Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Aaron Dean Keeps Trying To Put Out My Candlestick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is there no end to this craziness?

The apostle carried the assets of the Radio Church of God into the Worldwide Church of God.
He said we are THE Church of God in whom Christ is doing a Powerful Work through in getting the gospel out to the world! So by our WORK with the apostle, we have had to establish congregations and departments all around the world to receive those responding to the true gospel being preached!
So the Worldwide Church of God is the TEAM that works with the Apostle.
It acts as a CANDLESTICK, so that the light of Christ can be seen, like a city on a hill.
What I'm battling against Mr. Dean, is people creating "bushels" and trying to place it over the Candlestick! They are trying to claim there isn't a candlestick and a light! So they own an organization, or website etc and they are trying to capture the Worldwide Church of God.
Now, I have heard how some believe we are INSIDE the Laodicean era.
Now THE Church of God in the LAODICEAN ERA, acts as a Candlestick.
So it has to be separate from the Worldwide Church of God.
We see that separation in Revelation 12:17, after THE Church of God in the Philadelphia era goes into a place of protection.
But some are saying that separation happened when Mr. Armstrong died in 1986, or after he died in 1995.
Therefore a NEW CHURCH of God, was formed, and becomes a separate Candlestick when they separate from the Worldwide Church of God.
Now that separation happens when The Church of God goes into a place of protection.
That is when THEY repent, and become the Church of God INSIDE the Laodicean era.
Now, because the organization structure of the Worldwide Church of God was taken over, the necessity of another organization was there.
Because the membership of the Worldwide Church of God ran from the wolves, they began to assemble together, waiting on God to raise up the next servant to lead them.
That's what I've gathered from the UCG's formation.
But as the legal trouble passed, as Grace Communion International went on, the ministry seems to have forgotten the Worldwide Church of God.
Every time I hear a sermon from the UCG, about the Worldwide Church of God, it's GIVEN to the apostates who don't even want it anymore.
I know I've received most backlash over talking about the Worldwide Church of God. People are trying to convince me to just use "Church of God". But I will stay on the subject of "framework" and stay on the foundation I've been built on.
I won't deny what Christ did through His name, and become a generic liberal form to pacify the "transformation" movement. Which I hold in the same category as the Sodom and Gomorrah "trans-movement". Evil and an abomination to God.
In the 1970's we saw the "TRANSFORMATION-movement" try to take over and change the Worldwide Church of God.
In the 1980's and 1990's we saw the "TRANSFORMATION-movement" Joe Jr called "transformed by truth" but it was a transformation from the truth to lies.
The Philadelphia candlestick is the Worldwide Church of God.
And if we are in the Philadelphia era, that makes sense!
But if we forget who we are, and we allow ourselves to get spiritually watered down, we will get swept up into declaring ourselves separate.
Or find ourselves separated.(Rev. 11:17)
The membership of the Worldwide Church of God are attending these groups and when they should have went belly up, dried out, they didn't because God's people kept on attending when they should have DISFELLOWSHIPPED those who departed from the faith.
The liberals of the 1970's seemed to flourish for a while because they were KEPT IN the Church! They flourished through the starvation of God's people. Mr. Armstrong repented of that and cleaned house. So should we.
It was changing our identity. That's what happened through Tkachism.
They eventually became Grace Communion International.
Well people are now becoming the United Church of God or some other group calling itself "Church of God". The Laodicean Church will be the Church of God. But it will be separated from the Worldwide Church of God who has been established as the Philadelphia candlestick.
That separation is made complete when those of The Worldwide Church of God go into the place of safety.
Just because the Worldwide Church of God has no organization registered with the state, doesn't mean it has been destroyed or died off.
Satan struck at God's Church, in order to stop the Work. This created a vacuum in which generally I feel the United Church of God and others have filled.
But where is our value on the structure Christ has begun through His servant Herbert W Armstrong?
Why is it laying in ruins, while you Mr. Dean and others of the ministry are living in well constructed organizational structures, that put a roof over your head and food in your belly?
Do you remember the Haggai 1?
If everyone stood up in the United Church of God, and said they were the membership of the Worldwide Church of God, that would be quite confusing wouldn't it!? Why is one Church attending another? That would fall into question the necessity of the newer church?!
So the only ones who can say honestly they are of the Worldwide Church of God have to be outside of these C.O.G groups, or they would be hypocrites.
They would be FORCED to determine who they are. And so I do hear how some are calling the Worldwide Church of God, their "past affiliation" and they are pouring themselves into the Church group they are attending with.
I know that kind of wraps up yourself, Mr. Dean. It kind of sums up a lot of the ministry.
The Worldwide Church of God is not valued enough to care for, or return to and finish building.
There seems to be NO FIRE in some who used to be the Pillars of the Church. It saddens me. Could it be that God's Holy Spirit was quenched or brought down to lukewarm?
God warns the "Church of the Laodiceans". It's their church, because Christ is outside of it, and he's going to individuals knocking and reminding them who they are. He's not going inside. He's not infiltrating. He's outside knocking and announcing.
He's warning and offering protection to those whom God drew to Him. But if they decide not to answer, because they are INSIDE a house they call their own, and feel they have something to lose, rich and increased with goods, they will be separated, and when Christ goes they will stay, and then when the armies come and burn their house, then in their calamity they will seek Christ but he won't be there.
People say we are in the Laodicean era. But that era is ahead of us.
We are in the Philadelphia era. We are meant to go into a place of safety. But if we refuse to acknowledge and confess our sins and departures against God to God, and repent and resist this "transformation movement" and urge to be something different, we will be unable to escape.
In Christ's service,
Samuel W Kitchen


Anonymous said...

