Sunday is commonly the target of Sabbatarian theology, used for the purpose of creating a classic straw-man argument. By disparaging Sundays, the Sabbath “wins by default.” But, it is an apples and oranges comparison. The Sabbath was instituted as a day of rest from labor, done on the previous six days a week. The first day of the week, now called “Sunday” was originally instituted, not as a day of rest, but solely as a day of corporate worship, prayer, and fellowship. It was not treated by the early church in any sacred manner. There are, in fact, no sacred days established in the New Covenant dispensation. That some churches, later in history, applied Sabbath-like attributes erroneously to Sunday does not in turn validate the Sabbath as a requirement in Christianity.
Rest is not worship. Worship is not rest.
Sabbatarian theology appears to be little more than a veiled attempt to disparage Sunday worship more-so than establishing Saturday as their Sabbath. The rules governing the Sabbath are often ignored in Sabbatarian organizations. The fact that the Sabbath was originally determined using an entirely different calendar schema is of little to no interest to them. Theirs is, in fact, a contrived sabbath that bears very little resemblance to the Sabbath of the Bible. More effort is expended knocking down their straw-man Sunday than is expended defending their own position regarding their Sabbath.
Compounding all this is the fact that we live on a round, globe shaped earth. When the Sabbath came about for Israel, half of the earth was not in that time frame of being the Sabbath. And, Scripture does not address the issue regarding the keeping of the Sabbath outside the confines of the nation of Israel.
Do you determine the Sabbath outside the confines of Israel going east or west, paying attention to sunsets?
At first, a Sabbatarian is confused by the very question. But, for every thousand miles (approximately) you go west from Israel, the Sabbath would begin an hour later. Traveling east, the Sabbath would begin an hour earlier. Take one person going west, and one going east, and have them meet on the other side of the world, and they are both keeping the Sabbath on a different day.
God gave prophesies in the Old Testament writings that He would do away with the Sabbath. God did not lie. It is no longer extant. It is no longer relevant. It, like so many other things in the old covenant, was a shadow of a greater, spiritual “reality.” There is a rest found in Christ that is permanent, and not temporary like the weekly Sabbath. There is God's Rest, which He entered into on that seventh day of Creation Week, that Scripture states is entered into through faith; something the Hebrews could not do, yet they did enter into the weekly Sabbath- rest that foreshadowed God's Rest, that they did not enter into due to their unbelief. (Heb. 4)
The Sabbath serves but one purpose to the advocates of the Sabbath. It is a means of recruiting people who are willing to compromise with Scripture, a little, even nearly imperceptibly to begin with, who will then in turn compromise more when introduced to tithing as a means of exploiting them into feeding wolves. It is a way to incrementally get people to compromise with Scripture through Assumptive Reasoning. This is the hermeneutic of the deceived. Once instilled with this spurious method of interpretation, it is hard to see it for what it is, and jettison it.
The most common argument (deception) put forth to convince people to keep the Sabbath, and in turn fund the wolves, is to convince the recruit that they are not free to sin, sin being defined as the transgression of the law, (read: the Ten Commandments to the exclusion of the rest of the law) citing the flawed translation found in the King James translation, which translation was lifted from the earlier Geneva Bible, whose translators borrowed it from the even earlier English translation, the Bishop's Bible. This was all in regards to a time when rules of translation were nearly non-existent. Sin could be the result of transgressing the law, for one under the law, but not always even for those Hebrews. Jesus points this out in His discourses in Scripture. Regardless, a Christian, who is not under the law, is also described and defined as being freed from the law, and dead to the law, as well as dead to sin and freed from sin. These concepts are poorly understood by many a Christian, and wolves know how to exploit people's ignorance.
God states in Scripture that He will (and did) take away the Sabbath.
I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her new moons, and her sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts. – Hosea 2:11
The most common argument to circumvent what God prophesied is to claim God is saying “her” Sabbaths, and not “His” Sabbaths. God gave them “His” Sabbaths, along with these other things. They had no such other days. The day would come when all these things would cease. That day was the day that covenant legally ended upon the death Christ; God Incarnate.
The most effective deceptions are the ones that the adherents to them refuse to question. Those who have bought into the Sabbath, end up believing no other possibility exists regarding a belief system. It must be true. To them, it is impossible that it might not be true. That is the veil before the eyes Paul wrote about in II Corinthians chapter 3. If you believe in the Sabbath; that you have to keep the Sabbath, you will look at that, and not comprehend. It says those who have that veil before their eyes are those who are hung up on what Moses both wrote and taught; the law, including the Sabbath. Your gaze is on the wrong things. And you pay dearly for your “oversight.”
