It's another fun day in California as the Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians is back bouncing around again with his ADD narcissistic personality with arms flailing and hands flapping as he preaches to the choir on how superfantabulous his little cult is. Never in the history of the church have we had a man who claims to be an ordained preacher care so little about Jesus!
Nowhere in this multitude of topics below in this so-called sermon is there any mention of Jesus? It's all about Bob, all the time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No other Church of God is as miraculous and touching more people that the Great Bwana and his little band of merrymakers.
Philadelphian Gospel Proclamation Priority
What work should the most faithful Christians be supporting in the 21st century?
What was the “open door” that Jesus opened for the Philadelphians for?
Did Herbert W. Armstrong say that door was for the Philadelphians to fulfill Matthew 24:14to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom to the world as a witness?
What did Luke and the Apostle Paul write about the open door?
Is having literature in hundreds of languages helpful to assist in the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:19-20
, Romans 11:25
, and Revelation 7:9
Just what was the work according to Herbert W. Armstrong?
When did he, Dr. Herman Hoeh, and others in the Church of God say the proclamation work was to end?
Was that related to the Great Tribulation and a nuclear World War III?
Were the Laodiceans prophesied to rise up, be the dominant Christians at the end, but with lukewarm efforts and priorities, while wanting to focus on taking care of themselves?
Did the Radio Church of God also warn about that? Is the proclamation of the Philadelphian church supposed to last until about the time it is to flee to the “place of safety” in the wilderness?
Are there analogies between the first and second temple and the work done under Herbert W. Armstrong and now the Continuing Church of God?
What about Loma Armstrong’s two-part dream?
What about proclaiming the gospel through multi-media, radio, internet, literature, and personal visits?
Will Philadelphian Christians be subject to persecution when some are used by God to “instruct many” per Daniel 11:33?
Did Herbert Armstrong believe a “second work” would rise to effectively finish the short work of Romans 11:28?
What are some part of the “final phase of the work”?
Does the Continuing Church of God have the type of fruits that Jesus pointed to?
Is supporting the proclamation work showing Philadelphian brotherly love?
Was “Philadelphia” to continue per Hebrews 13:1?
Is necessity laid upon the true Philadelphians to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom to the world as a witness?
Is this a priority of the Continuing Church of God?
Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more by citing scriptures, historical records, and more!
Can you imagine his poor followers in Africa sitting in a hot building with a metal roof that is amplifying the heat downwards as God's greatest evangelist puts on this sermon and the brethren have to sit there and listen to our bouncing Bob talk about things they could care less about? After walking miles in the heat and being wary of troublemakers along the way, you arrive at church and are subjected to this asinine preaching. They come to hear about Christ and instead hear about Holy Bob.
Can you imagine his poor followers in Africa sitting in a hot building with a metal roof that is amplifying the heat downwards as God's greatest evangelist puts on this sermon and the brethren have to sit there and listen to our bouncing Bob talk about things they could care less about? After walking miles in the heat and being wary of troublemakers along the way, you arrive at church and are subjected to this asinine preaching. They come to hear about Christ and instead hear about Holy Bob.
You misunderstand. Very few of CCOG's African members speak English. They hear sermons in their native language from their native pastors. And some of what is said in those native languages would make Bob's ears burn.
The leadership only talks about past & present leadership.. There is nothing else to talk about..They are dead inside. Since they don"t have a relationship with God, Jesus, or Holy Spirit, they focus on themselves and manufacture distractions. They are the blind leading the blind. There is no reason to walk through their doors or take a notebook and pen.. PRIDEFUL BORING THIEVES. They operate under the Religious Spirit.
Bob, you are mentally ill. You are suffering from a form of religiosity and from a terminal case of Armstrongism-ism. Tomorrow morning, look at yourself in the mirror. Ask yourself if you are genuinely a HUMBLE, HONEST Christian and if it was actually God who determined you are a prophet. I can answer that one for you, unfortunately. No Christian, indwelled by the Holy Spirit would get away with the arrogance, narcissism and delusions of grandeur that you do. The Holy Spirit would never allow that behavior or the false claims you make. That proves to anyone who cares to know that you, in fact, are not a Christian. You are lying to yourself and others and taking the Name of God in vain by pretending you are a God ordained Christian prophet.
Just that one false claim of yours (and HWAs, GRFs, DCPs, et al) and the incredible ARROGANCE in which you all proclaim this lie, is evidence of the "spirit" that indwells you and it isn't God. It also explains why the Acogs have dwindled to <50,000 total worldwide. It further explains why the original WCG was shattered and why the splinters and slivers are minuscule and unheard of. From HWA to GRF, DCP RW and YOU, all claim to have been/are prophets. Were that true, Armstrongism would be the largest, most widely known Christian denomination anywhere, with a long list of multiple men bearing the gift of prophecy, backed up by a perfect, 100% accuracy rate and humble, gentle leaders guiding their flock. People would be lined up outside the doors to get in. The fact it died and came back up in 600 tiny pieces, none of whose leaders have one correct prophecy to their name, is all the proof one would need to show this is simply not another Christian denomination, but a group of personality cultlets, far removed from Christianity.
Africans will not walk far in the heat to listen to Bob but they will make their disciples walk a long way if there is easy money in it for them. .
What about Loma Armstrong’s two-part dream?
Probably totally fake. No evidence for it. Prove all things. Cannot be proven.
"Blessed Be!"
Now that was good!
"Nowhere in this multitude of topics below in this so-called sermon is there ANY mention of Jesus?" (capitalization mine]
SECOND topic in the list:
"What was the 'open door' that JESUS opened for the Philadelphians for?" (capitalization, again, mine)
Try reading what you're criticizing.
"Nowhere in this multitude of topics below in this so-called sermon is there ANY mention of Jesus?" (capitalization mine]
SECOND topic in the list:
"What was the 'open door' that JESUS opened for the Philadelphians for?" (capitalization, again, mine)"
Like I said, NOWHERE in his list or discussion did Bwana Bob discuss Jesus. Mentioning the dude's name is par for the course for Bob, but it is never anything of substance.
You also said, "Try reading what you're criticizing."
Please take into practice what you say. It might open your eyes. Translation: Practice what you preach.
Notice: you didn't say "ANY discussion"; you said "ANY mention".
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