Monday, February 12, 2024

COGWA Maps Out Its Youth Program With One Glaring Obstacle


From a female COGWA member:

COGWA recently had a conference of MEN who lead their youth camps. They discussed the following:

What struck me was that the women are stuck on the sidelines in the photo above, their voices silenced by the men who know all. This is how we are always treated in the church. We are shoved to the sidelines and silenced. God forbide it any of us had an opinion that was better than the men in charge. One thing I have to hand to Grace Communion is that women have an equal say in their denomination and are not shoved aside like we are.


Anonymous said...

Exact same situation happens in UCG so why single out COGWA?

Anonymous said...

Women are born gossips, so of course they can't be trusted with leadership positions.
If you doubt me, just look at the ministers wives.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:27...

Did you even see the beginning of the post? It wasn't Banned who singled out COGWA, it was literally a member of COGWA singling out COGWA!

Anonymous said...

So you're saying the reason the first person the resurrected Jesus appeared to was Mary Magdalene was because... how quaint.

Anonymous said...

From a female COGWA member: “What struck me was that the women are stuck on the sidelines in the photo above, their voices silenced by the men who know all.”

Yes, Sweetie (or maybe Bitterie), that is the way things are supposed to be. You need to learn your station in life and your proper place in the scheme of things. If you have any questions, ask your husband and master at home.

You sound like a typical crazy female and fake COGWA member who wants to wear the pants and rule over everyone.

Hopefully you can be shown the bottom line and the door before your rotten attitude spoils the whole barrel of COGWA apples.


Did old Becky Sweat go from writing for UCG to writing for COGWA and then back to writing for UCG again?

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

The ACOGs have sought to perpetuate Bronze Age notions of paternalism. It is a shame that human cultural/societal constructs have been imposed on the Church as universal and eternal spiritual principles. We have wasted the talents of half of humanity and have squandered their potential contributions to growing in grace and knowledge. In spite of Paul's Jewish paternalism, he acknowledged the contributions of Priscilla and Timothy's mother and grandmother in his epistles. Silence in Church? Please!

Finally, their "theme" based on twisting I Corinthians 9:24 exemplifies the spirit of anti-Christ - which they characterize as being "about running our Christian race in such a way that we are rewarded by God with the prize of eternal life." The clear context of Paul's remarks in this instance is getting out the Gospel message, NOT earning the prize of eternal life. Paul told the Romans that our wages earn us death, but that eternal life is the GIFT of God - which is through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23). The ACOGs simply do NOT understand that salvation is NOT achieved by keeping the Law - that Christians demonstrate their gratitude and devotion through LOVE! And, since love does no hurt or harm to another person - misogyny is SIN!

Anonymous said...

And this blog is supposed to contain the 'enlightened ones' ha!

Anonymous said...

This blog is overrun with liars.

Anonymous said...

Weirdo alert.

RSK said...

Still waiting for you to tell me what my name is, 11:37.

Anonymous said...

Is the prize eternal life, something to be earned? I thought we were saved by grace through faith, but are rewarded for our good works. We do good works to show our salvation, because we have been saved, not in order to be saved.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:36 and 11:37
This blog is supposed to contain the ‘enlightened ones’ ha.
This blog is overrun with liars.

Oh dear.
Would you both ‘enlighten’ us by your comments please.
Is it flattery you intend by using the term enlightened. Or simply sarcasm. Or does the fact that alternative viewpoints exist, that are perhaps the polar opposite to your own offend. And that we are able to publish them openly on this forum a problem for you.
As to liars.
Please explain,the where, the how, the times etc etc that lies or misinformation has been placed on site.
Flippant random inane comments like this show the paucity of thought behind them.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

"And this blog is supposed to contain the 'enlightened ones' ha!"
You're obviously NOT one of them.

"This blog is overrun with liars."
That's a lie! There are only a few of you.

Anonymous said...

A woman should be silent and obedient. Quit whining. Women already have all the power in the world and men do most of the work. The law kisses up to female voters.

Make America Hip Again said...

It's really upsetting to me that the leaders of the ACOGs have no respect for chicks. I believe that in some cases, these men had overbearing mothers, and have spent their entire lives overcompensating!

Anonymous said...

Batshit crazy man Gary pretends to be on the side of truth. All right then. Will he continue to choke the truth about the fake gas chambers and the fake Holocaust? The ACOGs are just another Jewish brainwashed group. Jesus was a Jew.

The W.A. said...

Females ARE allowed to speak up during these meetings. "In Accord" videos have shown this, if you watch carefully.

But what frustrates some of us in COGWA is how Pastors are allowing women to speak during services - offering comments during announcement time and when "In Accord" videos are played during "sermonette time."

The New Testament Greek shows women are not to speak during church services at all - from the pulpit or otherwise. For those of us who considered this a major reason to leave UCG, it's disappointing.

P.S. One of those recent videos revealed COGWA has a portrait of Herbert Armstrong hanging in the meeting room. Maybe a portrait of Jim Frans will join him someday, but for now...

Anonymous said...

It is odd how the old WCG would change but then didn't really change. I saw a revolution take place on the Big Sandy campus back in the Seventies. Don Ward started teaching a class called "Women's Role in Society". It was avidly attended by many female students. I have no idea what the content of the class was but I knew female students that thought it was great.

