Saturday, May 20, 2023

Dave Rains Down Damnation On RCG Teens: "So let's talk about what God says He has in store for young people today who will be ripped up and eaten alive if they don't pay attention."


Suffer The Children


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God must love the phrase, “Kill them with kindness.” He just needs to figure out what that second part means.


During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 443)” on May 18, 2023, the Pastor General goes out of his way to prove the Tier System of his self-control has further eroded. He goes complete hellfire and brimstone on “the young people” in The Restored Church of God who do not sit up straight enough in his presence.


Grandpa Dave dumps an ice-cold bucket of harsh reality upon the youth of RCG. God will not protect them in the days ahead solely because they attend Services. Sanctification through a believing parent does not apply when the First Kingdom to Israel arrives Saturday night. Or maybe it is Sunday morning. Hard to know.


If the young people have their eyes on the door or only come because their parents make them, the Tribulation will turn them into sausage. This applies especially to those teens who want to see Taylor Swift in concert. If you think those are jokes, keep reading.


Fearmongering is no longer just for the adults in The Restored Church of God. Now the kids can lose just as much sleep as their parents. Talk about renewed family unity.


Grandpa Dave takes “tough love” seriously. He just needs to figure out what that second part means.



Part 443 is Ken Orel’s new favorite message because Grandpa Dave really sticks it to the shrinking youth population. He must have been tapping his feet, thinking about all the teenagers soon to be kicked out of their homes for leaving RCG.


Messages like this prove to the remaining teens the wisdom of their friends who bolted out the door once the turkey thermometer popped 18.


The opening comments set the somber mood in the Main Hall at Headquarters on Thursday.


Part 443 – May 18, 2023

@ 00:09 Let me open with a kind of a stark statement. What’s coming in the First Kingdom is vastly worse than anything we dreamed. And I am thankful of my responsibility, my charge, which is to make plain what I have not yet made plain…This’ll be the most sobering, most horrific message you’ve ever heard. Yet, the most fascinating in its own way. And I wanna talk a little bit to start about the generation that God is gonna deal with.


Grandpa Dave paints a black-and-white picture for the members of The Restored Church of God with Part 443. But early on, he relates to the teens by making a pop culture reference.

@ 00:57 First, how many of you’ve heard of Taylor Swift? Okay. She’s this filthy, lewd entertainer who travels the world with barely anything onand she’s starting a world tour right now where she expects to net something over a billion dollars for herself.


Brethren previously learned what a "filthy thing" Kim Kardashian was for selling underwear. Now they realize that Taylor Swift is also "filthy" because she keeps the money for herself that could be spent on trees for the Campus.


He is disgusted with how much Taylor Swift tickets cost and all the money she will make. You cannot help but hear a tone of jealousy in Grandpa Dave's voice. He must be tormented about all that Common money not finding its way into his pocket so he can pay off the buildings or “whatever we’d do.”


He goes on for so long you start to wonder if he will declare her to be the Whore of Babylon.



Grandpa Dave patches his flawed ideas of the First Kingdom to Israel with generous layers of biblical spackle and prophetic Bondo. It took 77 minutes in Part 443 to fix 61 minutes of Part 442 from five days ago.


The First Kingdom to Israel is one month long, not ten days.

It begins on Sivan 1, not Pentecost.

Sivan 1 is May 20/21.


The Second Kingdom of God begins on Tammuz 1, not Trumpets.

Tammuz 1 is June 19/20.


Perhaps the yawning teens in the room finally set Grandpa Dave off. Maybe a teenager at Headquarters just left. Someone ignited a reaction from “This Old Shepherd” because he goes for the jugular.

@ 1:24:22 Turn over to Jeremiah 5. 'Cause I'm gonna have to talk to our young people. Our young people in the church are in a different category than their baptized parents, and they need to know it. And I'm gonna tell them right now exactly what the Scriptures say. You are not under God's protection because you come to this church. And if you were born to Noah, Daniel, and Job, and they were in it, you wouldn't be under His protection. So if you are a young person out there today, listen now…I've watched them sit in this room. There may be some now. There are two types of young people…those that have left the church and those that will. We've reached a point where that's it.