Sam, be nimble
Sam, be quick
Sam, jump over the candlestick!

Anonymous said...

Sshhh! Don't tell him that "Worldwide Church of God" is a pejorative which carries a huge stigma with it! It's hardly a proud banner to wave, considering the huge birth defects it carried, and the new defects it literally created for itself!

There is no such thing as church "eras", and no such thing as an "Apostle" after the last ones died in the first century! Not even their hero Polycrates was bold enough to take on that title, and he WAS a byproduct of the chain of laying on of hands!

Anonymous said...

The so-called Worldwide Church of God departed from lies and changed to truth and grace through Jesus Christ by a miracle which could only have happened by a movement of God Himself. Praises be to HIS NAME!

RSK said...

What was all that word salad supposed to convey?

Anonymous said...

The Worldwide Church of God was never converted and Philadelphian. Herb learnt his evil bag of tricks by attending COG7 for eleven years, and accordingly ran his new WWCG as an abusive cult. How can a toxic church culture enforced by Gestapo ministers possibly be Philadelphian? And honoring its leader with the title "apostle?"
God uses whatever is available, including evil people, but white washing and putting them on a pedestal is dishonest.

Anonymous said...

What was all that word salad supposed to convey?

Here's a rough translation:

Even though Mr. Herbert W Armstrong would have thrown me out of his church for being such a presumptuous and ill-informed maverick, I identify with him even more strongly than North Korean brainwashing victims identify with the Kim family, so I refuse to accept the reality of what has happened to my idol's church, and instead I have constructed a fantasy-based worldview that lets me feel that instead of just being another one of the many people HWA duped, I am instead one of his most special followers. RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!

Anonymous said...

That Sam Kitchen is the new HWA and that everyone should follow him.

Eye. Roll.

The only benefit to these guys making noise is that perhaps God will wake people up through very obvious power hungry false teachers.

Anonymous said...

What is this? Personal correspondence to Aaron Dean? Being put on this blog ???

Anonymous said...

The "word salad" is to convey evidence of bad fruit of false apostle Herbie.

Anonymous said...

Anyone working on an AI "deep fake" of HWA confessing his sins with Dorothy?

Anonymous said...

Desperate bullying times NO2HWA. Last throw of the dice when Aaron Dean gets dragged in.

Anonymous said...

How did this blog get Aaron Dean's personal correspondence???

Kolchak said...

Did you guys (such as 11:07) read deeply enough to see that the guy Sam Kitchen is the one who dragged Mr. Dean in on all this?

It looks like NO2HWA simply suggests we examine the craziness Kitchen dabbles with, regarding the way Mr. Kitchen himself accuses the UCG official of presiding over "lights being covered by baskets" etc.

The account re-posted here was probably easy to find in the recent postings from Kitchen through his letter-ish-to-the-brethren-ly-ish bulletins beaming forth from the "reorganized" "latter-day" "worldwide" "COG" led by superhero S. Kitchens.

The account re-posted here is clearly not Aaron Dean's personal correspondence. Rather, it looks to be what Kitchen publicly posts forth about his own opinions toward Mr. Dean.

Tonto said...

Im going back to the original COG, even before the Radio Church of God.


Tonto said...

An anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman.



RSK said...

If I had to guess, Kitchen probably made it public. Its a copypaste.

Anonymous said...

11:08 "How did this blog get Aaron Dean's personal correspondence???"

Insiders have regally spilled the beans here on insider info of the various splinter groups. The COG's have lost control and can no longer stifle information.

Anonymous said...

Let's at least credit Sam for one good thing. He signs off with "In Christ's Service"

That is a heck of a lot better than making false prophecies, citing conspiracy theories, or manufacturing false emergencies, and then signing the letters in which they are contained with "In Jesus' Name"

Samuel Kitchen said...

I am the "chunkiest male". Don't be jealous.

Samuel Kitchen said...

Anyways, this was a letter I wrote to Aaron Dean. I published it on Facebook. I wasn't accusing Aaron Dean of placing the bushel over the light. That wasn't ever in my mind. Who knows why No2HWA gets infuriated. But don't call him a bully. That's really mean for all bullies.

Anonymous said...

Aw, Tonto! I was hoping you'd say the "Smoke Signals Church of God". Then, maybe we'd run into each other at our Feast Site, here in Wyoming!

Anonymous said...

Anagrams? Didn't Connie used yo do that?

Anonymous said...

Insiders = rebels from within the ministry.
Members have lives, career's, jobs...

RSK said...

Read Kitchens comment above, 10:51.

Kolchak said...

Be sure your Gerald Flurry-esque revived, re-organized facsimilie of re-built Ambassador College annals library stock includes volumes OLDER than Radio Church Of God, Telegraph COG & Smoke Signals COG...go back even further, to the Cuneiform COG & Papyrus COG.📜

Then we'll know if Frank Nelte granted valid permission to Richard Close when they both (consecutively, beginning with Netle 1st) literally re-worded Jesus in Matt. 11:30.

Frank Nelte, 2021:

Richard Close, 2022: