I hope you still have your Petra Jerusalem bags packed! The Worldwide Church of God is in the process of leaving the United States and heading over to Israel in such large numbers that it will scare Europe so badly that they will send their armies to Jerusalem to fight the WCGers. I kid you not!
If Europe is scared, can you imagine what Israel would be feeling, especially after the invasion and slaughter of their people on October 7 by the Hamas filth? Imagine seeing another invasion of thousands of crazy American cultists arriving at Ben Gurion Airport and Israel not doing anything about it. Seriously!
Samuel Kitchen tried to do this last Feast of Tabernacles and ended up suffering a humiliating defeat that turned his family against each other, caused the loss of jobs, and broke relationships.
The EXODUS of the Worldwide Church of God is commencing. Are we going to obey God? Or are we going to follow Satan?
Once the restoration of the Worldwide Church of God commences, and it already has, we are going to gather in Jerusalem and that is something we need to start thinking about. Going to Jerusalem and leaving our homes behind.
We need to get ready brethren, to go. When we arrive in Jerusalem , because of the number of people arriving, Europe will send an army down to destroy us and they will surround Jerusalem!
Then we shall flee and be spared. But we won't be there seeking to save our skin! We will be there to set up the two witnesses, that annointing will occurr in Jerusalem! The Worldwide Church of God will be there, just as the brethren in Oregon laid hands on Mr. Armstrong, so shall the Worldwide Church of God lay their hands on God's witnesses and God through them will annoint His servants.
Why are Church of God people so incredibly stupid that they believe this kind of bullshit?
Samuel has popped a cork over the various websites that contain all of the historical data of Armstrongism. He and he alone believe that his website is the ONE TRUE WEBSITE ABOVE ALL OTHERS! Bob Thiel was once again seen cowering in the corner of his leaky office sobbing like a little third grader.
There will still be some who stay with these C.O.G groups. Who refuse to serve God.
But notice brethren!
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name."And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him."(vs. 16-17)
This is the same Church spoke of in Revelation 3:7-13. This Worldwide Church of God is going to be spared, and Satan is going to try to murder this Church. Revelation 12:14-16
shows this future attempt from Satan, using armies.
So the ministry needs to wake up! They need to receive God's tithes, but not give them towards these C.O.G groups. God's tithes belong towards the Worldwide Church of God.
Today, our job is to stop the presses and engines in these C.O.G groups! Ministers need to work towards bringing the congregations towards becoming the Worldwide Church of God! That is our spiritual structure as the body of Christ. That is the name Jesus Christ gave to us, and it was established by and through the name of God. The authority stands forever.
The gates of hell have not nor shall prevail over the Worldwide Church of God!
Church members in the various splinter groups and non-church members need to IMMEDIATELY stop sending in their tithes to these apostate groups and send them directly to Samuel Kitchen. He needs it for that final push. Either that or for bail money when Israel throws them all in prison.
No, don't send any money to me. I don't receive any tithes or offerings from brethren.
The Worldwide Church OF GOD does not exist. It has zero scriptural basis to even exist anymore. There is no spiritual body or creepy 'organism' that is the WCG. This is all a useless fantasy of a couple deluded people who have let their minds become tools of the wicked one. God is no part of this than he is with Bob Thiel, David Pack and Gerald Flurry's nonsense.
Wouldn't it be nice if we had all fled to Petra in 1972, there had been no great falling away, Jesus had actually shown up in '75, and we'd been kickin' it in the Kingdom for the past nearly 50 years?
It didn't, some neither saw or learned any leasons from that, and there have been numerous additional disappointments caused by the "correctors" of the Armstrong time table.
My parental units died in a state of unrequited Armstrongism, after decades of asceticism under an extra, totally unnecessary layer of government which was imposed upon them by their brain washers. I don't hold anything against them because they've already been sorely punished by the co-opting of their lives.
Honestly, at least Sam and his clan won't have to suffer the wrath of Trump. In a way, I wish climate change were more advanced so that there were tropical areas of Canada in which to live!
I know many people who have died because of these dumb cults. Enough is enough.
I am the voice of one crying in the kitchen! Make straight the way to the coffee maker!!
Yet another man leading people astray.
This is happening in UCG in Queensland here. Bill Bradford has retired and many are rejoicing. But sad that his wife is so ill.
Bill caused so many problems. We ALL know that he loves the rich and dislikes the poor. There is one rich man in the church that he prefers above all others and allows him to do anything. This many has wanted ordination since WCG days and joined several churches until he succeeded by entertaining Bill at his home often.
