The other day we posted a story from Marc Cebrian about Dave Pack's latest epic failures. The Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians got his holistic knickers in a twist after reading the story here.
Marc reported:
Part 445 – May 24, 2023
@ 1:15:23 I mean, if it’s not Pentecost, it’s gonna take a better person than I to ever be able to explain it. It’s just above my pay grade.
Prophecy Update – Friday, May 26, 2023
A final note came to be helpful. As you can imagine, with each passing day more is learned. I can scarcely tell you how much more we have learned in the 48 hours since the last part. In fact, there is powerful evidence the acceptable year actually ends on a Pentecost (so much more could be said here, but you actually know some of it). Pentecosts are never exactly one year apart, and God says the first period is a year. And realize that in no case is a year ever 390 days. I closed on Wednesday saying, “God either plans Pentecost or near it. But does the Bible permit near,”—then adding a few seconds later, “How long will I wait? Forever.” The case for a delay beyond Pentecost is there, but it cannot be long. I so wish we could know what God means in Hab. 2:3
regarding the moad referenced—“though it tarry, wait for it.” It is impossible for Pentecost itself to tarry. But waiting a period beyond it gives the verse some sense. Remember, we’re waiting for a “thief” event. One viable instance has us waiting exactly one more day, and another one two more days. Both cannot be right. To list more possible just near-term scenarios (there are plenty) when we don’t know which (if any) is right is a waste of time. If more should be said, I will. Otherwise, let’s wait it out!
In Christ’s service,
David C. Pack
Then the Great Bwana made this stupid comment:
David Pack has never understood Habakkuk 2 and, since I consider him apostate, almost all matters related to predictions are "above" his "pay grade."
This has to be the stupidest thing Bob has written in a while, Well, a least in 24 hours.
So Dave's predictions are above his pay grade and yet we are supposed to take all the could be's and possibly's from Bwana Bob as 100 accurate. Both of these men are lying apostates, hell-bent on seeing how many lives they can destroy in order to make themselves look good. Neither one speak for God and never have, nor will they ever do so.
David Pack has never understood Habakkuk 2 and, since I consider him apostate, almost all matters related to predictions are "above" his "pay grade."
All prophecy is based on personal interpreations of cherry-picked scriptures put together with cherry-picked world events which are supposed to fulfill them. All prophecies made by anyone are above their pay grade.
Since nobody can actually speak for God, all preaching is above any pay grade.
They're all cut from the same cloth, and equally valueless! But, I guess they just can't resist dissing each other. It's like walking into a mental hospital and listening to an argument amongst the patients about who is less ill! Problem is, there are no meds for prophetitis!
All these false prophets are "above their pay grade" as NONE OF THEM should be receiving money , or being paid , in ANY amount!
Many people used some of HWA's teachings to attract his followers. Then they DELETED some of his teachings, CHANGED some of his teachings, and ADDED their own ideas to his teachings.
I like 9:07's comments.
Hint No. 1 Bob is false. God does not call the words He gave genuine prophets to speak "predictions". Bob uses that term all the time, little knowing just how revealing it is about him. God does not predict. Weathermen predict. Stock brokers predict. Fortune tellers predict. Prophets prophesy, correctly, 100% of the time, because they have genuinely been sent by God to give specific messages/warnings to people. Dave, Bob, Gerald all predict and predict badly. They morph the news with their unopened, unread Bibles and come up with utter nonsense. That is the ONLY thing these men do well.
Yet more proof to his dwindling unfaithful flock of 100 bored souls that Bob is a false prophet. Yet he has the temerity to call out other fakes..unbelievable. I have also heard him say, more than once, that some of the genuine prophets didn't do much. He said, some of the minor prophets wrote 3, 4, 5 pages and never did anything else important the rest of their lives. Jaw dropping. Verbosity does not equal truth and accuracy. Neither does it prove who is being used by God. He will pick on genuine prophets, desperate to be one himself, yet throw a tantrum when he is called out for being a fake. Insecurity, jealousy and lies to the bitter end, that's Bob Thiel.
(Mat 11:12 NASB
) "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.
) "For all the prophets and the Law prophesied UNTIL JOHN.
(Mat 11:13 NASB
For all the prophets and the Law prophesied UNTIL JOHN.
So, Matt 24 is not prophecy? The book of Revelation is not prophecy? Congratulations, you have found another error in the Bible.
DCP has gone silent since his "maybe one or two days" after Pentecost failed. It's back to the drawing board. But, I'd put my money on Tammuz 1. If I had any left...
Agree - The role of a prophet is not that of a weatherman. They don't even understand the function of the office.
I'd find Bob Thiel and Dave Pack to be more credible if they renounced Armstrongism and joined the Church of Scientology!
I'm not a scientologist, mind you, but having known and spoken with many of them throughout the past, I really find them to be more clear-thinking than any Armstrongite I've ever known.
Not all cults are created equal. Armstrongism somehow never cut the mustard as a thinking man's cult. They surely cut the cheese, big time, but somehow always happened to miss the mustard!
Marc @3:27, stop giving Pack ideas! LOL
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