship views racial categories as socially constructed, that is, race is not intrinsic to human beings but rather an identity created, often by socially dominant groups, to establish meaning in a social context."
Wasn't God concerned about mixed marriages being unions between Jews and non-Jews? Didn't Paul warn against being unequally yoked, meaning believers with non-believers? The color of one's skin, I don't think, was the big issue.
Weston doesn't have a leg to stand on Biblically on this issue, and I agree with the above comment that his admission that interracial marriage isn't considered "sin" while at the same time suggesting that those who would want to marry someone of a different race or ethnicity are being driven by lust or their own feelings is a form of gaslighting or manipulation.
; Numbers 9:14
; Leviticus 19:34
; Ezekiel 47:21-23
. This alone wipes out the notion that two believers who are citizens of the same country should be forbidden to marry based on skin color or ancestry.
; and 1Corinthians 7:39
The idea that LCG ministers would refuse to marry such couples based solely on what really comes down to the amount of melanin found in their skin amounts to nothing more than a case of teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.
If you are going to use the excuse that God separated the nations and wanted people to maintain some sort cultural purity so therefore two U.S. citizens who are both believers shouldn't marry due to a difference in skin color, while at the same time allowing a white American believer to marry another white believer who is a Brit, or an Aussie, or for that matter French, German, Italian, or some other European nationality, you are being a hypocrite, because these peoples though they may be Caucasian, are also separated by nationality, geography, and in some cases language, as well as having distinct cultural differences between them.
Even if you adhere to the theory of BI and the view that Caucasian Americans, Brits, and certain others of white European ancestry are descendants of Israel, you would have to prove Biblically that in every instance God would be unhappy with an "Israelite" believer marrying someone who would be considered a "Gentile" believer, keeping in mind that Biblically speaking, the word gentile simply refers to anyone who wasn't of Israelite or Jewish descent, regardless of skin color, and as others have pointed out, there are simply too many Biblical examples where this isn't the case, and we see that God is more interested in whether someone is willing to accept and follow Him, rather than what their ancestry or skin color might be.
Israel in fact, was told very early on that anyone who wanted to worship God and was willing to follow His rules was to be treated as "native born" meaning that they were to be accepted as brethren with all the rights and privileges of any other Israelite citizen,including rights of inheritance, and this would have extended to marital rights among the tribes, as demonstrated in the example of Ruth the Moabite, who married Boaz, as well as others. See Exodus 12:47-48
There are other examples that could be given, and we should also note that the Apostle Paul forbids nothing of the sort in any of his writings, with his primary focus being on the fact that believers should be equally yoked with other believers, and that people be married "in the Lord." See 2Corinthians 6:14
Concerned Sister
God cares about our hearts.
He has no business over-riding God banning worship and praise. "God inhabits the praises of His people.". He put himself above God and doesn't want God in the building.
The question is, is it a sin to marry a person with a different skin color?...
Of course not. The religious spirit thrives in Armstrongism.
I remember a couple of families in the NYC area in the early and middle 60s who were of mixed race, and the church split them up, with small children involved. However, there was another family, established with older children, early teens, who were also of mixed race, and they were made deacon and Deaconess! Their older teenage son and I never got past the attraction part, and were told we could not even speak one on one in the church parking lot after services. He was already biracial, so where was the rub? He looked more black, and I was white. The hypocrisy was mind-boggling.
11:03 "Be aware that there does seem to be developing a great rage against white people these days, as well as a desire to interbreed them out of existence, invade their countries, and replace them.
This is baseless conspiracy paranoia - the Q-Anon stuff. Nobody can force White Americans to interbreed with non-Whites. Most White Americans will not interbreed with non-Whites, just like most Black Americans will not interbreed with non-Blacks. Replacement Theory is a fear-mongering tactic used by the Trump Base to help their Fuhrer. There is actually a great rage developing among White people against non-Whites. They have their guns ready. White policeman are sending the message. The election of Trump sent a message. All we need is an igniting event and you will see White people kill more non-White people that you ever imagined. The question is how many Armstrongites will be cheering from the sidelines like good non-Christians.
My thoughts is that you should marry who you want to marry. Where I think the wisdom should be applied when approaching relationships, is what they have in common with you. Forget the color. Would I being a Christian, marry a lady who practices voodoo? Or, any scenario where something is important to you, how will it butt up against the things they hold important? The problem is that to many people share the sheets first, and then they end up divorced. What is it Hollywood couples who divorce like to cite? Irrevocable differences. Know what you are getting into regardless of color. It should just be common sense for self preservation.
I have never in my life see a person with truly yellow skin, truly red skin, truly white skin, truly brown skin, or truly black skin. It doesn't exist..
This is how Satan tries to divide.
It isn't logical. There is no such thing.
I say again people read your own Bible.this is the main/only subject of same yet not one of you can see. Jesus came to explain it yet not one of you can hear it. None of you can even understand marriage. Cheers J.D.
I know 2 couples. One the wife is black & husband white..They are role models of love & respect in marriage.
I know another married couple wife white &:husband black - also role models of love & respect
2 Corinthians 6:14
"don't be be unequally yoked.."
It's unwise to cross racial and cultural lines in marriage.
Btw, the ACOGs add-on of don't marry an unbaptized person if you are baptized is non biblical. They only teach this as a survival mechanism since it's difficult for a member to leave these cults if both members are baptized. The bible could plainly teach to not marry an unbaptized person, but it does not.
