Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 5, 2023

LCG: Oh No!!!!!!!!! The Germans Are Coming...AGAIN...and AGAIN...and AGAIN! What ever will we do?


Still Germany, Germany, Germany.

Thousands of troops is a far cry from millions of troops.

It’s the same old song, but with a different feeling since Herbert has been gone.

Why are 
Satan and Germany 
always hiding under the beds 
of Church of God leaders?

Why continue to live in a constant state of fear?

hat tip to a reader here as the source

Ever since Herbert Armstrong declared that Hitler was still alive and living in South America, the focus of the Church of God movement has been upon Germany. The more villainous the church could make Germany, the better. From concentration camps built all around the country to crematoriums filled with Laodiceans and non-members, with adjoining rooms filled with meathooks where the Germans would hang those they wanted to torture. The youth of the country would be taken to Germany and auctioned off around Europe as slaves to their new masters.

Hardly a week went by without a sermon or magazine article talking about Germany. The church talked about Germany as much as they did Satan.

In spite of the endless stream of prophetic failures by Herbert Armstrong, today's COGs try as hard as they can to carry on that mantle. None does it better than the Living Church of God.

Concern in Europe over the invasion of Ukraine, potential problems in Poland, Belarus, Georgia and Estonia with Russia, Europe is rightfully concerned about their nations sovereignty. Of course, this plays right into the hands of COG mythology that this is a sure sign that the phoenix of Germany will soon arise and take over the world as they prepare to march upon Jerusalem for an epic showdown in the Valley of Armageddon (after they torture, kill, and enslave Americans in concentration camps, of course).

Living Church of God had a post about this in 2022 and here we are a year later and they still are searching for what they see as confirmation of their incessant proof-texting.




  1. Germany is occupied by America and gets many of its weapons from America.

    Confirmation bias.

  2. FACT --- Largest country of origin population in the USA is .... GERMAN!

    Guess they already achieved their goal!

  3. 50 million Germans live in the United States. Armstrongism thinks they are all sleeper agents ready to be activated to take over the country, throw Americans in concentration camps, and send our youth off to Germany to be slaves for their German relatives.

    This was preached by our resident church idiots Gerald Waterhouse, Rod Meredith, and Dean Blackwell.

  4. Germany is Assyria, the Anglo Saxons are Israelite……..this is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    That this absurdity is still preached leaves one grasping for air.

    And the flock continues to dwindle, and we still don’t know the salaries of the ‘ministers’ or the membership numbers of LCG.

    As Gamaliel said, if this is of God we will not be able to stop it, but if of men it will die…….and so Armstrongism and it’s ‘truths’ are slowly but surely passing away into oblivion, revealing itself as the work of men…mere mortals.

  5. There's a big difference between respect for bible prophesy and terror religion. The latter is used to strip its church members of their adulthood and make them the chattel of the church.

  6. Well, let's don't allow any Germans to be POTUS!

  7. It is hard to fathom as time passes and the Germany obsession still exists despite the fact that Prussian Miltary tradition was extinguished after WW2 & pretty much most of Prussia was ceded to Poland after the war. It seems that they cannot get over their HWA legacy.

  8. Armstrongism puts their interpretation of “prophecy” over love. They continue in the “ these descended people” as the key to Bible prophecy. Mystery Babylon is not Iraq and has no geographical boundaries.

    There are so many Americans that have German ancestry, by the millions.

    Watch out Anglo saxons of America and Britain!! The Germans are going to capture you and bring you back to their land to make you slaves.

    And as we speak 400K immigrants are entering and living in Germany each year because of work.

  9. This topic requires a more nuanced position on Germany. People who believe that Germany is Assyria are very wrong about Germany and its putative place in Biblical prophecy. But people who believe that the idea that Germany as Assyria is malarkey can be just as wrong about Germany.

    This is not easy to understand for people who have not sorted out these ideas well. I just went through this in another post that involved whether HWA can be designated a "false prophet". It is not surprising that people who were sucked in by Armstrongism would be likely to have trouble thinking critically about other ideas. Hence, their position against Armstrongism may be just as irrational as anything that Armstrongists draw upon.

    It is entirely possible that there might be a re-militarized Germany in the future. It is entirely possible that this New Germany will adopt a position in opposition to the USA. It is entirely possible that this New Germany will wage war, a shooting war or economic war or both, against the USA. By "entirely possible", I mean some probability greater than zero.

    What we do know incontrovertibly is that if this were to eventuate, it has nothing to do with Armstrongist prophetic interpretations. Those interpretations are based on the idea that the Germans are the biological descendants of the ancient Assyrians. Hence, those places where the Biblical prophets refer to Assyria pertain to modern-day Germany. But the ancient Assyrians were genetically different from the modern Germans. The excavated skeletons of ancient Assyrians to date indicate this. The Armstrongist view of Germany is simply wrong. But this does not mean that Germany will never be a geopolitical problem. That is just as ill-considered as the Armstrongist view. See the links below:



  10. Some facts

    Strength of the Bundeswehr since 1959

    German minister expects Bundeswehr shortages beyond 2030

    I guess they surround the U.S.A with their U-boot and nuke it with the A-bombs they don't have (under American control)

  11. America has about a hundred nuclear war heads scattered in western Europe and France has 290 nuclear war heads. That's enough to destroy America. Just sayin.

  12. Correct Hoeh was German, and the thought process shouldn't be he was of German descent (not saying you did), but he was a man of this or that character. But Armstrongism doesn't allow its members to think like that. Your biological descendancy has determined your fate. It's judging based on appearance.

  13. LCG provides another brick and much cement to their legacy of false prophesy with their book “Germany in Prophecy”.

    Jesus never mentioned Germany, the Bible doesn’t mention Germany, because Germany is not important.

    LCG wastes the funds, the kindness, the hopes of their membership by distracting them with worries about Germany, while LCG also denies their people teachings on the loving gifts of God, such as grace, redemption, and justification.

    Just as HWA lied and hurt people with his Germany horrors in “1975 in Prophecy”, LCG is continuing the deception.

    LCG is more destructive than their portrayal of Germany.

  14. Peter, John and Paul's message of the gospel was centered around people being called out of each nation through justification with faith. LCG along with armstrongism perpetuates erroneous judgment on a particular nation such as Germany to make this particular nation worse than all other nations. If you're going to a booklet on Germany, then do one on each nation because we have fallen short of the glory of God.

    And their way more catholics around the world other than just Germany. Also, if there is a spiritual element to Germany, then they have took across the whole globe.

    They ignore German migration to America, they ignore migrants coming into Germany, and they ignore the german ancestry of the kings and queens of England.
