Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

LCG Members Constantly Being Tested About Their Faith


From Doug:

Trials Test our Faith: The Apostle Paul warned, “in the last days perilous times will come” (2 Timothy 3:1). Jesus wondered aloud, “when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). When the challenges of life begin to mount, we need to remember that faith is one of the fruits of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and that God gives His Spirit to those who trust Him and obey His instructions (Acts 5:32). While we must do our part to stir up God’s Spirit to overcome our trials and fears (2 Timothy 1:6–7), we can ask God for more faith (Matthew 7:7–8). We need to remember that faith comes from hearing and studying God’s word (Romans 10:17), that God is faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9), and that He protects and preserves His faithful people (Psalm 31:1–4, 23–24). James wrote, “the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1:2–6). When trials come, let’s remember to do our part by studying the examples of faith recorded in Hebrews 11, as we strive to please God and stay focused on His plan.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Laodicea Era getting ready to Fry in the Trib.

    Perhaps one of the greatest challenges of all these days is all the godless and wicked people in the splinter groups who target the innocent and unsuspecting members and whose evil behavior is supported by all the fake ministers in the splinter groups. It truly seems as if there really is nothing but evil in the splinter groups. The splinter groups simply are not the safe havens that they ought to be. It looks like the Laodicea Era of the church is ready to get spit out into the Great Tribulation.

  2. Doug is repeating himself again. I guess he assumes that nobody in LCG today was in the group in March 2011.

  3. "We must do our part to stir up God's Spirit"? Doug, the HOLY Spirit is not shake and bake (and I helped, as the commercial used to say).

    Good grief. No wonder Doug is stuck in a time warp of lather, rinse, repeat. That is the H-O-L-Y Spirit. You make a mockery of Him. What a disgrace. But it does go a long way toward explaining the COGs ineffective witness. This is a minister??? SMH in utter disbelief.

  4. Aaahhhh! Isn't living on extorted tithes great?

  5. 2:58
    Dumy! Tithes are given to God who gives that to them. Duh!!

  6. It is an insult to God to suggest that the holy spirit is a "Him".

  7. Life tries and tests everyone! It's part of being alive. This is simply an insider question or cliche for people of faith who believe that they are the only ones to whom it is happening.

  8. Are they being persecuted? What trials must he be referring to? Are they in captivity or in prison like Jeremiah, Paul, John or Daniel? Everybody has trials. How is their faith being tested, here in America where there is freedom of religion. Try and test your faith like the first century church in a location where people will do away with you like parts of the middle east. Why can't Doug W. be more positive? You know because of splinterdom, people lost a lot of faith in armstrongism. I pray for the good ones to make it out of the trial, and I know what that trial is.

  9. 12.39, that was my experience while I attended services in the 1980s. My ministers were "social justice warriors" who believed that God's laws are unjust and hence the wicked members had a right to sin.
    If you licked your ministers boots, you were like a mafia made-man in your congregation. It was like the wild wild west.
    Do these church leaders ever ask themselves why God isn't sending them new members??

  10. Faith is essential to religion. It takes faith to believe in things for which there is no evidence.

  11. ... here in America where there is freedom of religion.

    Except to the extent that modern ideologly and fake science are the new religions.


  12. Doug concluded with saying:

    "...When trials come, let’s remember to do our part by studying the examples of faith recorded in Hebrews 11..."
    But Doug, those examples were each provided by God's will to start and complete some works, His works (Acts 15:18; Hebrews 4:3), for us to appreciate what God, not SELF, did in their lives.

    God had already given the gift of faith to each of those individuals, but you preach fear religion (Hebrews 2:15) when you expect people to do their part to earn salvation by meeting your requirements/prerequisites.

    Where does God's grace fit within your plan of salvation (you know; another Jesus coming "very soon" to reign on planet Earth for 1,000 years, and then fail with Jerusalem being taken over after Satan exited the pit; you SANG the song in services!)?
    You used to believe WCG was God's Church. If what remains of WCG are the laodiceans, still a part of God's Church, then what is your group and all of the other groups of hirelings that fled from that organization? Who are you?

    Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:"

    Doug, if you believed in grace, God's grace, you would believe the above verse and you would have to admit that you have no part in faith, even increasing it (Romans 12:3, 6), if you have it as you profess by "doing your part."

    Doug, for you and your flesh and blood followers: when will y'all come to believe God's words here, following?

    "That no flesh should glory in his presence." 1 Corinthians 1:29

    If God, without "your part" does not perform / complete/finish what He starts in each one of us, then God is a liar.

    When will you, Doug, stop preaching Fear Religion to your followers and give glory, honor, and praise to the great God (and not the Jesus Christ that you think is god of the Old Testament), our Father, who gives His gift of faith and increases faith by His own will?

    Time will tell...


  13. Why can't Doug W. be more positive?

    Because the woman he loves, the wife he remarried in violation of his church's teachings, hates the religion that pays the bills for their life together. Any husband would have a hard time staying positive in Doug's shoes.

  14. I don't about that, 7:50. The Supreme Court has made some decisions recently that are very favorable to Christian people. They don't have to bake cakes for gay people any more, and they get to rat on their neighbors for getting abortions.

    Also true science is a force that always corrects the fake stuff. Continued data is gradually refuting all the pseudo-science that the fossil fuels industry bought and paid for.

    1. Those decisions are based on foundations of lies. Not sure it’s going to be the gigantic win for right wing religious people that they think it will be.

  15. Lots of cheap accustations that big oil funds political science, but no evidence. So far all the evidence is that the man-made global warming hoaxsters are the ones doing the junk science.

  16. Anonymous of July 11 at 6:03; you wrote:
    “It is an insult to God to suggest that the holy spirit is a "Him".”

    My mother used to teach Greek; I wish she were around so that I could ask her – but the little I know about Greek is that just like other languages I have more familiarity with, Greek nouns are assigned either a masculine, feminine, or neuter property. Then, all pronouns referring to those nouns follow the same masculine, feminine, or neuter assignment.

    I believe that in Greek, the noun “Spirit” is neuter – therefore pronouns referring to “Spirit” should not be masculine (such as “him”), to be grammatically correct.

    However, in the original writings that have become our New Testament, the Writer, threw Greek grammar in the garbage to use masculine pronouns whenever referring to the Holy Spirit.

    Perhaps you could check on whether I am correct about this by researching the Greek texts and Greek grammar – and then report back here on your findings.

    I suggest this because I assume you care greatly about not insulting God.

    1. Well, you're also dealing with writers who would have had varying skills in Greek. I always joke that engineers never seem to have a good grasp of grammar.

  17. They tell me that God Himself inspired all scripture. So, yeah, one can safely assume that He inspired the Greek dudes to use the masculine pronouns.

  18. People don't realize that there are doctors, lawyers, accountants, and ministers who got Cs and Ds in college. Or, in the case of ACOG ministers, people who went to an unaccredited college, or got their degree from an East Indian diploma mill!

  19. I definitely know that two of the four ministers that I had while I attended services did remedial subjects when they started attending AC. They both left school at age 15 or 16. I agree with the opinion that if any student has to do remedial subjects, they should not be attending any university. A degree implies that its holder has worked hard and finished high school. Since this is not the case, the character and skills that are typically associated with a degree are simply not there. It's fraud.