The young people watch the continual date-setting. They hear the ranting and raving that prove false just a few days later. In many ways, the youth of RCG believe their Bibles more than their parents do. They are proving to be the bravest and wisest among the brethren of The Restored Church of God because they refuse to stay under the rule of a PROVEN false prophet.


David C. Pack is not a man of his word, and the young people know it.


And he wonders why they choose to leave?


@ 1:25:20 I watch their eyes and dance. They think the old man doesn't read 'em. I read 'em like a book. I read 'em easier than "See Spot Run, Sally." Just watch 'em leave. Watch the way some of 'em sit in their chairs. They're here because their parents tell them to be here. So let's talk about the youth of The Restored Church of God. They will get no slack because they haven't left. Unless they fear God and start right now. So let's talk about what God says He has in store for young people today who will be ripped up and eaten alive if they don't pay attention.


Listen to Grandpa Dave or be ripped up and eaten alive, kids. Listen to a man chasing his tail for over ten years, setting over sixty failed dates for the return of Jesus Christ, and threatening parents with the Lake of Fire if they do not sign bigger checks.


And he wonders why they choose to leave.


@ 1:26:15 Jeremiah 5:7. God says, "When I fed them to the full, they then committed adultery and assembled themselves at harlot's houses like troops," like soldiers in Thailand or Vietnam. Verse eight, "They were as fed horses in the morning. Every one neighed after his neighbor's wife."


How exactly does this apply to the young people in The Restored Church of God? Which teenagers are committing adultery or neighing after wives?


Wait. Headquarters has some hot moms, so maybe Grandpa Dave knows more than he is letting on. You know, for the sake of discretion that he is well-known for.


@ 1:26:41 And the younger you are in this generation, the likely the more rotten you are inside. Unless you change. There are exceptions, of course.


To be fair to Grandpa Dave, this did not sound like he was saying 8-year-olds are more rotten than 12-year-olds. I think he meant that a 4-year-old is more rotten than a 24-year-old. Actually, that does not sound any better.


The young people in the room must have been thankful when Grandpa Dave moved on to other topics. Little did they know he was not done with them yet.



@ 1:31:35 Presumably, we would believe that Noah, Daniel, and Job’s kids attended Services. But, if they were filthy kids, they die.


Watching Dave imitate the teens is not humorous, like his impression of Kim Kardashian. There is a deep-seated resentment coming to the surface as he mocks them. He must have been stewing on this for a long time. The swelling bitter waters broke forth from below the surface, and he was determined to drown them in brotherly love.

@ 1:32:49 “Well, I don’t think I hafta obey God.” Really? “I don’t believe a lion’s gonna come and eat me.” “Well, you’ll believe if yer in his mouth.” That’s what I’ll say. I don’t like to talk to our young people this–I don’t wanna give this sermon. No one would wanna give this sermon. The next group that hears it is eight billion. But there it is.


What does he mean he does not like it? But, Grandpa Dave, you are so good at it. You are in true form when you dole out corrections stemming from a place of meanness. His tirade is not shrouded in outgoing love and concern. The young people are leaving RCG, and it ticks him off.


They roll their eyes and slump in their chairs because they are not as good as their parents at hiding the "Oh, please…" expression each time he sets a new date and reverses what he taught the day before. “Oh, ANOTHER final message?” Kids are good at sniffing out lies. And they lose respect much faster than adults in the face of proven fraud.


The assessment of the young people in The Restored Church of God about their Pastor General is no more severe than their parents. The parents just fake it better.


And he wonders why they choose to leave.



@ 1:33:20 I don’t stop and talk to the young people very much. I love ‘em. I go to Camp when I can and see them. There’re many of them that are fine people.


How can you love someone you do not talk to? Maybe that happens on OnlyFans, but not in the real world. Grandpa Dave has little patience for young people who do not give him the proper respect and attention he deserves. He generally avoids the kids at Headquarters, and they generally avoid him. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement that worked up until now.


