Friday, April 21, 2023

Bob Thiel Finally Admitting That Witch Doctors Are Active In His Church?


After several recent accusations that witch doctors were/are active in some of his churches in Africa the Great Bwana pitched a fit and said it was impossible! How can that be when God himself set up the improperly named "continuing" Church of God and doubly blessed the Great Bwana! Seriously!

Even when presented with the evidence he still stuck his head in the sand.

Today he doubled down and said that these witch doctors have no power over his work, Jesus or God. Thiel has called the representatives he sent to Africa and who later confronted him about appalling conditions in Africa as being liars. Now he called them not true Christians, men blinded by Satan. Standard COG mythology. One should always remember that there is only ONE true Christian on the face of the earth today: the Great Bwana himself.

Bwana said:

Those who are not being true Christians can be blinded by Satan, real Christians cannot be.

The Apostle Paul warned:

30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. (Acts 20:30)

Brethren, do not let those who speak perverse things deceive you.

The greatest speaker of perverseness to the African members of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" is Bob himself followed by at least two of his so-called evangelists. 

It has long been reported here and in various Sabbatraian news networks that African Sabbatarians will church hop from one denomination to another till they find what they need. While the leaders may be more devoted to the Sabbatarian myths, many members til cling to tribal traditions in order to remain part of their communities.

Many in Africa, Haiti, and various other parts of the world believe that witch doctors are powerful. Various ones have succumbed to such superstition.

The Bible opposes the use of witchcraft and casting spells as the following shows:

10 … one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God … (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

Someone recently asked me if true Christians can be blinded by demonic curses from “powerful witchdoctors.” My response was no.

Since Bob is not a true Christian where does this place Bob in the grand scheme of things? He is right that real Christians do not have anything to fear, but this is Bob talking, and who has made an entire lifetime of talking about anything but Jesus and what's been accomplished and understood by multiple millions of Christians down through the ages. At least until the ugly head of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God reared its ugly head.


DW said...

Bob is the personification of a Karen.

Karen Thiel, chief overseer of the continuing church of Jesus who? Satanists have a lot in common with our false tiny prophet. Neither recognize Jesus, but will occasionally pay Him lip service.

Tonto said...

Thiel needs a new name to stay relevant to his African followers... perhaps DR. BOMBAY (from the TV show "Bewitched")

When there was a strange occurrence or condition caused by a supernatural illness happened on "Bewitched" Dr. Bombay's assistance is often sought. He could be summoned by the phrase: "Calling Dr. Bombay, calling Dr. Bombay. Emergency, come right away."

Anonymous said...

In some sort of karmic joke, a grifter has attracted other grifters..................and pretends not to notice that they are grifting each other!

It's about as funny as hypothetical credit card scam artists investing their proceeds with Bernie Madoff!

Anonymous said...

Demons manifest in front of God. They can't help it in his presence so, if Bob Thiel....
1) Doesn't know they are there
2) They don't react to God's supposed presence in Bob Thiel
3) Bob knows he has no power & authority so he does nothing, because he can't,
Bob Thiel is a false prophet of God.
If you want to watch a real man of God in action, watch some of Derek Prince's old YouTube videos. Compare Bob Thiel to Derek Prince. No comparison.

Anonymous said...

Someone recently asked me if true Christians can be blinded by demonic curses from “powerful witchdoctors.” My response was no.

Sounds like "once saved always saved," the idea that if Satan can deceive you, you were never a Christian. How does Bob know that Satan can't deceive through witch doctors?

Anonymous said...

I don't get the sense he's admitting here that he has witch doctors in his church, I think he's just saying that he believes that they have no power over him.

Anonymous said...

"Bob Thiel Finally Admitting That Witch Doctors Are Active In His Church?"

Sooner or later CCG members are going to have to realize there are also Witch-Prophets in their church.