One would think that after 12 years of running his own little lackluster personality cult, Bwana Bob Thiel would be over his bitterness towards the Living Church of God. Yet, here we are in May of 2023 and Bitter Bob is back again bemoaning the fact that LCG leadership and church members refuse to acknowledge him as a real prophet.
After reading on this blog the latest update from LCG about recent ordinations to "evangelist" rank of several men, Bitter Bob had to post a comment on his blog about it, crying about how they refuse to accept prophets in this day and age.
05/18/23 a.m. LCG reported the following:
This has been an exciting and enlightening week for those of us on the Council of Elders. Nineteen of the 20 members were able to meet in person, and Mr. Robert Tyler participated online from Australia, despite the significant time difference. ... Our experiences down through the years have been different and our gifts from God are different, just as Paul explained in 1 Corinthians 12. A highlight of the meetings was the ordination to evangelist of Messrs. Peter Nathan, Jonathan McNair, Rod McNair, and Wallace Smith. Another highlight was presenting to Peter and Karen Nathan a crystal eagle in recognition of their fifty years of service in the ministry. We pray all will return home safely and energized to pass along news of the Work.—Gerald Weston
Council of Elders: Mr. Gerald Weston, Mr. Richard Ames, Mr. Steven Elliott, Dr. Jeffrey Fall, Mr. Lambert Greer, Mr. Daniel Hall, Mr. Mario Hernandez, Mr. Jonathan McNair, Mr. Rod McNair, Mr. Rand Millich, Mr. Peter Nathan, Mr. Paul Shumway, Mr. Wallace Smith, Mr. Rick Stafford, Mr. John Strain, Mr. Rob Tyler, Mr. Stuart Wachowicz, Mr. Dexter Wakefield, Mr. Adam West, Dr. Douglas Winnail
So, several in LCG have been elevated.
"So",,, well, we can quickly see the bitterness starting to rise up in vain Bob. They were raised up but I never was! Boo hoo!
Gerald Weston pointed to 1 Corinthians 12 which teaches:
7. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the benefit of all. 8. For to one, a word of wisdom is given by the Spirit; and to another, a word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9. And to a different one, faith by the same Spirit; and to another, gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10. And to another, the working of miracles; and to another, prophecy; and to another, discerning of spirits; and to a different one, various languages; and to another, the interpretation of languages. 11. But the one and the same Spirit is operating in all these things, dividing separately to each one as God Himself desires. (1 Corinthians 12:7-11
, A Faithful Version)
LCG does not accept that God has given the gift of prophecy as it does not accept prophets-despite its founder who said that God might consider Bob Thiel to be a prophet. As far as gifts prophesied to exist now, check out the article: Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18?
Rod Meredith was correct in not acknowledging Bob as a prophet. Meredith recognized Bob's narcissism as not good for the church and the fact that Bob is a liar when it comes to prophecy and Bible knowledge. Bob still is bitter about the fact that THREE different Churches of God REFUSED to ordain him--the Worldwide Church of God, the Global Church of God, and the Living Church of God.
As for his prophet status, it is a moot point. Real Biblical prophets make a statement about an event that WILL happen, then does happen. Bitter Bob's only avenue as a prophet is to qualify each statement with a "what if", "maybe", "could it be" or after every utterance use this "?". The only thing real about Bob is the fact he is a fraud. Living Church of God recognized that.
HWA was still complaining about the COG 7th Day , calling it Sardis and the like , and how they rejected him more than 50 years after the fact. So Bob is simply emulating one of his heroes.
Adam West is listed on the Council of Elders for LCG.
It's a shame that Robin Webber didnt join up with them, as then the Council could have a BATMAN and ROBIN on it! :-)
This is exactly what I just commented about on today's article about Bob completing the "final phase of the work". One of the other groups gets attention, Bob touts his self appointed prophet status, or some other perceived win.
The harder he tries, the worse and more desperate he becomes. This is shamefully embarrassing Bob. You are only making this worse for yourself. Christianity is supposed to be about Jesus, not Bob Thiel. You just don't get that do you? So what, even if you were a genuine e prophet, which you most assuredly are not? So what? Are you using it to lead people to salvation in Jesus? Are you using it to edify the word of God? No. You use it to make yourself seem big and important, that's all. I pity you.
Let's tell it to Bob like it really is!!!
Bob, you anticipated that you had enough standing in LCG, and capital with the members that you would be able to raid the church and pilfer the majority of the members, bringing them along to your alleged "Continuing" Church of God. But, you overestimated your own importance, found out you were just a little pissant, yet somehow you have been shocked for over twelve years now. Know what? The fact that you failed is nobody's fault but your own! It's not the members' fault that they remained with the more stable platform! Take a little introspection, Bob, and realize why LCG has rejected you! Maybe you have enough years left in your life to correct this failure. Many successful people have failed multiple times before attaining success. They learned valuable lessons from their failures, and made the necessary corrections. If all you can do is cry about it, you never will!
It's up to you! I personally believe you will choose to remain clueless, but prove us wrong!!!
Bitter Bob is back again bemoaning the fact that LCG leadership and church members refuse to acknowledge him as a real prophet.
Sounds like Bob needs validation from others. All weak people do. Perhaps he is unsure of himself. Did Jesus need validation from the Pharisees? I speak as a fool.
Yes, but perhaps he has been a bigger influence than he realizes! Does Bob remind anyone else of the grievance-based ploiticians who have become so popular? I believe we can give him a healthy portion of credit for being an influencer at the very least. He certainly started his whining years before they ever did!
This short clip shows how to deal with religious people who are false witnesses.
As a prophet myself I need to predict:
Warming weather this summer with a cooler period followed by much colder, but the some warming in the Spring
Economically, I predict continuing borrowing with some attempts to curb it depending and possibly.
I predict that the Ukraine/Russia war will continue until it doesn't. Putin will be seen as a leader or a bafoon depending and Zelensky a hero possibly.
Politically I see elections looming with various mentally healthy or mostly not humans shouting "Ew ew...pick me, pick me" Age will or won't be a factor depending possibly.
I'm seeing different parts of the country being different from other parts of the country depending and quite possibly.
I also predict that neither the Assyrians nor Babylonians will attack Isreal in the coming year, depending. If attacked I predict Israel will respond and it most likely will be a Trumpets, Atonement, FOT or Spring Holyday event, maybe.
And yes brethren...I am a prophet. My mom said that this was possible and it might be so. She served me a double portion of ice cream last a few months ago, so I think it is obvious that , indeed, I might be a prophet. No, for sure I am.....
Far more possible for your predictions to happen, Anon @ 7:05, than Bob's..definitely!
It actually amazes me that he admits that RCM said God MIGHT consider him a prophet. Apparently God Himself was not sure.
Predictions are not prophecies, but desperate little Bob does not understand the difference. So, once again I ask you Bob, where is the "Thus saieth the Lord"? Always conspicuously absent. Gee, I wonder why?
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