Thursday, February 20, 2025

Sasha Veljic Slams Bob Thiel From The Great Beyond

Karl Kolechek, reporting from Malawi 


Anonymous said...

On a related note, tonight I came across this gem of a song:

I don't know which one of us created this, but my hat is off to you! Absolutely hilarious! I hope the good Dr. Th(d)iel sees this one!

Byker Bob said...

Ah, the creativity of it all! This video must be the great, great grandchild of the old Clutch Cargo or Crusader Rabbit cartoons that were popular when I was a kid. We were used to full animation as exemplified by Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse, and it was kind of a letdown to see just the mouth animation of ol' Clutch and Crusader. My little brothers and sisters didn't notice the difference. a cartoon was a cartoon to the very young.

👀 BB

Anonymous said...

What a shame making a cheap video like this. People should have more respect for those who have died.

Juan Epstein said...

Cue the Jim Carroll Band's "People Who Died"