Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Gayle Markley - Former Member - WWCG - Still Has Good Memories but Struggling

Gayle shares her struggle with balancing the fact that she grew in a cult and the fact that her parents were good people who were just doing the best they could and not wanting to give them a bad name in any way. A real struggle inside to not be in denial and give credit where credit is due. Website: https://www.AngelasInspirations.com Facebook Page: Ex-Worldwide Truth Seekers (WWCG) Group: Ex-Worldwide Truth Seekers and Off-Shoots Email: exworldwidetruthseekers@gmail.com Dan's Website: https://www.ProdigalJourneys.com Facebook: Life After Religion


RSK said...

Ugh, I know this issue. At some point you simply have to admit that 1) your parent(s) didnt do everything right all the time and 2) as pertains to Armstrongism, they were, at best, misled in some aspects.

RSK said...

Which in the reading may sound like its really quite simple (and Ill agree with that to large degree), but some people really want to push their parent(s) into sainthood.