In that same context, the handball courts were built and it included a luxurious locker room that had nice furniture, a beer tap and a TV. And it was termed "The Faculty Locker Room." First, it was only available to high-end men, inner circle types. Second, it was dubbed the faculty locker room when there were women on the faculty and the new faculty locker room was for men only. This oversight was corrected when women faculty members were given the old Imperial faculty locker room. A young female faculty member had to lobby for it.

I don't know what women's role in society was in AC terms, but apparently it did not inclulde a locker room. In the Torah, men predominate. And the Armstrongists believe the Torah is written on their hearts. They'll never give up male (White male actually) privilege just like they won't give up BI and other doctrines of privilege.


NO2HWA said...

Anon 11:36 and 11:37
This blog is supposed to contain the ‘enlightened ones’ ha.
This blog is overrun with liars.

It is fun to watch them pitch little bitch fests when COGWA gets mentioned here. It's like they feel COGWA is too sacrosanct to be mentioned here. After all, no COG is as perfect as COGWA is.

NO2HWA said...

"Batshit crazy man Gary pretends to be on the side of truth. All right then. Will he continue to choke the truth about the fake gas chambers and the fake Holocaust? The ACOGs are just another Jewish brainwashed group. Jesus was a Jew."

The dingleberries are out in full force tonight! ROTFLMAO!

NO2HWA said...

"Jesus was a Jew"

I bet you stayed up all night for that comeback, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:58:00 PM PST

The truth about the fake holocaust and fake gas chambers…another brainwashed Jewish group………

We have really hit ROCK BOTTOM in the comments section now.

Maybe Gary, we should start following the ‘Armstrong way’ and censor the comments.
As with most of these ‘random’ words perhaps one should answer a fool as he deserves.
However, I don’t condone censorship so be it as it may, his words are published.
Sigh, that is democracy.
Oh yes, I forgot, the ‘gas chambers’ and the holocaust were REAL.

Anonymous said...

They had a women's public speaking club in my congregation before the higher ups banned it. The women were forbidden to evaluate other women's speeches because experience showed them to be "too catty." Catty: resembling a cat. especially : slyly spiteful : malicious.
So only the minister evaluated the club. Women have their limitations.

NO2HWA said...


I do filter out 99% of this degenerates comments but let this one though to show degenerate and disgusting some church members are in their thinking. Sadly his views are not isolated in the church.

Anonymous said...

The COGWA mentioned losing ministers in the Philippines. But through old age.
UCG is losing or going to lose through Darris McNeely - he is full of himself and arrogant. He is putting off members and ministers. Why is he travelling to Philippines when all he does is carry on?
More losses.

Anonymous said...

Terrible look no matter what.

Matt's drudge 📋 said...

Don't catty men enjoy watching the gossip on Fox "The Five" when catty Greg Gutfeld hangs out the dirty laundry of Biden or A.O.C. or Anthony Fauci out to dry?

Didn't the COG catty churchmen love the gossip about Bill Clinton's DNA on Monica Lewinsky's skirt in 1997?

Gimme a break about women's gossip, when men gossip about Macron's wife, or Trudeau's Mom, the COG churchmen had no problem with Mr. Trump making fun of Carly Fiorina's nice looks, men loved gossip about Ted Cruz's wife & of Marco Rubio's height, or about Mitch McConnell or of John McCain.

Don't men (in church) gossip about Rosie O'Donnell, or Oprah, or Barney Frank, or former FBI Director James Comey, or Gary Hart back in day, or of JFK & RFK chumming with Marilyn Monroe, or Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick? Don't the men gossip about Heidi Fleiss, or Stormy Daniels, or Prince Andrew or Ghislaine Maxwell? 

LCG men gossipped about Flurry, & PCG men gossipped about Meredith.

Stephen Flurry gossips PLENTY, about : plenty! B. Thiel speaks on Bill Deagle's show right while Bill Deagle hurls gobs of gossip but supposedly only women will gossip?

Don't construction site men gossip about a lady walking by wearing a skirt? Don't men gossip about Kenneth Copeland or about Jim Bakker or Benny Hinn?

Aren't churchmen gossipping about which guy's wife serves the most (or least) kosher item at pot lucks, or about which teen girl's parents are the most diligent on the length of skirts, or who's teen son has the shortest haircut, or who believes in this church era over that church era, or which family thinks it's ok to push a button on the clothes washing machine on sabbath & which family doesn't?

Didn't significant numbers of COG men enjoy watching The Sopranos or The Walking Dead?

Don't men gossip so catty on wondering if Dolly P. is natural or silicone? What game are you jokers playing when you think only women gossip?

Anonymous said...

The most catty people I have ever known were ordained ministers. When I worked Telecom in Pasadena the church office department was located next to us. People would come in to counsel with them and they would stand in the hallway afterwards joking and laughing about the secrets members had told them. Some of those guys are bigwigs in UCG now and I am sure they are still doing the same thing.

In the faculty locker room, down in the handball courts, department heads and ministers would gossip about other men horribly. They were more vicious than women could be.

Local Yokel said...

Maybe the old Pasadena staff moved x-country & now works at N.C. mailroom of LCG where they paste up coworkers' private prayer needs to laugh at up on the bulletin board.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:03 comments do not surprise me. The is a major problem across ACOG with bullying 'catty' women. Mean girls have nothing on them. Usually Pastor's wives build up a 'yes' group who target specific members of a congregation. Malicious and mocking. God forgets their offspring and their rule dies eith them.

Avogadro's Number said...
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Trelane of Gothos said...

then why don't you re-word it safely & vague with just the general gist, & see it it will post