Sabbatarianism exists for one main, overarching reason. It exists as but another arrow in the quiver of the devil’s arsenal to wreck havoc on the true gospel so that people abandon and reject a faith-based Christianity.
If those advocating the Sabbath actually kept the Sabbath, they would be keeping the Sabbath of Scripture, in the manner prescribed in Scripture, using the lunar calendar of Scripture that resets the week every new moon.
Again, it isn’t really about keeping THE old covenant law and Sabbath. It is about convincing people to abandon a faith based Christianity. The serpent’s deception was to get Eve to not believe God, and belief is tied to faith.
Keeping a fake sabbath and a truncated law is just as effective in this scenario as trying to keep all the law and the real Sabbath of Scripture. Most people would figure out quickly enough that the “whole” law, with all the temple requirements, could never truly be kept today, hence the truncated law embodied in the Ten Commandments. It is a “dumbed-down” law that appears “do-able.” A Critique of Which Day is the Christian Sabbath? by William Hohmann
More atheist heresy from a site run by former and present COG ministers.
The last time I looked, the new moon came and went as expected. Your interpretation of prophecy must be off.
Also, you're pretty good at the "straw man" game yourself!
"The last time I looked, the new moon came and went as expected. Your interpretation of prophecy must be off."
Wow! That went over your head really fast!
This article is just further proof that people can rationalize anything, come up with excuses fro whatever they want to do, and interpret the bible pretty much however they like. Then pass it off as "bible scholarship."
To do away with all law is to do away with the distinction between good and evil.
According to the Bible, the earth is flat. So according to bible geology, everyone keeps the Sabbath at the same time.
Isaiah 66:22
(Yet Future)
22 “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name and descendants endure. 23 From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord. 24 “And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”
Fantastic article! I pray some will finally see the light and the veil of Moses will lift. As Paul writes in 2 Cor.3:14-17
," Their minds were dulled. To this day when the OC is read, the veil remains unlifted. It is only in Christ that it is taken away. Even now when Moses is read, a veil covers their understanding. But when we turn to the Lord, the veil is removed".
. They are listed in descending order. Festivals(yearly), new moons (monthly) and Sabbaths (weekly). ALL DONE AWAY WITH NOW. Obsolete. Just think how God expected folks to worship Him as they always had, once the temple was destroyed in 70 AD. How could they possibly do what had been asked of them, with nowhere to go for worship? That is why we read starting in Acts that newbie Christians and newly converted Jews gathered with the Apostles on the FIRST day of the week, to break bread and read Scripture. Additionally, every siting of the Resurrected Jesus was on the first day of the week.
For any who will jump on the passage in the Old Testament, where God says in eternity future, we will worship Him FROM one Sabbath TO the next, so that must prove it is eternal. If I say I am going on vacation from Saturday to the next Saturday, I will actually be on vacation for 7 days, consecutively. Notice His language of "FROM" "TO". It is inclusive, i.e., we will worship Him everyday! The law and the Sabbath are not eternal. They were for Israel, for a set time only. Once Faith (Jesus) came, the Old Covenant was fulfilled and, as Paul says, is obsolete and getting ready to pass away, Hebrews 8:13
Also of note for the legalists. Notice the order of the supposed required Sabbaths, feast keeping in Col. 2:16-17
Finally, remember the reason WHY God told Israel to "Remember the Sabbath". It was to remind them that they had been slaves in Egypt, when God took them by the hand and delivered them. That is why they were commanded by God to remember the Sabbath. We have a new "remember" under the New Covenant, as stated by Jesus Himself. We are to gather together, as a body of believers, to eat of His flesh (bread) and drink of His blood (wine) IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME.
Good one.
Doing away with the law is not the same as lawlessness. Jesus did away with the Law of Moses. You will notice that the NT epistles are filled with laws, in fact 9 of the ten commandments are repeated for the church somewhere in the epistles. The missing one is the Sabbath.
This is an excellent article! Thanks for posting it.
