In a letter yesterday to his 100 Caucasians and a few in Africa who might really care, the Great Bwana announced that he is dumping another load of books on the web that have been translated by language bots into foreign languages, and by doing so is preaching the greatest gospel message in human history! Due to that fact, Bwana Bob wants you to join his gravy train and send him your money because no other church on the face of the entire earth deserves it more than he does! Open those wallets up boys and girls! He doesn't want to hear metal clinking in the offering tray!
For some idiotic reason, the more translations of his booklets he gets translated by language bots is getting the gospel across to the world. How can that be when what he presents is a false gospel and is lucky to have one or two people in an entire country read it?
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
Greetings from the Five Cities region of California.
We have been working on many aspects of the final phase of the work.
We hope and pray that you believe God wants you to support the final phase of the work.
Continuing to Make the Gospel of the Kingdom Booklet Accessible in More Languages
The final phase of the work includes reaching all we can with the good news of the kingdom of God to the world as a witness–which will also bear fruit.
Jesus said:
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)
29 They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. (Luke 13:29)
Those scriptures support the view that multiple languages being used to reach people before Jesus returns–and that is also specifically pointed to in Revelation 7:9,14
While we had the English version of The Gospel of the Kingdom of God booklet translated into hundreds of languages, we still want to reach more people in as many languages as we can.
Last evening, we received formatted files for 25 more languages–this is in addition to the 27 translations we reported about last week. We plan to upload them and make them available shortly.
We also expect that we will receive many more translations as that is also something we are working on.
Having materials in as many languages as we can helps set the stage for the fulfillment of the prophecies of Luke 13:29and Matthew 24:14
as well as others such as Revelation 7:9
and Romans 11:25
Never before in history has a booklet on the good news of the coming kingdom of God been translated into as many languages as we have done in the CCOG.
And, as also mentioned last week, more are expected!
Maybe Bob should explain to us in 2023 how his 2012 book fulfills Bible prophecy, along with his book about Hillary Clinton in prophecy.
In his approach to prophecy, Bob is like a sad and lonely monkey flinging poo against a wall, hoping that a few of his throws will get him the attention he so desperately craves.
Give it up Bob. Nobody is buying what you are selling. Two people who share the same last name you do, don't count as reaching the world with the Gospel!
Btw, you preach another gospel and another jesus, so no matter how hard you try to get noticed here on earth, it's the notice from Heaven you should be losing sleep over!
And please, please ditch this ridiculous line of the "final phase of the work". Not even remotely Biblical. What is Biblical is the following, "At this they said to Him, What must we do to perform the works of God? Jesus replied, This is the Work of God. Have faith in the One Whom He has sent". John 6:28
What I am waiting for, is for just one of these guys to make a major creative effort, without bragging to all of us about it, and to instead allow the street buzz to naturally percolate back, producing kudos and confirmation from others than themselves. Isn't that the way to truly establish that they have been successful?
Armstrongism has been in "tree falling in the middle of the forest" mode for the past 35 years now. The funny thing is that we've been watching even the largest groups with the greatest resources, whom one would expect to be having the most significant results, reporting single digit increases to their campaigns, and low double digit annual increases in membership for years now. And I strongly suspect that even those meager statistics have been tampered with!
Also, while some may report increases in Africa, one must be a chess player and think two or three moves ahead! If you are dealing in gospel. you want those who receive it to have a broad audience, so that as they travel and talk it up, the next tier receives it and continues it around the globe. I love that people care about the Africans, because it is a largely forgotten and neglected continent with many adversities. However, most African church members are not globe trotters, meaning that such ACOG luminaries as Bob Thiel are severely limited in any sort of expanding capabilities, regardless of their number of African members. This is not HWA and his Japanese sons! Or HWA and Sadat, although we do know that some of Bob's people are politicians. It's just not on the same scale.
We do live in times when the craziest of the crazy dominate the news cycles. Somehow, the ACOG sort of crazy just never rises to the top. If once in a blue moon, there is a little blurb, it somehow never translates into a sustainable trend.
In todays information age, you can count on viral organic information traveling very fast.
For instance , if there really was a baldness cure, or wrinkle cure that worked , the word of mouth would travel at the speed of light, and there would be people lined up around the block to buy the stuff. In other words, no need for expensive marketing, or self promotion.
Bob has been at this for some 10 years now, and there is no "buzz" , no viral organic "word of mouth" or any shockingly true predictions that are specifically time stamped and provable.
Anon @ 11:05, that is too funny! I have often thought of Bob in that exact same scenario. But the irony is, even that would not work for him. He is never going to garner the attention, whether good or bad, he so desperately, desperately wants.
But the sad part is, Bob is the only one who doesn't believe that. He has so thoroughly convinced himself that one of these days, he will take off and become a great man, leading a huge movement, known all over the world to usher in the second coming of Jesus. He will be the one man on planet earth to "finish the work". He will never realize that he was finished before he ever got started. Why? A few obvious reasons, but the main one being his arrogance. The further to the back of the line he gets shoved, the more important his "work" becomes. The greater the attention on other cog leaders is, the louder Bob will claim he has the biggest ex WCG group. The results of his efforts is the direct inverse of his intended effect. He is merely running on ice, getting nowhere. So he multiplies his efforts, falsely bumps up his stats and the actual results are a shrinking membership. Deep, deep down he knows this and that is why he has to again, falsely tout how great he is, his group is, his message is. The audacity of going to great lengths to translate his filthy booklets is the perfect example. Nobody is reading this garbage in English, so why not translate it in Urdu??
Bob, take care of your family. Enjoy the time you have left. Ponder the consequences of just where your pride has gotten you.
How can Bob write about Jesus when he has no relationship with him? He is blind and deaf when it comes to the Word of God. He displays ignorance of scripture every time he opens his mouth.
We have been working on many aspects of the final phase of the work.
Which will go on for another 2000 years.
I recommend that Bob compile a cookbook based on natural foods that are predictive of better health, foods that can be easily prepared in a crock pot. Like that, he can be elevated in his life's status from Crackpot Prophet to the Crock Pot Prophet! People will naturally embrace him so that he no longer needs to cry that nobody loves him! Even Jesus will find these dishes delicious and delightful! Smile, Bob! You want Jesus to love at least something that you are doing, n'est ce pas?
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