Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crackpot Prophet on the Trickery of Men and Proper Church Government

Who could have ever imagined that a self-appointed Church of God false prophet would ever be talking about the "trickery of men" when he is the biggest trickster in the church right now, damaging more lives than Dave  Pack and Gerald Flurry could ever dream of doing. 

It always seems to be the most corrupt men in the church moaning about tricksters and other big ol'meanies causing them trouble.

Today, our favorite self-appointed prophet to the church has a new video up with him bouncing at his desk with his hands flailing as he pretends to teach us from the Bible. As usual, he drags out dead Herb to bolster the point he is trying to get across. There never seems to be an original thought in any COG leader's head.

This sermon is the sixth part of a six-part sermon series covering each and every verse of the Book of Hebrews. This sermon covers the 13th chapter. Dr. Thiel begins by reading some comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. Dr. Thiel covers each verse of the thirteenth chapter of Hebrews in this sermon. He discusses that Philadelphia was to continue and that one man hierarchical governance is what true Philadelphians should Christians accept. He also warns about the trickery of men and that proper church governance helps prevent people from losing the Philadelphian crown. Dr. Thiel discusses what Jesus has been doing and how He looks. He exhorts people to do good and to endure to the end and explains about God’s plan of increasing love throughout eternity.



Anonymous said...

Bob's concept is sound, but his application of it is rubbish.

In his mind, it was "proper church government" to accept ordination from Evans Ochieng despite his previous double-portion anointing as a prophet. Bob doesn't realize that Evans did this so that, in the eyes of his African congregation, Bob will be viewed as Evans' subordinate. And in Bob's mind it is "trickery of men" when men tell the truth about the adultery and witchcraft being practiced by his African ministry. Bob can't see that when Evans laid hands on him, he passed on to him a spirit of delusion. That's how a spirit of delusion works. Bob has been tricked!

Anonymous said...

You cannot tell a person's character by how they look. Herb fooled us all that way.

Terry Nelson said...

I believe this 100%: i exposed Evans Ocheing my loyal CCOG Brethren almost 3 years ago now. Bob has to have that Spirit of Delusions you talk about as no Man would be that Gullible and believe Evans Ocheing is telling the truth. Evans was exposed last year in the Nairobi Sex scandle, he was exposed in the Malawi Hotel sex Scandal; my son has caught him with Plenty of evidence now when he catfished Evans for over a year. Bob doesn't Even believe in Official Kenyan Election documents about Evans son, Deacon Bradox running in the 2022 Election, same as 2017. Or he simply doesn't care because he must let Ocheing and Radson Molowzoa have a full Pass. It's simple if he fired Evans or Radson, his whole credibility with his faithful Caucasian tithe payers would crumble and he'd have to admit he can't discern good from Evil. It's so stupid to believe the Woman Radson is holding in the Picture that was shown here , is his cousin, as BIG Boss Evans Ocheing is scheduled to be in Malawi soon to cover up Radsons problems. It's Simple if God gave Bob the Philadelphia Mantal , he surely doesn't have it now as he's been unwilling or Blinded to accept the truth, that CCOG has been built on Deception. He's not the Fastest Growing Church: it would be more accurate to say he's the slowest Growing Church and his dreams are sketchy at best. He's been lied to and CONNED BY his African so called Ministers. It's so Sad, as the Late RODERICK C Meredith pointed out that Bob is suffering from Delusions of Grandeur. Hopefully his Eldest Son and Wife can Council him into Accepting Reality before it's to late

Anonymous said...

Just think of how much happier and successful Bob's life could have been if he had manifested these tendencies while he was in WCG and had been put out of the church under Herbert's administration.

Byker Bob said...

Do you really think that would have stopped him, 5:23? There have been many people throughout the history of Armstrongism who thought they were special, or that they had something important which they tried to point out to HWA and when he rebuffed them, they refused to humble themselves and accept their guru's correction.

What we are pondering here is a personality type, or pathology. People with varying degrees of this pathology aspire to take a greater role than that of simple member. They watch, and are inspired by the examples of others who actually do become recognized, and work their way up the ladder, and become part of the power structure. But, there is just some aspect that they themselves have in their personalities or thought mechanisms which causes the leadership to reject them, and they refuse to accept this rejection. So, they go off and start their own congregations, and attempt to draw others with them.

There are parallel and prominent examples of this pattern in other professions. Movie and TV dramas inspired by newspaper articles have told the stories of individuals who were similarly rejected. Unsanctioned, but undaunted, they disregarded the authentic structures, and began functioning as doctors, lawyers, or police officers. They got caught because they became a problem for society at large. Inevitably, they hurt those they sought to help. I suppose there are examples of such people in every profession, although I have yet to meet a fake garbage man. People with noteworthy egos are attracted to professions in which great exercise of ego is prevalent. That is another part of the pathology.

