Sunday, March 24, 2019

PCG: As Income Plummets, Flurry Declares Fast To Force His "god" Into Making PCG Members Give More Money

Gerald Flurry is scrambling to browbeat his declining membership into sending in more money to keep the Flurry family empire and jet functioning.  With is concert series in the Herbert W Armstrong Auditorium is costing him a mint, he then decided to imitate HWA and open a "college" campus in England.  He then dumped millions on a historic mansion after being rebuked with the current owners of the former Ambassador Campus in Bricket Wood St Albans, England. As that money flew out the window, Flurry decided he needed his own Gulfstream jet. He justified that purchased by proclaiming he should not be travelling on public jets where he might have to sit by sick or unwashed people. Plus, he needed private transportation so his grandkids could travel the country to participate in Irish Dance competitions.

Gerald Flurry has declared a church wide fast for April 13, 2019 for church finances (low cash flow) being the reason. First time a fast has been declared on the sabbath, hence breaking the holy day and it’s also just 5 days before Passover. Where is their focus, not on Christ but on money. What hypocrites. 


Byker Bob said...

On the Seinfeld show of days gone by, Kramer was promoting a holiday called “Festivus”.

What does Flurry call a fast that falls on the sabbath? Fastivus?


Anonymous said...

Gerald Flurry can get his followers to will their estates to his PCG and then get them to starve themselves to death. Remember, the mind of Gerald Flurry = the mind of Satan.

Anonymous said...

FYI, he also needs to fund a new Jerusalem dig, a new Jerusalem college, pay new additional Israel staff he plans to send. Where do you get all the money to pay for all these with the existing member base? Well, they're hoping to get new people, lots, through the PAC/OAC. That's not working.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has to live within their means, but noooo, not the church leaders. They live beyond their means, then browbeat their members into handing over ever increasing amounts of their income.
With a larger percentage of their members retiring, the common sense conclusion should be to reduce their programs.
There's a time to expand, and there's a time to contract. Shrink your churches folks!

How can fasting on the Sabbath make it a day of rest??

Anonymous said...


Please help expose this fraud. Thank You

Anonymous said...

Nobody in their right mind will go with PCG. They currently have mostly old, brain-dead members who hang on every word he says. And younger 2nd and 3rd generation PCGers who know nothing else.

FYI Jesus Christ fasted on several Sabbaths during the 40 days/nights.

Sweetblood777 said...

What a joke. What a waste of money. Sounds to me that they can't even handle what money the members send them, or why send more? The HWA train is slowly coming to a stand still and people are leaping off in an ever steady rate. leaving fear and dread in the minds of these worthless parasites who rob the poor and the widows.

They will indeed, receive their reward, in that the kingdom will be closed to them as they witness their members being welcomed into it, and they being thrown into the lake of fire. Yahweh is not mocked.

Anonymous said...

Christ would have sat next to the sick and unwashed. Mr. Flurry is a charlatan. Flurry's fast will be held at a dining room similar to Mr. Pack's dinner.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't Kramer... Festivus was created by George's father.

Anonymous said...

How MAD is the King?

Anonymous said...

BB, "Fastivus" is good!

I was thinking of another Seinfeld episode parody:
- While Gerald is in the bathroom, a flurry of 'Trumpet' sounds can be heard.
- The phone rings, and Kramer answers the phone.
- Kramer says, "You wanna contribute to what? End-time ministries? No, you're way, way, way off. Well, yeah, yeah, that's the right number, but this is an apartment."
- Gerald Flurry comes bolting out of the bathroom screaming, "SAY 'END-TIME MINISTRIES'! END TIME..." - at which point, Flurry (with his pants down around his ankles) falls face-first onto the floor.
- Jerry walks in, looks down at Flurry on the floor, shakes his head disapprovingly and says, "And you wanna be my pastor general. I don't think so!"

TLA said...

Flurry is trying to emulate HWA with a fraction of the resources and a fraction of the marketing plan.
Plus he has a lot of competition in the "You are all going to die unless you give me all of your money" theology.

Anonymous said...

PCG-RCG-UCG-LCG game show:

Fasting for Dollars

Anonymous said...