He does spend time with his favorites, though. Especially his unrelated yet annexed "grandchildren." There is an elite group of teens he will engage with from time to time. If they are a minister’s kid, he will sometimes throw them a bone by acknowledging they exist as he walks by.


When AYC Campers come to Headquarters, Grandpa Dave puts on his Best Behavior Underwear to appear personable and engaging. Outside of that, it is mainly kissing babies and hugs from toddlers.


@ 1:34:02 So, what do you do with young people like that? A lotta ‘em are gonna get ripped up. “Oh, Mr. Pack, you’re being too harsh.” Well, I’m just quoting God. I’m only quoting a fraction of the verses on this subject.


This is the God that Pastor General David C. Pack presents to the youth of The Restored Church of God. The teens in the church can look forward to the same punishment that fornicating, drug-using, parent-hating children “in the world” get. So, what is the point of dressing up for Sabbath Services and sitting through two hours of prophetic fraud every week?


Whether you sit in the chair or not, if you know Grandpa Dave is full of malarkey, being lion food is your fate within the next four days.


And he wonders why they choose to leave.



By this point in the message, Ken Orel must have pissed himself with excitement. He is no longer the “most harsh minister” when it comes to letting the RCG young people know “how it really is.”


Even though some wife-neighing teenagers in RCG will be eaten by lions next week, Grandpa Dave points out that there is a happy ending.

@ 1:39:52 …you’ll love the finished product. When God has to deal with our young people, if they’re too stupid and can’t seek God and avoid this, then God says, “You know, I got this. I got this. I’ma work it out. You'll like the way it ends with your kids. But you won't like the process. Kinda like everybody likes to taste sausage, but you don’t like to see how it’s made. And God’s gonna He’s gonna it’s gonna be something.


Children of The Restored Church of God:

Our Sausage of the Future™


Undoubtedly, the parents in the audience appreciated the idea of their children being likened to meat pressed through a grinder.



@ 1:55:50 There is no [Part] 444. I made it plain. I believe absolutely, with every fiber of my being…the Lord Jesus Christ will surely come, and all of this will start. But I will wait for the rest of my life. I hope all of us will. And you young people, get on your knees. You don’t get a pass because of whose womb you came out of. Or whom your father is. Someone who loves you, God chastens every son that He loves. I’m telling you, young people, listen. And if you’re gonna move, you better move fast. You better move fast. Godspeed Saturday night. Goodnight.


This message was on Thursday. The young people in The Restored Church of God have until sunrise in Jerusalem at 10:38 PM ET tonight to turn things around.


Grandpa Dave cared so much about these unbaptized members of The Restored Church of God that he forgot to tell them HOW to do it. How does one without the Holy Spirit repent before God?


He did not offer the concept of fasting to show their commitment to change. Perhaps he was leaving that for the parents to instruct. How many RCG families prayed and fasted together on this topic? How many parents were peppered with frantic questions after Mr. Pack marched back upstairs?


How many young people and adults alike knew to ignore Grandpa Dave because he would probably change his tune on Saturday?


That is not far-fetched. This is the same false apostle who said this and completely reversed it the next time he spoke.


Flashback Part 438 – April 27, 2023

@ 1:07:23 If your relatives are dead, thank God every day that your relatives are dead…everybody who’s shot and killed in this world right now…drop to your knees and thank God they were killed.


The young people in RCG pay attention more than he thinks. They remember exactly what was said and recognize when it is walked back.


Grandpa Dave never clarified one vital detail: What does "young people” mean? Was he talking to 19-year-olds or 9-year-olds? Or both? How young is too young to be eaten by lions next week?


If the sanctification of the believing, baptized parent is nullified in the coming days, does that mean toddlers are held to the same standards as teenagers? He never explained this.


David C. Pack and Kenneth M. Orel still wonder why young people leave RCG. They want to blame this rotten generation and worsening world conditions.


