Saturday, April 6, 2024

The COG Battle Over Translating: PCG Leaves Bob Thiel Whimpering In The Dust


It is always so fun watching various COG groups go around thumping their chests that they are the greatest ever to do the work that the mother church failed at. Even the mighty works of Herbert Armstrong, whom they worship daily at their altars, pale in comparison to how awesome they are doing today in 2024, particularly when it comes to translating church literature.

The one we hear the loudest crowing from is the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel, the greatest Church of God leader since Paul and James walked this earth. He has been honking his little horn weekly in his member letter on how many translations his improperly named "continuing" Church of God puts out. However, most people take that with a grain of salt after he was exposed for using a fraudulent translation company.

See: BREAKING EXPOSE (More Updates): Crackpot Prophet Bob Thiel, Linda Jane and the Translator Scam

How Dare ANYONE Criticize The Publication Of Bob Thiel's Book Into Over "1,000" Languages! HOW DARE YOU!

Translating The Most Important Book In The World

Enter into his picture the Philadelphia Church of God and its translations. As crazy and off the wall they are in doctrines, their translations have far more credibility than The Great Bwana Bob's paraphrases do.

Check out the PCG's recent translation conference they went to. Bob Thiel has been humiliated once again. (These are screenshots of the article sent by an anonymous source)

Neither group is doing humanity any favors by translating their heretical booklets and articles into hundreds of languages.


Anonymous said...

At least PCG i using REAL translators instead of Ai and Pakistani/India translators that Bob Thiel uses.

Anonymous said...

There is always the old, vintage hamburger chain advertising campaign based on "Where's The Beef?" That's not bad criteria, and should provide lessons which cross over and shine a light on the ACOGs.

Where is the super-blessed splinter group, that is actually growing at a 30% rate per annum? The one that is doing that (without disingenuous usage of smoke and mirrors) the one that is attracting "the world's" attention, and is getting a perceivable warning out, with prophecies that are actually coming to pass, that would be the splinter group who has the gift of proper translation. (Psst: There is none! It doesn't exist within Armstrongism)

Anonymous said...

Because Bob uses "translators" from India and Pakistan who are not Christian he has absolutely no way to discern if they have translated the words correctly nor inserted things that he never even said. Bob continues to be made the fool.

Anonymous said...

No matter how they translate, it is still poison.

Anonymous said...

These guys like nelte get caught up in trying to change a word to say what they want it to, but don’t care that it makes no sense in context:

“All ye who are weary, come to me and I will give you rest…take up my yoke for ‘it is driven with effort’”

Why would Jesus implore the weary to take up a yoke that is driven with effort? That doesn’t give them rest; the weary need an easy yoke.

The W.A. said...

I understand COGWA is taking a close look at AI for translating publications.

They're already using it in art - such as the cover of the current Discern magazine.

Anonymous said...

the cover of the current Discern magazine.

COGWA will probably get some grief for that cover, not because of the AI but because the "anchor" made of stars looks remarkably like a stylized cross rising from some mysterious structure. If that image is AI, it's a powerful argument for trusting human artists instead of computer circuits.

The W.A. said...

@Anonymous 4:40 - Wow, you're far ahead of me. I was looking at the March-April cover, which shows a stack of flat bread.

Tonto said...

Even the "UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR" from Star Trek, could not make sense of anything Bob Thiel writes or says.

Anonymous said...

Whatever errors he makes, or nontruths he presents, Bob Thiel is very adept at nonprophet 'splainin' them away. He's never wrong. Everybody else is.

Never being wrong is a condition of existence reserved for God alone! If some human acts as if they are never wrong, they are simply impossible to work with, and should be ignored or avoided. Conversely, if someone is hyperintelligent, you're going to notice it pretty early in your experience with them and will be automatically drawn to their answers and solutions. Bob Thiel is not only incredibly simplistic, he also repels truth presented to him if he already believes or has taught the opposite of it. Fake or valueless degrees are usually a tacit admission that maybe one didn't have what was required to earn real ones. And it is embarrassingly stupid to claim that one's fake degrees are actually as legitimate and valuable as those earned at an accredited college or university. You gots ta walk like a duck, or quack like a duck for others to respect you as if you were a duck!

Claiming to be a prophet based on his pronouncements is not unlike claiming to be a pianist when all you know is "Chop Sticks"!

Bob, if you are tuned in here, this is not an ad hominem attack. That would be like attempting to dismiss you by saying you were fat. This is a a legitimate evaluation, one that you will most likely reject.

Anonymous, 2112 said...

Thanks 3:48, it has been a "burden" simply to raise the issue of what those lugs were dabbling with in the name of "new truths", "end time discoveries", etc. But it was not a burden, to quickly sense that their scripture re-writing was just a fanciful Scrabble-game piece experiment meant to aggrandize themselves out here in TV land, podcast land, blog-land, pheww-ee.

Anonymous said...

The informative exposé posted here on Bob's approval of Richard Close/Frank Nelte re-wording of Matt. 11:30 
got removed. Too bad it must have either "offended someone", or brought threat of Bob suing this site, or maybe someone believes I posted it as a "mole" secretly supporting Bob in some way? 

But no, it was written to show Bob's ego on how he approved the late Richard Close's re-posting of a wacky Frank Nelte lesson : "yoke is easy, burden is 'driven as an oar rowing' " (& re-wording "burden is light")

People here were responding correctly to it before it is removed now. They criticized Bob, Close & Nelte. Too bad it got took down. (hey maybe it's being turned into it's own article soon, who knows).