How many fasts for money has God had to listen to over the last 70 years? The exact number is 666 fasts. God had better start pouring in more money if he wants any rest from these fasts for money!

Anonymous said...

3.27 AM
It's not wrong to fast on the sabbath in case of an emergency. The equivalent of pulling a animal out of a ditch on the sabbath. Christ fasting on Sabbaths during his 40 day fast falls into this category.
However, fasting way ahead of time for a 'general' blessing from God is not. The only reason they are having the fast on a Sabbath is so that the jackboot ministry can enforce this fast.
I get the impression that a Rod Meredith kicked off this self serving church tradition.

Tonto said...

If there was a way to "short the stock" (this is where you make money on a stock as it loses value), then "shorting" any of the COGS would be a great investment, as they have about as much future and potential as Sears and Kmart.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

The old "Church wide fast" routine. Who would have thunk?

The Flurry fast prayer, "Dear Lord, please show us how to squeeze more blood money out of these lowly dumb tithe slave sheep".


Hoss said...

Fastivus for the last of us

PCG-RCG-UCG-LCG Fasting for Dollars - like the Seinfeld episode, The Contest - see which COG can go without the longest. We know HWA wasn't master of his domain!

From memory if HWA was in Gerry's position, he may have "stepped out in faith" as he would to say - go ahead and spend the money and expect everyone to come up with the cash. He tended to save the church-wide fasts to essentially consolidate power. said...

lt does not matter how much the P.C.G.fasts if they do not change their thinking to God's way of thinking---God always honors a repentant attitude which very few are willing to do .

Anonymous said...

It made sense for HWA to 'step out on faith' with his spending when church numbers were increasing. But not when church numbers are decreasing. 'Stepping out on faith' these days is nothing more than magic thinking.

Anonymous said...

Is fasting somewhat like a spoiled child holding his breath until his parents give him what he wants?

Anonymous said...

Anon, March 25, 2019 at 8:19 AM, wrote:

"...How many fasts for money has God had to listen to over the last 70 years? The exact number is 666 fasts. God had better start pouring in more money if he wants any rest from these fasts for money..."

I suspect that God does not listen to those who think they know better/more than God about how to run His Church.

GFlurry us just expressing the "get way of life," trying to tell God how He must do things the Flurry way.

Isaiah 58:3 Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours.

:4 Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

GFlurry is all about "self," himself!

God has to be guiding someone elsewhere.

"Time" has told!

Why not grow and overcome and prove it by living within the budget God already provided and within the $ provided. Why continue doing things the "world's way?"

But, without any guidance from God, one will just continue in darkness doing very foolish things.

Well, okay, time may tell...


Anonymous said...

Zech 7:5 "...did you really fast for Me - for Me?"

Anonymous said...

“PCG: As Income Plummets, Flurry Declares Fast To Force His 'god' Into Making PCG Members Give More Money”

The PCG is also in bad shape spiritually, morally, mentally, etc., but it cares only about its financial condition.

The way old PCG members and leaders continually gossip, lie, slander, abuse, and cause division is a disgrace. It seems like the older they grew, the worse they became.

A mandatory fast for all PCG members might actually be an excellent idea. Too many dirty old men and filthy old women in the PCG have nothing but sex on their minds continually. Week after week, month after month, and year after year, all they do is prowl around and prey on the younger members. That is all they are there for. Too many of the local PCG leaders are just in it for that reason too. It is a filthy shame. If PCG members are required to fast long enough, they might eventually...finally...start to think about something other than trying to satisfy their deranged sexual appetites.

Anonymous said...

As an aspiring pilot myself I can tell you for a fact that that jet he flies around in is costing the tithers way more than is sense-able.

The "church" could have paid for a private charter jet for far less than the Annual Inspections, Pilot Salaries, Airworthiness certificates, Radio operators licenses, As well as all the training for Flurry's grandchildren to go to a fancy stewardess school and learn the trade. Sure its nice if that is what they want to do but damn if it isn't a waste of money when chartering a jet from a company is FAR cheaper than it has ever been before.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So unbelievable the abuse keeps going on !!

Anonymous said...

So unbelievable the abuse keeps going on !!