Sunday, May 14, 2023

Continuing Church of God: Where fantasy and reality do not match up.


A perfect description of why Bob Thiel is such a failure as a Church of God Leader:

DW commented on "How Big Is Big? How Small Is Small? Crackpot Prophet Pretends To Solve That Problem"
Only Bob sees himself as a "big man", when in reality, everyone else sees him as the smallest man in the room. He is soooo desperate to be seen as a prophet and God's guy doing a great work, that he has imagined himself just like that. The fantasy and the realty do not match up. He has imagined himself a church leader, imagined himself a prophet, imagined his dreams have biblical/prophetic implications, imagined he understands the entirety of Scripture and imagined people would flock to his church. If he genuinely had a double portion of the Holy Spirit, he would, in fact, be leading the biggest mega church the world over, teaching orthodox Christian doctrines. The churches would be bursting at the seams, he would have millions of members and be a household name. Instead, the reality is that Bob has <150 members, nobody outside of his family and friends know who he is, he teaches heretical doctrines and nobody is beating his door down to get in.
The bottom line is that Bob sees himself and the world through the lens of Armstrongism, not reality. He doesn't even see the incredible irony that his worldview comes from another little man, who desperately wanted to be a big man, HWA. Reality will never match his fantasy, whether he admits it or not.


Anonymous said...

I agree.

DW said...

Hey, thanks Banned! Glad it made sense to if only Bob could see the light, but I dream!!!

Anonymous said...


This is an accurate description of Thiel. Well done!

DW said...

Thanks Anon @ 5:17. Never met him, don't want to, but he is so transparent Helen Keller could see through Him!