And not forgetting, if a reasonable person marries a vile person in these groups, the ministers claim that they are equally yoked. How crazy is that?
Here are the statistics. Not implying that interracial marriage is a sin, but it indeed comes with more issues.and complications ...
"Are interracial marriages less stable?
Indeed, interracial marriages are less stable. The risk of marital dissolution among mixed marriages is about 1.21 times that of (or 21% higher than) non-mixed endogamous marriages"
The mixed race couples in my area were the most loving and caring people I had ever met. The minister and his wife however were into mate swapping. One of the Blackwell clan from the 70's.
Not being unequally yoked is talking about religious beliefs, how to handle money, and how to raise children.
It has nothing to do with skin color.
Weston logic: it's not a sin, but here is why it's a sin.
Armstronite ministers are masters of duplicitous and double tounges...
No faceless rage. Your kids and grandkids are behind it. They see how stupidly uptight you get around nonwhites and get curious.
Also, probably the most common interracial marriages in the COGs are (or at least were) military vets who married women overseas.
The truth on this subject has been fiercely censored.
Lest there be any confusion in the minds of fellow LCG readers here, Gerald Weston's view against interracial marriage in church is still as strong as ever. Even just a few years ago he was still directly interfering in dating mixed couples. Also he'd go through the parent of a dating single who agreed with him that the races must not intermarry in order to break up that couple. Several of us tackled him in a restaurant about giving a straight up answer about interracial marriage, but he wouldn't. as is his way, he tried to leave the strong impression the Bible and the church teach somethhing is so, in hopes that the audience would just assume it is so. After an hour or more when we finally forced him to reluctantly say that "OKAY! IF THE COUPLE ISN'T GOING TO HAVE ANY CHILDREN WE WON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! was he ever angry. So when he said that we pressed him further and asked him if he would insist on sterilization so the mixed race couple could not have children. And so he lashed out the next week in the pulpit at us directly and aggressively promoted the teaching of LCG church miscegenation. So, fellow members, do not be lulled by what seems to be a vaguely tolerant approach by Gerald Weston in the article. By hook or by crooke or by The Book he and the LCG ministers will get their way in this. I know some ministers who do not agree with Weston on this, but because they fear and they believe in the top down corporate thing, they will not speak up. One deacon who clearly does not agree said, I cannot go against the government of God. Well first of all the ministry is not the government of God, the cabinet in waiting. Second, the "government of God" would not come up with stuff like this that isn't in the Bible.
As for the example of Moses marrying the Ethiopian woman. Gerald Weston explained it to us like this. He said that the ministers occupy Moses' seat. The ministers can make choices and god will back them up because God backs up his government. He used the examples of Miriam and Aaron disagreeing with Moses about it and how God dealt with them and with the people and how he backed up Moses. Just like that. Maybe this is why Doug Winnail could go against Deuteronomy 24. So when some of us did not agree with Weston's take on this issue, he lashed out at us in Sabbath services and he threatened us by saying, "and remember this, even if we ministers are wrong, God was angry with the people, not Moses." Weston and his hangers-on so twisted these examples in the holy scriptures that it takes one's breath away. He and others like Winston gosse are so hung up on their authority and how God backs them up that they simply cannot listen to reason.
Again, Tonto, Armstrongism is such a powerful modifier that an honest researcher would need to examine whether that same 21% higher figure applies to Church of God members, because if a minister is going to be honest in using that figure in counseling a couple against embarking on such a marriage, the stat would need to hold true not only for the general public, but also in their particular ACOG.
We know from various reports that Gerald Flurry was deliberately breaking up happy interracial marriages, based apparently on his take on passages in the book of Ezra. That sort of edict would artificially send the failure rates for interracial marriage through the roof in his PCG. I have not seen similar reports from some of the other ACOGs, but it is possible that others do the same.
We also know that (being kind to them) the leaders and bean counters of the ACOGs regularly shade their primary statistics to make their churches appear as good and vibrant as possible. What is to keep someone like Gerald Weston, with his hard right views, from shading such stats to support their policies and doctrines on interracial marriage? He can make the statistics say anything that he wants them to, and then cite them in his counseling sessions. This is why I mentioned the honest researcher in my first paragraph.
The bottom line is that people are going to do what people are going to do. We heard another statistic back in the day, and that was the fact that more people left the classic WCG over marriage issues than for any other reason. That was, of course, under the original D & R rules, but it illustrates how seriously people take the issue of marriage. These are people who believe that if they leave "God's Church", they are giving up their salvation, but yet marriage is such an important factor in their lives that leaving is exactly what they do. They may or may not discover later through more thorough research that they have left a toxic cult, and not "God's Church", but that is another topic entirely.
As for 8:27, Dude you really need to bone up on CRT, and then you'd fully understand what could be causing statistics like the ones you cited! In fact, there should be CRT studies and analyses of each of the ACOG splinters, because all of them exude institutional racism, and they excuse it by saying that it is God's way! Blaming racism on God is a very uncool thing to do!
I had the weirdest dream! I was at this event in some big tents, my wife told me she was leaving me, and Dave Pack was following me around listening in on all of my conversations with a big smirk on his face as I told all my friends what was going on. First Armstrongism related nightmare I've had in years!
It was asked:
And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. (cp. Micah 4:2
And it shall come to pass in that day ... a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim.
Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD...
Moreover I will make ... an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.
My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.
And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.
So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house.
And I heard him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man stood by me.
And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever...
The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious.
All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory.
Tell him this is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is the Branch [i.e. Jesus Christ], and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the LORD.