DW "The law and the Sabbath are not eternal. They were for Israel, for a set time only. Once Faith (Jesus) came, the Old Covenant was fulfilled and, as Paul says, is obsolete and getting ready to pass away, Hebrews 8:13
This is why current COG leaders refuse to admit that the law and Sabbath command were ONLY for Israel at that specific time. The law was the taskmaster meant to rule over sinful and ungrateful people. Once Christ came, died, and was resurrected, that taskmaster was destroyed and made obsolete.
Anon @ 2:31. Amen and hallelujah! But if you believe the Cog teaching of replacement theology (BI), how are they going to see the truth of what the law and Sabbath were meant to point the Jews to? They continue to cling to the shadow rather than the substance (Jesus). The only way I know to try and help them see this is Scripture, common sense meaning of the words of Scripture and prayer. A fools errand, perhaps, but if just one gets it..the angels in Heaven rejoice and so would I.
I pray some will finally see the light.
Too bad it won't likely be any one trapped in the sin of orthodoxy.
Jesus kept the Sabbath and so did all his disciples.
Answer not.......... Prov 26:4
Anonymous said...
"Jesus kept the Sabbath and so did all his disciples."
Yes, of course, they were Jews! Moreover, Jesus had to fulfill Torah - that was part of the formula that freed us from sin and death!
A word of caution. The Old Covenant is obsolete - it has been replaced by the New Covenant. As for the Law, it is more accurate to say that Christ fulfilled it and summarized it into two great commandments for his disciples to follow (Love God and each other). A Christian's salvation is/was accomplished by Jesus Christ - PERIOD! We love God and each other as a way to demonstrate our faith in Christ and what he did for us, NOT because it earns us anything! Israelites didn't commit adultery because the Torah commanded them not to - Christians don't commit adultery because it would violate the command to love each other as yourself. While there is nothing wrong with observing the physical Sabbath, it is as was noted in the comments here a shadow/reflection of the rest we have in Jesus Christ. This is the Spirit of the Law - the Law written in our hearts - which is superior to the letter!
Hos 2:11
And I will take away all her gladness, her feasts [heorte], and her festivals at the new moon [houmenia], and her sabbaths [sabbaton], and all her solemn assemblies. (LXX).
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday [heorte], or of the new moon [noumenia], or of the sabbath days [sabbaton]:
And I will recompense on her the days of Baalim, wherein she sacrificed to them, and put on her ear-rings, and her necklaces, and went after her lovers, and forgot me, saith the Lord.
Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive PHILOSOPHY, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
And through the prince shall be offered the whole-burnt-offerings and the meat-offerings, and the drink-offerings in the feasts [heorte], and at the new moons [noumenia], and on the sabbaths [sabbaton]; and in all the feasts of the house of Israel: he shall offer the sin-offerings, and the meat-offering, and the whole-burnt-offerings, and the peace-offerings, to make atonement for the house of Israel.
Col 2:16
Hos 2:13
Col 2:18
The problem with the Northern Kingdom and the Colossians was syncretic/pagan religion.
Col 2:8
"Until this point in the epistle, Paul has spoken of the "philosophy" in rather general and polemical terms (1:23; 2:4, 8). Here, however, the reader is belatedly given concrete clues concerning the commitments of the movement against which Paul is reacting...
"The apostle ... offers two reasons why this "philosophy" is "hollow and deceptive." First of all, Paul propounds, it is predicated on "human tradition." In Paul's perception, the "philosophy" was manufactured by humans, not given by God (cf. 2:6)...
"Certain unnamed people were apparently advocating dutiful observance of certain days, including religious festivals, New moons, and Sabbaths... Presumably the "philosophy" was prescribing certain religious activities in conjunction with these special days, perhaps with a promise that these observances would enhance congregants' purity and spirituality. It is now impossible to know precisely who were seeking to pass judgment on the Colossians ... and exactly what motivated them to act as self-appointed arbitrators [Jewish regulations and/or theosophical asceticism?]. The paucity of textual particulars results in interpretative uncertainties. While such ambiguity does not sate our curiosities, "biblical studies are not helped by being certain about the uncertain" (Brown, 596)" (Todd D. Still, Colossians, EBC, Revised, Vol.12, p.311, 316-17).
“All these God-given occasions were co-opted by Israel for her (note the repetition of the pronouns) pagan purposes... in verse 13 the overt connection with the Baals is made...” (David Allan Hubbard, Hosea, TOTC, pp.88-89).
