Monday, May 15, 2023

LCG: Those Pesky Germans Are Now Cooperating With The Japanese…And You Know What THAT Means


Where would the Living Church of God be without a bogeyman to whip their members into a frenzied state of fear? Nothing occupies the minds of prophecy addicts in LCG more than the Germans. Trying to ride the wave of Herbert Armstrong's hatred of the Germans and his outright lies about Hitler being alive in South America, LCG continues to dream of Germany spanking the United States. 

Nothing excites them (and Bob Thiel) more than the possibility of Germany occupying the United States, Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand more than this. Concentration camps, meat hooks, youth taken as slaves to Europe, parents eating children, the list can go on and on in this orgasmic quagmire of blood and misery. After all, this has to happen or they will be exposed as false prophets, and we all know that THAT cannot happen!

Now those pesky Germans have started working with the Japanese as they try and combat the aggressiveness of China in that region. LCG sees this as a sure sign of prophecy that Germand and Jalan are cooperating ice again as they did during WWII. The excitement meter is off the charts on this one!

Germany and Japan Work More Closely: China’s aggressive regional actions are seen as a threat by many of its neighbors—which, in turn, are looking to gain support from allies. As the war in Ukraine continues, Germany and Japan are working more closely. In March, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz led a high-level delegation of German cabinet ministers to Japan for talks on strategic collaboration (Deutsche Welle, March 18, 2023). Chancellor Scholz brought with him ministers of defense, economy and climate, transportation, finance, foreign policy, and interior. Each minister met with his or her Japanese counterpart and explored areas of future collaboration.

The COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine “exposed the vulnerabilities that stem from one-sided dependencies [on China]. And so, in 2022, Germany and Japan agreed to plan bilateral inter-governmental consultations to deepen their collaboration—with a focus on economic security.” The March meeting was Chancellor Scholz’s second visit to Japan in 11 months. He expects to return for G7 meetings this month. “Collaboration is to be intensified in many areas: the fight against the climate crisis, food security, cybersecurity, telecommunications, and others.” The two nations also plan to work together to locate new sources of critical minerals as they wean themselves from their dependency on China.

Japan and Germany are no strangers to each other. They fought on the same side just 80 years ago in World War II, and they have many needs and ambitions in common. They are both highly industrialized nations with sizable economies. Revelation 18 states that the end-time European “beast” power—likely led by Germany—will be a powerful global economic force for a short time before the return of Jesus Christ. With this understanding of the future in mind, it is interesting to watch Germany make further vital connections around the globe. For greater insights on this topic, be sure to read or listen to The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-Coming Reality?


Tonto said...

Remember , the largest ethnic group in America is GERMAN with some 40 Million people. Germany itself only has 80 million people.

Maybe the USA is Assyria/ Babylon "King of the North" ???

Anonymous said...

Everything old is new again. SOS that I grew up with in the 50,s/60’s. Took years for me to deprogram from those visions.

Anonymous said...

Didn't RCM stay in WCG until lawsuit was paid (by WCG) then he drew a following from WCG to form his breakaway sect? Nice guy!

DW said...

The USA is not in Scripture. I think it's hard for those of us who are proud Americans to believe we are absent, but we are just not in there. Herein lies the danger and folly of Armstrongism; looking for yourself, however tenuous the connection, in Biblical passages leads to British Israelism and Dave Pack. Not a good place to be.

Anonymous said...

He needs to get with it. The Muslims are moving into cities and taking them over with their loud speakers announcing a call to prayer 5 times a day. They crash home values.. People move out. We dealt with Black Lives Matter and Antifa burning down businesses and cities scaring tax payers and home owners
out of the area so evil people purchase it at low cost. Same with the stock market. They crash it intentionally to get people to panic and sell so evil people get it at low prices. Let's have real news instead of fake German news.

R.L. said...

I thought Germany was plotting with the Kremlin.

At least, that's the book WCG members used to tout.

Anonymous said...

The scenario that they attribute to the Book of Revelation is rooted in the idea that the United States is Israel and Germany is Assyria (who knows how they fit the Japanese in). But genetics has demonstrated beyond doubt that the USA is not Israel and Germany is not Assyria.
So their scenario is as unlikely to happen as it is that Franz Josef Strauss will come back from the dead and lead the Beast.

The Germans and the Japanese may make common cause. But this union of old allies will not have anything to do with Armstrongist prognostication.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? We baby boomers won! HWA did not get to rob us of our lives. We got to live them in spite of his fear-mongering false prophecies.

Hope you younger ones take your lessons from our example. Don't be fearing the bovine excretions of the Armstrongism-franchisees! If enough walk away, just maybe these guys will have to get a real job. That'd be really educational for them and might even change some of their attitudes.

Anonymous said...

"Germand and Jalan are cooperating ice again"?

Anonymous said...

Wait till the Germans and Italians get together! We all know what happens then—it always ends in tears! lol