It is he who will build the temple of the LORD, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two.’
In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD'S house shall be like the bowls before the altar.
Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.
AND FOREIGNERS who bind themselves to the LORD to serve him, to love the name of the LORD, and to worship him, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and WHO HOLD FAST TO MY COVENANT—
these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.
And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee.
“Why in the world would there be a millennial temple?”
Answer: The Temple will be God’s 'earthly' dwelling place during the New Covenant with the House of Israel and Judah, as these Scriptures reveal:
Isa 2:3
Joel 3:18
Eze 37:19a
Eze 37:26
Eze 37:27
Eze 37:28
Eze 43:4
Eze 43:5
Eze 43:6
Eze 43:7a
Isa 60:13
Isa 60:7
Zec 6:12
Zec 6:13
Zec 14:20
Zec 14:21
Isa 56:6
Isa 56:7
Zec 2:10
Zec 2:11
God, through Christ, will dwell in the midst of Israelites and Gentiles in the New Covenant.
Earlier comment: "He said that the ministers occupy Moses' seat. The ministers can make choices and god will back them up because God backs up his government."
Moses' seat vanished with the advent of the New Testament. What is this preacher talking about? Jesus spoke repeatedly in the Sermon on the Mount "You have heard it said (a reference to Moses) ... but I say..." To invoke Moses's seat is to go outside of the Christian faith. It violates the Christian faith at its very heart - the Sermon on the Mount.
God will not back up his ministers unconditionally as this statement suggests. Just before Jesus gave the loosing and binding principle in Matthew 18, he said this to his disciples who were to be future church leaders:
"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
Do you think the disciples might have gotten the picture? I do. I don't understand why ministers in Splinter Land seem to consistently overlook the fact that they are not dispensing judgment from a position of unchecked governance but rather a position that is clearly a responsibility that God carefully judges according to the New Covenant Law above.
I heard Weston apply that logic to almost everything he touched. It’s pretty twisted. I believe it to be self righteous narcissism.
When it comes to marriage, people will do what they will do. They will experience the results that they get from their choices. Keep in mind that their children also will experience the results of their parents' marriage choices.
What does Jesus Christ say about certain of His hirelings?
"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
"Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them."
John 10:11-13
But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep."
Hirelings do not care for the sheep, and the ministry of the former WCG fled Pasadena leaving their ministerial credentials behind, because they abandoned the sheep like an uncaring hireling would do.
What would God the Father think about these men who fled, wanting to go and create another association / organization to gather in $money$ to prepare for the day they would be retired, and in the meantime feed and close themSELVES?
Ezekiel 34:10
Probably all of these hirings think that God has planted them and their organization/ass., but for how much longer will they continue to feed and clothe themselves?
Time will tell...
Your right. There will be a Temple and it will be admidst the nations, bringing peace everywhwere. The name of the Temple is Jesus who is the culmination of all Temple worship and liturgy, ceremony and sacrifices in the Old Covenant:
"And I saw no temple therein (the New Jerusalem): for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." (Revelation 21:22
Armstrongists, by not recognizing Jesus as the culmination of the Law and the Prophets (including all the prophets you mention in your comment), hope to validate the retention of some parts of the Law of Moses (particularly the Sabbath and Holy Days) by connecting this form of superseded worship to the establishment of a future Temple and the reinstitution of sacrifices. In order for them to make their argument, they must do four things:
1. Demonstrate that Jesus is not the culmination of the Law and the Prophets.
2. They must negate the words of Revelation 21:22
3. They must demonstrate that the prophecies of the Third Temple are not allegorical.
4. They must invalidate the Body of Christ as Temple.
A large volume of scriptural references about the "Third Temple" accomplishes none of the four points listed above. We are left with a clear vision from New Testament scripture that the Temple is Jesus and the members of the Ekklesia.
The mixed race couples in my area were the most loving and caring people I had ever met.
I see no reason why that would be the case, and it is contrary to the data on mixed race relationships.
The minister and his wife however were into mate swapping.
Even if true (seems unlikely), it seems irrelevant to the first (also dubious) part of your comment.
Hey, Anonymous 12:25: I'm going to wish an awesome blessing on you! May God bless you with numerous interracial grandchildren! The lessons you will learn are unfathomable, and priceless!
God loves all of His children..God does not see color. God looks at the heart. Satan wants people to look on the outward temple tryjng to divide. I know a daugher whose mother is black and whose father is white. She has the heart of an evangelist because her parents both love the Lord.
In fact, both of her parents are pastors.
In fact she was asked to write a paper years ago on the topic what it is like to be white in a mixed household. She emphasized, "I love my parents equally. I don't see skin color. I see Mom and Dad." :)
They bring up an excellent point that children of interracial marriages are disadvantaged in life. Like this. A kid who is half black and half white could never aspire to great things like.., Let me think…. I know! Like being President! Yeah. That’s the ticket! But wait…. Obama…. Never mind…
Wes White
"The minister and his wife however were into mate swapping.
Even if true (seems unlikely), it seems irrelevant to the first (also dubious) part of your comment. "
Try Lowell Blackwell and his wife who served in the Dayton area that was spouse-swapping at a church picnic! The church brought in Rod Meredith to scream and yell at us the Saturday afterward as if it was our fault these people could remain faithful.
12:25 said "The mixed race couples in my area were the most loving and caring people I had ever met.
I see no reason why that would be the case, and it is contrary to the data on mixed race relationships. "
This is truly one of the stupidest things said here so far.