"Yet it is too simple to think that Paul's opponents were Jewish teachers, as we shall see from verse 18. The Greek term for "law" (nomos) is strikingly absent from the entire letter, a fact that makes it very unlikely that Paul's problems are the same as at Galatia where he takes on the Judaizers" (Ralph P. Martin, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon, INT, p.119).
For the northern kingdom the problem was “baalism”; for the Colossians the problem was the “philosophy”.
Eze 45:17
In the NEW COVENANT it will be the duty of the [human] prince to provide to the sacrifices at the feasts, new moons and sabbaths.
In a world that believes men can become women and women can become men, that article makes sense to some.
Anonymous at 12:35 PM said...“This article is just further proof that people can rationalize anything, come up with excuses fro whatever they want to do, and interpret the bible pretty much however they like. Then pass it off as 'bible scholarship.'”
(Mat 22:36 NASB
) "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?"
) "This is the great and foremost commandment.
) "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' (Lev 19:18
) "On these two commandments depend THE WHOLE LAW [Torah] AND THE PROPHETS."
(Mat 22:37 NASB
(Mat 22:38 NASB
(Mat 22:39 NASB
(Mat 22:40 NASB
[almost the complete Old Testament]
It's not just the ministry of Armstrongism that plays fast and loose with our reasoning capabilities, but the ministers of "orthodoxy" Christiandom are good at that as well.
In his book "Armstrongism", 1974, Bible Evangelism Press, Pastor R.L.Sumner builds a big case for Sunday observance, saying " it appears from the NT itself that Sunday was observed as a day of worship and in special commemoration of the resurrection. The universal and uncontradicted observance in the second century can only be explained by the fact that it had its roots in Apostolic practice" page 80-81.
He goes on to quote Tertullian, who in 200AD writes, "we solemnize the day after Saturday in contradistinction to those who call this their sabbath", (Apology, ch.XVI). He follows up with Justin Martyr, who in 140AD writes, " but Sunday is the day which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day of the week, the day our Savior rose from the dead".
From this, Pastor Sumner fully establishes that as far back as 140 AD, Sunday was the first day of the week, the day after the day called the sabbath (Saturday), and these facts were recognized by historic orthodox Christianity. Most on this site, including DW, agree with this.
Now the smoke and mirrors. In order to trip Armstrong up we have a change in the narrative. On page 199 we read, "Armstrong's argument is that God worked Sunday through Friday, then rested on Saturday. Perhaps so, but that's not what the scripture says. It merely says God worked six days and then rested the seventh. Whether those days correspond with our Sunday through Saturday, we do not know"!!!!
Does anyone see a problem here yet? He then makes a calendar argument that our calendar and the ones used by the Jews are different. He adds, " to say that the sabbath had to be on our calendar Saturday is going beyond what God has written "! I will allow you to decide what kind of double talk this is!
Now, enter William Hohmann, A self professed champion of the true gospel and fact based Christianity. Like Pastor Sumner he also acknowledges that Sunday, the first day of the week, was instituted by the early church as a day of corporate worship, prayer, and fellowship.
So according to these 2 great thinkers, Sunday, the first day of the week, is set in stone, and it dates back to the first century early church, uninterrupted to this very day!
BUT APPARENTLY that logic dosent apply to the THE DAY PROCEEDING IT, the seventh day sabbath on Saturday! It seems that after all the dialogue on the permanence of Sunday the first day, the seventh day proceeding it now has all kinds of cosmic problems that Sunday doesn't have . . .like
the international date line problem
the lunar calendar problem
the resetting of the week problem, etc. etc. etc.
Sounds like Dave Pack doesn't it? And neither Sumner or Hohmann bother to explain these inconsistencies. They just expect us to accept the narrative at face value like it was scripture, because they say so! Thankfully, that's not how it works!
After years I conclude: by faith, a God who commands to do something on certain days will make it possible to know what days those are: the moon was made for fixed times (better translation of Ps 104:19
) and those lunar calculations, and only the lunar calculations but not necessarily the counting of years or the names of months, are now preserved by the Jews (Romans 3). The lunar calculations have been fixed from Adam.
Jesus kept the sabbath because he was Christian, not because he was a Jew. He set an example for us to do likewise. Further, the Sabbath preceded the Jews.
The Sabbath is not missing in the NT. Further, if we have to keep the other nine we also have to keep the Sabbath.
Anonymous at 5:18 AM said...“In a world that believes men can become women and women can become men, that article makes sense to some.”
Of course, men cannot actually become women and women cannot actually become men. They can only get mutilated so that they cannot reproduce, but then look a little bit more like the opposite sex.
