Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dave Pack: I know the identity of the 6th King...Oops...Wait, I got it wrong

With Apologies To Mr. Putin


Some goofy ideas were created by David C. Pack during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 461)” on July 29, 2023, while others were blown off. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God will spend over ninety minutes convincing the brethren how right he is about a goofy new idea, but a week later, spend less than ninety seconds to dismiss it.


• Nothing occurred on Av 10 (July 28) because the Jewish people believe stuff.

• The Kingdom of God will arrive at sunset on September 29, 2023.

• The Last Days are a 16-year period that already started in 2015.

• More “fairly dramatic” financial cuts are coming to RCG Headquarters.


David C. Pack must like saving the best for last because his biggest zingers were given within the last five minutes of Part 461.


Which “present truth” will stay and which will go is always a guessing game for those following along. Some things taught behind the front gate at Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, are easy pickens for designation for the near-future doctrinal compost pile.


David C. Pack has suffered an incredible string of bad luck when it comes to identifying people fulfilling prophetic biblical roles, so it was a No-Duh moment when he walked back the identity of the Sixth Head/King of Revelation 17.

Part 461 – July 29, 2023

@ 1:35:00 I’ma throw another thought at you, and I’m gonna be very discrete in how I handle it. I do not believe Vladimir Putin is the Sixth King. That’s all I’m gonna say…You’ll have to think about a Christian nation and (perhaps) a Catholic leader. And all five of the first Heads of the Holy Roman Empire were Catholic.


David C. Pack spent a grand total of 57 seconds undoing his own declarations. With his next breath, he moved on to another topic because he dared not wallow in the Pond of Disappointments. Being timid and vague does not look good on him.


@ 1:35:55 I know a lot more than I’m saying. That’s all I wanna say.



Was this a goofy idea from the jump? Yes. Does David C. Pack pray on his knees with tears and beads of bloody sweat that the Common-paying brethren forget what he said in the first place? Oh, you betcha.


All 92 minutes of Part 453 on June 17 were dedicated to “correctly” identifying Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as the Sixth King of Revelation 17:10. Brethren, hurry up and download a copy from Member Services before they delete it from the Sermon Library. (If you are too late, email exrcgwebsite@gmail.com.)


In case some members of The Restored Church of God forgot how convinced David C. Pack was, enjoy these reminders. 


Flashback Part 453 – June 17, 2023

@ 00:21 Well, truly, we’ve reached the end. I have to tell you from many perspectives, I look forward to giving both these messages almost as much as anything I’ve ever covered…it focuses on the Sixth King.


@ 02:20 And if we can identify the Sixth King with great clarity and detail. Let me say that again. With great clarity and detail. If, instead of thinking we're looking for him, that, in fact, we are staring at him, that will tell us we are very close.


@ 43:53 My job right now is to tell you about a man who becomes, in many regards, the most powerful metric in the Bible.


@ 52:08 He [God] says He picks a man who wanted to know His heart and mind, so if this is correct (and it is), and it’s because God wanted to reveal it at the end. I didn’t reveal anything.


Pause. Since the knowledge was not true, it was not revealed by God. What does that say about the man who was convinced it was? That should throw all his discernments into question. This should keep the enablers at Headquarters up at night.


The Pastor General is not preaching the truths of God even after claiming he was.


David C. Pack lacks the wisdom to know when God is guiding him and when God is not. He is screaming to the members of The Restored Church of God that he cannot be trusted with the most critical aspect of what he teaches—the spirit from which the information came.


The identity of the Sixth King did not come from the Holy Spirit. What spirit drove that understanding?



Continuing the June look-back, these following quotes might feel very different than they did then.


@ 1:24:44 Somebody thinks it’s somebody else? All right. Who else? And what alternative is there? I know it’s him. Everything lines up.


@ 1:30:12 So, this is all faith-building. If your faith didn’t grow as a result of hearing this sermon, then there's something wrong.


For the troubled brethren who twisted inside because their faith did not grow, you can now rest easy. It was not revealed knowledge. It was error. It was doctrinal fraud. It was taught to you by a false teacher. This did not come from God, which is why your faith did not grow.


If your faith did grow, then you are in far worse shape than you can possibly understand.



With this unfortunate turn of events, I felt obligated to inform our comrades on the other side of the planet.


To: rusembusa@mid.ru, communications@rcg.org, dpack@rcg.org

Subject: With Apologies to Mr. Putin

Date: August 1, 2023


Greetings and peace to you once again, comrades!


The weather has been quite appealing here in our corner of the world in Wadsworth, Ohio, USA. A few weeks have passed since my last correspondence, and much has changed.


With a heavy heart, I must inform you that your president, Mr. Vladimir Putin, is no longer considered by Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God (rcg.org) to be the prophesied Sixth King of Revelation 17:10.


Indeed, this is as much a disappointment to you as it is to all members of The Restored Church of God. The identity of Mr. Putin being the Sixth King was a major metric that time was short, and the return of Jesus Christ was imminent. It also proved that God was directly working with David C. Pack!