Please tell me that the Blackwells were at least open minded enough to indulge in INTERRACIAL WIFE SWAPPING!!!
Armstrongism spends a lot of time on something that’s not a sin. They claim to focus on the big picture, the internal or inside job, and the inner man. But Armstrongism much like Mormonism was founded upon looking at the race or skin color of a person as though it defines you. They want to be gods, but know God looks at the heart and mind. They can’t do it.
I remember an interracial couple back a few years ago in LCG. We were listening to Mr.Meredith as he would put homosexuality and intermarriage in the same sentence as he frequently did. (One is an abomination while the other is not even a sin.) After that sermon, I asked if they were okay after service, because you could tell they were hurt.
A very strange group of leadership that has continued all these years. Even in their old covenant approach to Christianity, they forget about Rahab having to marry a Hebrew man that was an interracial marriage. As Boaz would be in the genealogy.
What is hypocritical about this topic with Armstrongism, is that when it comes to the Sabbath, the Holy Days and the Holy Spirit is they will search the scriptures from one end of the Bible to the other end of the Bible. But when it comes to this topic, they refuse to go through the scriptures with the same energy as they do their other doctrines. There are so many examples of interracial marriages in the Bible, but the COGs point to bring this topic out of the context of the Bible and bring it into the context of a modern racist society.
No, interracial marriage is not a sin, but is it the blessing our Babylonian social engineers portray it to be?
You can't watch a movie, tv show, commercial, or read a magazine without having the LGBTQ and diversity agenda crammed down your throat! But hey, it's for our own good, right?
Is it working?
And "all the world wondered after the Beast", Rev.13:3
9:12 wrote, "A very strange group of leadership that has continued all these years. Even in their old covenant approach to Christianity, they forget about Rahab having to marry a Hebrew man that was an interracial marriage. As Boaz would be in the genealogy."
This is a complex situation and isn't quite as you have stated it. This first time I ever heard this issue expounded was in a sermon in the Field House at AC Big Sandy in the Seventies. The speaker was Dr. Charles Dorothy. He explained that Rahab was a Canaanite. At that time, the WCG believed Canaanites gave rise to the West African Blacks. In the South, where the One Drop Theory prevails, this made Jesus racially Black. Dorothy upbraided the congregation for being prejudiced. I remember he shouted in the micropohone that he could see the negative reaction of the audience "on your lilly white faces." There was eerie silence after the sermon. But on the other hand, I heard no post-sermon conversations taking issue with what Dorothy said. It all just faded away. Until some years later when Ken Herrman wrote an article making Rahab a Moabite rather than a Canaanite.
We now know from archaeogenetics that there is continuity between the ancient Canaanites and the modern Lebanese rather than the West African Blacks. Further, the modern Lebanese carry the same y-chromosome haplogroup as the great bulk of modern day Jews. They are, in fact, the same race as the Jews from an anthroplogical view. This means Jesus did not have recorded Black ancestry but he did have Gentile ancestry through Rahab and Ruth. The Jews, Canaanites and Moabites all belong to the same y-chromosome haplogroup. Jesus almost certainly had Neanderthal ancestry like most people outside of Africa, if you need an interracial angle.
So, from the Armstrongist viewpoint, Jesus had interracial marriage in his background because Rahab was Hamitic and Hamites are a different race than Semites. From the modern anthropological viewpoint, Jesus' recorded ancestors were all of the same race. Confusing, I know. Just remember the anthropological view is based on science and the Armstrongist view is based on the semi-mythological research of Herman Hoeh. Have a look at:
which links to an article titled "The Patriarch Canaan: Classical Armstrongism’s Stance against Racial Intermarriage"
They are, in fact, the same race as the Jews from an anthroplogical view. This means Jesus did not have recorded Black ancestry but he did have Gentile ancestry through Rahab and Ruth
). In the genealogy, God acknowledges that she was Uriah's original husband. See God didn't have a problem with Uriah and Bathsheba being married (unlike armstrongism), but he had a problem with what David did.
The phrase "Black ancestry" is not entirely correct in terminology. It could be termed Hamitic ancestry as "black" is simply a color like purple, green or yellow. But yes you may be correct in your analysis.
Also another guy in acknowledged in Christ genealogy is Uriah the Hittite (Canaanite) whose wife was Bathsheba (Matthew 1:6
Aww, it must be so hard for you to see things not directly marketed to you. Poor snowflake.
Not censored but carefully concealed in the Christ and his word is the truth and it's basic simplicity. This simple truth explains everything, but I have yet to
One reason that some people have given up on Christianity is because so many Christians (if that term can be applied) have given up on the matters that pertain to this life, such as the preservation of the races (i.e. preservation of diversity).
What I find very note worthy about splinters from the Old WWC, is that when they declare inter-racial on any issue, then they are uncomfortable with their God creating humans physically diverse, not in ideas, but in physical appearance. For them, “looks matter,” the quality of character must take a back seat.
don't feel sorry for me, I'm not in my 70's or 80's whose telling/writing about who young people can or cannot marry in splinterdom. It's not much of a market anyways.
