Saturday, June 3, 2023

Restored Church of God Open House Edition 2: Another Train Wreck In The Making.


Un-UnOpen House


Prophecy hobbyist David C. Pack has gone quiet since his complete failure on Pentecost last week. It is nice to know there are still some things in this world that are capable of shutting him up. At least momentarily.


The members of The Restored Church of God have been refreshing their email inboxes all week, waiting to hear what the heck they are supposed to do now since the Kingdom of God did not arrive as scheduled.


The 3.5-2-14-6.5-3.5-1-7-1K Kingdom structure of Part 444 was changed into the simpler and way more accurate 18-2-6.5-3.5-1-7-1K during Part 445. Surely, the Mystery of God ended because Daniel was unsealed.

Reality proved both of those were wrong.


No matter how large the printout gets with the “complete picture,” it is destined to crumble with the passage of time. This usually occurs before the deadline approaches. Grandpa Dave sure loves his caveats.


But have no fear because relief is on the way. Part 446 is scheduled for today.


Thursday, June 1, 2023


Dear brethren, 


Please note Mr. Pack plans to speak this coming Sabbath, June 3 to lay out more details. We are right on track!


The start time for the sermon will be forthcoming. Keep an eye on your inbox for any upcoming communication. 


Enjoy the rest of the day!


Warm regards,


Church Administration


We’re right on track, dummies. Wow. Lying is like breathing to the hirelings at Headquarters now.


“More details” is code for a brand new picture since Pentecost gave Dave a shiner.


Keep in mind that Tammuz 1 is June 20. The Ministerial Conference is one day shorter than usual, from Sunday, June 11 to Thursday, June 15. We all must wait and see what new nonsense the Packian Triad of Fraud dreamt up. The longer Dave is quiet, the more significant the "understanding" shift is and the more verses he has to support his revised fantasy.



In a bold move, Pseudo Evangelist Bradford G. Schleifer waded into the shark-infested waters of social media this week by announcing a 2023 Restored Church of God Open House taking place on June 25. It was posted on RCG’s main Facebook feed and the two private Wadsworth Neighbors groups.


Last year's lukewarm attempt was available only to RCG vendors and The Wadsworth Chamber of Commerce members [excluding Dawn Blue and me]. Over 1300 people were invited, and "a good hundred" attended. Whether that is a successful turnout is open to interpretation.


An article last September covered this in detail. In a WCTV interview, Dawn Blue of How It’s Done TV and I discussed our experience with being disinvited covertly a few hours before the event started.


Some in RCG are learning from past mistakes. The 2023 iteration is an Un-UnOpen House, as they are now inviting the local residents of Wadsworth to attend. To reserve your tickets, you can click HERE.

Brad posted this with his personal account because only someone of his high church rank can appropriately navigate the minefield of comments. Exceptional circumstances require superior discernment and wisdom. So much for Dr. Timothy D. Ranney being responsible for Public Relations. It must have felt like the keys to the car being taken away just before Prom Night.



Oh. And then there are the comments. It is not pretty.


As of writing this article, there are 3 hidden comments on the RCG main Facebook feed, 156 in Wadsworth Neighbors(19K members) and 62 in Wadsworth Neighbors #2 no rules (2.9K members).


Good luck trying to find anyone who is writing something supportive. Some acknowledged that RCG was opening its doors and that people should learn for themselves what they are about. Others thought that was a terrible idea.

To Brad’s credit, he did not delete the comments Dawn Blue and I made. From a Damage Control perspective, that probably would not have sat well with the residents in those groups.


Will RCG opt for armed security guards again this year, or wing it and leave the protection up to the angels? We will find out in a few weeks.


For anyone interested in joining Dawn Blue and me for an Across The Street Watch Party on June 25, please contact Snacks and drinks will be coordinated after we get a headcount.


Marc Cebrian

See: Un-UnOpen House


DW said...

Wadsworth residents know desperation, not community outreach, when they see it.

A leopard like Dave will never change his spots. He is simply pretending to be a normal citizen of Wadsworth, but his hiding out from "Satan's world" the past 10 years is too much to try and overcome at this stage of the game.

Had he done this from day one, nobody would bat an eyelash. But to feign normalcy now, he is screaming "we need money and warm bodies, because we are hemorrhaging both".

Anonymous said...

Will they have armed police at the entrance again? That sends a message that they do not intend.

Anonymous said...

Imagine actually believing that a four hour open house is going to undo all the years of secretiveness, seclusion, and the shutting out of the surrounding community! Yes, folks, those would be the new three s's as brought to you by the fine folk of the RCG!

DW said...

I actually just read some of the fine print contained in Brad's post. He writes, "Learn more about our worldwide reach and impact".

