Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Crackpot Prophet Says to Quit Lying To Yourself...Wut?????????


Ever since God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit sat around the heavenly banquet table while planning the foundations of the world when the subject of Bob Thiel kept popping up they laughed and laughed and laughed. They knew they had their hands full when they envisioned him. He had to be completely different than Herbert Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry. In fact, he had to be so different that no one in the history of Christianity would ever be like him. No one! 

He had to be the most spiritually educated man the world would ever see. Even Jesus knew he had to take the back seat when Bwana Bob was to arrive on the scene. 

The Holy Trinity also knew they needed to inspire the mind of a person to design a bouncy chair for the great prophet and a Bible publisher that would print big thick Bibles. Even a carpenter had to be brought into the picture to design and build crooked bookcases. This one particularly made Jesus chuckle since he knew he was to become a carpenter centuries before Bwana Bob was to arrive on the scene.

As the Holy Trinity was sitting there chuckling, Lucifer, the Morning Star walked into the room and asked if he could have his input in the creation of Bwana Bob.  He said, mischievously: "I want to add a dash of narcissism, conceit, lack of self-awareness, and a huge dose of pride. After all, there will never be another human as magnificent and knowledgeable as the Great Bwana to be. In fact, I want him to be just like me! So much so that the world would be in awe and your true members would tremble at the thought of criticizing him due to his great awesomeness."

Flash forward to 2023 as the Great Bwana Mzungu continues to fill the world with shock and awe at how his lack of self-awareness, humility, and theological understanding is beyond pale. 

The Great Bwana Mzungu has reposted a video titled: Pride: Quit Lying to Yourself

Seriously dude! You are the LAST person on this beautiful green earth that needs to be preaching about pride and people lying to themselves. Ever since your narcissism was fed by the encouragement of Rod Meredith and a few other deluded men in the ministry, you have been lying to yourself and the entire church about how important you are. That importance however started to wear thin with Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God. The leadership and the members got sick of your narcissism, pride, and vanity that permeated every conversation. No one understands the Bible better than you did and the LCG leadership was somehow supposed to kowtow to your demands.

Then in complete arrogance and deep narcissism, you took a prayer by Gaylyn Bonjour and turned it into something he had no plan on it ever being used as. It was later used to justify in your deluded mind that this was the sure sign from your god that you were to start a NEW Church of God that was supposedly going to fulfill all prophetic utterances about the end times. Thankfully, it hasn't and never will.

Sadly in this day and age, the Church of God is filled with deceived and prideful men who lie through their teeth to the members. From Dave Pack to Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland to Bob Thiel, the lies continue to pile up deeper and deeper. Never has the Church of God membership been subjected to so many deceitful lying false prophets in their midst. The martyrs who died confident in Christ had no idea such idiotic buffoons would destroy the church they died for as has been happening today in 2023.

Pride: Quit Lying to Yourself

‘The Atlantic’ ran an article titled “Quit Lying to Yourself.’ It explained that this was not good and does not lead to happiness. The BBC ran an article about dangers of self-deception. The Bible warns about lies, self-deception, and pride. Does the New Testament warn that Christians can be deceived? What did Jesus say was the truth? What did Jesus tell end-time Laodicean Christians to do? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video.

There is nothing in the modern-day Church of God movement that compares to first or second-century Christianity. They would be appalled at the lies that Bwana Bob and Dave Pack tell on a regular basis. The Laodicean attitude is alive and well in the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god".

So, Great Bwana Bob Mzungu, stop lying to yourself and others. Practice humility and deny the pridefulness that consumes your every action. Disband your cult and turn your attention to your wife and sons as you grow old and who will be rejected by so many. Set yourself and your captives free!


  1. The ultimate circular paradox!--

    Everything I post is a lie!

  2. Surely a person who warns others of wolves in sheep's clothing can himself be a wolf?
    It's a calculated deceitful ploy. Dave Pack uses it all the time. A variation is warning of a falling away, people becoming Laodicean, people being led astray etc.

  3. People who preach to others often spend much of their time preaching about things they themselves are having problems with. It's the ol' three finger thingamajig.

  4. Who was this Gaylyn guy? Samuel the prophet? Bob's confidence man? A clown? An infallible pope?

  5. Jesus warned us about wolfs. Beware. It was a ploy. His real name was Amen-Ra.

  6. Are Bwana Bob and BB one and the same?

  7. This Gaylyn guy must have been SUPER important and SUPER reliable to start a whole church and change lives so dramatically and pave the way for the End-Time Elijah. Why hasn't anybody heard of him? Was he bigger than Herb?

  8. @RSK, 3:06 We should have Dennis call him up and introduce him to Aron Ra.