5:43, the races will always be preserved. It would require thousands of years before everyone on the planet looked like Mariah Carey. And, honestly, in the meantime, interracial marriage is creating more diversity, not less. Multiethnic people draw on the strengths from all of their heritages to create new strengths. Mariah Carey is a five octave singer, who can actually sing in "whistle" range (the range above falsetto)! Who ever would have guessed that an Afro-Asian (Tiger Woods) man could excel to such levels in a sport (golf) which had always been dominated by white men? Or that a Kenyan-American would be perhaps the greatest U.S. president of all times??? I simply marvel as I watch Slash play his Gibson Les Paul with various other musicians on You Tube! These, our fellow human beings, are not mistakes or accidents. We can all love and enjoy their incredible talents.
Ingredients are often combined in nature to create totally new things which are beneficial to life itself. An explosive (sodium) and a deadly gas (chlorine) combine to make NaCl, or salt as it is commonly known, a substance needed for life itself. Laws of nature are combined to counter and balance out other laws of nature so that flight can take place! Isn't it exciting? Doesn't this make you want to be part of that excitement? Or would you just prefer to remain inert and static?
Hi 12:09
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.
Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
was interpreted by some of the Pharisees to get out of one marriage and into another, but, says Jesus, marriage is sacred and a life covenant, the breaking of which is sin (v.18). It is difficult to see any reason for verse 18 here except as an example of proper verses improper use of the law... The subject in Luke 16:14-31
is not marriage and divorce but correct interpretation of the law and the prophets. Jesus now provides a story that vividly dramatizes to the Pharisees a gross misreading of the Scriptures and he consequence of it" (Fred B. Craddock, Luke, Int., p.194).
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.
refers to what is called ‘the eternal state'.
as in the OC).
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
And I will set my tabernacle among you...
And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.
for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
You write:
"A large volume of scriptural references about the "Third Temple" accomplishes none of the four points listed above."
The volume of scriptures were not intended to accomplish anything but answer the question, why the need of a Millennial Temple.
Mt 5:17
Mt 7:12
Mt 22:40
Lk 16:16
Lk 16:17
Lk 16:18
"Even though the gospel of the kingdom has been preached since John and multitudes are storming the door (v.16), this does not mean that the law and the prophets have been cancelled. Jesus' contention with Pharisees is not a case of the new superseding the old; by no means. His contention is over a proper reading of the old... what Jesus is saying and doing is according to the law rightly understood. For example, Deut 24:1-4
Ro 3:31
I don't see Christ as the culmination of the Law. Under the OC it was the Law without the Spirit - this era has ended with Christ; in the NC it is Law with the Spirit.
You also write:
2. They must negate the words of Revelation 21:22
4. They must invalidate the Body of Christ as Temple.
No they don't.
Rev 21:25
Revelation 21:22
The Millennial Temple is for the Messianic Age, which occurs between the Church Age and the Eternal State - it is the time, of the NC, when Jesus inherits the throne of David, which He delegates to His relatives (cp. 2 Chr 9:8
Ac 3:21
Lev 26:11a
Lev 26:12
2 Cor 6:16b
Eze 37:27
The Church/Temple, as Christ's earthly dwelling place, while in heaven, is the emphasis of the Church Age. But in the Messianic Age, the emphasis is on Ezekiel's Temple as the earthly location of Christ's dwelling, also while Christ is in heaven.
This will require animal blood to make atonement to maintain Christ's presence in the Temple during the Messianic Age. Animal sacrifice will also be for fellowship between God, the priests and the people.
For me, the prophecies of the "Third Temple" are not allegorical.
Weston and others who believe that mixing the races will result in less variety simply do not understand genetics. Just like they don't understand the Bible in this matter even though they make a big doctrinal deal about it. the most they can eventually do is to try to pull rank, which Paul never did in Philemon. They think in terms of mixing colors like paint, so mixing brown and red make maroon. Brown and yellow mixed is beige or tan. Or all the color mixed together give a pasty white, or even a black. Genetic mixing is just not like mixing paints. If Weston and his cronies understood genetics or race, and the concept of permutations and combinations, they would know that genetic mixing actually produces even greater variety, not less. How incredibily stupid and ungodly they are, and how they appear so foolish when it comes to this. I wish my LCG brothers would place God first and waht he says, and not these ministers and their lap dogs.
RSK 5/31 6:00
These are the same kids and grandkids who failing to listen to the wisdom of their elders will have to learn from the bitter experience their own stupid choices will bring on themselves because they pay heed to Marxist anti-Christian ideology on sex, gender, race, class, religion, history, etc.
To Anonymous 7:30, I guess Joseph was practicing Marxism when he married Asenath, the daughter of an Egyptian priest and produced Ephraim and Manasseh. I guess Moses was practicing Marxism when he married the Ethiopian woman. I guess the Shelanites and the Shaulites are a problem for you, but they are in the Bible. Go study!
At least these same grand kids are not the ones responsible for ending Worldwide. That was the older generations fault. That was ant- Christian ideology. The older generation is the group responsible for all these splinter groups and you got the nerve to point the finger at the younger generation. A generation that doesn’t get to meet a plethora of other like minded young individuals at an ambassador college like the old generation did. These are the stupid choices of the grandfathers. You got it backwards. You’re sick!
There is one, or perhaps more, who keep making accusations about Marxism, and I'm not convinced that those individuals even know what Marxism is! Seems like anything or anyone with whom they disagree suddenly becomes a Marxist.
Give it to us deeper, Dude! How is this stuff actually Marxist. If you don't explain it, it becomes just name-calling on the playground!
There is one, or perhaps more, who keep making accusations about Marxism, and I'm not convinced that those individuals even know what Marxism is! Seems like anything or anyone with whom they disagree suddenly becomes a Marxist.