What complicates matters is that Herbert W. Armstrong was a maverick and an oddball himself. He was a high school dropout who could not work under the authority of others. He had no credential or degree, and for the majority of its history, his college gave out worthless, unsanctioned degrees. Yet, he was immensely successful, died with the most toys (we paid for them!) and won!. The foundation that this type of culture lays breeds and produces similar "leaders". It replicates itself like a morphing, weakening virus, often in strange and laughable ways. How could it not??? The law protects the public against fake doctors, fake lawyers, and fake police officers. Only in the field of religion are those who do damage to fellow man protected.


Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Great Comment Byker Bob! So true!

Is little Bobby Thiel writing in the third person again? You can't fool us, Bobby Thiel, into thinking that there is some person who writes these intros for you. Laughable!


Anonymous said...

'one man hierarchal governance is what true Philadelphians should Christians accept'; straight out of the North Korean Government hand book for aspiring dictators. No dissent, no other opinions allowed, no freedom of speech, ideas or movement. Government from the top down, preferably with me at the top, although G Flurry and D Pack and a few others may have other ideas as to who is on top.

Chris Anthemum said...

Remember Eric von Zipper, the biker in the beach movies in the early '60s? His most memorable line was "I am my own Idol!"

Well, it's somewhat similar with Bob Thiel, except in his case it's also "I am my own glass ceiling!"

Anonymous said...

Who is on top? Despite all his protestations and fulminations, the mincing and flouncy Bwana Bob is very plainly a bottom.

John said...

Dr. Thiel..."...discusses that Philadelphia was to continue and that one man hierarchical governance is what true Philadelphians should Christians accept. He also warns about the trickery of men and that proper church governance helps prevent people from losing the Philadelphian crown...."
Well, doesn't Gerald Flurry of the man-made Philadelphia organization/group have that one man hierarchical governance that Dr. Thiel is "seeking?" Well, why doesn't Bob Thiel just go join with Flurry?

And trickery of men? Like who? Winnail, Weston, Franks, Weinland, Pack, Cox, Kubik, and other hirelings who fled Pasadena to escape from the former WCG? Who might Dr. Thiel have in mind? Certainly, not himSELF!

Dr. Thiel regarding his concern about some crown is writing about fear, a fear religion, after all, what if one did lose some crown? Does Dr. Thiel have his Philadelphian crown "squirreled away" someplace under "lock and key?" Does Gerry Flurry have such a crown? Did Gerry Flurry steal Dr. Thiel's crown? How might that crown be lost? Is someone going to just simply "lose it?" Is it possible to lose something one does not have?

Dr. Thiel, show us your crown! Your Philadelphian crown, which you do not have.

"Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown." Revelation 3:11

Dr. Thiel, thinking like those hirelings of the former WCG, believes in the soon coming arrival of "another Jesus," coming "quickly" to planet earth to establish a 1,000 year reign on earth, a Mickey Mouse Millennium, which fails after Satan exits the pit. Who would want to be a part of that, but some Philadelphian crown? Is there any good news in any of this?

Some believe that that crown has something to do with salvation, but that crown has nothing to do with one's salvation. Thank God for that.

Dr. Thiel thinks a lot like the hirelings who fled Pasadena to retreat from the former WCG, but what does Dr. Thiel have? He is not a hireling of the former WCG, nor is he some prophet. Wasn't John the Baptist a great prophet? Does Dr. Thiel think he is greater than him?

So, what does Dr. Thiel have?

Revelation 3:11 says to hold fast to what one has.

Is there anything that this Dr. Thiel has that he needs to hold fast to? That Philadelphian crown? Did Dr. Thiel steal that crown from Gerry Flurry?

The Apostle Paul mentioned a crown: "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." 2 Tim 4:8

But notice, Paul did not have that crown, but it was laid up someplace, and he expected to be given it to him later. Paul knew he would receive salvation, but that crown? So, could Paul lose something he didn't have? Could Dr. Thiel lose his crown?

James wrote about a crown one would receive after enduring temptation: "Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." James 1:12

Is that the crown that might be lost?

Satan has crowns, so if he loses his crown(s), does that mean that vile, evil, thing loses his salvation?

For Dr. Thiel, what is that crown mentioned in Rev 3:11 all about? Will Dr. Thiel even look up that one word, crown, and learn to know what it actually means and share it with his followers, and clearly explain how one can lose something (that crown) that one does not yet have?

Time will tell...