He has gotten rich by means that are dubious - just ask the former church employees who worked for him. He owned businesses that operated on Saturdays. And he still owns a marina that operates on Saturdays. Yet Bill doesn't care as he likes the rich and gives him and his family many opportunities.
This man even closed down the media committee without authorisation because he felt threatened by a man that was better qualified. Then he restarted it without his imagined rival. Ever since then he has messed up the media efforts for the church and has been fruitless.
The Qld church should be better under Bill's successor, but will the new minister fall under the sway of the rich man? He is desperate to become an elder as being a deacon is not enough for him.
Herbert's Church sat on a wall...
Herbert's Church had a Great Fall! ...
All of Herb's forces and all of his men
Couldn't put Worldwide together again!
I remember Bill Bradford. He gave a sermon at a combined service at Melbourne, Australia during the mid 1980s in which he stated that members should forgive a sinning brother even if he/she refuses to repent. Several weeks later, a minister from America overturned this teaching from the pulpit. Matthew 18:17
instructs to treat a unrepentant sinning brother as a tax collector. Rebuking a brother is principly an act of self defense, so Bill's teaching was way off.
, since it was long ago. But a friend at the time looked up this verse using expensive bible aids, and it comes out that this "righteousnes" is in fact a moral standard. This "righteousness" that God gives us is called the ten commandments. On another occasion, he claimed in tone of voice that 1 Thess 4:6
"God is a avenger of the brethren" means the exact opposite of its plain meaning. That is, God is forbidden to avenge members. I remember my congregation members parroting this.
On another occasion during a holy day, he taught that God gives us His character by constantly repeating that "God gives us His righteousness." It might have been from Romans 3:22
I'II let readers make their own assessment of the man.
Anonymous at 7:56 AM said...“I remember Bill Bradford. He gave a sermon at a combined service at Melbourne, Australia during the mid 1980s in which he stated that members should forgive a sinning brother even if he/she refuses to repent. Several weeks later, a minister from America overturned this teaching from the pulpit.”
The UCG adopted the heretical idea of putting up with evil behavior in the church and not requiring people to repent. The UCG ministers welcomed in, kept, and supported perverts while expelling their victims for them. That is why the UCG is full of godless, wicked, and malicious people. The idea that conduct does not matter helped to lead to the big UCG-COGWA church split in 2010.
See if Angus Young will lead the Aussie UCG 🇭🇲
Samuel Kitchen wrote: "... We will be there to set up the two witnesses, that annointing will occurr in Jerusalem! The Worldwide Church of God will be there, just as the brethren in Oregon laid hands on Mr. Armstrong, so shall the Worldwide Church of God lay their hands on God's witnesses and God through them will annoint His servants...."

What is "The Worldwide Church of God?" Wasn't that phrase replaced by another phrase having something to do with the word "Grace?"
And what does Sam Kitchen have to do with laying hands on God's witnesses?
After Jesus Christ was baptized, did anyone witness any laying on of hands for Him?
No, but Jesus' God, His Father, did seal him.
The 2 witnesses belong to God:
"And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses,..." Revelation 11:3
The two witnesses will already have been in the most capable hands available.
And what's the big deal with Jerusalem and the two witnesses?
The 2 witnesses will be murdered in Jerusalem after they finish their prophesying regarding the softening of Satan's kingdoms and their take-down in preparation for the upcoming 1,000 year human utopia (without Satan/demons around, and no Doug Winnail (or other xcog hirelings who fled from the former WCG) and "little helpers" striving to set up some Mickey Mouse Kingdom on earth).
May it be that God's two witnesses will be traveling all over the earth, finish their witnessing, and then be killed in Jerusalem?
Time will tell...
What's really funny is that back in the '60s, there really wasn't any reason to flee. The world was a pretty damned nice place to live. Although I believed the Armstrong prophecy hook, I really failed to see the necessity of a big die-off.
In the '80s, when AIDS really came into the public consciousness, I was thinking that if the herd thinning got big enough, such an epidemic might just save the planet. And then of course, scientists got it under control, and overpopulation continued to kill the planet.
I also had high hopes for Covid. Bingo! Medical science foiled another possible thinning of the humanity herd. What a turnaround! I had feared what HWA forecast, but in retrospect now realize that we desperately need a big war, some hellacious natural disasters, diseases, or horrendous weather more than ever todsy.
The problem is that while mankind is the most effective predator, he'a also the most efficient problem solver. If the Bubonic Plague were to break out today, science would have it under control within a matter of months.
When do we get to thin the herd??? Seems like there's just plain no hope!!! We need an apocalypse-like event for the continued health of the planet, and we need it now!!!!