Give it to us deeper, Dude! How is this stuff actually Marxist. If you don't explain it, it becomes just name-calling on the playground!
Anon 136
Wikipedia defines Marxism as "A left wing to far left method of socioeconomics analysis that uses a materialistic interpretation of historical development, better known as historical materialism, to understand class relations and social conflict and a dialectical perspective to view social transformation".
If you don't think social transformation and the destruction of cultural norms is not currently being pushed, then you apparently don't watch tv shows and commercials, watch movies, or read newspapers and magazines!
The " left" narrative is alive and well. BTW, in case you didn't know, June is "Pride" month!
BP8 at 6:59 AM said...“BTW, in case you didn't know, June is 'Pride' month!”
Too many people in the United States of America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the democracies of northwestern Europe are now very PROUD of the sort of abominable behavior that they ought to be greatly ASHAMED of having anything to do with.
Prophetic end-time events are speeding up. Satan knows that his time is short.
To Anonymous 6:59 & 9:30 the actual topic of this thread has nothing to do with Pride or the month of June. But that time being short for Satan is true. It also has to do with your deception that you think/believe that homosexuality is somewhat related to intermarriage. See your not willing to go to the Bible on this.
Also I’ve never seen any CoG representative on any conservative right news outlet in all these years. Remember, to be hated by all, you must be known. And who created this “left agenda.” It wasn’t poor people, it was/is people in power.
Yeah, but what escapes you is that you can be "left", or perhaps left of center without having a Marxist bone in you body! I will agree that Marxism can be a particular brand or type of leftism, but not that they are equal and the same. In other words, all Marxists are leftists, but not all leftists are Marxist. I know we of Armstrongite backgrounds were all schooled in the arts of labeling and slurring people, reducing them to strawman status, and attributing ulterior motives, but there is too much depth and diversity to all we see around us to throttle our own perceptions through such constructs and preconceptions. I never met a person that I did not learn at least something from. Why go through life shutting out anyone with different perceptions?
One of the people overusing the term "Marxism" actually accused the WCG of being a Marxist organization. Now, don't get me wrong, I relish any opportunity to trash Armstrongism with real facts, but seeing a few practices that could be broadly interpreted as Marxist in origin is not sufficient cause to apply such a label to the whole organization. Actually, Fascist would be a more accurate label.
Census data (you can look it up) provides all kinds of statistics concerning interracial marriage, and in every category the numbers are way lower in proportion to the exacturated examples pushed on tv shows and commercials. This is pure social transformation and engineering, of which Pride month is just another example.
If interracial dating and marriage happen for the right reasons, who can complain? But if both are pushed as fads and the cool thing to do, thus promoting an agenda, then its deceptive! Jim Jones had an agenda based on "race" and it was very successful!
Anon, Monday, June 5, 2023 at 1:54:00 PM PDT, wrote:

"...To Anonymous 6:59 & 9:30 the actual topic of this thread has nothing to do with Pride or the month of June. But that time being short for Satan is true.............Remember, to be hated by all, you must be known. And who created this “left agenda.” It wasn’t poor people, it was/is people in power.
Time being short for Satan is true? In one sense, yes, as his incarceration in some "bottomless pit" is yet ahead of us, so Satan won't be allowed to continue to exercise his control on societies. In another sense, Satan knows over a 1,000 years later he will be loosed from that pit for a short/little time/season before being put to death. So, at that time Satan will surely know he has a short time before that death occurs, because that thing was made to be taken and destroyed.
Satan authors racism in the form of hatred, and pits human beings against human beings with the evil thoughts of hatred, and pride? Scripture tells us Satan is a king as the god of this present evil world of his making. Job was inspired to share with us the following:
"He beholdeth all high [things]: he [is] a king over all the children of pride." Job 41:34
A book striving to explain things like this, relative to the USA and the world, may be found in the book titled "The Return of the Gods" by a Jonathan Cahn.
By their fruits we know them, but can the workings and fruit of Satan and his angels really be known by human beings?
Time will tell...
BP8 at 4:28 AM said...“You can't watch a movie, tv show, commercial, or read a magazine without having the LGBTQ and diversity agenda crammed down your throat!”
The USA, Britain, Canada, and the democracies of northwestern Europe are having people of totally different colors and backgrounds flooded into their countries through deliberate mass migration policies. Time is running out for the old inhabitants of the land.
As for the races not intermarrying in LCG because of uninformed people like Gerald Weston, we have an Asian fellow who was born and raised in French all the way. French culture, French language, French ways. French toast, French fries. so is he better off marrying a French lady, or must he be forced to marry an Asian woman because he is of an Asian subgroup? What would be a better fit? So should there be a meeting at LCG HQ about this and a decision handed down about it? Come on LCG brethren, think it through. What does your Bible say? Perhaps more telling, what does your Bible not say?
Yea, you have white men who marry Asian women and it’s not much of a problem. The respect is there. Asians have been in America since the railroad, but these imaginary boarders have to go up in this matter in the LCG. They keep using that scripture involving borders and appointed times. Maybe Mr. Weston should go north of the American border back to Canada. Then he wants to pass the buck to the parents, to push them to be racist. Such a sad splinter group.
Goody, Goody, 9:28. I've been saying all along that the immigration you cite is what will finally dispel British Israelism, thus negating HWA's alleged key to understanding prophecy. Some would say that we're already there. If we go back to the original theories of HWA, one would be forced to recall that his gentiles were not only people of color. He considered Germans, Russians, Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, and most Eastern Europeans to be gentiles. So, even in a majority white state of affairs, most of the white people you see are not pure Manassite (as he termed them). We, as a nation, are the modern day equivalent of Samaritans. Where do we find the Samaritans in prophecy? What would be Samaritan culture?