Both men are too blind to see it is due to the worsening conditions inside The Restored Church of God.

Marc Cebrian

See: Suffer the Children 


Anonymous said...

I'm shocked that Dave didn't threaten the young people by insisting that if they don't listen to Mr. Pack, God will "give" them homosexuality. He's made just about every other threat. These kids that are leaving are actually the perceptive ones. I doubt that Dave has the credibility with them that they would fear anything that he has to say!

By the way, if you are worried about meat hooks, it ain't no big thang! I accidentally sat on one that rolled up behind me while I was working in a meat processing plant. Just make sure you get to a doctor. There are meat organisms that can cause a nasty infection.

Feastgoer said...

Come to think of it, Mr. Pack has a point!

I'm disgusted with the price of Taylor Swift tickets, too. Maybe others are as well.

Not that I was planning to go....

DW said...

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers; you should realize that those of us who did will be judged with stricter judgement. The tongue is a small member, yet it makes great pretensions. It exists among our members as a whole universe of malice. The tongue no man can tame. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. Where there are jealousy and strife, there also are inconsistency and all kinds of vile behavior.

These passages in James 3 should trouble all at the compound.

Anonymous said...

Once again Pack demonstrates that he is in no way shape or form a man of God, albeit this may be the most grotesque example. Jesus Christ knew not only exactly what to say when dealing with people, he also knew exactly what tone to use so as to reach their heart. Sometimes soft, as with the adulterous woman, and sometimes harsh as with the Pharisees. Speaking this harshly to teens and young adults shows that Pack is unbelievably far from follow following the example of our Savior, and he is a very sick individual.

Earl said...

What a disgusting individual Dave is!

Anonymous said...

Who cares what this Millerite preacher said to the young people? He says all kinds of stuff to all kinds of people. This guy is "on the spectrum" somewhere.

Let's cut to the chase. At one end of the spectrum, one pole, is David Koresh. At the other end of the spectrum, the opposite pole, is the Amazing Criswell. At the Criswell end we have entertainment. At the Koresh end, we have serious danger.

The only issue that matters is whether he will gravitate towards the Koresh end. As long as he hovers around the Amazing Criswell end, who cares. If he is going to gravitate towards the Koresh end, someone needs to have a plan right now. If he reaches the Koresh end, it's too late. Waco happened quickly. A package broke open on a mail truck and a casing for a grenade rolled out. That started it. I bet that made a good sermon in the Waco Compound on the next Sabbath.

This is what counts - the movement on the spectrum. Everything else, like this post (one of many, many) is about rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

Dave is a bullheaded loon.

Anonymous said...

I’m so looking forward to the day Dave’s little kingdom comes crashing down around him. When he loses his members, his campus and is left with nothing but his own pitiful self wondering how his god could have forsaken him.

Sweetblood777 said...

Don't you just want to throw a bag over his head and then punch him up? This man is SICK. He is a demon in human flesh and hunger for whatever money you have remaining.

Anonymous said...

This coming from a man who has absolutely no contact with his grown children and grandchildren. These pseudo-scare tactics may have worked with the baby boomer generation, like me, but thankfully kids are far more skeptical as they should be now. There's nothing for them in the COG's, I say run! Run away!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it would be a tragedy if another "W" city (Wadsworth) had its own Waco. But, you know, Dave's followers have been warned in very high profile ways that the followers of Jim Jones and David Koresh were not. This site has been around for many years now. And, even if it were not, Dennis, and Marc, and Dawn have not exactly been invisible! So, Dave's followers have no excuse. If they hang around until worst case scenario happens, that's on them! I will feel vey badly if RCG ends with such a bang! But I will not feel badly for people who had been warned and ignored the warning!!!

Anonymous said...

Shame on the parents who force their kids into staying in this. The accountability is on them

Mark Wolfe said...

One of my all time favorite clips of Dave.

He comes off as who he angry raving lunatic.

But his imitations of young people is stand up comic hilarious. Couple that with his arm gyrations and you have comedy gold.