I wonder why Grace hasn't sued the kitchens for the use of wcg name?
Has been taught for years John.
Well, James, the only people who even know the Kitchens exist are the readers of Banned. I suspect that some of those readers are from Grace, so a law suit could happen.
The Kitchens don't have money, plus there's the public relations angle of not wanting unfavorable publicity, so a lawsuit by Grace might be impractical.
James, Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 4:26:00 PM PST, said:
) era of God's Church, which HWA believed/taught, and Joe Tkach Sn was the next servant following HWA, is it possible the former HWA/WCG, then under Joe then became the newly-formed Laodiceans (Rev 3:14-21
"...I wonder why Grace hasn't sued the kitchens for the use of wcg name?
If it is true that HWA was the servant to the Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-12
If that were not true, then where do the Kitchens fit in? Do the Kitchens somehow believe they are in reality the newly-formed Laodiceans?
And then there are the Flurrites, who think they are the Philadelphia era, but that is an Inc., an Incorporation that apparently has nothing to do with Revelation 3's mention of Philadelphia.
Then, there are the United Ass., and CogwAss., who think they are of Philadelphia. Not to mention there are hundreds of "church of god" organizations that exist: e.g. the "Living" group, etc.
Are all of these fractions, factions, splits, splinters, just part of a huge scattering of confused, faithless, hirelings from the former WCG, just authoring all sorts of confusion?
Time will tell...
Plus at this point, unlike 30 years ago, the Kitchens' little rinkydinky group using the name isn't going to confuse anyone intending to attend GCI.
If HWA was God's servant, then the splintering was of God's doing. This could then be the claimed forerunner of America becoming a third world country that has splintered into factions. Yeap, time will tell.
Anon, Friday, February 16, 2024 at 12:45:00 PM PST, said:
), and there is a lot of information regarding God's Church: a spiritual temple, is you will.
If HWA was God's servant, then the splintering was of God's doing. This could then be the claimed forerunner of America becoming a third world country that has splintered into factions. Yeap, time will tell.
Anon, everything mentioned in Revelation appears to be God's doing. God passed the information on to His Son (Rev 1:1
Joe Tkach Sn. was prepared for years before becoming the servant to walk in HWA's footsteps (which only go backwards). Once Joe Tkach Sn. became the next servant, WCG went through some very rapid mind-boggling changes especially for that last 10 years of his life. Was Joe prepared for such a time as he lived through. A major result is that Laodiceans exist, and it appears that Joe may have been the only servant (first and last) to the Laodiceans.
Otherwise, would God be a liar? God can't lie. Laodiceans are still part of God's Church. That is, the sealed Firstfruits within the WCG organization (whether alive during the time of HWA or JWT Sn.) are part of the organism of God's Church. They just have different functions to accomplish. Anyway, time will tell.
America for years has been going through change, especially over the past 3 years. Did Biden's previous approximately 40 years prepare him for such a time as this?
America may unravel to a third world country status, similarly to that of WCG being unraveled.
The 7 Trumps are still ahead of us, and it appears that all nations, without exception, are going to be impacted...and that includes America, which has not been as "righteous" as so many may have once thought.
Lots of lies are involved. Does the father of lies have a part to play in some (all?) of this? I think so, but...
Time will tell...
GCI is a rinkydinky group as well.
I don't agree with people using expressions such as "would God be a liar" to coerce others to agree with their viewpoint. The word laodicean means luke warm. Most of those who stopped attending services after 1995 fell away from Christianity. They are spiritually dead.
Paul, Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 8:58:00 PM PST, said:
within the parameters that God has already forseen and will work out.
"...I don't agree with people using expressions such as "would God be a liar" to coerce others to agree with their viewpoint. The word laodicean means luke warm. Most of those who stopped attending services after 1995 fell away from Christianity. They are spiritually dead.
If you don't like the use of that expression, fine, but nobody is striving to "...coerce others to agree with their viewpoint..."
Regardless of what Laodicean means, those particular individuals, sealed Firstfruits, will be in the first resurrection. Those Firstfruits are still part of God's Church, an organism, and God knows who are His. They will not be forever spiritually dead, but they will fulfill the words of Revelation 3:14-22
Time will tell...
anonymous you claim to say The World wide Church of God does not exist of course it does not exist to you as your not spiritual.WE worship God in spirit and in truth. clearly you have no truth in you.
Mockery and scoffers in the last days
There can't be a law suit against the Kitchens because of the copy right laws. The World wide Church of God still is up and running as Iam a member. We... are the church of Philadelphia .When the church of Philadelphia is taken to a place of Safety then the church of Laodica begins.
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