Correct, HWA wasn’t considering the migration within the US and the UK. Because he thought Messiah would come during his lifetime. But as time goes on……But even if he did, HWA totally ignored that the Saxons came from Germany, when they came to the British isles. He ignored the Irish, German and Italian migration to America during the late 19th century and early 20th century. He played the white race card, which is lazy. And it’s actually silly when one considers Christianity (Galatians 3). By the way they have yet still to fully understand that book, till this day!
Some people might think that they have no problem with the idea of foreigners coming to America, studying hard, working hard, and becoming successful. They wish them well. But the massive hordes of invading replacements that the globalist traitors have planned for America are not what some people are thinking about or expecting.
One of the “Curses for Disobedience” listed in the Bible is that, “The alien who lives among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower” (Deuteronomy 28:43, NIV
Annon 1:51pm wrote
Against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans,And against those who turn away an alien—Because they do not fear Me,”Says the Lord of hosts.
"But the massive hordes of invading replacements that the globalist traitors have planned for America are not what some people are thinking about or expecting.
One of the “Curses for Disobedience” listed in the Bible is that, “The alien who lives among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower” (Deuteronomy 28:43, NIV
So what should be your Christian response, remember you're trying to inherit a kingdom. Or are you trying to inherit the kingdom of America and Britain. Sounds like you want to take the side of politics. Here is the scripture.
Malachi 3:5
If you regularly listen to right wing politics, it's hard to take the above verse to heart with the right prospective.
Here is what I have actually watched happen during my lifetime. Keep in mind that the American economy is very vibrant, and must continue to grow in order to remain healthy. For this growth, a constant influx of people is required, not only to provide low end and high end workers, but to pay into and fund the Social Security system to support those who have already paid into the system and are retiring.
In most civilized countries, there were many societal shifts amongst the better educated and career orientated, starting in the 1960s. Effective birth control method permitted family planning for the first time in history. The womens' movement depended greatly on this as women sought out careers after centuries of being kept pregnant and barefoot. There were also trends towards taking better care of the planet, which drove college educated women to set family planning goals at just replacing themselves, husband and wife, as opposed to having large families. You cannot have such trends without them affecting the economy. As the economy continued to expand, voraciously absorbing all of the women entering the workplace, the decreased birthrates amongst this massive number of career women meant that the supply of workers had to come from sources other than the women who were now very effectively controlling their birth rates so that they could have careers. Where were these workers going to come from?
The only possible source was immigration from other countries. Nationally, our immigration laws which had historically favored people from white Western European countries were changed to allow larger numbers of people from radically different cultures to come to the USA legally. This began to kick in during the late 1970s. Massive numbers of Arabic, Asian, African, East Indian, and Latino people began arriving, and many of these people were highly educated, and moved immediately, not into our ghetto areas, but buying into the best areas of town. They often took the supervisory and management positions for which they were both qualified, and often highly experienced. The dirty little secret is that the obvious stream of individuals crossing our southern border were not the only source of workers for the economy. The wealthy and powerful were clamoring for increased quotas for well educated foreigners to enter the country to work in fields of advanced technology.
This has been a natural evolutionary process fueled by the economy, and the trend of largely white women choosing birth control so that they could have career opportunities similar to their male counterparts. There is no sinister global plot to replace white people with nonwhites. That is just plain ignorant, and is fear mongering fomented by racist people who have belatedly realized that somehow they are becoming a minority. The fact is, you cannot have a vibrant, continually growing free economy fueled exclusively by white people. You could have a barely passable economy while maintaining ethnic purity via Communism, but that is repugnant and totally unacceptable.
Anon at 8:01 AM,
So you admit that it really is all happening? But supposedly for other reasons? And anyone who points it out is ignorant and racist and bad and all that other usual noise?
One more comment from my afterthoughts as I contemplated "Replacement Theory Dude's" perspectives. If you wanted to make the case that globalists were responsible for exporting so many of our high paying jobs to developing nations where there are not strict environmental, safety, and insurance regulations, I would tend to agree with you. They may have exported Keynsian economics and its many opportunities to these impoverished nations, but they have also surely decimated the rust belt, no question about that. Still, in a free economy and with free trade, astute businessmen do follow the laws of supply and demand. Also, if more people around the world are gainfully employed, the dissatisfaction that causes war and revolution are minimized. When people are enfranchised and empowered, there are fewer hermit nations with nothing to lose if the world blows up. It's why I thought that "Let's start some trade wars!" was a bad idea.
"It" has been happening since the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965, reforming the US Immigration Laws as I outlined. The birth rate amongst
white women plummeted when so many women took advantage of the pill, and opted for careers. Two income households have almost been a necessity since the late 1970s. Each new generation after the baby boomers was smaller than the baby boomer generation itself. The Hart-Cellar Act inadvertently provided a solution to the shortages in work force caused by the falling birth rate. America did what America had always done best. It acted as a magnet for the best and the brightest from around the world, ensuring our continued status as the greatest nation in history. These things have been openly known for years, but it was not until the conspiracy theory fad came into play that someone called it deliberate, and renamed it in such a way as to make it seem as if it was the result of some recent nefarious plot concocted by George Soros and his allies.