Gosh, these boys just cannot help but accidentally reveal what they really think about themselves and their "work". Worldwide reach and impact Brad? Where? To whom? How many have you impacted, across the globe, with genuine help in time of need? How many wounded veterans have you sponsored for help with whatever they need? How many have been impacted by the GIVING of RCG, monetarily?

No Brad. You are just another smug hypocrite like those Jesus rebuked. He told some of the Pharisees they just wanted TO BE SEEN DOING, but their hearts were far from Him. Nobody will buy this stunt. You (RCG ministry) made your bed a long time ago. Inviting the unwashed masses, as I am sure "Mr" Pack calls them, to visit, at this stage of the game, is laughable. Wadsworth has got better things to do than see your compound and actually feeding, clothing and sheltering those in need. You know, like that dude you can't quite seem to pin down told us believers to do. Privately. Quietly. Without drawing attention to our good deeds, because God would see. That's all that matters. But you don't get it, do you? I hope the horses eat the flowers, leave a reminder on the perfectly manicured lawn and then run away before "showtime".

Anonymous said...

When I first left Armstrongism, I spent A LOT of time trying to help Armstrongists wise up. Although I disagree with Marc on many things (I have evolved), I respect him for his hard work trying to help people.

Anonymous said...

How many have you impacted, across the globe, with genuine help in time of need?

Is it a numbers game? Quantity or quality? Few are chosen.

R.L. said...

A more "mainstream" church would invite people to attend its weekly worship services. Even Jehovah's Witnesses do that.

When RCG and PCG do not, it certainly would lead some people to ask why they don't.

But then again, WCG had "open house" services in the 90s... then weeks later, almost everything in the church changed.

James said...


Anonymous said...

Back when Herbert W. Armstrong wrote the basic dna code for Armstrongism which still persists today, one of his basic designs from the very start had to have been control! And if one understands the basics of salesmanship, one realizes that the truly effective salesman is successful because he takes control of the sales situation. As we as a species have continued to evolve, control has been recognized as one of the key dynamics of a cult. Closing off a campus, not even allowing outsiders to walk through it, casts grave doubts upon the intentions of the owners. It arouses curiosity, and when people cannot uncover the answers for which they are searching, it cannot help but raise suspicion and to create distrust.

The way the RCG is conducting this "open" house retains a high degree of control. So, even when one of these groups decides to do something different and to have an open house, they are doing it in a way consistent with the old, cultic, dna code which HWA implanted from the very beginning. This dna code is something completely separate from the teachings of the Bible. To be clear, since the followers of Armstrongism consider HWA to be a quasi-Biblical figure (God's Apostle) they continue to revere this dna code in the same way as they treat scripture. We've all seen quotes from many of the current leaders stating exactly that.

These days, much is being said about critical race theory. All that it is, is an effort to identify embedded, systemic racism, and to correct it, making life better for all Americans. Some say that this is unpatriotic, and are attempting to thwart it. The ACOGs, or Armstrongism as it is also known, if they as an organization are ever to become relevant and to grow and prosper, really need to perform the equivalent of critical race theory. They need to make a study of the old HWA dna code for Armstrongism, and to rid themselves of the parts which are cultic, controlling, and which make people suspicious. In the case of evangelism, suspicious means resistant! We're not necessarily talking about the doctrines here, we are talking about HWA's policies, most of them being extrabiblical as opposed to being rooted in scripture.

If HWA were alive today, and was conducting this open house at RCG, the only difference which I can see, based on my limited knowledge of the event, is that HWA would close it to every day, salt of the earth people, and would only invite the rich, the famous. The dignitaries he always needed to feed his narcissism.

Anonymous said...

“We are right on track”, for bankruptcy.

Tonto said...

Let's hope that it is actually like a FOR SALE open house !

Anonymous said...

The Restored Church of Flowers. And their "work?" Simply keep planting more flowers.
So everyone, please remember Dave in your will so that he can plant more and more and more flowers.

Ronco said...

“We are right on track”

Enough to make Baghdad Bob blush!

Anonymous said...

I would go for the free food

Anonymous said...

"The Restored Church of Flowers. And their "work?" Simply keep planting more flowers"

The giant flower square was where the herbie-type Auditorium was to be, but the money ran out, only herbie & flurry built Auditoriums, and Tkach dumped herbie's gilded palace at a huge loss, poor people's money down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Flood the toilets.

Anonymous said...

Visit your local spy or magic shop and pick up some stink bombs.

Are these effective? All I can say is that my ex-wife, her boss, and I watched from a Jeep as a restaurant in which we had dined just previously was being evacuated.

Anonymous said...

I’ll bet there’ll be a tip jar.

Anonymous said...

Pack wichcraft is fun right?

Retired Prof said...

Pack's flower beds are the most garish, meretricious landscaping I have ever seen. Shorts out every aesthetic synapse in my brain.