Eze 43:12a
This is the law of the house;
In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.
Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, AND I WILL DWELL IN THE MIDST OF THEM FOR EVER.
And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut THE SIX WORKING DAYS; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.
implies that there will be one. That is, there would be no need to leave the east inner-court door open on the Sabbath and new moons if there was no wall and the people could observe the inner court from the outer court.
Then said the LORD unto me; This [outer court] gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the LORD, the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut.
But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.
[7]. Even if for most the outer steps and the 75 foot long corridor blocked their vision, the open door would provide at least a token of intimacy each week and month” (Leslie C. Allen, Ezekiel 20-48, WBC, p.267).
Jon Levenson notes that the Ezekielian Torah is the only OT corpus of legislation that does not come from the mouth of Moses.
Eze 43:8
Eze 43:9
"Ezekiel's program is a revision - and up-dating and a rectification - of selected topics of existent priestly legislation and practice very similar to, if not identical with, that of the Pentateuch..." (Moshe Greenberg, "The Design and Themes of Ezekiel's Program of Restoration," pp.233-35).
43:7b-9 highlights a problem under the OC. Ezekiel’s Torah and Vision addresses this issue and more.
As this thread addresses the Sabbath it is to be noted the change in Sabbath sacrifices from Moses to Ezekiel in the New Covenant - this does not included the daily burnt offering.
Under the Mosaic Torah (MT) there were two lambs sacrificed on the day, but under the Ezekielian Torah (ET) it has been increase to six lambs. There were no rams under the MT but not under the ET there is one to be offered.
Isa 66:23
Eze 46:1
In Ezekiel’s visionary tour of the Millennial Temple there was no inner-court wall mentioned. This had led to the speculation that in the New Covenant there will be no wall so that people in the outer court may observe the priests carrying to and burning the offerings on the altar in the inner court.
Some infer that there would be an inner-court wall, though it is not mentioned.
It is suggested the Eze 46:1
Eze 44:2
“The closure of both [east] gates was to commemorate Yahweh’s entry through them when he came to take up residence in the new temple” (Leslie C. Allen, Ezekiel 20-48, WBC, p.267).
God, through Jesus Christ, taking up residence in the New Covenant Temple is yet future.
Ps 5:7
“Leaving the gate open allowed the people to look from the other side of the gateway in the outer court, as they chose to come during the holiday to perform their act of worship (cf. Ps 5:8
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous at 5:18 AM said...“In a world that believes men can become women and women can become men, that article makes sense to some.”
Of course, men cannot actually become women and women cannot actually become men. They can only get mutilated so that they cannot reproduce, but then look a little bit more like the opposite sex.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 9:55:00 PM PDT"
Just like the Sabbath cannot be changed, another day (Sunday) can be dressed up to look like the Sabbath, but it will never truly be the Sabbath.
It never ceases to amaze me how many Fourth Commandment Deniers is out there. The arguments are complete nonsense and have been refuted about a zillion times in the past. Thus, I can only attribute its hold on people to dispensationalism and increased worldliness in the church.
Years ago, some atheist cat on one of the early forums asked, "Would an all-knowing God just lay a book on us all, and expect that to do the job?"
It's the kind of question that really makes you wonder.
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
Years ago, some atheist cat on one of the early forums asked, "Would an all-knowing God just lay a book on us all, and expect that to do the job?"
It's the kind of question that really makes you wonder.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 10:01:00 PM PDT"
Well, technically, He didn't lay the book on us all. The Book is only for those He has called out, those in His Church. No one else can understand it. That is why there is such confusion about it.
Eventually, everyone that has ever lived will have the ability to understand it. THAT is what an all knowing God will do. (and He tells us as much in the Book)
Some people think that God's laws are good and love them.
Some people think that God's laws are bad and hate them.
Good posts from you faithful Sabbath-keepers who uphold the true law.
where it teaches that there remains a "Sabbatismos" (Sabbath-keeping in Greek) for the people of God who "cease from (their) own works as God did from His (on the seventh day of course; v10)
But no one commented on the Lord's proclamation that the Sabbath was made for man -- not just the Jew. (Mk 2:27
Or on Heb 4:9
You deceivers, what are you looking for? To rest when you feel like it? Not happening in a universe which belongs to God.
You weren't made to outfit the Sabbath in accordance with your own specifications. (Mk 2:27
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