If you really want to blame someone, start with Wilbur and Orville Wright, whose invention made immigration easy, then go to Lyndon B. Johnson, who signed Hart-Cellar into law, and also the doctors who developed birth control pills. Had you ever even heard of the Hart-Cellar Act until I mentioned it in the paragraph above??? Did you know that the Trilateral Commission wasn't even formed until 1973??? That Richard Nixon was the first globalist president, the one who opened China to the West? All of this global cooperation was considered to be a good thing, as the factor which kept us out of World War III. The presidents from Nixon until 2017-2021 were all globalists.
This discussion is in a belated roll now, 9:59, thanks to your statements and questions, so indulge me just a little bit longer.
Many people just recently learned about what has been the law of the land since the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 because influencers have recently coined a new label, "The Great Replacement Conspiracy", and are presenting it as if it is a process which is just starting. The fact is, that change in immigration policies has brought vast numbers of people from non-white, non-Christian cultures to the USA for the past 58 years! Our national character has been embodied by what is on the plaque for the Statue of Liberty. We have been known as a refuge for the tired, the hungry, the poor. We've also been known by other nations as the great brain drain, because the smartest and most talented (among others) leave those nations to come here for better opportunities. So, especially over the past 58 years, there has been incredible transformation of our ethnic makeup, and national culture. If you see this as damage, just imagine the amount of work which would be required, and the force applied by large scale effort to "correct" it. First, if ethnic workers were being deported, our free economy would collapse. Also, a huge percentage of the consumers of goods would vanish, causing a contraction which makes the Great Depression look like a minor slump! There are not enough white people to take up the slack. Property values would plummet, because 40% of residences would he abandoned and vacant, and there would go the banks with them! You think the residents of Martha's Vineyard are perturbed about being sent Florida and Texas's illegal aliens? Imagine nations around the world having to take in large groups of people who look like they do, but are accustomed to having authority, living well, and looking down on poor people. We would be hated, and with our military being
decimated by the loss of all non-white personnel, would be unable to defend ourselves against new enemies.
If you use your imagination, it's starting to sound like ol' Herb's apocalypse! And the scary thing is that there are enough people who are crazy enough to want it, that they either do not consider the consequences, or believe it would be worth it. Historically, the people who would be in favor of this have realized that the cost would be outrageous as compared to whatever meager benefits they would end up reaping. So, they have become separatists, secluding themselves in their own little ethnically pure enclaves, hating the government, and peppering their speech amongst themselves with a liberal disbursement of ethnic slurs. I believe we live in times when there is enough hatred and intransigence that it could all blow up and destroy everything we love.
Correct we live in the times of hatred anon 11:33, but this topic isn't about immigration. This particular topic at hand is about interracial marriages in the church. The only thing I am glad about Gerald Weston is that I am glad that he put it in an article. But please go further put it in articles, booklets, magazines put it out on your tomorrows world telecast, make a whole sermon against it.
Don't hide your hate/stance and keep it as some unwritten rule, once singles get into your organization. Let them know beforehand what kind of organization they are getting into, before they waste their time, energy and money. Just like WCG, let black people know that they can't attend ambassador college unless they are already married. These are not God's leaders.
Well, it's all branches of the same tree, 4:46, but I agree totally with your recommendations for Gerald Weston. Armstrongism has a history of baptizing new members and then telling them the hidden bad stuff, letting them know for the first tome that this is additional stuff for which God holds them accountable since they are now baptized. I don't believe God would appreciate such disingenuousness being part of the spiritual guidance. Sounds like a trick the leprechauns were said to play rather than something a good shepherd would do.
Correct 8:59, I realised all the splinter groups are the same in this manner, as they descended from WCG. A new young member may have dated individuals from other races in high school or college in the past, but then they hear the gospel and other doctrines that they have read about in "their literature" and eventually agree to be baptized. Then once a person is baptized they play that leprechaun/wizard chess game with a person.
So like how some jews hold to the Talmud or the Midrash which are extra barriers set up for people to not sin. The splinter COGs put up their barriers for people in this matter on something that's not even a sin. They are like pharisees in this matter.
You have these splinter COGs that are already limited in young members because of their doctrines, then they are even more limited because they are in splinter groups (instead of one Church), then they want to limit individuals more with this ideology that's not even a sin. At least Worldwide put their racist/prejudice in their literature. What these splinter groups have tried to do is leave it out of their literature and then once young person is baptized (like you say), these ministers start revealing the hidden bad stuff. It's no wonder the WCG imploded.
The ministers have the advantage over unsuspecting prospective members, who no doubt would expect the visiting ministers to be honest and forthright in every way. The prospectives would be doing everything in their power to be honest and put their best foot forward, because that is how they envision God's church as being, and they desperately want to be part of it all.
I've often wondered what would happen in cases where there are surprises, unknown to the ministry, until the first time the prospective is allowed to visit church. Like finding out that the woman can't stop wearing her makeup because she has had it tattooed permanently on to her lips and eyelids. Or that she has a daughter whose name is Trinity. Or that the man who wore a turtle neck during counseling has a tattoo of long-haired Jesus Christ, or a cross, on his neck, clearly visible above the collar of his dress shirt. Or that a man decides to bring his wife along to church, and she is a pretty little Black lady with Rastafarian dreadlocks. Or that various vows have been taken like the husband has vowed not to cut his hair until the return of Jesus Christ, or the wife has vowed to shave her head every day until Jesus returns.
These things are unlikely to happen, but what would the officials do if they did??? My bet is that they would find cause to uninvite such folk immediately.
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