Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 20, 2023

UCG Member Robert Teitgen Found Guilty And Sent To Prison


Date of Birth08/12/1969

Est. Release Date10/22/2031

FacilityNorth Dakota State Penitentiary    (701) 328-61003100 E Railroad Ave  Bismarck, ND58506

Teitgen is the son of the late UCG minister named Herb Teitgen. He is also attended UCG's, Ambassador Bible Center and worked briefly for LifeNets.

From a reader:

It looks as though in 2022 Robert David Teitgen was found guilty.

double click to enlarge

He was also found guilty of another offense of "Terrorizing-Adult victim".

According to the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website, he is currently serving time at North Dakota State Penitentiary, with an estimated release date of 22 October 2031.


UCG Member Arrested For "gross sexual imposition and one charge of luring a minor by a computer."

UCG man pleads not guilty to sexually abusing a Grand Forks 12-year-old

Massachusetts man accused of sexually assaulting Grand Forks teen

St. Paul man pleads not guilty to sexually abusing a Grand Forks 12-year-old


  1. God at work here is the acog's...NOT!

    Goes to show you armstrongism is closer to Satanism!

  2. In a church where the word rights is taboo, why aren't I surprised?

  3. This guy's hair is white but his eyebrows are dark. By contrast my hair and eyes are both white. What gives? I see a lot of this.

  4. Behavioral scientists whom we were taught not to trust because they were intellectuals have consistently stated that overdisciplining children was responsible for causing more people to become delinquent, offend and to be incarcerated than was a so-called permissive upbringing. So, when I read something of this nature about someone who grew up in the church, I always wonder to what extent the child-beating booklet is responsible.

    1. That’s a very valid point. Spending 18-20 years in a church because you were born into it allows for enough time for things to become embedded. To change you. That’s if you leave at adulthood. Many people stay longer.

  5. Lots of unrepentant, unconverted, unbelieving, malicious weirdos go to the UCG to behave very badly while playing church.

    Some of those newly-credentialed, fake, UCG “ministers” seeking power really like to stick up for the dirty old men that they bring with them to the UCG. Such unclean and hate-filled Birds.

  6. 3.38 Exactly. That was my experience when I attended HWAs church in the 1980s. Many only came to services because they could get away with behaving badly. Some even told me that they avoided interacting with people in their workplace because they were "worldly" ie, they defended themselves and fought back. Most of these ended up in UCG after the splintering.


    The splinter group advertisements and propaganda might lead you to believe that you will meet true Christians with the Holy Spirit in the so-called Churches of God. You might naturally assume that you will meet some of them and make good friends for life.

    The PAINFUL TRUTH is that you might meet a lot of perverts in the so-called COGs and make many malicious enemies for life.

    If some of the splinter group leaders on the so-called COG scene can be as crazy and evil as Gerald Flurry and David Pack, then do not be surprised that there are a bunch of crazy and evil members lurking around as well.

  8. The more I learn about all these groups, the more I realize that all of Armstrongism is totally FUBAR. God's true church indeed!

  9. I guess it is something of a legacy left by Herbert W. He was a sexual pervert and likely rapist.

  10. This is more common place than in the churches of God than I think most realize.

  11. I'm exceptionally happy that Robert Teitgen is viewed as blameworthy that he is found guilty and is in prison he is a horrible monster prison is too good for peice of shit like him.

  12. Robert is proof that there are some evil people in UCG.

  13. See, the thing is, even this disproves the extrabiblical church era theory! There aren't just two flavors today, Laodicean and Philadelphian. If Armstrongism were actually the church that Jesus started, and if there were letters to the 7 major ACOGs today, those letters would be exposing a variety of horrors present in each ACOG! And, these horrors are all completely dIfferent in each group, although some share a few similarities. Imagine individual letters to UCG, COGWA, LCG, PCG, RCG, CGI, COGE, CCOG.....am I forgetting anyone?

    Think about the details an angel messenger would enumerate in these letters to the ACOGs! Tales of witch doctors, daily false prophecy, church services in pagan places, peoples' tithes spent on Irish dancing, pervs and stalkers amongst the membership, advocacy for the most evil of this world's politicians in the sermons! Odors of raw, untreated dung wafting to the most high heavens! Why worry about ancient history?

  14. There's benefits to pointing to ancient history. It makes it easier for audiences to accept a moral teaching if it applied to "them" and not to "us". Something like a allegory. Plus it avoids the legal and moral issues of potentially slandering people.
    I never thought I would be living in a generation that's forcing porn on elementary school children.

  15. MONSTERS like Robert Teitgen need to be behind bars.

  16. 2:37
    No. Monsters like murderers, kidnappers, rapists and pedophiles don’t need to be behind bars they need to be executed—period. We need to stop thinking of prison as an option for punishing these sick f#%* who don’t deserve to live another second. The prison system has failed and needs to be replaced completely imo.

  17. Anonymous at 2:20 PM said...“I never thought I would be living in a generation that's forcing porn on elementary school children.”

    It looks like most people have now somehow become utterly godless and perverted. They vote for openly godless and perverted political leaders.

    People in all sorts of positions of power and authority have become utterly godless and perverted. They have changed the laws of the land to try to force utterly godless and perverted behavior on everyone.

    As the USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the democracies of northwestern Europe become like Sodom and Gomorrah in the sight of God, they are at risk of receiving severe punishment for their own vile behavior.

  18. The murderer shall surely be put to death - Num 35:16,17,18,21,30,31. A kidnapper shall be put to death - Ex 21:16. Rapists, harlots, adulterers - Deut 22:21-25.

  19. Let's end and prevent evil people like Teitgen from fellowshipping with us.

  20. Anonymous at 1:02 PM said...“Let's end and prevent evil people like Teitgen from fellowshipping with us.”

    Well, good luck with that plan. More likely, though, you will be ended and prevented from fellowshipping with evil people like that.

    Both the old UCG “ministers” and especially the newly-credentialed, fake, UCG “ministers” have a bad habit of welcoming into the UCG old perverts and supporting them in order to “show love” to them. At the same time, these “ministers” will kick out the pervert's victims in order not to show any love to them. Then the UCG “minister” will self-righteously inform the kicked out person that “the UCG meets in peace.” The UCG “ministers” think that by doing this they are somehow “standing in the gap.”

  21. Robert deserves death for what he did.

    1. Absolutely 💯 Satan lives in all "Churches" to one degree or another. Robert Teitgen shows that there are some evil vile men in the church of God groups.