David C. Pack has studied Mr. Putin since his time in the KGB and commented, “I understand the man.” There is not an article in the Wall Street Journal about Mr. Putin that David C. Pack does not read.


I am not sure how quickly the wheels of progress turn within the Russian government, but I surely hope you can intercept the previous messages before they reach Mr. Putin’s desk. I can imagine how disheartening it might feel to read in one letter that he is biblically prophesied royalty but then “not so much” in the next.


Please forgive my previous enthusiasm. David C. Pack told everyone in the church that God gave him this knowledge. Since God is never wrong, Mr. Putin being the Sixth King of Revelation 17, could not be wrong. The details behind this situation are still a mystery, as David C. Pack told us this weekend, “I know a lot more than I’m saying. That’s all I wanna say.”


 I will not belabor the point because I do not intend to rub salt in the wound.


However, before I sign off, I wanted to advise caution.


Since Mr. Putin is no longer guaranteed to live until the return of Jesus Christ and miraculous protection does not apply, it is now advisable that Mr. Putin no longer take any “unnecessary risks” such as hang gliding, free solo rock climbing, or deep water skin diving. If his daily routine included his food being tasted in advance, please return to that with all haste. Let prudence win the day!


Should Mr. Putin or anyone within the Russian government wish to follow up on the topics of these emails, you can contact the Communications Department at The Restored Church of God by dialing 1 330 334 2266. You can also ask to speak with David C. Pack directly, as I am sure he would be very excited to receive your call.


Do svidaniya,


Marc Cebrian



Wow. President Vladimir Putin is not the Sixth King of Revelation 17:10. It takes a while to sink in.


The King Poutine article covered much more on this topic from Parts 453, 454, 455, and 456.


Do yourself a favor: Listen to the hollow 57-second embarrassment of Part 461 as David C. Pack desperately tries to distance himself, then reread the article. All the quotes now have an enhanced perspective.


Brethren of The Restored Church of God, do not ignore the words that fall from David C. Pack’s lips. He proves to you time and again whether or not God is guiding him.


By their fruits, you shall know them.


And to Mr. Vladimir Putin, our sincere apologies.

arc Cebrian


  1. As I recall, Doris Day sang a song about the future called "Que Sera, Sera!"

    Well, that song has no traction in the ol' RCG! I mean, come on, it applies a psychology of minimizing dire events. Yeah, dire, that's the ticket. In Dave's world, stuff is supposed to be so catastrophic and so overwhelming that it's not humanly possible to deal with it. So, after one of his prophecy sermons you just want to throw up your hands, and sing: "Quesadilla, sadilla! Our future's got diarrhea. Even worse than in Herbie's idea! Quesadilla sadilla!" (Axially, it does even rhyme if you pronounce the name of the food the correct Spanish way)

    Apologies to the sheltered or overly sensitive!

  2. There's speculation in the news media that Putin has liver cancer and Parkinson's disease.They point to his puffy face as one indicator of this.

  3. Dave Pack was Putin on the Shitz with his 6th King baloney

  4. Never Before Understood by David C Pack

    How the Author of Revelation Understood What He Meant

    Revelation 17:10-11
    King James Version

    10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    Five are Fallen

    Julius Caesar 100 to 44 BCE

    Octavian (Augustus) 63BCE to 14 CE

    Tiberius 14 CE to 37 CE

    Caligula 37 CE to 41 CE

    Claudius 41 CE to 54 CE

    ONE IS

    Nero 54 CE to 68 CE


    Galba 68-69 CE



    (Who conquered Jerusalem in 70 and ended the rebellion of Jerusalem at Masada in '72-73

    Revelation is not BOTH a book of "then" and "yet to come"


    1. Since Revelation was written in AD 90's, Nero could not be the "is." Plus, this sequence does not account for the Roman kings after Galba. And how does Galba become "yet to come" when he was already gone when Revelation was written.

      In short, Dennis you get a lot right, but not this...

  5. Listen to Scott Ritter. A better "prophet" than Pack! His predictions about Putin come true.

  6. These prophetic insights by the tall skinny one don't come cheap: his denomination being the world's most expensive church!!

  7. These prophetic insights by the tall skinny one don't come cheap: his denomination being the world's most expensive church!!

    It'll cost you everything; even the shirt off your back!

  8. This is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long, long time!!!!!

  9. There MUST be a conspiracy theo... oops... way to explain this.

    Did some Donald Trump supporters lobby Mr. Pack?

    Did some troll in St. Petersburg threaten to drop nukes on Wadsworth?

    He sure is contrite... but he apparently didn't apologize?!

  10. Personally I believe that Hitler was the 6th king in that prophecy.

  11. There are internet site(s?) who have studied more than I have who think it's possible John wrote about 67-68 AD. Paul says to prove all things; I don't think there's enough to date the writing beyond doubt but it's possible Dennis' listing could be evidence as to when Revelation was written.
