Get ready to be amazed and stand in awe of who one of the two witnesses is. No, it is NOT our petulant crybaby Bwana Bob Thiel, but Aaron Dean! Woo Hoo! I am sure the first witness will be Herbert Armstrong as this story has been floating since he died and that he was coming back to life as one of the two witnesses.
What is Laodicea? In Revelation 12:17we see a remnant receives IDENTITY AFTER the Church of the Philadelphia era goes into a place of protection and safety(See Rev 3:10
, and Rev 12:14-16
). That is when Laodicea begins the work of God. Prior to that, they were doing their own works that's why they didn't go to a place of safety. Otherwise the Church who goes into the place of safety, is doing the work of God(see Revelation 3:7-13
So Philadelphia has a witness leading them.
Laodicea repents too late and must go through the Great Tribulation. Their witness is witnessing to them that the first witness is true, and he is assisting the Philadelphia witness. The Laodicean witness is ministering to them while they are going through the Great Tribulation, bringing them to repentance.
Those who come out of the great Tribulation will be grafted in with Philadelphia, as there is no two churches of God only ONE CHURCH OF GOD. The Worldwide Church of God.(See Zechariah 2)
So we see, that what is produced through God's Work in Herbert W Armstrong, continues for the building and edification of the Worldwide Church of God until Christ returns! The men who will be the two witnesses of God, will be used to finish the Temple or Church age!
One is outside of the ministry and one is pastor general of the ministry. Like Moses and Aaron.
Aaron conceded to the whims of the people and repented. So we see a Joshua figure repenting and bring brought up to lead God's Church under Philadelphia or Moses type.
I personally believe that the assistant to Mr. Armstrong, Aaron Dean, the one who helped write Mystery of the Ages, is the one who will lead God's people as the second witness.
The Kitchen family has only been here to preserve, preserve the Worldwide Church of God. Members of our family have died in that battle and together we give witness of how Satan wants God's Church destroyed!
But we are not looking for followers. We look only to warn and to preserve.
That's what our work has been about. That's why we don't receive tithes and offerings and why we are not ministers!
Right now, the ministry is locked in chains much like how Joshua the High Priest was chained by Satan to keep them from doing the work of God. But God is going to release the ministry and things will come back together in greater power as you've never seen before!
God is in control brethren! Don't you lose sight of that! Recapture Tomorrow
What a fairy tale.
It is hard to believe even 1 person with a brain would believe this.
Actually, whether one believes the Bible or not, it tells us in the text who they are. Two men, one from the OC, and one from the NC. And, I think it is pretty clear who they are with just a little research and open eyes to see.
Neither are men of our day. Enjoy your research. Once one sees it you don’t have to guess at all.
When will these arrogant fools learn?
Good grief! Armstrongism gets stupider by the day!
So, whassup with Kevin Dean? Was he supposed to be the other witness, and did he deliberately sin to throw away his commission?
Kevin Dean is a serial pedophile who is sitting in prison right now. Currently, there are additional women preparing to take him to court for more sexual molestation years ago. He dumped his first wife and got an underage girl pregnant and then married. Continued to molest kids. Got caught, went to jail, escaped, and went to Mexico where he was caught again and is now in federal prison.
How could HWA be one of the two?
He lived magnificently on "Millionaire's-row" in Pasadena with money taken from poor people.
My guess is that the two witnesses will be former high school teachers. This would have given them the required training. I can't see them being ACOG ministers since they are spoilt social and moral brats with little real life experiences.
Yeah, we've all read that, 11:57. My question was rhetorical because so many of us who were raised in the church in the '50s and '60s were taught by our parents that we and our brother had a special calling and might be the two witnesses. The speculation was insane back then, and the insanity continues today. I even wrote a fictional short story about it nearly twenty years ago when I did a lot of writing for the Painful Truth. Will try to find it to further illustrate.
Yep, here it is, 11:57! I thought it was a gas when I wrote it. It was one of those "processing it all" things. Hope everyone enjoys!
Go to Painful Truth Website will come up. Watch the right side of your screen as you scroll down a very short distance to "Search" Type in: Kidnapped: A WCG Nightmare. Should come up as the first entry on the list that pops up.
Everybody here seems to think the whole idea of the two witnesses is crazy, but many of them still read their Righteous and Holy Bibles, which is where the whole crazy idea comes from.
there are additional women preparing to take him to court for more sexual molestation years ago
Is there money in it? The first few "victims" might have been real victims. The rest might be on the gray train.
*gravey train
9.44, predators have many victims.
Mental illness at work. It must be catchy as David C. Pack has the same and more delusions. Pack and Thiel should team up and start their own carnival.
Oh, by the way. You can't register "likes" for the story I shared with 11:57 at the site, but let me know if you got a good chuckle out of it. There used to be meters for reads on each article at PT, and that story racked up some good numbers back around '02-'03.
The "witness" I'm waiting to see from Aaron Dean is his memoir.
There are SOOOO many details he can tell about HWA's final years, the Tkaches, the turmoil of both UCG and COGWA, etc.
His full story is one of the few pieces of the WCG puzzle that has yet to be released.
Only Jon Brisby can ever be One of the Two. Our Pastor has been given a double spirit and he will go into the world with power.
I know some of the Mormons are telling their children that they will be one of the two witnesses. They dropped out of Mormonism later in life realizing they went through hell for nothing on this earth being told that by their false prophet leadership. The parents hear that from their false prophets & keep encouraging that causing depression and suicide. Cults do this. I also personally know of a past member of Armstrongism that was told that. I was in disbelief he believed it the first time.
It has mentally screwed up his relationship with God his whole life.
You would know your pastor better than the rest of us, so I'm not going to speculate. However, several months ago, Dennis explained to us what having a double spirit means to Native Americans
I would not expect Aaron Dean to tell the story truthfully. Further, if he wanted people to know the truth, why is he waiting so long to tell it?
What will you say when he doesn't?
9:43 said "I would not expect Aaron Dean to tell the story truthfully. Further, if he wanted people to know the truth, why is he waiting so long to tell it? "
I agree! His story is going to be slanted in favor of HWA. It will be a biased story as he has already proven in many of his retellings. While he certainly does have enough insights, he never tells the complete story. If he did then he wouldn't portray HWA in a positive light or Tkach in such negative light.
Dave Robinson's book on HWA is more truthful than what we will ever hear from Aaron Dean.
Only Jon Brisby can ever be One of the Two. Our Pastor has been given a double spirit and he will go into the world with power.
1. I will believe it when I see it.
2. Two times nothing is still nothing.
Presumably there is a difference between having a double spirit and a double PORTION of the spirit.
What will you say when he doesn't?
What will I say when Dean does not tell the story truthfully? Probably not much. I don't know the "inside story." The problem with the "inside story" is that we need to take someone's word for it. So I would not trust it. What if several insiders tell the same story? Many of the insiders have been withholding information and are not what they pretended to be for a long time. I don't trust them.
I referred to the Brisby claim.
None of these people would qualify to be a witness. It sounds ridiculous to speculate a person you know.
None of them qualify to be anything Biblical, 5:18! HWA was treated by most WCG members as if he were a theophany! In many cases, members have carried over this status to their current leaders. Except for Bob Thiel, and boy howdy, does he ever resent that!
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